Showing Posts For Neffero.3678:
I’m extremely bored and require a fun PvP/ competitive game. I own GW2 but I never really got to enjoy the fruits of its PvP.
If I was looking to do some serious progression, ranking, and playing within the meta, would you all say I am barking up the right tree?
Do I need to buy the expansion to enjoy the PvP?
Is the PvP just fine without the expansion?
Should not even bother reinstalling the game?
Thank you.
I’d say gw2 combat shines for PvP. However, Anet never got to take advantage of this potential in which case it gets stale after a while due to lack of new stuff so it depends on how long you stay interested.
Also, you can level through sPvP and to a lesser extent, WvW.
sPVP has no gear restriction, you get everything you need and you get uplvled to match others, you’ll only need skill.
WvW is more “end game” PvP where your gear and level sorta matters.
Wow, that doesn’t sound too bad. I have a level 11 thief, I will try this sPvP and decide for myself!
I have been DYING for a good PvP game. WoW and League are boring now. I am done with MOAs. Hated Blacklight Retribution, got bored of TF2, Aion wasn’t my thing etc.
I bought this game a long time ago but never even got to the twenties because the atmospere and music seemed somewhat boring and generic to me. The fact that you can use the bread and butter of your abilities before even level 10 makes the game intensely boring for me as well. I want to try this game out again and I think I can bear the boring leveling if the PvP is good. I just want to kill some dudes in a balanced, fun, strategic game.
I don’t mind if gear dictates the winner, as long as the grind isn’t HORRIBLY long and boring. With that said, is this game’s PvP for me and is it worth it?
Is it worth leveling through this game, trying to enjoy it as much as possible for the PvP?
Does this game’s PvP provide fun, balanced, at least somewhat strategic gameplay where it is not about who can spam buttons the best, but who knows how to put them together depending on the situation? Does this game have such depth?
I am absolutely dying for a PvP game and I heard how amazing Guild Wars was, although sadly I never had the chance to play it.
I see your point! Nice! Anyone else?
Do you all believe that the Sylvari Elementalist makes sense, lorewise? The Sylvari are born from nature. Elementalists use nature, obviously, when they cast fire, water, earth, air, and lightning.
The reason why it also does not really make sense is because a Sylvari, which is basically a plant, is using fire.
Basically, please convince me that a Sylvari elementalist makes sense in the lore.
Do you all believe that the Sylvari Elementalist makes sense, lorewise? The Sylvari are born from nature. Elementalists use nature, obviously, when they cast fire, water, earth, air, and lightning.
The reason why it also does not really make sense is because a Sylvari, which is basically a plant, is using fire.
Basically, please convince me that a Sylvari elementalist makes sense in the lore.