Showing Posts For Nexun.6932:
Hi Stefan
Looking forward to the upcoming changes! Especially OAuth2!
I’ve just updated the wrapper to support HTTP pipelining:
What this means is that you may now make multiple requests in parallel, rather than sequentially (which is much faster!). I haven’t had much time to test this update so all feedback is appreciated!
I am using the Php-Gw2-Api wrapper. It currently only works on one request. So doing the initial pull is slow. I was trying to find a way to speed it up.
I was reading: some research I found curl-multi-exec may preform the actions that I want. However I am having a hard time Modifying the code for Php-Gw2-Api to make multiple pull requests.
Looking for some help.
Sorry for the late response, I’ve been out of the country with no Internet access for the past week.
I’m going to try and get on later or tomorrow to look into adding support for this. In the meantime if anyone else wants to, feel free to submit a pull request to anzenketh’s open issue here
Just thought I’d drop a note to say I’ve updated the wrapper to support the new files API
Yeah I found the achievement text a little misleading.
I don’t see why this would be a bad idea. A lot of people just simply haven’t had time to find the right group to complete some of the achievements.
Me and a friend are having trouble with waypointing after party wipe on Mai Trin. We try to wayout out after party wipe and instead arrive inside the boss entrance again, triggering it.
This has happened 3 times in a row for my friend, twice in a row for me.
Anyone else?
I created this simple but very useful wordpress plugin using the SDK PhpGw2Api (
Thanks Nexum! great job!!
Guild Wars 2 – WvW Matchups (Plugin for Wordpress)
- Plugin for WordPress, to display the live scores of WvW matchups in Guild Wars 2.
Plugin URL:
I’ve just tried the plugin out on my local machine – great work, really simple to get working! I’m glad you found the wrapper useful
Just a quick note – I couldn’t download the plugin from your website (had to go directly to the Wordpress plugin site).
Thanks again!
I love how the API is evolving – I’ve just updated the wrapper to support the continents, maps and map_floor APIs.
I got it today, I just ran up to the iron grill and it popped. It’s called Dead End.
This worked for me too, thanks!
So I logged in today and noticed there’s a new POI added recently.
Anyone know where this is? Thanks
If you’re on Windows the fastest way to get started is almost surely with The Uniform Server, which doesn’t even require installation.
I’ve either never come across this, or completely forgot about it, thanks for the tip!
In other news, I’ve updated the wrapper to support the latest API changes; namely the guild_details, build and color requests.
Updates and other bug fixes are few and far between as I’m out of the country for a while.
I wish I was a coder, I have no idea how to utilize this
Have you any experience with PHP at all? If not the easiest way to get an environment setup (assuming you’re on Windows) is probably with a package such as WAMP ( or XAMPP ( These packages install PHP and a local Apache server for you to serve PHP scripts via your web browser. There are loads of tutorials around the web to help, try
As for the API wrapper itself there is some (brief) documentation on the GitHub page.
I haven’t seen (m)any examples of WvW implementations about the forum yet; a lot of event based solutions (maybe I’m not looking hard enough).
Anyway, I originally posted this in my PHP API wrapper thread, but since PHP doesn’t get much love across the wider developer community I didn’t think the thread would either, so I’m posting it here too:
More of a play about with the API and to demonstrate the API wrapper than anything else, but I’ll take any suggestions on board.
I basically tried to mimic the in-game interface (no potential points on there yet) but would like to add some more functionality soon, including XHR updates so you don’t need to refresh the page.
EDIT: Scores now update without need for page refresh
(edited by Nexun.6932)
WvW examples:
Still in development but wanted to push it out early
(edited by Nexun.6932)
I’ve update the wrapper so it’s now possible to to specify cache lifetimes on a per request basis!
Thanks for providing this. I would have had no idea how to do all that myself.
I did spot a tiny error in Service.php.
public function getMatchDetails(array $parameters) { if(!array_key_exists('match_id', $parameters)) { throw new \Exception('match_id is required'); } return $this->_processRequest(self::MATCH_URI, $parameters); }
Was wondering a while why the output was looking so weird
Hmm, not sure how that one slipped through I’ve fixed and pushed to the repository.
Thanks for your feedback!
Nice, is it possible to set the cache lifetime to different time spans depending on the data cached?
Not currently, but that’s something I’ll certainly look into implementing next.
Thanks for the feedback!
Since I see others posting their solutions here, I thought I’d share the PHP (5.3+) wrapper I developed over the course of bank holiday Monday:
I’ve added a simple example here which I plan to improve when I have some more spare time:
Thanks for looking!
(edited by Nexun.6932)
Thought I’d drop in the one I’m using:
- Language: PHP 5.3+
- Admin: Nexun.6932
- URL:
EDIT: Example here:
(edited by Nexun.6932)
Hey all, my girlfriend and I are looking for a casual (we both work full time during the day) PvE guild. We’ve been playing since beta with a small hiatus in between.
We are both level 80 with 100% world completion and are now going for Dungeon Master/ collecting tokens as well as farming for our first legendary weapon on Blacktide.
Also, we are both from UK if that matters to some :P
/w me in game to chat; thanks!
Me and my girlfriend have both just tried to buy gems on the gemstore (two different debit cards), but keep getting a “Card failed” error message.
Both cards are in credit etc etc so no problems there I guess.
Is anyone else having issues?
I would assume one it a turquoise colour because it’s the last checkpoint in the zone/ boss checkpoint.
Are you all sure you’re not losing all lives? If you use a continue/ run back through you won’t get the achievement.
Dailies and monthlies shouldn’t yield achievement points IMO; I don’t see the logic since it just makes it harder to gauge a player’s progress through the core achievements.
Eventually when players begin hitting > 20k points, it will simply be about daily and monthly achievements.
The only reason I can see for this “unlimited” approach is if ANet plan on making points some kind of currency in the future.
If I could buy each mini pet individually and directly on the gem store, I would buy them all without hesitation. The mere fact that it is impossible for me to get every mini pet available for Wintersday (as I refuse to RNG), means I will not be buying any at all.
Is it just me who thinks Anet have missed a trick here?
I’m getting the same message when killing Grubs in story…
Still having issues on Blacktide. Managed to login to my character selection screen, but can’t get any further.