Showing Posts For Nezix.9352:
Do be aware, choosing to accept another player’s progress will put you on the same story quest line they are on.
You can revert back to your quest line at the end of the next arc.
Good luck.
Good to know because I was planning on that in the future, however I didn’t choose that option, if I did, I would have had some progress and be farther along I think.
Just look at the screenshot to see my dilemma.
Possible reproduction steps:
I was grouped with my GF and finished her Priory level 40 quest chain, we left the last mission, I ported to Lion’s arch, went to the Black Lion Trading area where it told me to zone in to get my personal story quest and boom – it was the same Priory quest we had done earlier.
save that gorgeous thing for exotics, so you can get some dark matter.
What’s wrong with my Black Lion Salvage kit? I’ve salvaged at least 4 exotics that were probably all 75-80 and so far 0 Globs of Dark Matter.
I’m interested in being a student! I’ve been away from the game for a long time and though I do a lot of research I have almost no experience in the dungeons these days.
Please shoot me a message in game via mail or pm!
Thank you all for the responses! What about the Superior Rune of Strengths though?
I played a long time ago around release so I’m a little fuzzy on the best course of action for my new 80 Warrior. I’m trying to avoid a situation where I spend time/money to gear him only to realize I should have done something differently.
Rings, necklace, earrings:
I have 70ish Laurels. Should I buy some ascended versions of these or craft Exotics?
Seems like it might be better to get the bandit necklace and then switch the stats to Berserkers?
Regarding ascended slots, offensive or defensive or utility?
Farm for the Blood required for Berserkers or farm something else and just buy the blood? Or (insert other option). I could buy karma gear but then I can’t salvage it right? So I lose that benefit as well as any any armor Runes I’ve slotted. Speaking of which…
Superior Rune of Strength… how do I find these besides shelling out 15g each?
Is the mystic forge an option? I’m not clear on how it works with Runes.
Thanks for the advice!
I’ve been out of the game for a long time and with the most recent trait revamp I really don’t know what options I have for viable “run around and farm / events” type builds. I’ve always done grenades but I want to change it up an the flamethrower seems fun. Any ideas?
Thanks again for the reply!
Things have certainly changed, why exactly is silk more expensive than gossamer these days?
I did the whole meta event in Silverwastes and figured out most of how the zone works, though I missed my chance at going into the Hidden depths with these nightmare keys.
To confirm:
-rare items use a master/mystic kit on unless sell is > 30 silver
-non-rare cloth use a basic kit
-blue/green heavy/medium use a fine kit
-white items?
- Should I throw anything in the mystic forge? I haven’t used it in forever.
Thanks again!
Thanks for the response Hennrick
I’m a little confused though, why would I farm platinum/hardwood in a 60 zone instead of the level 80 materials (orichalcum, ancient wood, etc)?
Should I be salvaging level 75+ gear with Basic kits or something better for a higher chance at better materials?
When events and world bosses aren’t around does it make more sense to kill mobs or just look for nodes (keeping in mind the decreased loot etc)?
Any suggestions on a rough spec for either of my two 80s? Based on the gear they have of course and for the purpose of farming ease.
Thanks again!
Hello folks,
I played GW2 for a month or two at release and only recently returned to play very casually with my GF. In those rare times that I’m not leveling with her, I figure it would be nice to farm materials for our future characters or other things I’ll wish I had been gathering after settling into the 80 scene later. The problem is that I really don’t know what I should be focusing on, or if I did, what I should do with my time (solo).
I have two 80s in exotics I can use:
An Engineer in Knights armor, Berserkers rifle, and Ruby Jewelry.
A Necromancer in Carrion gear, Carrion scepter/dagger/staff and Chrysocola jewelry.
I look forward to any advice you can give! Thanks
I really want a Realm Point rank system. Often this idea gets shot down because getting more abilities would lead players to be far to powerful. However in GW2’s system that problem is drastically cut back by the fact that you can only bring X abilities into a battle in the first place.
I’m not a huge fan of the snare @ low health idea for GW2, but otherwise I completely support this thread. As another former DAoC player I honestly came over to this forum thinking I might write something to encourage the implementation of a realm rank system. Glad someone else was already on it!
Arenanet, I need a clarification: What did you think you fixed with speedy kits?
in Engineer
Posted by: Nezix.9352
Lol at all confusion in this thread. Not sure what PotatoOverdose is trying to say, but:
Speedy Kits works exactly as it did before the patch.
I can still slowly stack up Swiftness (not vigor) by using multiple Swiftness sources (Speedy Kits, Medkit 5, Elixir because using Speedy Kits will maintain my swiftness duration, and the other things will just keep adding to it.
To OP: I honestly think they didn’t change anything with Speedy Kits and just messed up the patch notes.
The speedy kits has always been like that, I’m not sure what you guys are getting upset about. They fixed 2 bugs and made an extremely minor nerf on the vigor trait. You can still have vigor and swiftness up 100% of the time by just equipping a kit every 5 seconds.
I feel like some people just want something to complain about.
QFT. I’m not sure why they included a line in the patch notes about Speedy Kits, since it was already working that way. People here need to take a deep breath and play for two seconds before jumping to conclusions.
I suppose we just have to hope that in a few weeks the strong oceanic servers will only be faced against other strong oceanic servers. And maybe we can even hope that in the far future the oceanic populations will be more balanced across servers. Taking things back and having 50% of the map, only to wake up with 1% of the map is pretty disheartening. Or maybe the oceanics will just get bored of PVD (Player Vs Door) eventually.
Necromancer Path of Midnight Trait does not effect Life Transfer. It seems to properly lower the cooldown of the other abilities though.
Another obvious way to reproduce the minion focusing bug… run around with your minions out and run past aggro enemies. The Flesh Golem will attack the enemy, but the other minions won’t until you attack. It makes no sense to have this split. Please give us a Passive/Defend toggle and a “Attack my target” button.
Last story quest rewards, are these random loot bags suppose to give sub-80 junk?
Posted by: Nezix.9352
When you finish your last story quest, you get 5 bags that say they give you random gear. The bags were orange so I was excited to open them. I got 4 blues and a green, none of which was 80. Seems incredibly underwhelming after what it took to finish that quest.