Showing Posts For NoahGibbs.5170:

Clocktower, Terrible Frustrating event.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170


I find it weird some people have issues with the camera, sure it zooms in a ton when it goes up against a wall every now and then but that never stopped me. What stopped me was jumping on the wrong spot and sliding. In the end I still finished the jumping puzzle though.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170



Whos the other set of people?

Sorry I didn’t explain that well.

Basically what I am trying to say is that changing the times will take away the chance for some people to attend while allowing others to attend. It would just be a confusion to some people who already scheduled a time to get on.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170


No Speed Boost
Took me a little over a hour and a bit of cool down time in between but I finished it.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170


That would just make a different set of people able to attend the event. Doesn’t allow more necessarily. Sorry you can’t make it.

does clock tower achievement count for mad king title?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170


I have a question related to this. Since you only need 5 Halloween achievements to get the title, is the attend the party achievement for showing up to the one time event in 3 hours or something else?

Currently PDT, not PST

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170


3 hours exactly until the event, next week we will be back on pst. This topic is irrelevant though because Anet has been saying pacific time not pacific daylight time.

The new build is up!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170


I haven’t seen it go over .20 kb/sec…. this is just lovely.

I haven’t seen it go over-


The new build is up!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170


Thanks for the not fake notification!

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170


“The frightening festivities begin at noon, Pacific time (GMT -7), on October 19 and run until 1:00 AM on November 2. The main events take place in Lion’s Arch and Kamadan, but you’ll find Halloween décor in outposts all over Tyria.”
Or at some later time/date that may or may not be announced.

Isn’t that from GW1?

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170


Arenanet in 5 hours: “It’s still the 22nd in hawaii you guys”

They said 22nd on the west coast of the USA, so basically we have 3 hours 35 minutes left until release.

I know your post is just joking around, but some people still don’t understand time zones or think arenanet is going on eastern.

Kill/Death ratio

in PvP

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170


Aw, you mean we probably won’t have a “Rage Quit” counter? =(

I would assume something like that would still be there, only in a nicer sort of way.