Showing Posts For Noctis.2657:

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noctis.2657


And should expect some joke coming from them, cmon dude you should´ve know better right…right??

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noctis.2657


Despite my opinion of SAB, I just don’t understand why people can’t understand “no” when it’s being told to them over and over. Anet has already stated SAB isn’t in the current plans. How many times do you have to let yourself down before you believe them? Also, stop hating on Anet when YOU do this to yourselves. They have already given everyone an answer, now believe it or continue to be disappointed. I agree with wanting to know what are we suppose to do in the meantime, but throwing a fit about something anets already told you isn’t the answer.

All of that would make lots of sense except for the infinite continue coin.

It still makes perfect sense. SAB doesn’t fit into the current direction of the game. Not saying its never coming back, but they never promised a date. IF anything, what you can bank on is not any time soon, as they’ve stated. Which is why I don’t get people getting so worked up when it didn’t come today, as anet already hinted it wouldn’t.

Beside the fact that Collins said that SAB would return for sure in the Matt visual´s enterview, it´s not in their plans really…oh wait…

Gold Transfer Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noctis.2657


For those who can/do transactions between accs or friends that extend over the 500g limit fret not it will be just like in gw1 100 plat limit, this will convert surely into 500g+XX ectos lol and ectos will return as a currency.

Confusion dmg increased by 33%

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noctis.2657


ANNNDDDD you have to wait for the mob´s low attack rate to hit so it can attack when you do 10k epr sec of constant dmg with a thief´s and ele´s auto attack…

Base future bosses on marionette...

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Noctis.2657


I agree with almost all OP points.
I think Marionette has just the right scale, balance and mix of mechanics for open world bosses.

Yes, “just the right scale”, which is why unless you’re in TTS or you hang out in a big server’s LP main all day, you fail the event 90% of the time.

That is not entirely true, i just completed it in a overflow and did it severall times in overflows also and the boss is more balanced than most world bosses were you take ages to kill them if you have a small group due to the bad scale, i wish the marrionette was here to stay.


in Living World

Posted by: Noctis.2657


we are still waiting for it to happen in WvW ever since the commander tag came up… so waiting for them to change it just because the marionette is asking too much of them because changinr a radius in a command is so hard. (/sarcasm)

My solution to long wait times

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Noctis.2657


well this is simply awsome thinking, put timers based on the completion or failure after the timer is up the npc option spawns, it´s quite interesting.

New Patch - Expected or Dissapointment??

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Noctis.2657


Does the Wurm actually have its own set of achievements like Tequatl? (Still at work, but Wiki only lists the Origins of Madness meta-achievement. No new entry for the Tri-Wurm under Bosses.)

If not, then I predict the Wurm will be abandoned even faster than Tequatl without the hook of achievements to keep players trying for him.

It doesn´t, mainly mobs that don´t drop items in both events, marrionette chest is full of greens and blues, just another boss with no whatsoever reward during the event and in the end also.

New Patch - Expected or Dissapointment??

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Noctis.2657


yes, the game dificulty made ppl become zombie-like and when the dificulty steps up a bit ppl don´t like it. I just remember, as many that played GW1, Elite areas were we could actually have fun and dificulty at the same time ( urgoz, the deep, fissure of woe, underworld, etc). I really miss those areas, as to PVE the only thing that is fun for me as areas/dungeons is Fractals, Arah and CoE.

Wurm fight is a waste of time

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Noctis.2657


Because the only reason to play video games is if it gives you rewards.

The reason to play video games is to have fun. If OP doesn’t find the kind of content being implemented in the Living Story, and there’s nothing new being offered by Living Story, wouldn’t it behoove him to speak up?

Yes, but he can do so without letting his emotions cloud his intentions.

Also, providing suggestions for solutions to his concerns, or suggesting other types of content would help.

A blatant whine post will always be seen as a blatant whine post.

suggesting types of content is what all the community is been doing all this time, didn´t you see the post about what would be cool to add on reddit?

New Patch - Expected or Dissapointment??

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Noctis.2657


Dissapointment..nothing more to say

Wow, it’s been out for what? 30 minutes…I’d hate to be an ANET dev…players are harsh! Dissapointed before the events even begin!

That’s what you get when players are spoiled with 2-weeks content that are most of the time filled with more content than what it is now.

Lol a story that most ppl are tired of, were Scarlet is nothing more than a annoying character now after a year of patchs, 2 week content were you get 300 or 400 achivement points to do, a mob to kill and gem store items. I am not saying that all patches that came were bad cause half of them were nice but don´t tell me it was hard work to pack up those stuff cause that was not my friend.

New Patch - Expected or Dissapointment??

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Noctis.2657


Dissapointment..nothing more to say

Wow, it’s been out for what? 30 minutes…I’d hate to be an ANET dev…players are harsh! Dissapointed before the events even begin!

Well they took 6 weeks to give you gem store stuff and a boss for pve zerg, if you are happy with it so be it.

New Patch - Expected or Dissapointment??

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Noctis.2657


I simply expected for something out of the ordinary beside Gem store stuff, 1 patch that took 2 months and brought more of the same of those patches that last 2 weeks, and nothing for WvW? please, enough is enough.

I think just capitalizing the word isn’t enough. Let me put it up again.

Don’t forget it’s 2 months for the last >>FOUR<< patches. Did you really think they would go all-in in the first patch? I expect this patch is more like a build-up towards the next 3.

When i said 2 months i was refering to DECEMBER and JANUARY… the xmas patch not the 2 months for “scarlet to dissapear” time.

New Patch - Expected or Dissapointment??

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Noctis.2657


I simply expected for something out of the ordinary beside Gem store stuff, 1 patch that took 2 months and brought more of the same of those patches that last 2 weeks, and nothing for WvW? please, enough is enough.

New Patch - Expected or Dissapointment??

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Noctis.2657


We all been waiting 2 months, TWO MONTHS for a patch that was promised good stuff and variety in terms of fixes, new content all around not just PVE but mostly WvW, and after so much hype and specially after that twitch live were we saw so much stuff comming and so on this is what we got: a new world boss to give us more achivement ponts, or what i like to call To Do List, new super-dupper rare weapons and armor that only 1 in a million will drop, GEM STORE ITEEEEEEEEMMMSSS cause ofcourse what you really need is players wasting €/$ on every item you guys remember to put in there, and the awsome, splendid, epic BLACK LION CHEST changes cause THAT is what we need, things like essences of luck ( that drops no were, oh wait..), and instant trait resets that was so famous in the gemstore. I, for once, was 1 of the many waiting for stuff like WvW points reset and account bound them, bug fixes, build changes, sigils, runes, etc and what did the WvW community got? a name changed Boon… THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY MUCH for these awsome updates that took you 2 months to complete we are very happy to see that they came to light. It was a good run in GW2, i guess i will start looking for other avenues beside this one, have fun.