Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
Showing Posts For NotOneToRidicule.2340:
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
Gliding is great. It has generated a newness to otherwise stale end-game content. There are new tactics and strategies available. There are new perspectives for roamers and seige builders. Sure, its’ change…but change for the good. Consider all the people that have left the game because of boredom. I want them to come back so I can teach them all about this new fun.
So every time i jump from Red Keep to defend Ogrewatch with the zerg, i think of this scene and hear this music…)
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
I LOVE THE GLIDING!!! It’s been a Game Changer for me. I love the added tactical aspects and roaming has taken on a new sense of wonder. It’s a shame gliding wasn’t added when desert bl was introduced. We wouldn’t have had nearly as much whining about it.
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
meh – it’s a game…WvW is open for all players…why do people always think they’re so much better? I’ve been in guilds like that…it’s that exclusivity that causes server problems. You’d be better served to provide new players advice and mentoring. It’ll help your server and it’ll help your guild in the long-run. We were all new once…
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
Don’t you earn points for stomps while your server holds ruins/bloodlust?
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
My fav is to go mist form as a spike someone….
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
General consensus seems to be that SBI will come in 4th. NOICE!! Not bad for a server that basically just lost a huge chunk of its organized wvw guilds (so they say). We’re now working on 3rd resurrection in 12 months. Maybe they should call us the Phoenix…If you wanna join us, come on over! Someone talked about YB’s cool ts. I bet we have more fun! The other evening N/A prime we were laughing so hard in ts that I had tears in my eyes, Lurkerizer was peeing his pants and WeeOne was snorting! If you’re an SBI’er, you know who I’m talking about…
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
I’m also on Verizon in the NYC area and am experiencing this issue.
Instead of setting up a VPN, try this workaround:
Edit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts using notepad (run as administrator)
Add this line at the bottom: assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.comSave the file. If Notepad prompts you to save as a new file, you need to start over and run Notepad as administrator.
If you have the GW2 launcher already open, restart it. If this still doesn’t help, you may need to change the address above and try a different number (e.g. assetcdn.102.etc..).
You may want to remove this line later when (if?) they resolve the networking issue.
Good luck!
^^^ This fix worked for me also. I am in Baltimore area on Verizon. Worked for my wife’s Windows 8 laptop also. Thanks for the suggestion!
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
Moved to SBI from Devonas Rest back in summer with DDLG. So happy here. Fond memories of DR, but this my home now. Great community, top notch commanders, friendly players, and something here for everyone (GvG, havoc, Zerg battles, scouting) – whatever you feel like. Queues are no problem except sometimes on EBG during NA prime.
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
You can’t go wrong with SBI. The community is great. Many good guilds to choose from. Lots of friendly players to roam with. Hardly any queues outside of EBG during NA prime time.
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
All kidding aside, I joined Olaf after running with him a few times. The guys is an awesome commander. Y die is not only the guild name, it’s the mantra. You will be challenged to do things in WvW that you never thought possible. 15 v 30 are no problem when he’s driving…just follow his commands and you will never need to answer the question “y die” again.
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
Just a couple of things:
1) as a recent immigrant from Devona’s Rest, I want to think the SBI WvW community for embracing us so warmly. It’s a great place to call “home.” I was sad to leave DR where I had lived since launch, but, now I find myself enjoying WvW so much better that the sting of loss has been replaced with the thrill of looking forward to GW2 again. For that, I thank you!
2) BP & DH, props to you both. I have had some great fights with you guys in Zerg v Zerg and small roaming encounters. I enjoy the small team stuff so much better. I am learning a lot from you guys. Though I have to say, you guys may be surprised by our effort for the remainder of the week. You keep saying that SBI fades during the week, but, we’re out to prove you wrong. Your words will be so hard to choke down by Friday!
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
Once again, watch our video and tell us that we are elite players.
oh dangit. You can’t hear us.
Wow, you are so amazing you don’t even realize how l33t you are! Not to mention condescending. Do you really expect people to go to YouTube to watch a video of you playing a game?
If you’ll actually take a look at the video, you’ll see that we actually had pretty relaxed form through the entire dungeon. There is nothing “1337” required to run AC Ex. In fact, the entire time we were joking about how we were “MVP” because half the time we didn’t know what any of our skills did. We ran the dungeon in that video with fresh lvl 35 alts that we really didn’t know how to play extensively, and only had theoretical knowledge of.
Well, gotta say that we had more adds on our path for some reason. Perhaps a glitch? Dunno…maybe i can talk my guildies into another run. They’re all pretty kitten with Anet atm tho. A few have vowed to take a break.
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
My guild just took 4 lvl 80’s and a lvl 63 into AC explorer path 1 and could not get past the Champion Spider (mostly because of the little spiders)…after running this dungeon many, many times. Wait, before you say we’re built wrong…we’re all accomplished in PVE (with 100% world completion, daily farming in Orr, and able to hold our own in WvW).
IMO, it has become way too hard since the latest patch on February 26th. I feel that this game is becoming too frustrating. Since there are other options in the MMO world, I’m thinking of branching out and trying others because of this. Is anyone else feeling as frustrated as I am?
I’ve soloed it, so no it’s not that hard.
Sorry, but i need to see fraps of that since the Feb 26th patch before I’ll believe it.
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
My guild just took 4 lvl 80’s and a lvl 63 into AC explorer path 1 and could not get past the Champion Spider (mostly because of the little spiders)…after running this dungeon many, many times. Wait, before you say we’re built wrong…we’re all accomplished in PVE (with 100% world completion, daily farming in Orr, and able to hold our own in WvW).
IMO, it has become way too hard since the latest patch on February 26th. I feel that this game is becoming too frustrating. Since there are other options in the MMO world, I’m thinking of branching out and trying others because of this. Is anyone else feeling as frustrated as I am?
Yeah, well that’s your problem. There shouldn’t really be any mini-spiders around when you fight the Champion. They should only last maybe 30 seconds into the fight before you focus them down and start hitting the boss.
Plus they don’t even hit that hard. I run that on my glass cannon Ranger and they have itty bitty venom spits. Stark contrast to any schmub in SE hitting me for 2k.
Curious to know if you’ve run the dungeon since the latest patch on Feb 26th?
We ran it last night. The mini-spiders that launch at the start of the Champion Spider fight have been significantly enhanced. They are much tougher to burn down. We wiped several times last night. This happened to a group that has run this dungeon in explorer mode (all paths) about 75 times over the past several months. We got so good at this dungeon that we were able to run all 3 paths (not speed runs) in about 1 1/2 hours. We often would 3-man it (which I grant you probably indicates that it was too easy, but, now, I can’t get through the first part and it’s quite frustrating. I was using this dungeon to farm gold and level up. Now, I won’t bother to even run it. In fact, if they do this to all of the dungeons, you can bet I’ll find a different game to play.
For those that say we need to get better, I understand you are probably expert gamers and are far superior to me in GW2 gameplay, but, this is the first dungeon (a starter dungeon – if you will) which would imply that this dungeon is the easiest. However, IMO Citadel of Flames path 1 is now waaaay easier – and just as lucrative.
Also, – consider this – many of the people in my guild don’t have time to play for hours on end – much less spend all of their time on 1 path of the starter dungeon. They would prefer to do a variety of things (Farm, Fight dragons, kill ppl in WvW, etc.) and if they get stuck for several hours wiping multiple times in a dungeon – well they just won’t bother. It begins costing too much to run the dungeon and a lot of us would prefer to make gold, not lose it.
If this is how A-net wants to expose new people to dungeons when they get to level 35, then, I think they are mistaken. IMO, they should nerf this dungeon and beef up some of the later dungeons. Then, they will get more casual gamers interested. As it stands, they’re just turning off the casual gamers (which I can assure you make up the vast majority of us). That can’t be good for the long-term survival of this franchise.
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
My guild just took 4 lvl 80’s and a lvl 63 into AC explorer path 1 and could not get past the Champion Spider (mostly because of the little spiders)…after running this dungeon many, many times. Wait, before you say we’re built wrong…we’re all accomplished in PVE (with 100% world completion, daily farming in Orr, and able to hold our own in WvW).
IMO, it has become way too hard since the latest patch on February 26th. I feel that this game is becoming too frustrating. Since there are other options in the MMO world, I’m thinking of branching out and trying others because of this. Is anyone else feeling as frustrated as I am?
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
I did a 1 minute search on google with stuff like that and found that there is already a multi hack for this game…… wtf…
Please take such multi hack claims with a grain of salt. Most of the time they only have a single function, and that is to steal you account data.
About the arrow carts: You can resize your client in windowed mode to get an absurd FoV.
Both pictures were taken at the same spot, the camera was not moved.
I also want to add that I recently started using “eyefinity” to spread gw2 across 3 monitors and get 5760×1080 resolution. With some tweaks, I can get absurdly wide FOV, and it’s actually quite impressive in size too. So, I’m gonna side with those that say this is not a hack. But, I’ll do some testing on bay gate using my set up tomorrow to confirm if it’s possible to target inside that keep.
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
I will be back soon. I am happy that we are doing good.
Great to hear! Looking forward to seeing you back on EB. We’re having lots of fun. Truly enjoy this matchup more than the last few weeks. We have a great group of developing players.
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
Match up for next week..
Tier 5
DragonBrand or Maguuma
Devonas restTier 6
Gates of Madness
AnvilRockTier 7
Northern Shiverpeaks
? Mystery ? (Could be Henge or Sorrows its close)Match up notes:
Borlis pass no longer has a good enough presence in my eyes and will be easily crushed against Maguuma leaving easy points for Mags night crew which will make DR easily outmanned. DR will face a true test next week. Which will most likely in a couple of weeks break apart all the new server transfer guilds into nothing. (Evidence is Borlis pass)Anvil Rock will put up a good fight against Darkhavens dying server, they will lose though. Gates won’t pose much of a threat.
NSP and Kain will fight head to head with little bother from Henge. Kain will start off strong but will lose to NSP’s weekday night crew and strong Primetime presence.
I just realized after reading your post that more commentary like this would be a good thing for each matchup. I’d like to see someone (prob from Arenanet) do a synopsis like this for each matchup and include things each server does that is good and bad. Including things like strategies and tactics that work well (or don’t), server strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and obstacles. You know, something akin to the NFL pre-game shows on Sunday mornings in the U.S. This would be good for the progression of WvW.
What does everyone else think?
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
Scoooooore update
Devona’s Rest- 96k Anvil Rock- 45k Norther Shiverpeaks- 39k
Are AR still acting like Eternal doesn’t exist?
Because they have nearly twice the numbers we have and we are still making a stab in EB and have been all day.SoS isn’t tied down defending this week, so we are defintly on the offensive. So today we conducted an operation and met our objective. We called it “Devona’s Reset” Our objective was to simply reset at least one of their keeps. Our primary was Garrison, 2nd was Bay. We succeeded in Garrison, but they held us off at Bay. it was alot of fun. This resulted in DR calling a very sized group to their borderlands to retake what they lost. Our attack force was minor in numbers compared to the army that DR managed to gather back into their borderlands, that army pretty much ran around together the rest of the time. It was alot of fun, my guild had alot of fun.
That was a great move. I saw 5 alpha golems inside Bay along with a sizable Zerg. Outside of NPCs, not sure we had more than 5-7 ppl that were there. Our commander got on a mortar and totally wiped those golems while the rest of us created a kill box by the supply depot. Awesome stuff. For a few seconds, I thought we were gonna lose it, but, the Zerg just melted away. Fun fight. I’m sure you left satisfied that at least Garrison was reset. We were ecstatic that upgrades at bay were saved…for now, anyway. :-)
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
Devona Street Saints – Devona’s Rest Server – is recruiting new members.
We are a new guild looking for some casual and medium-core members. We are a fun, relaxed, supportive group that likes to do PvE, WvW, Dungeons and Events. We’re even interested in doing some sPvP. Since we’re small and just beginning, you can join now to help us build a great guild. All levels and professions are welcome.
We also want to create an environment that makes it easier to party up for events/dungeons/WvW. Our only requirement is that you represent the guild when doing the actual event(s). We enjoy doing PvE and are willing to share our experience with you whether it be leveling, gold farming, crafting, etc.
As for WvW, we take server pride seriously, but, participation is NOT required. We will teach you anything you want to know.
It’s all about getting the most out of the game and enjoying it to its fullest.
PM me in-game to join: NotOneToRidicule.2340
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
Funny thing happened this evening…in HoD BL, two breakout events occurred simultaneously against us. Is this normal? Reading the release notes, I thought there would only be one at a time.
They are both active at the same time, but usually there’s only enough people to trigger one at a time.
@Vv W – Thanks!
@Valenna Tiefling – Not complaining – just trying to learn about these events because they alter tactical strategies a bit.
Now I have tons of questions for you: Do the breakout events happen in the other teams BL’s too, or just your own? It happens in EB of course, right? How many people does it take to initiate them? I think I counted only 6 ppl in one group attacking Crag. Was wondering if the minimum was low, like 5 ppl – perhaps some ran off after the event was initiated (ha – this would be a nice way to create a feint)? Also, how do you get seige thrown down? Do you ask the commander or does he just place it down in random places of his choosing?
Thanks to all who take the time to respond.
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
To the DR thief who killed me while beckoning him in a tonic form, I just wanted to costume brawl you =(
Not cool…I would have taken you up on it. My reindeer is ready when you are…just name the time and place, bro. :-)
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
Funny thing happened this evening…in HoD BL, two breakout events occurred simultaneously against us. Is this normal? Reading the release notes, I thought there would only be one at a time.
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle
I’m looking forward to next week no matter what our opponent is. Having only joined in on WvW a few weeks before we began our current win streak, I know what the bad times looked like and I see a striking difference to the way we are today. Our commanders are a trustworthy bunch and do a great job marshaling the PUGs.
Even this week, I’ve come across some excellent opponents on both HoD and SF and I respect them for going out there. It’s not easy when the score is lopsided against you and you come across our larger roaming groups on a regular basis. I still look back to last Friday and the enormous battle we had before the patch update. THAT was some fun! I for one was hoping that would be our week…pitched battles and SM switching every few minutes…
As for server population, I have noticed the last few days that the regulars are taking a break and there are quite a few PVE’ers finding their way out into the battleground. The new blood, organic growth, is exciting. I hope the trend continues.
Good luck to the teams we face next week. I’ll be there, enjoying every minute of it – win or lose.
Deadly Legends [DDLG] – Stormbluff Isle