Showing Posts For Novamatrix.2569:
English man… ENGLISH!
They seriously need to rework mirage BEFORE sep 22 release. with HoT, chrono was one of the greatest traitlines in gw2, now anet pushed this complete trash elite spec on us while making it sound like the holy kitten graile in their promo for PoF
Its not that hard… Its meant to be acquired by a guild effort, not one person!
I flat out bought one for my guild with all the relics I had stocked up.
The way my guild does this is, On saturdays, we get together and farm 40’s. We run a few groups and hold contests like speedrunning and no downs, and whoever wins gets a prize. We also throw in x amount of gold to the prizes whenever we purchase a holo dancer.
Let me break it down for you:
150 relics * 24 fragments = 3600 relics per holo-dancer.
Farming Level 40 fractal:
- 12 relics per fractal 40.
- Run it with 5 guildies in a group/ possibly more than one group, the more, the better.
- 5 guildies * 12 relics = 60 relics per group per fractal.
- Fractal 40 with a good group can run it in under 3 minutes. (i timed it several times the other night and the average run was 2 minutes 55 seconds) Ill round up to 3 minutes 20 seconds to account for map swapping.
- 1 hour / 3m20s = roughly 18 runs per hour (per group)
- 18 runs * 60 relics (per group) = 1080 relics per hour (per group of 5 guild members)
- So run 3-4 groups of guild members doing fractal 40 farm, and you can easily get a holo dancer in an hour.
This is a very nice suggestion, but it won’t prevent a-net from balancing all our elites around F5. With all the shouts for nerf to Moa, and given the history of a-net, I would not be surprised if Moa duration get reduced. And this would be an uncalled nerf to core mesmer while the real problem is F5.
Moa can be blocked & evaded. Moa lasts 10 seconds, which in a 1v1 situation is hardly enough time to down them. With all the Tempest & Reaper & Scrapper tanks in pvp, Moa is a necessity to actually kill them without having 3 or more of the team members tied up to kill a single person defending a point. CS just gives another try in case moa is evaded or blocked. BTW moa has a 3 minute cool down. WHICH IS insert appropriate curse word here LONG COMPARED TO OTHER ELITE SKILLS OF OTHER PROFESSIONS. HOW ABOUT STOP ASKING TO BE NERFED.
Pretty much what Pyro and Silverkey said and I especially agree with Silverkey about F5.
I’d much rather see them remove F5 though as reducing an elite to <90s CD by picking Chrono not just feels required but it adds to the one trick pony.
No one is forcing you to use F5. If you don’t wanna be a one trick pony, go play mesmer without using the chrono trait line. I mean…. thats what was added in HoT. EVERY class got a special traitline and skill. they wont remove it because it was intended to be.
There’s literally dozens of neat things you can do using the F5 skill so if you dont like it, or understand how to use it properly, dont play it. k thanks bye
well… its already powerful enough. if you put a sigil of torment on the scepter and run with the clone utility skills, it is powerful as kitten. ive stacked over 30 stacks of torment combining auto attack and shatters.
Here is a build I developed for this seasons pvp.
The objective for this build is to keep up chaos armor or another aura.
- start with sword & pistol
- cast pistol 4 to summon phantasm
- cast sword 3 then use pistol 5 and use sword 3 to port to the target.
- use sword 2 then swap to staff and use #2
- start casting time warp and shatter F5 before the cooldown of TW kicks in
- cast feed back then mimic, then staff 5, then well of eternity, and any other skills you can get off before the rift closes.
- After the rift closes, watch for the mimic icon flashing, use feed back before mimic goes away.
- use staff 5 again.
- cast mimic, then use feedback . then use the final feedback as the previous one goes away.
- during this rotation, use staff #2 whenever it is off cooldown, so you can have chaos armor.
- Shattering gives you stability so shatter once or twice when stomping, so you cant be interrupted.
- Well of eternity and staff 2 will give you about 9 seconds of light aura (retaliation when hit)
- Feed backs grant resistance to nullify damage from conditions
- you can swap the feedback skill for nullfield, if you prefer the condition removal.
- Feedback can be kept up for 32 seconds, null field can be kept up 28 seconds.
(edited by Novamatrix.2569)
to be honest…. mesmer is very underpowered atm. Well… not really under powered, just not defendable… ive literally tried a dozen mesmer/chrono builds since tuesday, ranging from meta builds to custom builds. It seems like no matter what happens, you always get your kitten kicked by reapers, scrappers, or dragon hunters. <— those are the meta classes this time around. Best thing you can do as a mesmer is run a tanky build with portals and use the portals to get out of sticky situations.
That being said, Torment&confusion buils are good for melting HP, even if they have condi cleanse you can still so a decent amount of damage before they walk itoff.
another good build i found was a radiance build running staff + runes of radiance + inspiration, chaos, chronomancer, + Portal entry, mimic, feedback. — you use the 4x feedback and staff #2 to give chaos armor and reflect projectiles.
best thing to do is sacrifice a trait line for illusions, run temporal enchanter combined with portal entry. pop portal entry at another point or hidden away from where you will be fighting, then when you get loads of conditions on you, pop portal exeunt to activate the resistance effect from temporal enchanter and it should give you enough time for the portal to activate. Take the portal to get away, rip the condi from you, heal up. The portal lasts 12 seconds so theres plenty of time to get ooc and heal naturally.
Menders purity removes 2 conditions use it with well of eternity for a total of 5 clenses. Restorative illusions gives another 5. (these numbers are based on if you run chronomancer obviously)
Do we know if it gives any special visuals, like the legendary weapons do? I hope so…
The visuals can be viewed in fractals of the mists. Its got some amazing effects. But if youre referring to “footsteps” like the weapon effects, I have no clue. if anything it would be some kind of effect for the glider (maybe?) Im pretty sure the legendary backs have glider versions, or thats the rumor ive heard.
So, PvP league 2 starts this upcoming tuesday. The PvP legendary backpack takes a minimum of 2 league seasons to get, so it should be acquirable at this patch patch.
As far as Ad Infinitum, 2 components have yet to be added to the game. I believe they would add both legendary backpacks to the game at the same time. (at least that is my theory) — so ill be eager to see if it happens.
If anyone has information on this, or can confirm or deny it, thanks.
I want them to have defense stats so they don’t die immediatly to a single necro mark or a dh trap.
There are traits and skills that give illusions distortion when summoned so they wont instantly die, also you can increase their health and make their attacks stronger and faster. Its all in the build. Clones are designed to be weaker and phantasms are designed to be stronger in attacks and have higher health.
Both of them are useful in certain situations, it all relies on how you use them and do not think of them as simple AI that stand there and attack something, think of them as barriers. Stand inside the wardens, behind the defenders, keep them between you and your enemy.
I actually used a build like this when HoT first released. Ill post it once gw2skills is back up. its down right now so i cant access my builds.
But yeah… when i posted it here, I got so much hate saying how interrupts and confusion damage wasnt “viable”. But it really is. the only thing this build would actually suck at is the boss fight, or anything which has a heavy breakbar.
The general Idea for this build is to get as many mobs in the path of shield 5 to activate mistrust as many times as possible. The shield hits everything twice and has no mob limit, so it hits everything, so the maximum amount of interrupts you can get is 2x#ofMobs and each one you interrupt applies 4 stacks of confusion to 5 mobs. It really can be devastating. I run this in pvp but I use to run it in pve, but I switched to chrono utility dps build.
This build is really fun to play so i say go for it and have fun. and again, ill post my builds for this once the site is back up.
Certain professions and build comps have the ability to stand afk in the middle of a mob zone and kill things without actually do anything.
Example, Mesmers can use Mental Defence and desparate decoy to summon illusions based on blocks and hp %. also using metaphysical rejuvination , signet of ether, & signet of inspiration to apply regeneration. Inspiration signet also applies other boons such as aegis & retaliation which help a lot.
So basically, you park the toon and go afk while all the passive traits & skills kill stuff and auto loot picks the loot up.
The question is, does this violate any kind of Terms Of Service, or is this a banable offence?
I would argue no, but you know anet….
You people obviously dont know how to play your class correctly, always thinking about the end boss and dps…. Did ya know, you can swap your traits & skills at any time when youre not in combat – to meet the needs of the situation??? In fact, if you’re not doing this, youre not taking advantage of the full potential of your class!!!
NOTE::: PVE does not mean THE BOSS FIGHT!!!!
Let me explain this to you!!!
*Shield #5 – tides of time — HAS NO LIMIT to the amount of mobs it can hit, it has the potential to interrupt any mob it comes into contact with, TWICE
*Mistrust – applies 2 stacks of confusion AOE!!! for every time it interrupts, NO COOL DOWN!
- This means, it has a Max potential of (#of mobs hit * 4) stacks of confusion.
This combined with other traits will give a super high damage output upon interrupts (im not going into my full build)
… whatever mate… believe what you believe.
lmao… dont hate on the pve build… its actually great for doing party things.
Does anyone know if the dueling trait “Mistrust” has an internal cool down? If not, then it may go great with my chrono PvE build….
Will Halloween event be launched at the same time as the HoT xpac (12:01 am pacific), or will it be later on in the day? (12 hours later — based on normal update times)
What you need to do is combine Healing power with Outgoing effectiveness using Monk runes and sigil of benevolence. This would equal an additional 22.5% healing which is combined with the healing power and base heal of the skills you use. It would be outrageous to want more healing than that since anymore would be almost instant full heal in most cases. Just roll your druid and spec for it. Its already super op, so stop complaining about not having enough damage. Obviously when you roll heals, youre sacrificing damage.
What’s the can of worms?
Why do you think what you see is all they have ready now? They’ve stated multiple times they’re limiting our access to the game to prevent it from spoiling the fun of launch and exploration with non-beta characters.
If they put broken things into their beta its due to one of two things: Either the broken stuff is the best they have to show us, or they are just slacking off with the initial testing of the most recently developed content and decided they’d let us do their testing for them. I think its the second one. Which is a total kitten move.
First of all, the raid content that people got to see wasn’t that impressive. Secondly, Everything broke within an hour of the beta starting. It ranged from came crashes to UI not working properly. If i remember correctly, FIVE patches occurred yesterday after the beta went live, non of which fixed the Raid system — THE HIGH POINT OF THIS BETA --
I have also been on edge about Anet’s workload to release date ratio. 9 months of no content, and I am certain they have been working on HoT way before they announced it, and everything they have released since then has been complete crap with bugs up the bum hole. The mordrem invasion (first content after the 9 months) was bugged so much and contained virtually no rewards, which caused people to lose interest and miss out on the S1 rewards. The balance update and other updates also had so many bugs in them that they had to disable some skills and features in the game. Now this last beta is completely broken and everything they do to fix it, makes it worse.
Now, let me tell you about the future. Anet staff has announced that HoT and Halloween will be launched at the same time. HoT will have sooo much content, a lot of which isnt even completed yet. They also said on the gw2 forums that More halloween skins from the past and new skins and content will be added. Halloween will be held in LA – which is a different LA than previous halloweens took place in, meaning Halloween has to be redone on this map. 20 days left till Launch, So much content that isnt completed and hast been tested, so much work to do, so much doubt that it will be ready.
What happens if it isnt ready?? Will they postpone the HoT release and let loose the Horrors of Halloween to occupy our time and tempers? Or.. will they use this beta strategy by disabling most of the HoT that isnt done and Release the xpac anyway? But, these could just be the delusions of a mad king and everything could turn out ok. Only time will tell
3 patches have been released over the past 8 hours. It doesnt matter how many updates/patches you put out, if they dont solve the problem. The game just breaks even more.
you can adjust the brightness in the game options. also you can manually change it on your monitor.
So… its been about 4.5 hours since Beta started. What is going on with the Squad UI? Why is it disabled? How long till its back up? Raids is pretty much the only thing that is worth playing during this weekend beta and its not even available.
Anet has been trickling HoT files into the patches for months now, its how the stuff has been datamined.
Most likely they’ll continue to do so (and probably ramp up the amount) in the coming weeks so that there will only be a relatively small amount of new stuff to download on launch day.
Yeah, they have been doing that, but theres still tons of things that havent been added yet. So hopefully they do keep adding things and the final patch will be small enough to not cause trouble.
If I remember correctly Colin said the same week as HoT so chances are it will come out on the tuesday people can have some fun with that content then release HoT so they can avoid these issues.
Hmm I remember someone saying the day HoT comes out.
I really would like for Halloween to come out sooner, like a week or 2 before, so i hope you are correct. I will review the footage/notes and double check what is said exactly.
Thanks for your comment
During the TwitchCon stream, one of the Anet employees said the Halloween event was to be launched with Heart of Thorns on October 23rd. If this information is correct, there are several issues that I would like to point out.
Server Connection Problems – Just like every patch/download of content, loads of players have problems connecting the client to the server in order to download the update simply because of the high number of players connecting all at once.
File Size – HoT and Halloween at the same time! This update will be mega huge, how huge? I have no clue, several gigs at least.
There will be some more unavoidable problems such as bugs from both HoT and Halloween that will require constant patches causing a repeat of the first two problems. Anet may have already taken these issues into consideration as they did with Gw2 launch by starting an hour before the game was to go into 3 day head start. However, here is my suggestion to prevent this.
Let people download the update 24 hours before it launches and not let it go live until the appropriate time. The files will obviously be huge and take a while to download for people with low end internet connection. Downloading 24 hours before will give everyone time to get the game files and be ready to play as soon as it launches. This will also eliminate the Frustration of not being able to update the game after Launch due to connection errors.
Anyway, this is how I’d solve the problem. If anyone has a better solution, please post it to give some Ideas for the launch team, Or if Anet has some type of contingency plan already, it would be great to know that.
(edited by Novamatrix.2569)
ANet has already said that Halloween will be in game this year.
Got a link to them saying that? Ive never seen anything official from them.
I know we dont know exactly whats going down with the events, but there is speculation that anet will release the GGS skin since there were taking control of the gem store skins that were thousands of gold and lowering the prices by releasing the skins again. and since the GGS skin is the highest priced item, it is speculated to be released again at some time. — thats the reasoning behind my statement there.
So as everyone knows, Heart of Thorns is releasing October 23rd, which is super close to the time frame that Anet usually runs the Halloween event. I am curious to know how this will affect the Halloween event. Will they even release one this year or will they simply replace it with the launch of HoT? Anet has been super “busy” on HoT and has only released one event since January, the current Mordrem Invasion, which turned out to be a disaster, in the eyes of veteran players. Based on this info, Im questioning if Anet has even put an effort into Halloween this year. I for one will be super put off if the event is canceled, as I have spent over a thousand gold investing for this years Halloween. I know that others have too, and that this event is one of the most popular events in the game. If Anet has not made plans, I would suggest they bring back last years Halloween event with the addition of releasing the Ghastly Grinning Shield skin as a drop from the ToT bags. It is the most expensive item in the game, and highly coveted. Releasing it will make many people happy, and also lower the price of it a bit in the same way Anet has done for other Gem store skins that were becoming ridiculously pricey. That being said, I would like the communities opinion on this matter. Do you think HoT release will prevent this years Halloween event from happening? If you have any info suggesting it will definitely occur, please post it here. Thanks!
(edited by Novamatrix.2569)
And what about things like Dragon bash, Halloween, wintersday?? If they do not release HoT by (first will be dragon bash, which should be in august,) What will become of it?? Will they simply skip over all these traditional holiday events to continue working on the HoT xpac? I dont really see them skipping over these…
And wtf was with the Lunar dragon event a few months ago?? What was the point of it?? Why release that one if they had nothing else planned for the future? Sure, they dial it back a bit, no more new content every 2 weeks, but say every 2 – 3 months instead they bring back something from the past with minor tweaks to occupy our time. This seems more logical.
I am curious as to if anyone knows if Anet will release some previous content soon. Mainly, festival of the four winds. The last time it was released was May 20th of last year, so it might come back sometime over the next few weeks or so?
I know they do not plan on releasing any major new content because of the HoT xpac coming up, but it would be so boring and uneventful to wait x amount of time for it, especially since they have not announced a release date for it. It could be 2 months or 7 months, so why would they have no events running inbetween this time?? The last one was the Lunar dragon event, which was kind of disappointing.
Anyway, what are your thoughts on this, and what are some other events that occurred around this time?
Personally I think it will come back before the month is over, simply to give us something to do. Though, if it comes back, there would not be much new content for it, apart from a few skins or minies. Though quartz crystals have almost reached 2 silver and an event would give us a way to farm them and lower the prices a bit.
It’s really starting to tick me off. For 6 days, non stop, I have grinded the hell out of silverwastes, no beta portal has dropped…. Why is it based on RNG when clearly RNG has hatred for giving people things when others get it multiple times within minutes???? How about a little diversity…. this farming thing, sure its a good idea, but it really isnt for everyone. Instead, how about mix it up by creating several pools to draw beta contestants from… EX::
1) Original pre-order clients
2) Amount of Achievement points on the account
3) Number Of hours played on the account
4) Amount of cash to gem purchases
5) Random draw from all accounts
6) People who have the beta portal.
This would create a diverse situation where everyone has a true chance of participation instead of just those who have the luck of the kitten RNG gods!
I understand that this beta portal thing was implemented to aware beta spots to active players. But how the hell is it at all justified that someone who just purchased the game gets beta access over someone who has been playing since the original beta and has over 3500 hours on the account…….
Its just annoying as hell to be playing one kitten map, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over……………….. doing the same event, for one little piece of crap that will never drop for you simply because the RNG hates you….
I mean seriously.
k…. my rant is over now….
@Illconceived – that is how I currently make reminders of who people are, unfortunately I did not start this trend until a few months ago and I often forget to go into the panel to change the nickname to a description. Still it would be nice to have a separate section for the notes.
One thing Anet needs to add to the contacts panel :: A comment section (beside friended user names) – Like countless other players, I have literally hundreds of people in my contacts and cant remember who most of them are. The panel currently has a nickname spot, but that erases their account name when you add it, which makes it difficult when people play different toons. Adding a comment section will allow for players to make a note of who that person is and where/how you met them. This should eliminate most of the confusion when dealing with large contacts lists.
I am looking for a small sPvP team or guild to do competitive pvp with.
I’m willing to practice with the same team members for a few hours a day, form strategies, and build team skills.
Not really looking for a large guild, I believe those to be unstructured when it comes to competition… so a small guild – 1 to 5 teams (30 members).
Or just a single team will do.
I play a Mesmer, 99.999% of the time.
If anyone has an opening you can post here mail me in game at my ID to the right, or the Toon name “Dauvia The Phantom”
Alternatively, if anyone else is flying solo at the moment, and looking to join/create a pvp team, post here with your details, toon name, and class, and we can form a team together.
A diverse trait system.
For example, we have three stages of of mastery for every trait line.
(adept, master, grand master)
But what if you want to use 2 adept and a master trait.
(yes i know you can do this already., let me finish)
Since you sacrifice higher tier traits when using lower one, why not have a system that will increase the lower tire traits when used on higher tier slots?
for example, if you have an adept trait that increases damage by 5%, if you use it in a master slot it increases to 7% and grandmaster, 10%.
By doing this players may select traits they would never have used before, and possibly open a new diverse set of builds.
In addition, Anet could make certain traits benefit other traits. say: if you have 2 certain traits selected (not necessarily from the same trait line), then you get a bonus effect. Mix matching traits will open a large number of bonus effects.
Also, they could implement a feature where different class traits will interact with one another to provide special attacks or additional effects, sort of like the preexisting combo finishers.
IDK, it was just a thought i was having…
Every now and then I get this glitch where the mesmer focus#4 skill lays down the temporal curtain where the target is and not where i have my mouse pointed.
This has happened several times.
Anyone else getting it?
I’m trying to find any info about the upcoming wintersday event. If you have any links or other info, please post them here.
So far I have heard that it starts Dec 16th, but I have not seen any official bulletins about it.
Heres some links to previous wintersday events.
Wondering what new things will be added this year and what they will bring back.
Thanks all!
(edited by Novamatrix.2569)
So, I was looking into using the Mimic mesmer skill – it has been changed to copy 12 boons from the enemy [Note: it does not remove the enemy’s boons].
If used in sequence with Arcane Thievery [swaps 3 conditions for boons], this should double the boon duration/stacks of three boons.
I have not confirmed this, but in theory it should work.
So, using these with a boon build should prove effective.
Other useful skills/traits/items:
Bountiful Interruption – gain might & one random boon on interrupting
Signet of Inspiration – copies all boons from you to other players
Superior Sigil of Luck – Gain boon on killing an enemy
Superior Rune of Lyssa – convert 5 conditions to boons when using an elite skill
I find that its good with condition bunker builds, Dire stats work great, though you should be able to tweak it for a power build if you like.
At the moment I am running 0/0/5/4/5 with staff scepter torch.
Idk… just try it out if you like.
Greetings! Bloody Masquerade [Masq] is a newly formed guild designed to help new players begin their Tyrian Journey.
We are a PvX guild based in (but not exclusive to) Maguuma, doing it all, looking for all sorts of players.
While small at the moment, we are optimistic about widening our ranks.
If you have questions, need help on missions, seek a community to game with, or simply want to help others, come join us!
We are also looking for leaders and helpers to take control of the guild and provide an fun and educative experience to members of the guild.
The guild offers tips and advice, help for story/quests, optional funding help (gold), training for pve/pvp/wvw, and other activities including, but not limited to : Dungeons, World Bosses, Farm Trains, Temples, Jumping Puzzles, Guild Missions.
Anyone is available for invite, however please remain respectful of others in guild chat.
For any further information, comment below or, mail / message ‘Dauvia The Phantom’ in game, or message me on the forums using my account ID to the left.
Ok, So Ive been doing this for a while to gain magic find.
The idea is to gain Luck essence through salvaging rares for ecto, and then ecto for the essence of luck.
I started out with 50 gold, purchased the cheapest level 80 rare gear which is about 33 to 34 silver, which yields about 140 – 150 rares. Salvage them for Ecto using Mystic Salvaging kit (it is the “most uses for the money”)
(note: they also give you some T5 mats and Rare Runes).
After that is done you should have anywhere between 125 – 170 ecto based on how lucky you were. with the salvaging.
Salvage the Ecto using Mystic salvaging kits as well.
You will recieve Crystaline Dust almost equal to the value of the ecto you salvaged
As well as around 13000 points of luck.
(note: use artificer to reduce all luck essence into the 200s (exotic essence))
Lastly: Sell the Crystaline Dust to recover your gold (you should get around 46 to 54 gold), as well as the Materials and Runes.
Alternatively you can use the rare runes in the Mystic Forge at a risk for some expensive exotic runes, If you came ahead in gold from the Dust/materials, i would suggest trying your luck, I profited 18 gold this way, but if you are shorted in returns from the materials, sell the runes to recover your losses. 150x 5siver = 7.5gold.
Simple right?
Just repeat this process over and over until you max out your magic find.
There is little risk in a large gold loss, though you will lose/gain 1-2 gold every now and then, and the temptation of selling/keeping the ecto will be great.
Best of luck ladies and gents!
And post if you know of any better ways to acquire essence of luck.
Show of hands…. who actually tried this build instead of judging it based on what they “heard” about it compared to other builds? It is not meant to be a very high damage dealer so stop comparing it to one…. In pvp it is used to hold points and negate damage from you and the allies while focusing down the other team. In pve, it is used as a tank for your group. I’ve tested out these traits extensively. I know what they do, and how to use them effectively.
[Reserved for later additions]
[Reserved for later additions]
- (P)Compounding Power(III) [increase damage dealt by 3% for each illusion] -
- Phantasmal Haste(X) [reduce the recharge of phantasm summoning skills by 20%]
- Illusionary Retribution [all shatter skills inflict confusion]
- Illusionist’s Celerity [Reduce the recharge of illusion summoning skills by 20%] – this is good when you use Illusionary Defender(utility) and Illusionary Dis-enchanter(utility)
[note: I would not put more than 4 points into illusions trait line as the 3rd sub trait will be useless for the purposes of healing and keeping 3 illusions on the field]
Armor & Stats
Generally, since this build is focused on passive healing, you will want to have very high healing power. Thus, cleric, Apothecary, and magi armour is higher encouraged. Though you can get by with other armours using secondary healing stats… But for the purposes of this guide I will be using the ascended cleric’s armour as a reference for all calculations.
Ascended Cleric’s (Tateos’s) armour has a maximum :
- 80’s base (no armor) 0(healing power) 916(power/toughness)
- 329(healing power) 235(power/toughness) from armour
- 570(healing power) 376(power/toughness) from trinkets/back piece
Totalling 899(healing power) 1427(power/toughness)
[note: Armour will total about 3,293]
Though I would recommend using a different type of trinket, to add some vitality, critical percentage, or condition damage. ie: extra damage or survivability.
- (x6) Superior Rune of the Dolyak
Why, you might ask? Dolyak runes were buffed up recently, they now scale with healing power.
== Calculation ==
[note: healing power is 1637 with out the +1000 buff]
43 + (0.023 * Healing Power)
Normal healing = 80.65 health per second x5 seconds = 403.25
Buffed healing = 103.65 health per second x5 seconds = 518.25
- for this all that is required is staff… the secondary is up to you, though I’d recommend Greatsword, or sword pistol/focus.
Superior Sigil of Life
Gain a charge of +10 healing each time you kill a foe, five if you kill an enemy player. (Max 25 stacks; ends on down.)
Superior Sigil of Restoration
Gain Health on Killing a Foe (5 second cool down)
Heals for 677 at level 80.
Superior Sigil of Water
30% Chance on Hit: Heal nearby allies around your target (360 radius) (no cool down).
Heals 370
The fourth is up to you, I would recommend putting the sigil of restoration and water on the same weapon set, preferably Staff, you you have a higher chance of getting kill heals and hit heals.
Healing skill : signet of ether – this skill is a main part of the build.
Elite skill: this is up to you.. somtimes i use timewarp but a lot of the time I am using mistfire wolf for it’s low cooldown and high aoe damage.
Utilities: Mantra of distraction, Mantra of resolve, phantasmal defender, phantasmal dis-enchanter, signet of illusions, [on occations I swap out for others based on what I will be fighting]
Consumable Buffs
Mango Pies, restore 85 health per second.
Superior Sharpening Stone, gain power equal to 6% of your toughness, and 4% of your vitality
Hopefully the build name isn’t taken yet.
This is an introductory to the Restorative Mesmer build (PVE/ PvP). This build revolves around using as many restoration buffs as possible to mitigate small and medium damage. In addition, it is extremely versatile and can be used with a power, condition, or full tank/support build. Lets get started….
(please no haters commenting about lack of damage, if you’re not doing damage, you’re not doing it right)
[note: the tags (P)©(T)(S) will be used to differentiate between build types during this guide]
[note: in addition, M is a mandatory item, and R is a recommended item]
While I mostly use a 6/0/2/6/0 or 0/0/6/6/2 build, I will focus on recommended traits instead of an absolute build, allowing for customization.
Inspiration 6 points ALWAYS!
- (M)Disruptor’s Sustainment (XIII) [+1000 healing power for 5 seconds after interrupting a foe, 0 seconds cool down, does not stack duration] – This trait is insane when it comes to healing. While active it gives you 2637 healing power, if fully traited, increasing your healing ability significantly. (not to mention, if using staff 5 to interrupt, the boons given to you will quickly negate damage and allow you to passively recover.) Other than this, you can change the traits however you like, though I will throw in some good combinations and suggestions.
[note: I’ve never even heard of a mesmer talking about this trait or using it in a build] - (T,S)Restorative Mantras(X) [Heal up to 5 allies, including yourself, by 2600{base}, scales with healing power]- Good for running mantra of resolve for (x2)2 condition removals on 5 allies.
- (T,S)Persisting Images(V) [Increase phantasms health by 20%] – This is good when used with Phantasmal Defender(utility) transfers half of allies damage to its self, and Phantasmal dis-enchanter(utility) removes conditions from allies and boons from foes, in addition it can be pared with Signet of Inspiration(utility) to give an additional 50% health to the phantasms.
- ©Malicious Sorcery(VII) [While using a scepter, increase condition damage by 200 and decrease scepter skill recharge by 20%] – Good with apothecary stats.
- Vengeful Images [grants 5 seconds of retaliation to phantasms]
- (S,T)Phantasmal Healing [Phantasms grant 3 seconds of recurring regeneration] – good if you match with Illusionary Membrane(chaos trait)[gain 3 seconds of protection when you gain regeneration] and phantasm utility skills.
- Phantasmal Strength [phantasms deal 15% more damage]
- (p)Greatsword Training(X) [increases power by 50 and reduces recharge of greatsword skills by 20%]
- ®(P)Halting Strike(II) [deal damage when interrupting foes, no cool down] – good for very large groups and smashing down heath.
- (P)Empowering Illusions(III)[Illusions deal 15% more damage]
- Illusion of Vulnerability [inflict 3 stacks of vulnerability for 4 seconds when you interrupt a foe]
- Dazzling [Dazing a foe causes 5 stacks of vulnerability for 8 seconds]
- Wastrel’s Punishment [5% increased damage to foes not using a skill] – Good when pared with Dazzling and staff 5 skill and Mantra of Distraction and illusion of vulnerability. This causes some serious damage, in addition to interrupting and increasing healing power to recover health with (disrupter’s sustainment.
- I’ve not tried any traits in dueling, yet.
- (P,C]Chaotic Interruptions(XI) [Immobilize targets that you interrupt and then apply either blind, chill, or cripple]
- Chaotic Dampening(X) [increase toughness by 50 while using a staff, decrease staff recharge rate by 20%]
- Bountiful Interruption(VIII) [Gain might when you interrupt foes and then gain another random boon] – this is a great skill for fighting large groups, the more mobs there are, the higher chance you have of interrupting them and gaining a ton of boons to increase your attack and survivability.
Illusionary Defense(IV) [decrease the damage you take by 3% for each illusion] – 9% does not seem like a lot, but every bit reduced will help. - Metaphysical Rejuvenation [Gain regeneration 8 seconds when you drop below 75% health] -This skill is great for afking in a hostile zone. In addition to dolyak runes and mango pies, this easily boosts you health back to full in no time. The recharge is 30 seconds.
- (T)Illusionary Membrane [Gain Protection for 3 seconds when you gain regeneration, 15 second recharge] – This goes very well with Phantasmal Healing and can give you a 17% uptime of -33% damage. This is without using any other protection granting skill. The durations stack.
- (T,C]Chaotic Transference [grants condition damage equal to 10% of your toughness] – this comes in handy with a tank/condition build.
Hey ya guys and gals. With the recent patch and addition of traits, I’ve been experimenting with some new build combinations. The one I am going to show you, I have tried out before this new patch, but it didn’t quite cut it. Simply put, I’d like your thoughts and tips on it.
Sword + Torch or (sword + sword [with the reflection build])
Signet of Ether
Signet of Inspiration
Signet of Midnight
Signet of Domination
Mass Invisibility (or TW)
VI – Signet Mastery – reduce recharge of signets by 20%
III – Retalitory Shield – gain retaliation when you block
VIII – Blurred Inscriptions – 1s distortion when you activate a signet
XIII – Triumphant Distortion – 3s distortion when you kill a foe (10s CD)
IV – Illusionary Defense – +3% reduction of damage for each illusion summoned
IX – Cleansing Inscriptions – activating a signet removes a condition
XII – Prismatic Understanding – gain boons fore each second cloaked (cloaking duration +1s)
optional [illusions]
Take 2 points from chaos and put into illusions
use Masterful Reflections trait to grant projectile reflection to distortion. The only distortion that this will not work with is from Triumphant distortion.
Tip: if you use Distortion shatter right before the enemy dies, it will add distortion time together, granting 3s of distortion + reflection, then another 3s of distortion without reflection.
Reflection – this does insane amounts of damage against attacks like Barrage and the frost bow…. Plus it inflicts all conditions with the skill.
I am looking at Superior runes of Resistance
(1): +25 Toughness.png Toughness
(2): -10% Condition Duration
(3): +50 Toughness.png Toughness
(4): -10% Condition Duration
(5): +90 Toughness.png Toughness
(6): You gain aegis for 5s when you activate a signet skill. (Cooldown: 30s)
- would make the build so much better if it didnt have the 30s CD… id be ok with 5s – 10s CD
Anyway, after you use a signet, the aegis is active from #6 with your distortion, so when that goes off, you block the next attack and trigger retalitory shield(retaliation for kitten
Prismatic understanding – give aegis(triggers retaliation when hit), protection, regeneration(triggers more protection from chaos sub trait)
Triumphant Distortion – This is amazing for fighting large groups of mobs in PvE, especially prolonged fights. Even though the 10s CD is annoying, the skill last 3s and when used in conjunction with signets+distortion shatter+aegis boons+#2 sword skill+dodges, that adds up to a load of Invulnerability. Plus, there is this who controversy about the CD not being in the official GW2 patch notes, people are thinking they might change it or it might be a glitch… either way, its still very cool.
as for the armor type — I am using all [power toughness vitality], not sure how it will do with other types, havent tested. I assume zerker gear would go nicely with it.
Not In this Guide
I have not played around with sigils yet.
No skill rotation yet, ill type it up later
Dauvia The Phantom —Maguuma!
(edited by Novamatrix.2569)
Hey I dont know how many people will use this but I have put together a few maps marking areas with large population of nodes, the idea is to gather a vast amount of materials in the least amount of time possilbe, so nstead of running through entire maps, you use a waypoint system to get as close to the lare area of node, farm them, and move on to the next waypoint. I have formulated several maps with nodes of kitten t4 materials. I will update the marked maps to include t5 materials and alsoascended materials eventually by marking locations of open world chests. I haven’t marked the farming spots for leathers and cloths nor the fine crafting mats, I will include them later on.
The file is a high pixel image containing all the maps so open it with a viewer and zoom in to the idividual maps.