Showing Posts For NuclearBuddha.8641:

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Similar issue, similar location.

Connection issues?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Same here. Can’t even do client repair, looks like.

These Challenges are Ridiculous!

in Living World

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Characters ineligible for the achievements don’t have the little yellow markers for each challenge in their buff bar when they start the instance.

Watchwork Pick: Why No Response?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Maybe, but after mining several nodes I noticed I did not get any jewels at all, while got sprockets. Using a regular pick I usually get 1,2 jewels per 2 nodes but now – nothing. Just sprockets.

I salvaged a couple rares last night and got no ecto, but I’m not going to claim that means anything.

Watchwork Pick: Why No Response?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


It seems that the sprockets are instead of jewels

A strangely durable myth.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Yeah, this sounds worse all the time. It’s basically relegating a swath of classes to “don’t run this, you won’t get good drops.”

Should we be saving all champ boxes with the intent of opening them only on one of the favored classes?

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Hi everyone,

The article about profession system only presented the idea behind this system and we generally don’t give precise details about these systems unless these details are needed to understand the idea. In this case we can’t share details but we want to reassure players that they’re not going to see changes in loot so visible that some components are going to “rain” or they’ll stop seeing loot variety. It’s more complex than that.

The adjustments to the loot system are fairly subtle and the goals are that, after a certain time, your characters will effectively have more components you can use. So it may take some time for you to see a difference, or not, but it’s not going to feel like a very visible change each time you loot a mob. We want players, in particular new ones or those creating alts, to more often be able to use the items they loot directly or get something that is relevant to their profession. It does not mean that you’ll get less varied loot overall. We’ll keep monitoring the changes to kitten its affects.

Thanks for your early feedback!

The knowledge that this change will probably injure players slowly, like a frog being boiled degrees at a time, does not really make me feel better about this. “Some classes will become poorer, but it will happen so gradually, you won’t notice!” isn’t much of a reassurance. We need more details, please, because this sounds pretty bad right now.

The way the dev put it, it sounds more likely the usable loot drop rates will be increased slightly, while the unusable loot drops rates will remain the same. So you should be getting more of gear for your character, but not losing out on salvagable gear. In the end more loot for all.

Not all loot is created equal. Rare greatswords, for example, are twice the price of rare shields. One class gets three shields, another class gets three greatswords. Yay, more loot for all! Except, wait…

(edited by NuclearBuddha.8641)

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


I am usually a firm believer in metrics, and presumably they’ve got some kind of metric that shows why this is the right course of action.

However, it is one I am not happy with, and enough so that I do not wish to let it pass quietly. I have sought silver linings in other decisions I did not agree with, and usually found them. This time I will not. If I had to choose between an installment of LS2 and the continuing story of Moto and his former krewe, it would be Super Adventure Box every time.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


It strikes me that a willingness to refund the coin would indicate that the “er, not right now,” is actually a “no, not ever.”


It doesn’t mean that. It means it won’t be in with the current LS2 storyline. Jeez – give it a break.

They’re free to clarify their statement. Until then, I remain extremely disappointed.

(edited by NuclearBuddha.8641)

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


I am extremely disappointed.

This seemed like the perfect recurring content, much like the various holidays. It had skins, landscape, plot and monetization infrastructure. I am befuddled and angered by this decision.


I'm wondering about all the summons...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


The golem from golemancer runes is pretty beefy.

Add Karma tax to buy orders?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


This is an interesting idea but I think Wanze underestimates how often normal players sell their daily loot. If I get 300 Karma from an event I wouldn’t want to see it go up in smoke if I decided to sell 60s worth of items on the TP I also got from the event.

The proposal is for BUY orders.

Watchwork Sprockets

in Crafting

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Oooh. Yes, that is true.

Watchwork Sprockets

in Crafting

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Watchwork Pick: Why No Response?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


In the meantime the watchwork sprockets have risen above 2s in price.

It’s nice, if you have a generator and the pick, to get that daily income. Good for waypoint costs, at least.

Do they drop from aetherblades? I wonder if there’s a critical price where people would start farming EotM or TA Aether for them.

Unavailable Sylvari clothes/armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


NPCs are still allowed to mix and match town clothes. ;_;

Features Patch 15.4.14

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


That being said, would you pay 40 gems to have Dye X available across all characters? That seems to be how it works in China.

I don’t really know the answer to that question myself. Some dyes, yeah, I might. But here’s the thing: I wouldn’t for the vast majority. Will I still have to pay gems for a dye I might want on one character but no other? Will I still have to pay gems just to find out what a dye is (and thus whether or not I want it across all characters)? Given no current answer on those, I think I’d rather the devil I know since it’s worked for me so far.

The reason I interjected in the first place is because the “account bound dyes? heck yeah!” attitude was ignoring how the system seems to actually work.

Watchwork Pick: Why No Response?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


When they’re at iron prices, then I’ll feel a little bad about having a watchwork pick.

Features Patch 15.4.14

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


The question is, would you accept paying gems for it, like in China.

Why did the Power Cores jump in price?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


There is a mystic toilet recipe to make blade shards.

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


1: Dredge:
Dredge is frustrating and this is compounded by the overall length of the Fractal.

This is the only part that doesn’t seem a fair summary. At worst, it’s flippant, at best it boils down a lot of separate complaints to “it’s frustrating.” I understand not wanting to dwell on what’s already been discussed to death, but I also hope that the actual parts that make up the sum of “frustrating” aren’t being ignored now that this label is applied. Thank you.

What Really Delivers Your Mail!?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Misgivings or not, I’d only switch services if someone else could deliver underwater or out in the Mists like these birds can.

Logging out from airship

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


It’s annoying but on the other hand… airship!

Right under our noses?*zone expansions*

in Living World

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


The portal in Fort Vandal has been there a while, too. You can get over to it with some creative use of leap skills. Naturally, it doesn’t do anything. Also, the backside of Fort Vandal is only half modeled, and if you go north you run into a teleport wall so you can’t freely explore Proxemic Lab.

As the other poster said, there are other places that teasingly look like zone exits, like the one in Sparkfly or the one in Mt. Maelstrom.

With the new ways to obtain Obsidian...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


And you don’t get 500 from the new sources.

With the new ways to obtain Obsidian...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


There’s a purpose for them besides legendaries: ascended crafting.

Tormented Weapons Feedback Thread

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


pay $xxx.xx (yes hundreds) or gold for BLT keys without any guarantee that you are getting what you are paying for?

Just saying.

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Oh, they already did that. The Snowblind Fractal is foreshadowing parts of the campaign against Jormag in late 2015.

All current fractals are scenarios from the past. That’s why one showing the future would be a change.

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


What if we could send players forward in Fractal time?

That’d be an amazing way to hint at upcoming content to players, especially if it was added quietly.

Is this really ok anet? Seems wrong!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


I find it hard to find a connection between the Bazaar of the 4 Winds (Celestial Recipes, Rucksack Skin, Quartz Crystals drop from the bag) and Scarlet.

There were events during that update where the Aetherblades attacked the Zephyr Sanctum. Make sense that stuff from there would turn up in the loot.

Karka queen lewts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


If this is the case, the earliest it could have happened was Tuesday.

Zodiac Armor - first of a new breed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Sclerite Armor

Kinda want.

Captain Air Ship! Oh Yes!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Could the first person to buy this report back if it has the same functionality as the terrace, i.e. gate travel?

Uninstanced Salma: Topic for Keeping It

in Suggestions

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


I agree with the original post as well. Leave it open, it’s useful.

ROE, Jane (a minor) v TIXX INFINIRARIUM, Inc.

in Wintersday

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


We, as a shard of Tyria, must act to prevent this tragedy from ever happening again. I propose a ban on all toys, especially those with dangerous, recreational features. Such items should only be handled by the proper, trained authorities.

Has your favorite profession changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Not really, it’s still engineer. I’m surprised I didn’t like thief as much as I expected, though. I actually got rid of my thief and remade them as a ranger. (I know, I know, go ahead and point and laugh.)

Ancient Karka Box Survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Attended/No loot/Received

Favorite Party Composition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


The people saying they like seeing an engineer in the party warms my heart.

For my part, having a warrior or guardian in the party to take advantage of all the vulnerability I’m piling on is a welcome sight. But, as others have said, any party is gonna kinda stink if it’s full of bad attitudes.

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


This is only for people who got disconnect RIGHT at the END, I got mine. Not if you got disconnected an hour before, two hours before, or you just didn’t even have time for it.

This is not the case. I participated late, in an overflow, and was disconnected in the second reinforcements wave. Now, perhaps I got a little present in the mail today (thanks for doing right by us, Anet!) because I specifically submitted a trouble ticket on it. But however it happened, I’m enjoying the 20 lot box, shell and (heh) Rage I got out of it.

I've started exploring Southsun Cove.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


I got the hatchlings from a young karka drop. This was during the initial exploration of the isle during the event.

Edit: and I’m not selling. They’re too cute.

A question of PUG-ability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


I think that as you go up in fractal level, working with random dudes is actually easier. They’ve already gotten to that level, you know? They’ve done all the stuff, and while there might be gaps in skill, they at least understand how things are supposed to work.

Whereas, in explorables, you haven’t a clue if the people you’re working with have ever done what you’re trying.

Compensation Speculation

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Honest guess is that if we get anything more than an apology, it’ll be the 20 slot bag, the karka accessory and a green item. Which for a lot of people would be an “alright” compensation. For others it would feel some way short.

I’d be okay with that.

Let the final event repeat for 24 hours?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


I’d support this for sure. Heck, I just want the bag.

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


“We’ve updated the game for routine maintenance only. No content changes were included.”

Yes, really means: We only want to restart all servers and finish the phase 3 overflow server propagation for people who want to finish the event.

Actually, content was changed… sorta. The karka shell was removed from that one vendor, I think.

So many Players helping players: thank you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


I don’t do a lot of talking or participating, especially on the forums, but being able to join in on one of the active overflows inspired me to try helping other people in. It was cool, trying to help out. Many of the people I got in had never tried to join any overflow before and had to be guided. It was fun trying to coordinate. This is an unfortunate way for that to end.

Edit: I put in a trouble ticket to make a record of what’s going on.

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


Yeah, gotta say that this isn’t great. It was cool that everyone was trying to help each other, that’s what MMOs are all about. But it wasn’t cool to have that snatched away.

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


I’m in one that could use reinforcements.

Edit: trying to clear my party. if you join, leave the party quick!

Edit: overflow full. Sorry.

(edited by NuclearBuddha.8641)

Canach Bugged Crystal Desert

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


He’s bugged on Tarnished Coast, too.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NuclearBuddha.8641


What will make you hate them more is when they start griefing people deliberately trying to keep them from seeing the jumps then laughing about how people aren’t able to finish.

This gentleman: