Showing Posts For NutellaCrepe.6745:

Druid not worth it!

in Ranger

Posted by: NutellaCrepe.6745


Been ranger since launch. Yes, I rolled my ranger to be a long ranged DPS (pew pew with bow!) and that’s what I got to play and will keep on playing.

I tried druid, doesn’t fit the playstyle. It does add some CC if I want to do LB/Staff or at least go druid spec, but probably just won’t! It’s not like I am forced to play my ranger as a druid, I’ll just play Pew Pew ranger, Spam MA HAMMER 4k aoe on my Rev, Dragon Hunter looks promising to my playstyle as well!

It’s ok really!

Also, while I agree with the overall “don’t have to play druid if you don’t like it”, the argument that Druid makes pure logical sense only based on the fact that rangers are a pure DPS class isn’t valid.

Thiefs, Mesmers, and Necromancers got additional DPS/Utility specs. You could argue that they all have some utility/support specs already, but so does the Ranger.

PvP - Power Long Bow Spec + Druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: NutellaCrepe.6745


What about LB/Staff or LB/GS but with druid spec? That rooting ult is amazing.

PvP - Power Long Bow Spec + Druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: NutellaCrepe.6745


Curious if anyone is trying to include Druid in their Pew Pew Spec? Is it worth it?

Great Hope For The Druid!

in Ranger

Posted by: NutellaCrepe.6745


Staff 5 “cake”
Also a copy of “The diary of Anne Frank” is delivered with the cake. In case you ever want to see what real trials and suffering are all about.

Funny until this.
1) Disproportionately too real example on a gaming forum
2) Doesn’t match the rest of your sarcastic humor.

D/D ele

in PvP

Posted by: NutellaCrepe.6745


Not EVERYONE is gonna play Warr + Guard + Cele Necro + Mesmer just to counter a braindead spec like d/d ele. I don’t understand why this class has so many privileges when they are fine if they take away some of what they have.

Here, I fixed that for you.

Except good ele can beat all those classes/builds (even if they are played by good players).

Give him the benefit of the doubt, it would be accurate if he meant a 4v1 with those classes specifically.

D/D ele

in PvP

Posted by: NutellaCrepe.6745


Listing builds saying they can beat an Ele doesn’t make it true. What 1v1 video between 2 capable players would indicate that a power longbow ranger would even tickle a d/d ele in a 1v1?

Trap ranger that will destroy every class that attempts to kill you except anything that has potent condi remover or condi back at your face skills. Hok.

D/D ele

in PvP

Posted by: NutellaCrepe.6745


Dear Anet,

Please nerf Scissors, rock is fine though.

Love, Paper.

(seriously though, roll a different class and build that counters it and stop yelling for nerfs on classes that beat yours, before you know it class skills will hit like a fly vs a human)

Reference used in pvp forums for what? 10 years?

Sadly you miss the point of the never ending QQ train against D/D eles, they steam roll everyone and have access to everything. I’ve even rarely found D/D elemental a argue that they aren’t OP as hell, very rarely do you have one of the players that rely on the OP build as is to say that, no in fact they are good players and everyone else simply isn’t as good as them. Re roll something that can counter me (D/D ele)

“Please nerf shotgun,

Sincerely rock, paper and scissors."

(edited by NutellaCrepe.6745)

Is Dragonhunter a better Longbow Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: NutellaCrepe.6745


Thats funny cuz if u head over to the guardian DH feedback thread everyone is stating it is a slow n sluggish spec pvp pov

Well, while I made this thread not necessarily out of worry but for the sake of discussion, and I of course understand that things are subject to change, I have to agree with the Guardian DH thread.

Feels very slow.

Is Dragonhunter a better Longbow Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: NutellaCrepe.6745


I’m trying to find a reason as to why not just play a dragonhunter (DH) instead of long bow ranger.

I’m sorry if this seems like a rant, I don’t mean it to be, I’d just like to have a discussion. To clarify, when I talk about the skills, I’ll focus on the Longbow skills respectively, unless otherwise specified.

It seems that rangers get the short end of the stick when it comes to clear/damage spread with their bow. You have to take marksman spec, which is decent-ish at best, in order to have piercing arrows. Now even then, you need to have positioning in your favor to clip more than just 1 target.

Yet, dragon hunter barely needs positioning, and gets a bouncing arrow (similar to theif’s short bow auto if you haven’t watched the spotlight.) It also cripples targets on bounce.

The 2 skill on the ranger is pretty good, nice burst and low cooldown. Yet, you once again need piercing shot in order to spread the damage. DH’s 2 is a 1 shot burst equivalent (ish) to if all your Ranger “2” skill arrows hit, and it pierces (fairly wide too as far as I can tell.)

DH doesn’t have to rely on a pet to observe the same damage as other classes. While pet’s aren’t always an issue, all too often are pets lagging behind (terrain..), dead or just bugging out.

Ranger’s 3 grants you stealth, it’s awesome and fun. DH gives you a shot canceling enemy missiles in it’s path. That’s probably very hard to pull off, but assuming you play on high tier, you might be able to semi predict an incoming harmful hit (including a few of Ranger’s “2” shots.) If anything, it might end up getting your enemy to try and bait the shot out.

Ranger’s 4 shot is a knock back. It’s awesome in many ways. Hints to kiting, the DH’s is awesome aoe. Ranger’s 5 is aoe damage, DH’s 5 is the same, twice the cooldown but it has entangled root-like CC…

DH’s passives allow for burn damage without having to use a trap or weapon. One could argue that pets do that, true, but micromanaging a pet is a lot harder than pressing F1 and getting an immediate result should enemies come close to you. They also have a given leap (F2) that heals you. The F3 gives you an aoe shield..

What’s everyone thought process about this? While I love everything about the ranger class (Agile Marksman kind of deal) It seems overshadowed ability-wise by the dargon-hunter. More spread damage, passive punishment (F1) in close range, (F2) leap-kite/heal, (F3) protection. No pet reliance (that’s a big thing for me, personally) and even arguably more CC.

PS: I know that none of us (likely) have tried the spec, and it’s all very speculative, but why not discuss it with the information we have now, and see how it fairs this weekend/at release.