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Audio Problems with all storyline conversations.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


I also want to add that when I spoke with Warden Arondele in the Sylvari starting area, her voice over did not play when she explained the golden hearts. However, when she pauses in her conversation and then discusses the waypoints, her voice over plays. I’ve clicked on her twice and had this issue. I logged out and logged back in- same issue.

Audio Problems with all storyline conversations.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


I’ve had missing conversation in every storyline since Friday. I’ve been playing the following:

Asura Guardian (level 7-14) Infinity Ball storyline
Human Necromancer (level 10-11) Commoner circus storyline
Sylvari Mesmer (1) White Stag storyline

It has happened in every conversation that I’ve had within their personal stories. For the most part, I’ve noticed that the first character who speaks doesn’t have a voice, then my character does. Sometimes, the third line of conversation will have sound sometimes it doesn’t. By the fourth line of conversation, it usually corrects itself.

I believe all my problems started after the most recent patch.

(edited by Nyxx.8316)

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


No need to buy them, Gw2 will feature consistent free content updates and in-game events going forward. Our goal is to make it so you get more from Gw2 for free than you get from a game you pay a subscription for.

On top of a large amount of free bonus content, we will be expanding on offerings in the Black Lion Trading Company going forward, as well as be doing large-scale expansion content down the road.

We’ll cover a lot of the details on the kind of support and plans we have in place over the next month or so on the Gw2 blog and with our press partners.

We do appreciate that you’d like to buy lots of new content, but we’d prefer to give a lot of it to you for free, cause that’s what we think a responsible MMO company does!

Thats pretty much what ever modern MMO does though. It’s certainly not unique.

I’m sorry, but which ones? All the ones I know of make you pay a sub… and those that are F2P limit content until you start giving them money. (WoW, LOTR, SWTOR)

Same with this game in the form of yearly 40-60$ expansions. With Lotro I could have pretty much unlocked the entire game for 6 months with the 250 or so turbine points they give you for extra crap.

Anet is far from a saint, they have no sub fee because A) I highly doubt this game would be successful if it had one (I know I wouldn’t have bothered picking it up) and There are many other MMOs that are just as good as this one.

Dude, I don’t know what crack your on, but this game is as good if not better than most subscription based MMO’s out there. And I’m leaning on it being better. Even /with/ a subscription fee, I’d still pay just to play this game. This game is actually innovative, whereas Rift, Warhammer, LOTRO were not. They all followed the basic mindless “Use a rotation for your spells/abilities” mentality. That’s alone is what earns new MMO titles such as “WoW clone”, because they hardly innovate on the genre and just use WoW’s model and add a different lore background.

Guild Wars 2 finally broke the trend. If you can’t see that, I’m assuming your not very good at taking a look at something in-depth.

NegativeNancy is entitled to his opinion I suppose, freedom of speech applies…

NegativeNancy should go play LOTRO, imo.

From an MMO stand point it did quite a bit. But from an over all game standpoint it did very little. I look at MMOs how I look at everyother non-MMO I play and maybe thats why I am so critical of it. This game lacks any meaning full story and endgame PvE elements and from a personal prospective the game’s combat isn’t that enjoyable when compared to something along the lines of COD or a ton of other games, for me it falls into the same category as most other mmos in terms of enjoyment.

I think that may be your problem. This game is an MMO and therefore, it will have the mechanics of an MMO (thankfully, because first person shooters make me sick- I just can’t play them)

I don’t think it’s fair to make that comparison, though. If you’re looking to play a first person shooter, play a first person shooter. That’s like being disappointed at an orange because it doesn’t taste like an apple.

The story is actually pretty good too, at least, from what I’ve experienced so far.

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


No need to buy them, Gw2 will feature consistent free content updates and in-game events going forward. Our goal is to make it so you get more from Gw2 for free than you get from a game you pay a subscription for.

On top of a large amount of free bonus content, we will be expanding on offerings in the Black Lion Trading Company going forward, as well as be doing large-scale expansion content down the road.

We’ll cover a lot of the details on the kind of support and plans we have in place over the next month or so on the Gw2 blog and with our press partners.

We do appreciate that you’d like to buy lots of new content, but we’d prefer to give a lot of it to you for free, cause that’s what we think a responsible MMO company does!

Thats pretty much what ever modern MMO does though. It’s certainly not unique.

I’m sorry, but which ones? All the ones I know of make you pay a sub… and those that are F2P limit content until you start giving them money. (WoW, LOTR, SWTOR)

Same with this game in the form of yearly 40-60$ expansions. With Lotro I could have pretty much unlocked the entire game for 6 months with the 250 or so turbine points they give you for extra crap.

Anet is far from a saint, they have no sub fee because A) I highly doubt this game would be successful if it had one (I know I wouldn’t have bothered picking it up) and There are many other MMOs that are just as good as this one.

Uhm… LOTRO had $40-50 expansions before they went free to play Mines of Moria I think it was? SWTOR is planning on having an expansion that you have to pay for. RIFT is releasing an expansion for the same amount of money unless you commit to playing their game for a year. WoW has released $50-60 expansions almost yearly…

I’m not saying Anet are saints- truly, what company is? But I’m sorry, your argument doesn’t really hold much weight here…

Also, I have to say, I’d pay for a sub. I’m having the kind of fun in this game that I had in WoW Vanilla, and there’s a lot more to do in it than there was when WoW was released.

and sure, there are many MMO’s that are, in my opinion, almost as good as this one. The fact that you’re saying they’re just as good is your opinion

(edited by Nyxx.8316)

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


I think few people actually realise this fact, apart from the ones who read the post, they should make an announcement?

From Colin- “We’ll cover a lot of the details on the kind of support and plans we have in place over the next month or so on the Gw2 blog and with our press partners.”

;-) How do I winky face?

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


No need to buy them, Gw2 will feature consistent free content updates and in-game events going forward. Our goal is to make it so you get more from Gw2 for free than you get from a game you pay a subscription for.

On top of a large amount of free bonus content, we will be expanding on offerings in the Black Lion Trading Company going forward, as well as be doing large-scale expansion content down the road.

We’ll cover a lot of the details on the kind of support and plans we have in place over the next month or so on the Gw2 blog and with our press partners.

We do appreciate that you’d like to buy lots of new content, but we’d prefer to give a lot of it to you for free, cause that’s what we think a responsible MMO company does!

Thats pretty much what ever modern MMO does though. It’s certainly not unique.

I’m sorry, but which ones? All the ones I know of make you pay a sub… and those that are F2P limit content until you start giving them money. (WoW, LOTR, SWTOR)

Someone tell me to stop deleting characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


I laughed!! Though not to the same magnitude, I’ve been doing the same with warlock and elementalist. I just need to buy another character slot. The others are taken up with thief, engineer, guardian and ranger.

Oh, and uhm… Stop Doing This!!! Don’t be like me! haha

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Someone needs to get the sand out of his v….a

His vodka? Well, that doesn’t make much sense…

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


No need to buy them, Gw2 will feature consistent free content updates and in-game events going forward. Our goal is to make it so you get more from Gw2 for free than you get from a game you pay a subscription for.

On top of a large amount of free bonus content, we will be expanding on offerings in the Black Lion Trading Company going forward, as well as be doing large-scale expansion content down the road.

We’ll cover a lot of the details on the kind of support and plans we have in place over the next month or so on the Gw2 blog and with our press partners.

We do appreciate that you’d like to buy lots of new content, but we’d prefer to give a lot of it to you for free, cause that’s what we think a responsible MMO company does!

Awesome!! Thanks for responding and answering our questions!

Gold sellers - Grrrrr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Also, plz give us the option to state “gold selling” once we report the person !


This I agree with. I don’t know what to classify gold selling as… is it spam? That’s what I’ve been calling it when I see it in chat and receive it in my mail.

Also- is anyone else receiving it in their in game mail? I thought it was odd to see it there…

EDIT- Answered by Algreg while I was typing. Thanks!

Guild Wars 2 Breaks 2 Million Sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Just wanted to say Anet..

A big well done for the sales numbers and a fantastic game!

Guild Wars 2 Breaks 2 Million Sales

Grats to Anet! 2 mil in sales is VERY well deserved and I can definitely see this continue to rise as more people realize how great a game this is.

I will admit, I was one of those people who insisted I’d never play this game- then I started reading about it and I don’t think I’ll ever leave. (Slight addiction over here)

My prediction is coming true (DEs and fewer people)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


I’m seeing more and more DEs just be given up on because there aren’t enough people around to do them.

The only event I have seen any trouble with is bloodwitch and for one reason, its an underwater event that a lot of players seem to have difficulty finding. The second reason is I actually do think it needs a tweek. The vet mobs are respawning in under 30 seconds. I dont think that should be happening.

As for your prediction … well whatever helps you sleep at night. Your server may have an issue but mine is nicely populated across every area I have been in.

I play on Sea of Sorrows and it is about the same here but people do actively broadcast for help all the time for this one. I play in Australia as well I don’t seem to have any issues in the lower zones in fact this thinning out business is actually making people not zerg so much and follow each other around in a group they met and did an event well with which is what I believe the point of the dynamic system was for.

I can easily under stand low pop server players complaining about the lack of players maybe even medium server pop but high and full I don’t think would have any such issues getting players to come around in any zone at anytime of play.

This thread is both deceivingly titled and between the occasional opinion vs validation post it appears to be mostly one person enforcing his or her belief of an issue over and over again with out actually discussing what he or she could do to resolve the issue for themselves then when someone else post something they can do or try to change their mind they go back to spewing denial of self action. I currently see the solution for this one person and that is to migrate servers to one with more players that are on during the timezone he or she is playing. Unofficial oceanic server or not this does not mean that most of the oceanic players are not on another unofficial oceanic server and the current one they are on could be populated more with US residents.

While this will not solve the underlying issue that this person believes to exist it is a solution for the person in question and that should be enough for the for mentioned person stop enforcing an invalid prediction before trying out other servers to see if its a trend or just their server that has an issue with population.

While I can understand the frustration that this person must be experiencing coming here and calling foul without actually trying to resolve the issue is pretty foolish.

Thank you I agree with your sentiments completely.

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


I’m not sure how much I like my server, since it does seem pretty empty, deserted even… It’s quite strange, in my city ( Black Citadel ) I have not encountered a single human, sylvari, asura or norn. Do they not have access or do they just decide not to come to that specific area?

No, the Charr threaten to eat the humans, asura and norns and then use the sylvari as toothpicks…

Not to sure the real reason I haven’t been there yet myself, but that’s only because my quests haven’t taken me in that direction yet.

(edited by Nyxx.8316)

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Ruins of Sumria for me, had some RL friends on it Too Bad tho, but we might be engaged in some WvWvW soon

Ah too bad but that sounds good! I think they have server visiting too? My sister and her son were on Jade Quarry so that’s why I picked it

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Nyxx which server are you on? Seems we have the same vision for this game would be fun to play together a bit

I’m on Jade Quarry. You?

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


The problem I’m seeing is that the expansions like Eye of the North do not seem big to me at all… I remember the update process in FFXI, we would get new weapons, summons, armor etc via updates and huge content through Expansions.
Expansions would offer content like new classes, whole continents, new monsters, new bosses etc… For example Eye of The north comes short compared to that…

Well, Factions released 2 new classes, 4 new regions, and a bunch of other stuff as seen here:

Nightfall released 2 new classes, 5 new regions and a bunch of stuff as seen here:

According to Wikipedia, this is what happened with Eye of the North

Scrapping their initial plans for a fourth campaign, ArenaNet has released an expansion pack, Guild Wars: Eye of the North, to the previous three campaigns on August 31, 2007.2324 Not being a full campaign, this expansion requires one of the other released campaigns, and is only accessible by player characters at level 10 and above. Eye of the North therefore does not feature new professions, but contains new content for existing characters: dungeons, a number of new skills, armor, and heroes. Eye of the North is set in previously inaccessible territory from the first Guild Wars campaign, Prophecies. It is intended to be a bridge to the sequel to the Guild Wars series, Guild Wars 2. As a promotion for their online store and Eye of the North, ArenaNet released a “bonus mission pack”25 for purchase online. It contains playable recreations of four incidents in the history of Tyria, Cantha, and Elona, and each mission expands the backstory for one of four major NPCs.26

It sounds to me they had already planned GW2 so they decided not to make Eye of the North a large expansion.

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Yeah you are kinda right on the dynamic events… But I’m sure Anet would figure it out, I am playing the game slowly, I read every line of text, watch every cut-scene, just to make it last longer, incase I reached lv. CAP too soon and completed the storyline.
I mean this game if ANY should have a subscription fee. I mean I bought FFXIV and they charged a subscription fee for a game in BETA… This is the most polished MMO to date and they should really get more out of it, the developers need their monthly paychecks and the Gem Store won’t really do that if you ask me, unless they added mounts, special effects to armor and weapons (fire applied to swords, etc…).
I just want to see this game live on :P

FFXIV was just a major disappointment in my opinion. Waste of time and money on my part- I couldn’t even play it a month and then when they kept sending me e-mails saying “We’ve improved! Give us a chance!” I unsubscribed from their e-mails. I still can’t believe they allowed that monstrosity to be released as it was, but I digress…

Truly, I don’t think that you have to worry about the game living on. GW1 is still living on and it’s never had a monthly sub or an item shop that is more substantial than what GW2 has now. In my opinion, GW2 is just as substantial if not a little more so than GW1, at least from a PvE perspective and with them adding in game housing and guild houses at a later date, I believe it will only continue to be a great game that appeals to all audiences.

What I would LOVE to see them add is planting crops and farming… now THAT I’d buy gems and pay for!

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


While I wouldn’t mind, I’d rather pay a bigger chunk of money for a bigger expansion. It lets them have more room to make something cohesive – adding a new race, plus areas and a story that tie everything together.

A “serial” type release, I’m sure it could be done, but I see that more as gradually unlocking content and I don’t think that would be idea for most people, either. I think they’d prefer to have a big expansion and play at their own pace.

I agree.

Where I can understand how some would rather updates every month, I’d personally much rather ArenaNet use their resources to create larger content packs than the occasional small update. Also, I believe more people would be inclined to spend $40-$50 yearly on a large pack that gives them a lot, than spending $5 or $10 a month to get little bits and pieces.

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Exactly, I think 5euro per pack would be a fair price, if the pack contains at least a few minions, 1-2 new dynamic events ( larger scale ), and other miscalenous items like mounts, pets etc…

Not to nitpick, but how do you think dynamic events would work if you bought them and someone else didn’t?

It would have to be a dungeon instance of some sort so that people who didn’t buy the content couldn’t play it- in essence, you’d be paying for a dungeon, not a dynamic event.

Again, sorry to nitpick

Pets are already there. The cosmetic ones at least.

As far as I know, GW1 didn’t have mounts, but I could be wrong on that.

My prediction is coming true (DEs and fewer people)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Just so people know, not everyone is playing at US prime time.

What time are you playing at then? I see no problems between 6pm-midnight.



On a US server? That’s 1am US pacific time isn’t it? (Please correct me if I’m wrong there, I’m in Europe!) I think you definitely need to be on an unofficial Oceanic server if you aren’t already.

Yup, and I am…

Isle of Janthir

Ok, but no one in the US would be playing at the time you would be on. Perhaps the server you’re on just doesn’t have a lot of people on it?

I’m sorry that there aren’t a lot of people doing DE’s when you are, but to head a post with “your prediction is coming true” just isn’t accurate and will cause an instant negative response. Instead, you should have said “My prediction is coming true on my server”…

I don’t know how many people play overseas, but I guess my question for you is were DE’s very popular and all of a sudden died off on your server, or have they always been kind of slow? On the servers here, the issue you’re seeing is just not happening, at least, from my perspective.

There are fewer people in the low level zones, and that is something that isn’t going to get better, it WILL get worse.

I know some will not like this, but I’ve been playing MMOs for something like 17 years. I’ve played pretty much every major one at least a little.

After playing them that long it gets pretty easy to see where the problems are going to be, especially when they begin manifesting early.

And some still seem to think the 4 timezones in the US are indicative of the other 20 timezones around the world.

P.S. Isle of Janthir is one of the unofficial Oceanic servers.

I didn’t realize the Oceanic servers were unofficial. :-/ That’s kind of tough to work with.

See, I have two main characters- one’s a 10 and one’s a 30 and both never seem to have an issue with DE’s. I definitely understand what you’re saying with regards to the fact that some people don’t recognize that what’s happening in the US isn’t what’s happening in the rest of the world, but what I’m trying to tell you is that low pop DE’s are not happening here yet.

How popular is the game in Japan? When you log into the game, are there a lot of people doing PvP and WvWvW? If so, then you’re right in your concern that DE’s have issues on your server and could be a potential issue for others in the future. However, if the population of your server is just a low population, then your hypothesis isn’t 100% accurate.

My prediction is coming true (DEs and fewer people)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Just so people know, not everyone is playing at US prime time.

What time are you playing at then? I see no problems between 6pm-midnight.



On a US server? That’s 1am US pacific time isn’t it? (Please correct me if I’m wrong there, I’m in Europe!) I think you definitely need to be on an unofficial Oceanic server if you aren’t already.

Yup, and I am…

Isle of Janthir

Ok, but no one in the US would be playing at the time you would be on. Perhaps the server you’re on just doesn’t have a lot of people on it?

I’m sorry that there aren’t a lot of people doing DE’s when you are, but to head a post with “My prediction is coming true” just isn’t accurate and will cause an instant negative response. Instead, you should have said “My prediction is coming true on my server”…

I don’t know how many people play overseas, but I guess my question for you is were DE’s very popular and all of a sudden died off on your server, or have they always been kind of slow? On the servers here, the issue you’re seeing is just not happening, at least, from my perspective.

(edited by Nyxx.8316)

My prediction is coming true (DEs and fewer people)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Just so people know, not everyone is playing at US prime time.

Understandable. On my server (Jade Quarry), at US prime time (and several hours before and after), there is absolutely no problem with DE’s. Can’t speak from 6AM – 3PM EST because I’m working or 12AM – 5 AM EST because I’m sleeping.

But honestly, to complain that no one is available to complete DE’s during non US prime time is just- well- silly. What do you expect? Most people go to school and work… how on earth are there supposed to be people online to complete DE’s if they’re unable to play because they’re experiencing real life?

So the game should only cater to US prime time? That’s limiting your customer base…even in the US.

And before anyone gets any bright ideas, I’m an American currently living overseas.

Nope- not saying that at all. There are plenty of other things to do other than DE’s in this game. The fact that you’re overseas is difficult, bur don’t they have EU servers that would better fit your time zone issue?

Fact is, your title says “My prediction is coming true (DEs and fewer people)” and I’m telling you that this isn’t the case during a large portion of the day.

It may be because of your time zone issue, but during the time when most people are on in the US, DE’s are not an issue. Could they be at some point, sure, but that’s not being seen now, at least, not on my server.

(edited by Nyxx.8316)

My prediction is coming true (DEs and fewer people)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Just so people know, not everyone is playing at US prime time.

Understandable. On my server (Jade Quarry), at US prime time (and several hours before and after), there is absolutely no problem with DE’s. Can’t speak from 6AM – 3PM EST because I’m working or 12AM – 5 AM EST because I’m sleeping.

But honestly, to complain that no one is available to complete DE’s during non US prime time is just- well- silly. What do you expect? Most people go to school and work… how on earth are there supposed to be people online to complete DE’s if they’re unable to play because they’re experiencing real life?

The MMO with no training wheels.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Sure sounds like a good PvE game the way you introduce it. Except the PvE portion of the game is really only the leveling process to play in a competitive PvP game. All of the vistas and dynamic event and such will be swept aside in favor of the PvP system after you reach 80. That is, unless you just continue to reroll alts. It does seem to have impressive PvE for the leveling process but if you expect it to have this focus for month/years to come it certainly seems you are mistaken on the direction this game takes.

This is assuming, of course, that people are in this game to play PvP. I personally have never been into it (though I may make an exception with this game) but for every game I’ve played, I’ve done if for the PvE.

As the game currently is, you’re right. Years to come, the current PvE won’t hold. That’s why they release expansion packs. There are so many storylines though, alt rolling is definitely an option for those who don’t enjoy PvP and don’t see it as a primary focus.

When you say all the vistas and dynamic events will be swept aside for PvP, isn’t that assuming everyone is interested in PvP?

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


Hi Basen,

I think it’s important to ignore your numerical level in this game and focus more on the content available. There is no real “leveling too fast” because your level scales to the zone you’re in. So if you hit level 80 you can still go to a level 1-15 zone you haven’t gone to before and work on the quests, vistas etc without being very overpowered for the zone.

The main focus of this game, at least to me, is exploration. I know that will take a fair amount of time for me, and then once I’ve hit 80 with one character and seen all that I can, I’m going to roll another and do it all again. I know that may sound boring to some, but for me, I have no problem repeating content as long as there’s something new. In the case of this game, it’s a new character’s story that will keep me going.

Small content updates could be possible but I am very much against mounts for this game- they serve no real purpose. With fast travel on your map, you can get to locations fairly quickly and mounts only succeed in creating annoyances i.e. people who stand on top of vendors with their mounts so you can’t see the vendor.

ArenaNet’s usual business model (at least, for GW1) was to release expansion packs, though I can’t quite remember how frequently they were released. In my opinion, with how I play the game, it will take me a long while to see all there is to see between vistas and each character’s story.

The beauty of this game is you can enter and leave as you please since their isn’t a monthly fee. So if you finish the game and get bored, you can go play something else till they’re ready to release an expansion pack. Then you get to revisit the world all over again.

This is just my two cents/euros (what is the exchange rate these days, anyway?) :o)


The MMO with no training wheels.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyxx.8316


I agree with the OP. This game is a breath of fresh air compared to past mainstream MMO’s and I think the folks who are having trouble didn’t properly research the game before they purchased it.

The goal of this game (for me at least) is to explore every nook and cranny; to get all the vistas, to discover new crafting recipes, to appreciate the world around me and learn its story. I understand that some are annoyed that there’s “nothing to do after 80”. For me, after 80, I’m going to roll an alt and learn her story. I’m sure by the time that happens (I’m a VERY slow leveler) they will have more content available… and if they don’t, well… there are more character slots that need filling!

I think ArenaNet did a great job achieving their vision for GW2 and anyone who feels the game doesn’t meet their expectations didn’t really do their homework when they researched and purchased the game.