Showing Posts For Odies.8017:

Gun Squad, Heroes of JQ conquers BG garrison

in WvW

Posted by: Odies.8017


Congratulations in playing a dead kitten game. kitten GS. Vape Nation.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

GvG Workshop! August 2nd

in In-game Events

Posted by: Odies.8017


Each day the panel will be an hour long and consist of Intigo speaking for 58 minutes then letting the rest finish it up.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

We Play In The [Nude] JQ Top 5 GvG/Tpvp Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Odies.8017


I’m sorry, top 5 GvG guild? Come on now.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

To add or not to add on even fights

in WvW

Posted by: Odies.8017


I don’t think is something that really happens in normal WvW, and I believe that in T1, doing those ‘scrims’ and asking people not to jump in is pretty wrong.

People chose t1 for the constant fights and always having numbers to fight against. Doing those scrims causes problems for atleast 1 Server.

For example. Sever A is fighting Server B inbetween garrison and Bay, Server A and B are both the invader server, Server C sees these swords and pushes on Sever A’s bay. This starts off a double team straight away, simply because the server saw swords in that area.


The fights are happening at the windmill ( better spot ) It shows people are down there, and you are going to pull part of the map down. We know there are queues in T1, so pulling ~20-25 ppl to basically, be useless to the map. Affects everyone else on your server, and it lets the server without ppl involved gain advantage.

Your best bet is do to it in Obsidian Sanctum or even Eotm. Doing it in the BL’s can get annoying

Okay let’s put this in PPT words so you can understand,

A full map force wouldn’t go and take one camp would they? Then why have multiple forces attack one enemy force. Think of the fighting guilds as a distraction for the other enemy forces and a opportunity for you to take that distraction to capture your points.

Also like you stated most fighting guilds run around 20-25 people on a map. If they’re fighting equal sized enemy force then that server also has 20-25 people. So there is no disadvantage by having fighting guilds on a map.

Most guilds who play for the fights also know that taking or attacking a tower/keep will bring fights to them. They may not do it for the tick and the ppt but none the less they are still capturing points and helping their server.

Fighting guilds will always be on whatever BL so instead of complaining about it use them to your advantage and stop being disrespectful to the way they play the game.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

(edited by Odies.8017)

[MU] Now Recruiting on Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: Odies.8017


Some EOTM Farming

Looking for:

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

(edited by Odies.8017)

[MU] Now Recruiting on Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: Odies.8017


First video back on Tarnished Coast:

Still looking for,


[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

[MU] Now Recruiting on Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: Odies.8017


[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

EotM, are Hardcore WvW'rs going to do it?

in WvW

Posted by: Odies.8017


Will not have a large hardcore following due to lack of guild/group queue.

Because EB and the BLs do?

How I understood it is that you queue for “blue”, “red” or “green” (depending on your current color in wvw) EotM which means if high demand you might get in a different EotM instance then your guild.

I’d imagine that it will be like overflow maps that you can right click a party member and join their instance in less it’s hard capped.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

[MU] Now Recruiting on Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: Odies.8017


It’s in the title =) made that change this morning.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

[MU] Now Recruiting on Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: Odies.8017


Mortis Umbra. [MU] is looking for new people to join us in WvW. We’re a hardcore zerg-busting WvW-centered guild that enjoys the fun fights and challenges that are thrown at us. We have a balance approach in that if we take keeps they will come to fight. We run 4 nights a week with one night being training in our sPVP room for both veteran and new players.

What are we looking for?

Dedicated players with a passion for WvW – We do daily WvW runs and we love taking on zergs, no matter the size.
100% repping for WvW – MU players have been running with each other for a long time and we have a family atmosphere. If you don’t want to try to become part of that family then just move on.
At least one level 80 character – No one likes being the uplevel to get stomped on. Don’t let yourself be rally bait!
Communication is an absolute must – MU uses the TC server Mumble and we require all members to be using mumble to hear commands and be able to respond.
Good PC Spec – Must be able to handle 80-100 zerg grps without issues.

Classes currently in demand
Warrior – Medium
Guardian – High
Thief – Medium (Exceptional)
Mesmer – High
Necromancer – High

If you feel you can do what it takes, you can either contact the following MU members for more information:

Recent Vid:

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

CD server VOW hardcore WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Odies.8017


[VOW] is a great group of people who are dedicated to open field fights and GvGs. [MU] has had some great fights with them and encourage anyone who is in CD or looking for a new hardcore WvW guild to check them out.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Mr. Moderator it’s very hard to keep my mouth closed…just remember IoJ said we started the argument.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Okay the PvF is getting out of hand and I would like to apologize from the [MU] comments. All [MU] members please stop posting on the forums in less it’s something positive to say.

[Mend] see you on the battlefield.

(HELP! A moderator has me captive making me make these posts!) haha jk.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


What happened to MEND’s pro bunkering skillz?

I don’t think he likes us to much =(

Who does?

^ True statement

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


MU, I don’t understand what makes you guys think you have the right to trashtalk other guilds just because they don’t give you what you want. You are not entitled to a GvG.

Any guild has every right to refuse/ignore your request and doing so does not give you the right to trashtalk them. If a guild doesn’t want to GvG, they don’t want to GvG. They don’t have to give you any explanation, justification or reasoning that would satisfy you and they don’t deserve to be called cowards or be considered “too afraid” to fight you. An example of a reason could be as simple as they find GvG boring and hence don’t want to. You guys are hardcore GvG enthusiasts, while they may find playing for the server more fun. What is cowardice to you of IoJ “camping keeps and towers all day”(a blatant lie), is to them simply doing a great job defending their land. This is WvW, structure fights are a part of it. Accept and move on. Different ideals and priorities, none of you are better or worse.

Having said that, I’m glad IoJ guilds are focusing on getting things done. Like Crimson said it is amazing to see all the guilds working together and fighting for the server, focusing on taking stuff and actually defending them. I will never forget the “KoR BAIT” on reset day, that moment was both hilarious and heartwarming.

Wiping or being wiped, we’re seeing a lot more people coming into wvw from what is without a doubt a pve server. Having new recruits who’ve never done wvw before and want advice so they can jump in right away is fantastic. Compared to the absolute rock-bottom server morale during season 1 this is such a great change, and easily maintained simply by us having our own corners which we are doing a great job at. The fights are good ranging from the assortment of highly skilled roamers I’ve fought to giant pug vs pug battles and oh shi- moments when encountering MU and FKB. The loot is good too. People are having a great time.

Fair enough.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Hey, HOD. You won leagues against the equivalent of a wet paper towel. Congrats I guess. [MU], t6 (or whatever you are) gvg is well beyond a joke. Stop chest thumping, keep it classy.

Haha [HOPE] don’t make us pull out the videos of destroying you back in TC days. Some guild squads down here could destroy you guys easily in GvG, how about you make a vacation down here to see? Glad to see you are still going at it but don’t come down to our match up thread.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

(edited by Odies.8017)

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Since IoJ will continue to dodge… any CD guilds want to 15v15 gvg MU?


I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m guessing the reason [MU] isn’t getting many GvG responses is in the way you ask for them.

Most GvG guilds see the mode as a friendly way to improve the group synergy and combat skills of both themselves and the opposing team. For you guys, it seems like you’re using it to flex your kitten and justify your trash-talk. It’s like you start out by calling everyone bad, then throw out GvG’s so you can say “yeah that’s what we thought” when no one bites.

The reason no one bites isn’t because they’re scared of losing. It’s because of your attitude. We, [HARD], don’t mind losing GvG’s, since we still get nice practice, but your attitude is off-putting.

If you earnestly want GvG’s, my friendly advice is that you reform the way you ask for them. I mean this as respectfully as I can, since I support the GvG community, and [MU] could be a serious contender in the lower-silver/upper-bronze GvG scene.

If you actually knew us then you would just realize what you just said is a bunch of kitten. We have given feedback and even go into their VOIP to give our opinion on how they would’ve improved in the fight.

Go ahead and ask COSA, Star, EA, BB, BS, and all the other guilds we have GvG already.

If you’re going to use the excuse the reason you won’t do a GvG with us is because of our attitude, then just stop talking.

That’s the thing, though. Most guilds on servers you haven’t fought before DON’T know you guys. Because they DON’T know how you really are in game, all they have to go on is what you say on the forums. If you presented the offer as a genuine attempt to request 15v15 GvG’s, instead of having multiple guildies open with “all IoJ is bad and blob, GvG us pls”, you’d get a much better response.

Again, I’m sure you guys are cool people in game, but trash-talking other servers, then requesting GvG’s won’t get you as many responses.

And you can treat our refusal as an excuse if you want. That’s honestly the reason. We’ve lost GvG’s before and have been fine with it. The trash-talk is just off-putting for us. Again, I only speak for us, and not for other guilds.

“[MU] looking for 15v15 GvGs. Whisper me in game. Want to hear from AUX, Mend and all other guilds in IoJ. Don’t be scared.”

Seems pretty nice to me but I’ll just accept your reasoning of why you don’t want to GvG. See you on the battlefield.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Since IoJ will continue to dodge… any CD guilds want to 15v15 gvg MU?


I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m guessing the reason [MU] isn’t getting many GvG responses is in the way you ask for them.

Most GvG guilds see the mode as a friendly way to improve the group synergy and combat skills of both themselves and the opposing team. For you guys, it seems like you’re using it to flex your kitten and justify your trash-talk. It’s like you start out by calling everyone bad, then throw out GvG’s so you can say “yeah that’s what we thought” when no one bites.

The reason no one bites isn’t because they’re scared of losing. It’s because of your attitude. We, [HARD], don’t mind losing GvG’s, since we still get nice practice, but your attitude is off-putting.

If you earnestly want GvG’s, my friendly advice is that you reform the way you ask for them. I mean this as respectfully as I can, since I support the GvG community, and [MU] could be a serious contender in the lower-silver/upper-bronze GvG scene.

If you actually knew us then you would just realize what you just said is a bunch of kitten. We have given feedback and even go into their VOIP to give our opinion on how they would’ve improved in the fight.

Go ahead and ask COSA, Star, EA, BB, BS, and all the other guilds we have GvG already.

We support the GvG community as well and if you looked at other match threads each time we GvG someone we just said postive things on the forum. There has never been a case we just destroyed someone on the forums cause they lost to us.

If you’re going to use the excuse the reason you won’t do a GvG with us is because of our attitude, then just stop talking.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

(edited by Odies.8017)

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Christ, I heard HoD forum warred hard, but this brings me back to the old IoJ/DR/DH days. Keep this up, and you might even be able to challenge Maguuma in PvF (okay, fine, maybe not). In all honestly, not sure where all this animosity is coming from. Besides the whole Mend ordeal, I don’t think there’s any history between IoJ and HoD. You guys were fairly civil and good sports the last time we were matched up a few months ago, so I’m not really sure what happened.

Anyway, to my knowledge, we don’t have a real numbers advantage over you guys, and we probably don’t have coverage as well-rounded as yours. We’re allocating people efficiently and communicating across maps, which is why it might seem like we have more people than we actually do. You fought BP last week, so you probably have an idea of what I’m talking about. Also, everyone psychologically overestimates how many red names there are and underestimates how many green names there are.

With regards to the skill of our “blobs”, I will say that most of our WvW population is fairly young. Silver League pretty much killed off a good number of our more experienced veterans, so many of the players in our pug zergs, and even in our WvW guilds, have been playing WvW for less than a month. I apologize (I guess?) if you’re disappointed, but the current strength/weakness of our servers is mostly due to Anet’s structuring of leagues. If Silver League included 7 silvers, instead of 6, HoD would probably be where we are right now. I’m sure CD understands what I mean.

Also with regards to “blobbing”, you haven’t seen anything till you’ve fought SBI, FA, and DB’s SEA. They’ll make our “blobs” look like havoc crews.

All that said, still hoping for a good week, regardless of outcome.

^ Mostly just [MU] speaks on the forum and the reason behind this is during season IoJ said wait our turn to get crushed. Let me see if I can find that quote. Also there is a lot of hate towards Mend on this server so probably just getting the backlash of that.

Oh that reminds me, [Mend] GvG?

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


IoJ < not impressed at all [MU] had 15 people on IoJ BL and your zerg ran away from us the whole time. We even came out to outer bay to meet you. Let’s get some GvGs setup please or this is going to be a boring week.


[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Woo so the kitten talking begins I see. Sad that not many HoD decided to defend their bl but rather took all of CDs last night to make up for it. Oh well I guess you guys know how to play map politics which is better than most servers.

Good fights I guess, EBay still better skill wise, all HoD is so far is coverage which is why they dominate bronze.

I’ll be on HoD every night this week I believe so do try harder next time.

haha ^

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Good fights tonight MU. Figured you’d get demoralized after the first few wipes, but whatever. You lads are some go getters

Your massive blobs don’t scare us so easily ^

Usually take out the first two rounds of zerg and then eventually you just over run us. Good fights none the less.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


[MU] looking for 15v15 GvGs. Whisper me in game. Want to hear from AUX, Mend and all other guilds in IoJ. Don’t be scared.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Great GvG BB! Some intense fights and probably the best we’ve had in a long time. Hope to see you guys again.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


All BP ever does is run away into their little pillow forts to scare off the big mean monsters outside.

You can’t be serious now. All our skill guilds try to find fights and only one we see is a que zerg of MU + pugs. Even when it’s 20 vs 50 MU runs away and wps when they start losing people.
Only time you see hod is a que Zerg or not at all it seems, cd is dead.

kitten it, this is the last sub thread.

Please don’t talk about numbers, like I said earlier I’ve got respect for some guilds in BP such as Rekz but the other guilds hide behind them and attack us from behind when we are fighting them.

Grow a pair and fight us in open field without 3 different guild groups.

As for roaming goes the only good roaming guild or players I’ve run into is vT. Everyone else just stands by SM and fights tell they get low and go hide behind the cannons.


[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

(edited by Odies.8017)

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Everyone wants [MU] to not run away


Hahaha…that’s it.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Everyone wants that [MU] D

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


I respect some guilds on BP but kitten do you guys like to blob up.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


[MU] would like to thank all of the BP guilds that we’ve fought in open field this week. There has been some really good fights and hopefully we see each other again.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

HoD/CD/BP 27 Dec 2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Great fights from BP and CD all night long. [MU] is looking for 15v15 GvG please whisper me in game to get something set up.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

Dec 20 - HoD/SF/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Awesome fights at SF Bay tonight with [CoSA] and [STAR] you exhausted us from good fights and heavy loot bags.


[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

Dec 20 - HoD/SF/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


This is our last thread before they purged whatever feelings and actual work they put into WvWvW. Anyone know where we are starting up the new sub threads?

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

Dec 20 - HoD/SF/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


So we decided to add some spice to FC BL


[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

Dec 20 - HoD/SF/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


So……..GvG Deth?

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


ZoS did an awesome job on the GvG, thanks for the fight! XOXO no big deal on the misunderstanding and maybe next round you can gather 15.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Alright Os, XOXO got one setup with me and now it’s your turn. Go ahead and whisper me in game or mail this account.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


XOXO would like to challenge MU to a gvg. Please message me to set this up. TY.

Or, if you’d rather leave the last one be your final gvg against us. that will be fine.

Link related.

I’ll contact you to setup a 15v15 GvG. Not a 2 [MU] with pugs little slap fest.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Anyways, I’m glad HOD decided to flex it’s bandwagon skills. I mean, who would have thought that the top of bronze league would have more population than the last two servers in silver league.

lol, 5 [MU] transferred from Tarnished Coast, like 10-12 [Swat] from Maguuma, yeah we bandwagon so hard. We clearly don’t have more people, we have a dedicated WvW community, which a lot of them have been putting in 10+hrs a day.

I think your problem is, Fair weathers, bad strategy ( like map blobbing), or simply to much PVF. Maybe CD/NSP under estimated what HoD was capable of? I’m not saying we’ll excel in Silver, but we wont roll over either.

PS: I didn’t expect QQ from a guild that has mad trolling skills, it’s quite unbecoming.

Did you just suggest that HoD had this wuv pop before leagues?

Lol I’m sorry, are you new to this?
pls. pls, just stawp you are embarrassing yourself. Let me say this before anyone else can, see attached.

You also TL;DR trolled so the amount of fail is pretty unparalleled.

HoD did have this WvW population before leagues but now it’s more organized and people have a goal/passion to come out and play. The guilds you see that came down to HoD, such as [MU] and [SWAT], only have a handful of original players with most of it being HoD players.

HoD worked hard before we came and we just added to the already awesome and dedicated community.

Now what about that GvG? Hey girl hey!

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


[Os] is currently looking to GvG guilds that are impressed by us. Pm I Cant Stop with info.

Oh so you will accept my 15v15 then! Last time I talked to you, you said Os doesn’t do GvGs.

Gornok you forgot the picture of Emma Stone or Jennifer Lawrence doing something on topic… I’ve got you covered though.

Beautiful O.O

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Who are MU

The guild that politely requested a GvG with you last night. You declined inexplicably despite running with a blob of 65+ Os. We can still arrange a proper 15v15 GvG when you are available. Feel free to accept or dodge more.

You spoke to me last night by SE tower. I told you I do not set up GvGs for the guild but let you know who you could get in contact with to set it up. I am not sure you can count though because we only had about 30 people on last night, and not all of them in wvw. I hope you remembered the gl I gave you before we wiped you.

I would say there was more than 30 NSP on that tower. Maybe not 30 Os but we had fun defending with the 15 of us.


[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


[Os] is currently looking to GvG guilds that are impressed by us. Pm I Cant Stop with info.

Oh so you will accept my 15v15 then! Last time I talked to you, you said Os doesn’t do GvGs.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


HoD [MU] The /Beckons and /Laughs are HILARIOUS especially when you push my zerg over 10 times throughout the night and get SMEARED on the floor From SMC to CD bl Bay to open field [MU] is first to start the emote war, and first to suddenly hit the floor………

The only guild worth mentioning on HoD is [Dx] good respectable players there. the rest are meh and MU is huge PvF but when it comes to open field ROFLSMEARACROSSTYRIA shame you cant emote when on the floor

With love, a SPICEY cup of soup!!

I can’t even take this post seriously so if you wish to claim we are terrible in open field battle please setup a 15v15 GvG with us before this match is over. You can whisper or mail me so we can get the details down.

Also there are some members of MU that run with Dx and vise versa but the two guilds are run differently. Any action of MU that is done on the field should not and will not reflect Dx as a guild.

Kome it has been fun fighting you since unlike the Bronze league servers you don’t run from us (well not most of the time). I apologize if you got offended by the emotes that were displayed on the field but this is a video game, get over it.

We all know how the battles this week has gone so there is no need for me to come on here and explain the multiple times we have wiped you.

Please accept the GvG or shut your mouth.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


I came to visit this thread because I wanted to see a dead HoD. THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT LACK OF DEAD HOD!!!!!!!!!! Shame on you CD. You are my least favorite server now. NSP now stinks too. I demand a dead HoD.

p.s. HoD sucks lemons.

My apologies.
I’ve been busy this week.
Let me just check the store room for you, please wait.

Generic waiting music






Ok sir I believe we have some “dead HoD” in stock for you, I’m just dispatching them to your address now. Would you like to complete our online survey of your shopping experience?
Thanks for shopping with Shiverpeaks Mall.

Let me send you the mounds of gold I’ve made by killing Os, ZoS, and Kome this match up. I do have to say I’m enjoying this more than any Bronze server since they actually fight back.

Go back to the hole you crawled out from.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Some of the peeps on HoD, (you know who you are) are the most foul-mouthed, disrespectful, hateful, mean-spirited people, I have ever had the misfortune of gaming with.
You are a constant reminder of how great IoJ’s community really is.
Whether or not we “win” or “lose” against you is of no consequence.
Rest assured, the joy I get out of spiking you & fulfilling bounties will keep me on a high for the next year to come.

You sure have not experienced true trolling then if you think HoD is the most foul-mouthed, disrespectful, hateful, mean-spirited people. Go take a dive into a Magumma thread and try not to cry.

HoD has the best community in that we take pride into our guilds and members. You mess with one guild or member then you have to take the backslash of the whole server. I’m going to enjoy hunting down Mend.

No worries You will be hunted as well. So, don’t feel slighted!
Better start working on those weaknesses we’ve been hearing about

Who told you about the Box o Fun!

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


Some of the peeps on HoD, (you know who you are) are the most foul-mouthed, disrespectful, hateful, mean-spirited people, I have ever had the misfortune of gaming with.
You are a constant reminder of how great IoJ’s community really is.
Whether or not we “win” or “lose” against you is of no consequence.
Rest assured, the joy I get out of spiking you & fulfilling bounties will keep me on a high for the next year to come.

You sure have not experienced true trolling then if you think HoD is the most foul-mouthed, disrespectful, hateful, mean-spirited people. Go take a dive into a Magumma thread and try not to cry.

HoD has the best community in that we take pride into our guilds and members. You mess with one guild or member then you have to take the backlash of the whole server. I’m going to enjoy hunting down Mend.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

(edited by Odies.8017)

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


After watching |MU| in action.. My I suggest the tag change of your guild tag to |P U|.

You stink.

How about a proper 15v15 GvG then a make shift 5v5 with 2 [MU] members?

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

(edited by Odies.8017)

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


+1 to that , I know this might sound a lil harsh but even though some of the first hour in CD BL guilds from HoD and NSP left (I know Bay was a liitle hard) PHZE stayed and kept us occupied though not much progress but would of been worse if we left ..+1 to your dedication >check my first post

Had nothing to do with being “hard” since it really wasn’t. The other guilds were called back to defend. Since NSP was pushing our BL. But once exam week is over T_T ill be back.

Idk , you guys didnt take it the whole night , hod had over 60 ppl over in cdbl most of ur numbers were noticed in garrison but then decreased by 50% after they wiped , thats instead of getting bay in the first got into outter… wiped , lord room …wiped I know your numbers went to save hod bl was weird looking red

Here I’ll refresh your memory for you. PHZE moved Hills (took it) VLK/Rawr (1/2 normal numbers since of exams) went to Bay. VLK/Rawr wiped whatever guild group you had running in your BL. Incoming Patch Let’s knock the wall down again and gives time for CD to bring back another guild. We wiped at inner when you brought the other guild back. PHZE moved to your garri. By the time we got their they had wiped (5 at most were alive). Not near 60 people were together at one point during the whole CD BL.

Now please let me direct you to when we hit M (yes, that is the map button sweetheart) and notice NSP has all our keeps. Then we WP to go back to our BL. You did not “scare” us away. NSP brought us back. You outnumbered us in most engagements and called back another guild to defend. What we did also. You weren’t the Big Bad Wolf. You can ask most of HoD our turnout for reset was probably less than half of what we normally have. I will personally talk about my guild, VLK brought 15-20 for reset. We normally bring 30-40. So no you didn’t scare us. If NSP wasn’t bending our BL over the kitchen table we would have stayed and probably taken your bay as well.

oh lol, let me refresh your maths TDS was the only guild on CD BL fielding 20 -25 after the patch EA came to their assigned bl, they field 15-20 Most…kinda funny how we “outnumber” you every fight with your 30-40 +the other guilds in there hope you enjoyed ur pvd at hills, I wish you werent “called” into ur bl , would of been better actually but like I said in my post you guys stayed ..on a side note atleast merchants were put 3 times, id really like to continue this but let me cut to it and GvG us on thursday PHZE?when I get back..I dont like to gvg on our fun night but we will make an exception for you , so por favour (bad spanish) back up ur words and make it a fun fight for the rest of the week for the other guys …all for good spirit.


What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

But [MU] will still GvG you! I can’t promise that we wont embarrass you on the forums.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


+1 to that , I know this might sound a lil harsh but even though some of the first hour in CD BL guilds from HoD and NSP left (I know Bay was a liitle hard) PHZE stayed and kept us occupied though not much progress but would of been worse if we left ..+1 to your dedication >check my first post

Had nothing to do with being “hard” since it really wasn’t. The other guilds were called back to defend. Since NSP was pushing our BL. But once exam week is over T_T ill be back.

Idk , you guys didnt take it the whole night , hod had over 60 ppl over in cdbl most of ur numbers were noticed in garrison but then decreased by 50% after they wiped , thats instead of getting bay in the first got into outter… wiped , lord room …wiped I know your numbers went to save hod bl was weird looking red

Here I’ll refresh your memory for you. PHZE moved Hills (took it) VLK/Rawr (1/2 normal numbers since of exams) went to Bay. VLK/Rawr wiped whatever guild group you had running in your BL. Incoming Patch Let’s knock the wall down again and gives time for CD to bring back another guild. We wiped at inner when you brought the other guild back. PHZE moved to your garri. By the time we got their they had wiped (5 at most were alive). Not near 60 people were together at one point during the whole CD BL.

Now please let me direct you to when we hit M (yes, that is the map button sweetheart) and notice NSP has all our keeps. Then we WP to go back to our BL. You did not “scare” us away. NSP brought us back. You outnumbered us in most engagements and called back another guild to defend. What we did also. You weren’t the Big Bad Wolf. You can ask most of HoD our turnout for reset was probably less than half of what we normally have. I will personally talk about my guild, VLK brought 15-20 for reset. We normally bring 30-40. So no you didn’t scare us. If NSP wasn’t bending our BL over the kitchen table we would have stayed and probably taken your bay as well.

oh lol, let me refresh your maths TDS was the only guild on CD BL fielding 20 -25 after the patch EA came to their assigned bl, they field 15-20 Most…kinda funny how we “outnumber” you every fight with your 30-40 +the other guilds in there hope you enjoyed ur pvd at hills, I wish you werent “called” into ur bl , would of been better actually but like I said in my post you guys stayed ..on a side note atleast merchants were put 3 times, id really like to continue this but let me cut to it and GvG us on thursday PHZE?when I get back..I dont like to gvg on our fun night but we will make an exception for you , so por favour (bad spanish) back up ur words and make it a fun fight for the rest of the week for the other guys …all for good spirit.


[MU] will GvG =)

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


I’ve had a few HoD whisper and PM me on the forums. Whispers I’m sorry I ignored you while leveling up my necro. Need dat kitten for Guild WvW ASAP. PMs I cant reply to due to punishment :*( However I’ll give a general reply here.

NSP and IoJ were about where you all are on the weekends with CD. Wait until the weekdays where you cant field kitten all during SEA slot. Kome and TOFU will take full advantage and Ktrain all the things. Also Coverage wise with guilds growing this week by snapping up fairweathers, I’d say IoJ wins coverage overall. HOWEVER, The fights in all timezones would be simply amazing I’m sure. Well worth a close week on top of amazing fights.

Now shoo out of our match up thread. I’d like to talk to servers I like please.

Thats ironic, seeing how 90% of your posts are talking smack about HoD. Its alright though. It’s heart-warming to know that we left Fappy and his minions with such a good impression.

Oh is this the [Mend] guild I hear so much about? You can just forward us your bags now to make it easier.

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Odies.8017


HoD please save the QQ and Forum war til we stomp you. Thank you.

Mmm I can not wait to destroy guilds on IoJ

[MU] Gornok In Victori
Guild Leader