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Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ogii.6958


That’s the problem, OP. Everyone in this forum loves the concept of the necromancer. Only the concept is far from what we actually get in-game.

Conditions or minions will provide the most unique experience for you.

Theorycrafting an effective PvE necro meta

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ogii.6958


However, DS and our more defensive abilities should be tweaked to compensate.

I’m of the opinion that we need a more reliable way of filling our life force bar. Warrior and Thief have similar class resources, but they both have baseline regeneration (Adrenaline on attack and Initiative over time) without any gimmick (stuff dying nearby) PLUS skills and traits. We rely solely on cooldowns and traits to fill ours, which puts us at a disadvantage in single-target boss fights and if we don’t/shouldn’t/can’t use weapons that are most efficient at generating Life Force.

And it’s been said 32198057 times but being locked out of our utilities and ability to revive while in DS is a travesty. Is there any hope whatsoever of ever having access to those things?

Theorycrafting an effective PvE necro meta

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ogii.6958


In pve you can even get punished for being ranged by the fact that an enemy leaves combat and regenerates after moving a certain amount from its starting location.

Imagine the problems this would create for level design, if mobs and bosses weren’t tethered at all. You think stacking/exploiting terrain and LOS is bad now?

I’m right there with you in terms of being annoyed and disappointed by players who insist on playing through content in this manner. All we can do is continue to do things legit and wait for the developers to figure out a way to eliminate or punish those tactics.

Moving on to conditions:

Vulnerability, IMO, is the only condition that warrants a cap. It baffles me that the bleed cap continues to exist, since there is literally no reason it should. Even when the 5 man party is a large as an instance group gets, when ONE PLAYER can maintain a full stack (or a near-full stack) of one condition by themselves, there is a design flaw somewhere. This has been repeated ad nauseam by countless players since launch but to no avail…

Condition damage should be totally personal so as not to limit anyone’s DPS. All damaging conditions should appear on the enemy nameplate for the person applying them, while debuffing conditions (i.e. blind, immobilize, weakness, etc.) should be globally visible.

Other thoughts for the OP:

Epidemic is wonderful at doing what it’s meant to, which is to make groups of trash and adds melt. Of course it’s not a boon to single target DPS – it isn’t supposed to be.

We have more access to weakness than a single Grandmaster trait. Problem is, the field from staff marks would actually require using staff, and while dagger #5 and CPC are good, they might not see much use outside of condition builds (unless power builds run with dagger offhand for condition removal…?). And then there’s Enfeeble. Lol.

I agree with the unifying theme of this thread (that we suffer in the current PvE meta). But I also agree with Nemesis to a certain extent that PvE dooms a lot of builds and playstyles to fail. Sadly, we are one of the professions that feels it the most.

PS Who was the kitten who said it’s easy for a full Berserker build to survive in PvE since Life Force generation isn’t a problem because stuff is constantly dying all the time? Do you black out during boss fights?

What I would like to see for Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ogii.6958


From my perspective you are trying to change something just because it don’t fit to your build. (You wanna spam Life Blast with perma stab)

And you are trying to downplay how not-worth-it this Grandmaster trait is because it doesn’t come at as high of a cost in YOUR build. The point Ash is trying to make is that, regardless of your build, this trait isn’t good enough to warrant the 30 SP you have to spend to get it.

And ugh, DS flashing. You know our profession mechanic is working as intended when there are viable builds that pop in and out to get the buffs but don’t actually stay in it because it’s too much of a kitten . You can see the total on the Life Force bar though! Sweet!

Necro with a greatsword?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ogii.6958


I’d really prefer that our Torch actually not burn, and instead be an AoE control/chill/denial option.

It wouldn’t be much of a torch then…

What sort of AoE control would make sense for it to have that isn’t fear, blind, or chill? Stun perhaps?

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ogii.6958


Boss A** B**** Build


I don’t get this build and I still don’t know what BAB stands for.

Necro with a greatsword?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ogii.6958


Here’s an idea:

Give us torch offhand and move Dhuumfire to #4 or 5 skill.

Then give us something tasty in place of Dhuumfire…and TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELVES!

Smooth PvE/Fractals builds?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ogii.6958


I’m wondering what all you PvEers are using for builds in Explorable modes and mid-level Fractals (2nd and 3rd tier) these days. Say what you will about it not mattering because PvE is “easy”, I refuse to go full berserker. Dying because I miss one dodge, am a split second late activating DS, run out of what little mitigation I have isn’t my idea of a good time.

So far I’ve had the best luck with a slightly modified version of Nemesis’ hybrid build. Oddly enough, I switched to a full rabid condition build for a few runs the other night and was getting absolutely wrecked. It could’ve been “just one of those runs”, or the rest of the party (3 Warriors and a Mesmer), or the Fractals/situations themselves (harpies and dredge especially), but my health was getting chunked down more than I’ve ever seen.

Anyway, for those of you who run instances a lot, what do you use to pump out a respectable amount of damage without being the guy that always needs a res? I’ve tried theorycrafting power/DS/hybrid/condition builds but I can’t decide and I don’t want to waste ascended gear on something I won’t be happy with or will want to change after finding out it doesn’t really perform.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

It's been awhile since a dev spoke

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ogii.6958


The developers can post a million times in this sub-forum for all I care. I’d rather have meaningful attempts at fixing/balancing/improving the quality of life of the professions that continue to feel neglected.

Actions speak louder than words, and their attitude toward our profession was especially apparent in their preview of our new healing signet.

Improve the Death Shroud UI all you want – our core mechanic is still extremely flawed. The same problems continue to plague our trait lines. And most importantly, with each patch we get further and further away from the attrition/sustain style that is supposed to define us.

So, to the developers: Necromancer doesn’t need any more band-aids. It needs surgery. For as much as we’ve heard you say you want to improve, polish, and perfect the core game first and foremost, I urge you to realize that the professions are at the very core of your game. And some of them are in desperate need of the same time and attention that is clearly given to others.

where nemesis tutorial?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ogii.6958


Un-stickied. And after all of the blood, sweat and tears that Nemmy has poured into our favorite profession…

We all know they take a lot of heat from this forum in particular, but it seems Arenanet developers and moderators aren’t going to take kindly to any sort of criticism no matter who you are or how civil you are about it. To be honest, I was pretty let down after taking a months-long break from this game and coming back to find the forums in a similar state to when I stopped playing earlier this year. The same professions continue to feel looked out for while other professions continue to feel like an afterthought.

So, to Nemesis: sorry man. You’ve been a champion of our cause for a long time. If that thread was taken down in response to anything you said, it’s too bad one of the most valuable resources in our community’s opinion can’t be respected.

To the developers: It’s heartening for us as players when you experiment with traits – it tells us that you recognize room for improvement in some area and are willing to try to provide a creative solution. But then something like Dhuumfire is implemented and all of the associated aftermath happens. No matter how good the intention, those patches tell us 1) that you’re continuing to grasp at the role you want Necromancer to fill and 2) that you lack a very thoughtful approach.

I like to think of Necromancer as an old, leaky boat – you can try to plug up one of the holes with a super awesome plug that fire shoots out of, but three more holes will just appear in its place. As proud as you are of your old boat and all of the work you’ve put in to keep it afloat, there comes a time to honor the service of the boat and its crew by graciously sinking it to the bottom of the ocean. Then you can build a new boat with the powers of attrition and sustain that the old boat was meant to have, but kept departing from.

Edit: re-worded some kitten.

(edited by Ogii.6958)