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Thiefs Invisiblity bugged

in Thief

Posted by: OliShoey.3071


Same happens to Thief’s getting hit after they have stealthed.

Often I have stealthed and been hit by abilities still.

So it is entirely possible that it happens the other way around also.

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: OliShoey.3071


+1 from me also.

I only have Windows 7 for Games.

Dungeons, karma and medium effort rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: OliShoey.3071


I like this idea.

I personally don’t have a problem grinding for gear. But this would definately help the middle ground people like you say.

The current system could be kept in place and this added as a new layer with slightly different gear being the reward.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: OliShoey.3071


Add more searching options onto the trade network. A good example is when searching for armor a choice of Light, Medium and Heavy.

Needs a better PVE endgame

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OliShoey.3071


What we have at the moment is a load of dungeons that apart from providing intrigue and in some cases fun (although this is limited by the lack of mechanics that seem to have been adopted possibly because there is no holy trinity in this game) on the first run through offer no feeling of satisfaction passed that. Once you have completed them once there is no real reason to go back apart from grind for gear that just provides a visual ‘upgrade’

So you want to be required to run the same dungeon over and over for “tokens” or some other currency, so that you can buy the required gear that you need to get in to the next dungeon… yeah there’s about 30 of those WoW clones that do that type of dungeon very well, I think you might be playing the wrong game.

ANet said they were removing the grind, and you want them to put it right back in.

Compared to at the moment where you have to run a dungeon about 60 times to get a cosmetic piece of equipment which is just that. Cosmetic. At least running it 30 times to upgrade your gear so you can move into a new dungeon offers some form of progression.

Oh and btw there is always going to be a grind. There still is btw. A grind is doing the same thing over and over again.

Which guess what is still present in this game whatever your intentions are unless your intention is to get to level 80, clear all the dungeons and then not login again until an expansion is released in which case congratulations youll be done fairly quickly. But for those that are looking for something to work for at level 80 to keep us logging in this isnt enough. The gear doesnt even need to provide a boost to stats. It would just be nice if there was progression, by completing one dungeon to unlock the next which is harder than the one before.

(edited by OliShoey.3071)

Do not add LFG Dungeon Finders

in Suggestions

Posted by: OliShoey.3071


3. Worked in a way that it did not automatically match you with people, instead it provided a GUI for people looking for a group. Flag yourself as LFG, add a comment to say which Dungeons you are looking for.

And making that process automatic is bad because? It takes less time and is more efficient? Oh wait that’s a good thing. Really all you people seem to be ever so eager to say how bad it is to have a dungeon finder but you’re always unable to make valid arguments as to why and never want to answer arguments as to why a dungeon finder is a good thing. There has been numerous posts pointing out how chat spamming is not social and the superiority of a dungeon finder, all unanswered.

Because quite simply and I say simple yet clearly you failed to grasp what we are getting at which is to keep the process social instead of providing a tool that encourages people to behave like ****’s. By not automatically grouping people you force people to interact thus giving them a choice about who they group with. As a result of this people who constantly quit on dungeon groups because they cant handle wiping can be weasled out by word of mouth and therefore not invited to groups.

Your post is based on the assumption people dont just form groups accepting whoever replies to chat spam first. Which is usually the case. No lfg, is actually more antisocial as you are forced to just stand round spamming chat, rahter than taking part inthe game.

This spamming chat argument used against non supporters is not a valid one, since no one is fighting for that.

The solution people are looking for, (even though it has been said over and over):

1. a lfg popup window that is server only
2. it shows a list of players/lvls/descrip of what they want to do. (ie AC(S))
3. the list is server wide, so you can use it anywhere in the world.
There is no standing in the city, no standing at the dungeon waiting. People can be anywhere in the world, doing whatever they want and see and be seen. And NO SPAMMING CHAT CHANNELS.

4. You scroll through looking at who is looking for AC(S) and click a “ask to join” button, which prompts that person that “Player wants to join group” they can either choose to accept or deny. (Again, giving the player control over who they group with. Having control is a good thing btw)

5. With it being server only, it will create community because people will get to know each other, because we only be group with others on our server. Reputations will be built.

Actually if you scroll back through quite a way you will see that my original post was aimed at this kind of system also which is the type of system you have highlighted and I would agree with.

My reply above was simply in response to the person who had responded and miss interpreted what I was trying to say.

Do not add LFG Dungeon Finders

in Suggestions

Posted by: OliShoey.3071


3. Worked in a way that it did not automatically match you with people, instead it provided a GUI for people looking for a group. Flag yourself as LFG, add a comment to say which Dungeons you are looking for.

And making that process automatic is bad because? It takes less time and is more efficient? Oh wait that’s a good thing. Really all you people seem to be ever so eager to say how bad it is to have a dungeon finder but you’re always unable to make valid arguments as to why and never want to answer arguments as to why a dungeon finder is a good thing. There has been numerous posts pointing out how chat spamming is not social and the superiority of a dungeon finder, all unanswered.

Because quite simply and I say simple yet clearly you failed to grasp what we are getting at which is to keep the process social instead of providing a tool that encourages people to behave like ****’s. By not automatically grouping people you force people to interact thus giving them a choice about who they group with. As a result of this people who constantly quit on dungeon groups because they cant handle wiping can be weasled out by word of mouth and therefore not invited to groups.

(edited by OliShoey.3071)

Thief Stealth Bug/Feature

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: OliShoey.3071



I have mentioned this in other threads but here feels like a good place to iterate this and I dont seem to be able to find a post about it.

There is a very annoying bug with stealth.
When a player/mob (especially mob) is channeling a single target ability at a Thief and the Thief stealths the ability being fire at the Thief is not interupted.

Imho the channeled spell should be broken as if the Thief has run out of line of sight. Effectively that is what they are doing. As it is at the moment this doesnt happen.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: OliShoey.3071


Please Fix Stealth.
By this I mean when a mob or player is channeling a spell at you and you Stealth the channel should be broken just as if you ran out of line of sight.

I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve died because this is the case. I can understand AoE hitting us while we are stealthed. That is perfectly viable. But using stealth while a mob channels at you should not continue to do damage!

Better nerf dungeons now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OliShoey.3071


Some people really don’t understand sarcasm!

Do not add LFG Dungeon Finders

in Suggestions

Posted by: OliShoey.3071


Pre-LFG tool in WoW, people were better. Groups didn’t suck. The simple act of having to talk with someone made it so they didn’t act like ankittenhat troll. Plus, they knew, if they got their character name noticed as being a jerk, the server community black-listed them. It’s why Leeroy Jenkins was such a meme, because what he did would have got him banned from any group playing with him.

Once you had the LFG tool make it so you could just get kicked out of a group and harass the next, people did so. Their name no longer mattered.

The LFG tool changed the way people interacted with each other for the worse. Raging quitting if 1 perceived mistake was made, knowing they could just hop into a new group.

LFG tools were not the only reason for a crappy community. The whole of mechanics made selfish play and trolling people more fun than being helpful. And if not having a LFG tool harasses those that would harass players, tough. They can do some Dynamic Events in the zone, while waiting for their group to form.

This right here people is the truth. Well put.

A LFG tool would be good if it works as follows

1. Only allowed you to team up with people on your own server.
2. Did not automatically teleport you to the dungeon once the group is formed.
3. Worked in a way that it did not automatically match you with people, instead it provided a GUI for people looking for a group. Flag yourself as LFG, add a comment to say which Dungeons you are looking for.

Needs a better PVE endgame

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OliShoey.3071


I personally couldnt care for raids. I started playing this game with 4 friends hoping to enjoy all end game content with a group of close friends. My concern is the lack of feeling of progression.

I do not understand for the life of me why stats could not be more meaningful as they provide a course of progression. I would have been much happier if there was 5 level 80 dungeons each getting progressively harder in difficulty requiring players to complete the previous in order to progress to the next and obtaining gear that improved stats so that they could logically take the next step.

What we have at the moment is a load of dungeons that apart from providing intrigue and in some cases fun (although this is limited by the lack of mechanics that seem to have been adopted possibly because there is no holy trinity in this game) on the first run through offer no feeling of satisfaction passed that. Once you have completed them once there is no real reason to go back apart from grind for gear that just provides a visual ‘upgrade’

I accept that this was done because it keeps PVP fair. Last thing you want is a bunch of players with super stats from PVE gear entering PVP and killing everyone easily in there. They wanted to keep it skill based. This is fair enough so make it so that PVE gear stats are restricted to a certain level when in PVP and WvWvW. I dont think any PVE players would have a problem with that.

I am level 57 at the moment so not reached end game but having seen a few of the dungeons now I cannot see myself staying interested much passed completing all the 5-mans that the game has to offer currently once. Because I have no interest in running dungeons more than once if there is no reason to. Without a slight linear progression to the game there is no reason to keep playing. Also the way looting works in this game would take away the competitive nature of the game. I for one tend to offer equipment around if I get something that I cannot use. The game has created a game that encourages people to be social, but the lack of end game progression has me perplexed.