Showing Posts For OlsenSan.2987:
This was a problem that I had. I am a new player, started playing last week, and 2 days after starting playing the game I decided to buy the expansion. First, I received an email that confused me, where I thought that if I buy Guild of wars 2 I would get heart of thorns for free. Second is, when I clicked the buy button ingame, that was showing on my screen, it led me to buy Path Of fire. Even if I tried to buy from the website, it would give me only that option. Being a new player, you dont know other ways to find what you really want if the game makes it hard for you.
I bought it. I didnt get hot expansion as I expected, neither I had a chance, since it was not going to be for free, to buy HoT, because the only expansion I would see available to buy was POF.
The result of it, I have an expansion that I wont use till it releases and I am not able to do masteries, glide, daredevil, because they don’t make it easy for people to buy the expansion they want. I opened a ticket and the answer they gave me is that the only thing that could be done was refund me the money, so I prefered to stay with POF till I am able to buy the other one.
wow, thanks a lot guys. I am bookmarking this thread to keep it as a guide.
First off, welcome to gw2. While it is nice to have a long term goal in mind…
Thanks so much! One thing I can tell about GW2 is that people in here are very welcoming.
I really appreaciate the answers and everything you guys said makes me not to worry so much about it. I mean, at least with the new expansion, wont happen any gear changes as it was stated above. Thats really good to hear.
Also it is good to know the following tier of gears. I’ve seen some ascendant gear but I actually thought legendary and ascendant were the same just people would call it differently.
It makes me a bit more patient to farm the gear enjoying the game. Like I don’t have to rush to get it now, specially because as you guys said, it takes time to grind materials to craft or either buy it.
I will take the advices to get ascendant, since I understood that there’s not much difference between them, and also with time, doing raids and saving materials get legendary gear.
Hello guys,
So, I am new to this game, just started last week. I am enjoying the game and community although I still feel a bit lost into the big amount of content that gw2 has to offer. Even being new and using the lvl 80 boost pack, what gave me full exotic gear, I’d like to work on my char to not let him outdated. Ive seen that many people work for legendary gear now, but I don’t know anything about it.
I wonder if any of you guys could give some advice on how do I get these gears. they are drop from bosses? they can only be crafted? which bosses or which maps should I go on daily basis to farm the items for these gears?
I think at least by doing these runs daily I’d already feel like I have something to do instead of feel lost. I know that a new expansion is coming so I dont want to stay so behind
You can only go full maguuma wastes map if you have HOT Expansion?
Hello everyone,
I am a new player in GW2, started last week, got the extension for path of fire and boosted my thielf character to lvl 80. I’ve been looking for a guild to join. I am new to gw2 universe but it is not my first mmo. If any guild wouldn’t mind to have me as a member, I’d like to join.
I am here to participate in any dungeon/raid, pve/pvp. My guear is full exotic.
Olsensan…Invite me <3
I am a new player in this server, boosted my char to lvl 80, but I am having a hard time looking for guild…Noone seems to be interested to invite me -.-
Assassins are always the ones that people wants to nerf in any game, . But once you play that assassin class, you will know how to counter them. Assassin is suppose to be a killer, but usually they are easy to kill if you get to know the class first. Playing MMOs I’ve learned that you need 2 things to be good in pvp. Master your class and play other classes to know their strength.
Real life fights, MMA, etc. The ones who usually succeed learn and study about the oponent strength and weakeness to know how to defeat them. In a game shouldnt be different. Sometimes you also have to accept that someone is better than you or you are not good to fight against that class.
I am new to gw2, but I can tell, I really enjoy playing thief. I can kill many bosses without dying (soloing) only by using my mobility, stealth and healing at the right moment. It isn’t easy to do as people think, but since I am an old mmo player, it’s no biggie.
(edited by OlsenSan.2987)
Yes. I was just a bit upset now, because I am a new player, joined last week and 2 days after I bought an extension,led by advertising and in game features, and at the end, it wasn’t the one I wanted to buy. I was already thinking that I was being ignored or support work in this game was too slow, but seeing this thread now makes me understand and be patient to wait for my response
Thanks for letting us know <3.
(edited by OlsenSan.2987)
In my opinion, it’s smarter to use the boost right away. You get gear with Soldier’s stats, all skills and traits and 4 × 15-slot bags. Those things are big for a new account. They are rather meh for a not so new account. When I purchased PoF and got another boost, I used it for a Guardian and within the same day, I destroyed all weapons (except underwater ones) and trinkets and the 15-slot bags and replaced them with gear that has Berserker stats and got 20-slot bags.
Using the boost now spares you the grind it takes to get gold for bigger bags and you will not suck because you have mixed gear and don’t understand how runes work yet, simply because the developers made a good enough choice on that on the boost gear. I levelled my first character (a thief) and it was really hard because I used dropped gear with whatever stats it came with. I probably had a mix of healer, condi and power stuff, and vitality mixed in. I had 6 different runes on 6 armor pieces because I didn’t get how they work. I did the whole story including HoT like that, and I died a lot. Then I got myself proper gear and understood how runes work, and it’s much more fun that way.
You can boost your thief and just play it like a new, low level character. You can do the story quests, you can explore, you get more hero points on the way. Your level will be adjusted to the zone you arer playing in, so you cannot one-shoot mobs. It’s still a challenge to play for a new player.
I don’t agree with the arguments that say it’s better to “learn the game” through levelling manually. You might even find yourself sticking with Heart quests and get bored. As Level 80, you can do what you want because you don’t need the xp from those. Also, in your case with thief, you will not even play the game in the first 80 levels as you’ll do afterwards because the main weapon you’ll use, staff, is not available until you are level 80 and have the elite unlocked. You will probably end up learning dagger/dagger + shortbow, which sucks in PvE. And you will not even use the same skill set as before but add elite ones. What you learned about your class on the way to 80 will be mostly useless.
As level 80, you can participate in all boss events right away and learn the mechanics. Game play after level 80 is much different compared to how combat mechanics work before. You can spend the first two weeks levelling manually and then learn the game, or you boost and start learning right away. Levelling is not meant to teach you the game, for that it’s way too short. My first character took me 2 weeks and I only started learning afterwards.
Faaris, thanks so much. I really enjoyed your reply. I’ve seen many people, new people, asking this question in-game. So I think this was a important question and your advice is really appreciated. I decided to use the boost pack yesterday and I am glad that I did. Because I was having problem to understand all of this and now it is easier since when I go to any map I already have the right gear to play it, so I dont have to worry and also, as you said, they reduce my char lvl to fit the map/region that I am in, so I am never too weak or too strong.
Although everything you said above I have no idea how they work yet, I have to figure it out. Specially about the staff. I see I can only use staff after I unlock daredevil and I have no idea how to do this. So I am just running around exploring, doing some bosses events and trying to understand the dailies, since it is a bit different of other mmorpgs that I’ve played before.
I appreciate everyone for the answers but I have to agree that Faaris suggestion is the best in this matter. Thanks guys!
Thanks both for answering.
If you like the profession of your first character you also can use it when you are Level 79. You’ll be more experienced with the profession and get free exotic gear and weapons you otherwise need to craft or buy. Just the rune maybe needs to be replaced.
Lan, Thanks so much. I think I will do that. I was watching a video today made by the devs, saying that if you are already lvl 80, you can also use the max lvl boost and you will still get the rewards from it. I just am not sure if would get the gear, just other items… I will post the youtube link by GW2 bellow.
She tells how lvl 80 should use it and what they will get starting at 5.03.
Hello Guys,
I am new to the game, just started playing it 2 days and my only character is lvl 12 now.
I recently received a lvl 80 boost after buying GW2 path of fire expansion and I dont know if I should use it right now, after trial, on this actual character, or If I should keep my lvl 80 boost for another character.
Since I am new, I dont know much about the game, builds, neither I know well my class (Thief) So I wonder if I use it now, I would be wasting it, and if I lvl up gradually I will learn about it and I can just use my lvl 80 boost on another character.
what would you guys recommend?
(edited by OlsenSan.2987)