Showing Posts For Omerta.9820:

Make It Easy To Switch Armor Sets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omerta.9820


Me neither. Seems like a win/win situation all around.

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omerta.9820


New Topic can be found here

they wouldn’t let me put in “Make it Easier to Switch Between Sets of Gear” because it was too many characters. I tried. Thanks for your input guys.

Make It Easy To Switch Armor Sets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omerta.9820


Please put in switchable armor sets. I have all my inventory slots unlocked and half of it is taken up by the exotic armor and trinkets I regularly switch between. Would be great if I could just click a tab and have my cond set, flip another and have my defensive set or my DPS set while I’m at the trainer in LA. Would really make my gaming experience more enjoyable, cut down on inventory micromanaging(terrible part of games), and should be pretty easy to implement. I think a lot of players would really enjoy this. Thank you.

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omerta.9820


OK new post coming.

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omerta.9820


Anything would be great, I’d love to

A: Not have armor and trinkets for a specific build take up space. It shouldn’t feel like such a chore after I go through the trouble of accumulating the armor and trinkets for a specific build.
B: Be able to switch my armor/trinks out for that build without having to reorganize my inventory each time.

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omerta.9820


Please put in switchable armor sets. I have all my inventory slots unlocked and half of it is taken up by the exotic armor and trinkets I regularly switch between. Would be great if I could just click a tab and have my cond set, flip another and have my defensive set or my DPS set. Would really make my gaming experience more enjoyable, cut down on inventory micromanaging(terrible part of games), and should be pretty easy to implement. I think a lot of players would really enjoy this. Thank you.

(edited by Omerta.9820)

How Do You Beat Bunker Engineers?

in Thief

Posted by: Omerta.9820


OK so D/D ele’s aren’t really a problem for me, just take awhile. Bunker ENG’s on the other hand are ridiculous. They throw up their turrets, they drop bombs. If they’re not very good players it’s fine, but when I face a good eng on a point, I don’t do very well. Are there any current videos available? Thanks guys.

Kind of bored, help me brainstorm

in Thief

Posted by: Omerta.9820


Love players like you. I can’t think of anything but maybe you could try to do something that hasn’t been done? Sounds like you could be that guy. Thanks!

PVP D/D dodger build (updated 14/09/2013 )

in Thief

Posted by: Omerta.9820


From my experience in spvp/tpvp , its a danger for the enemy team that cant be ignored .

and about the trops in spvp/tpvp , people have 2 ways to react on it.

1 ) move out of caltrops and loos the capture point
2 ) stay in caltrops and try to hold the capture point

good player = ?some1 that defends the capture point , or some1 that gives it away?

for me its a win/win situation

added New Vid part 3 ( final part with a sample of how good it is as orb runner in the new map )

A good player will kill you. A good thief, ele, necro, eng, will all kill you unless you really like to press buttons and know a little of what you’re doing. Then you can kind of run around in circles forever.

Yes it’s a danger and when used correctly(played well and not used for doing what it doesn’t excel at) it’s an asset to your team in a way that spike builds are not. I’m all about it, I’ve been using it for a long time. If you have a team with a lot of players who can drop poles, then it’s especially useful. Is it more useful than a great d/d or d/p player? Too situational to say.

All I’m saying is this isn’t a build that is going to net you a lot of kills vs good players, that’s all. The damage output is too low to take those builds down. They either have ridiculous cond removal or they can put out so much dmg so quickly, you have to run before applying enough bleeds to do much. I can run from them and continue doing what I do with this build or I can go toe to toe with them which basically involves a lot of running away and no one ever dying(really thrilling with good ele’s and thieves).

I like what you’ve said about the build and I like your personal take on it(I run it a little differently but not too much), but most of the serious builds out there will just send you packing. I totally support the build, totally support what you’re doing with it because it has tons of applications. Still stand by what I said though.

PVP D/D dodger build (updated 14/09/2013 )

in Thief

Posted by: Omerta.9820


This build isn’t really something anyone needs to worry about too much IMO. I play it sometimes and I like it, it’s fun, but it’s not very powerful in pvp settings. I love it for doing map completion as it is great for taking down lots of mobs at once(switch from withdraw to signet of malice). It’s also not bad at other things like supply camp flipping or as a support build, but you will have to run from good players using powerful builds(If you don’t believe me duel a good d/d ele/necro/mesmer). That’s not what the build is for though, so it’s fine.

Now before you all pull out videos of people standing on trops in spvp, these are not good players, I’m sorry but they aren’t. So enjoy the build if you like it, it’s fun, but don’t try to make it something it isn’t.

Help With My Build Please

in Thief

Posted by: Omerta.9820


I’m not really sure what to do now that I’m lvl 80. I’d like something good for wvw and spvp. I’m a total newb, really don’t know what I’m doing, so any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Using D/D with superior agony(%10 bleed duration I think) the rest of my gear is condition Dmg and toughness/precision secondary using Crest Of The Rabid.

Traits: 0/0/30 v x xi/25 ii x/15 iii

Skills: Hide In Shadows, Roll for Initiative, Shadow Refuge, Blinding Powder.

Obviously I basically DB and stealth. Does a pretty good job, wondering what else is available. Thank you.

PvE Leveling, Need Help

in Thief

Posted by: Omerta.9820


Rusty, what’s your trait build look like?

PvE Leveling, Need Help

in Thief

Posted by: Omerta.9820


Thanks guys, I’ll start experimenting with some of this. I use p/p 90% of the time, I keep moving and I don’t get hit, but it seems like a lot of people say that s/p does a lot more dmg?

Any advice on fighting multiple mobs?

PvE Leveling, Need Help

in Thief

Posted by: Omerta.9820


Just started, currently 24. I’m using dual pistols and a shortbow. I can’t seem to survive without the ranged weaps. Is there a better option for PvE leveling? If so, can you list weapon combos and how to use them for PvE leveling? Thank you.

Thief Guides

in Thief

Posted by: Omerta.9820


I’m with OP and PhoenixSon. I need a leveling guide. Currently using dual pistols and a shortbow. Can’t seem to figure out anything better than those for pve leveling. Any of you higher levels out there, please help. Thanks.