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Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Orichi.9285


Can’t join as a party in an event that takes a lot of teamwork and coordination. Plus, they don’t give you time in between rounds to coordinate within chat anyways… who signed off on this?

Please Make Engineers Competitive

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


You do know Engineers can rez themselves with Toss Elixir R right? It’s probably one of the best ways to avoid a stomp that any class has. Sure, it doesn’t always work, but consider the alternatives out there.

Just had to speak my mind

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


Believe me when I say you’re not the only one who still enjoys playing the Engineer. The majority of posts you see on any forum is going to be negative; it’s always been that way. Despite the complaints I read, I still do fine in sPvP, tPvP, PvE, and WvW, having fun doing so. Do things need to be changed? Sure. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the Profession for what it is.

pvp grenade engineer is DEAD!

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


Thankfully, the point I was trying to make was explained in greater detail by Potato. If you choose to play a build that’s not strong in a particular play type, you do so understanding you will be at a disadvantage. The fact that there are fully functioning builds for Engineers that make them highly valuable, and you choose to play none of them, speaks volumes. By no means are you required to play these builds, but know they exist.

Plus, as Potato said, I’ve never seen a Grenade Engineer in sPvP. Ever. Especially not in tPvP. There are node/bunker builds (like the one I use). And, occasionally, you see a static discharge build as a roamer.

pvp grenade engineer is DEAD!

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


I hate to sound snarky here, but builds come and go all the time from patch to patch. There are many other builds that pvp groups can appreciate. Personally, I run a node defender build, and I know my teammates appreciate having me for my utility and survivability.

I know it’s probably not what you’re wanting to hear, but it’s the truth of the situation. Let go of the build and move on to the next one.

Question for the pro's: How do you handle a thief?

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


If you’re using pistol/shield, Shield 5 is an amazing way to stop your heart seeker or pistol whip spammers before they get their combos started. From there, I usually equip the bomb kit to drop my bombs during the stun duration. If everything connects, they should already have taken heavy damage, putting them on the defensive rather than the offensive. This also works for Warrior bull rushers.

The number one advice is to not waste your stun break on their initial attack if you don’t have to.

Engineers, how do they stack up to other classes currently?

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


Engineers do have bugs that need to be fixed, but I always feel like people dramatize the problems of the class they play.

With my current node defender build, there are very few people I can’t take in a 1v1 fight. In group fights, having heavy cc—3 knockbacks, 2 stuns, 2 blinds, and an immobilize—makes this spec invaluable. Sure, this build is really one of the few that are viable, and it does take a lot of skill to play effectively, but you can’t fault a class for that.

The only class I consistently have problems with are Necros and Mesmers, but this game isn’t built around 1v1s anyways.

Swtiching to Pistol/Shield looking for some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


I’m a big believer in the Healing Turret over the Medkit. It gives you a solid heal with a short 15 sec cooldown if you choose to pick it back up; if you choose to leave it down it gives you respectable regen and condition removal; or if you choose to detonate it, it’s a blast finisher that can be used in conjunction with the elixir gun or flame thrower.

The Medkit does give you a speed boost and a condition removal, but it doesn’t really benefit your group/team as much as the turret does.

To answer your other question, Kit Refinement is best used with the Elixir Gun, as swapping to it will give you a ground targeted super elixir on your location—very useful!

Flamethrower extremely nerfed

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


All the flaming and attacking isn’t a very mature way of discussing a topic… just saying. Anyways, stacking blind duration isn’t a stupid thing to do because not all the skills people use are attacks. What if they use a utility skill on themselves like a heal? What if you’re kiting and they can’t get a swing off on the normal duration? There are so many variables that saying “stacking blinds is stupid” is such a narrow-minded way of looking at PvP situations.

Plus, I’m mentioning stacking blinds w/ aoe in group fights, where people are constantly attacking. By the time you get the first blind off, chances are someone in a large cluster fight already swung. As someone who plays a point defender in tournaments, I can guarantee you from personal experience that extended durations are always useful.

Flamethrower extremely nerfed

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


What is the point of stacking blind? It just makes them miss the next attack?

And I was unaware that blind made you miss a stomp, can anyone else confirm this?

And the issue with 4 is, that its only good as a combo field. It has no other application really.

Blind stacks in duration. And while it’s true that it only works for the next attack, there’s no guarantee somebody will attack in the next 4 seconds, so an increased duration does help. Also, in large group fights, you can have a group of attackers miss their next two attacks. Making a warrior miss a Bull’s Charge, or a hammer guardian miss their knockdown is extremely helpful.

Also, combo fields are extremely useful. You’re really hurting yourself if you’re not using them. Flamethrower 4 is not only a fire combo field (one of the best for damage), it’s a long-lasting one that an entire team can utilize.

omg plz nerf grenade kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


Just think about how Grenade Kit is super powerful in underwater. Should I say more?


Flamethrower extremely nerfed

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


I can never understand why people ignore Flamethrower 5, the aoe blind, as a bad ability. First of all, it gives you a free stomp in PvP because you can equip it during a stomp and use it right before the interrupt. Furthermore, combine the aoe blind with a smoke bomb and you can stack blind on a lot of targets.

Also, Flamethrower 4 is great for combo fields in both PvE and PvP.

Pistol shield

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


I actually think pistol/shield is the best option in both sPvP and PvE. Blowtorch and Glue Shot really aren’t that good of abilities. Blowtorch’s damage isn’t anything to write home about when you consider the combo fields you can create with Shield 4, and Glue Shot’s immobilize is nothing compared to Shield 4’s knockback and Shield 5’s stun and interrupt.

The combo fields you can create in PvE with Bomb Kit and Flamethrower are ridiculous…

AoE Might
AoE Stealth
AoE Regen
AoE Retaliation

And more, depending upon your other utilities.

Edit: Also, in higher level dungeons, the extra CC is always more desirable.