Showing Posts For Ormus Black.5134:

Pls make Elite a free slot or just remove it

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

Lets face it we got the worst PVP elites in game period. But are they useless?? NO no one is saying that, they all have a use here or there. (mobility,extra dps,heals, whatever)

Do i think adding another, could put them over the top? probably, but ele is the only class i pretty well would of had the same outcome in my spvp fights with or without.

Don't tell me how to play

in PvP

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

I wouldn’t suggest 5 signet warriors are meta, But im sure almost any experienced warrior could 1v1 tons of players and play hot join amazing kitten signet warrior. But hey if that build irks you so bad maybe your losing to them?

[PvP Guide] Ember Elementalist (Signet D/F)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

I enjoyed the build but feel that rock solid for Earth II is better then move the 20% signet reduction into Earth 1

I mean rock solid IMO is top 3 traits we got but going into earth is always a problem. But since build already does it why not??

Sing Along

So, do games like this give you +3

in PvP

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

Are people still trying to climb the leaderboard?

You know for someone who avocates time played above skill should be top of leader board. Has me perplexed on why you think you should get bonus points.

Hell both of you guys should get the same that way everyone is happy and we can just have fun. Yayyyyy!!!!!

just a simple question about arenas!

in PvP

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

100% agree with 2v2 and 3v3 being the PVP this game needs to get a reboot in a player base, I personally believe it is the only hope.

For splitting player base is just silly, thats like saying lets not innovate any cpu hardware cause then we will have people playing new games and old games and we wont have enough people in either. (and yes there is some of this to a very small extent eg.. blizzard having very low gpu/cpu requirements)

If we can get a BIGGER player base,faster ques,less requirements on time management with smaller teams the game would drastically expand its base. Everyone who i played with before has quit and will come back for a few weeks on the expansion and then leave again.

No one wants or coordinate 5 guys a few days a week getting together to practice rotations as a enjoyment.

In closing we probably should just keep fighting about nerfing cele and might stacking and how to do so for our beloved conquest as more and more people leave this game.

love ormus

PvP is dead, imo

in PvP

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

I play PvP to play against people, has nothing to do with a mmorpg.
The pvp in this game died a long time ago yet I still play a game or two aday for some reason.

Its lame to have to gather 4 friends to play the "competitive game" . Hense why people have been crying for 2v2 3v3 for ever.

Plea to make something of GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

Been playing since beta, All I ever play is PVP. Yet why log in any more? I don’t want to sound like i’m complaining and i’m sure this has been beating like a dead horse but… I can fathom why Anet would have such a good foundation as a game and just destroy it??

1.Games are worse then ever (uneven,blowouts,playing with rank 1-10s)

2.Why is LB useless now (not like it meant much before)

3.The game IMHO is more balanced then ever yet we have been playing the same builds for a year now, almost wish it got shaken up

4.Why is 5v5 still the only PVP ranked. if they made 2v2 and 3v3 im sure this game would come back at least for a while. (Yes it splits the community) (What community?)

5. Why can’t we have normal seasons with the top performers gaining new gear and style?? We would obviously need a LB that works for this to even start.

6. Everything i have said has been repeated and regurgitated 100’s of times. Yet I guess lighting whip stow is going now, so all the hardcore community of 5 can be thankful.


Just one more touch for flamethrower

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

Just going to chime in on how I dislike this change. My flame jet is used in my flame thrower builds to burn cool downs like arcane shield or guard focus block. I love being able to destroy those abilies and other blocking effects in a split second then continue the fight.

Tip: watch teldos flame thrower guide for more uses.

This is a PvP stand point as retal isn’t as critical
I see advantages and disadvantages with both.



in Elementalist

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

My only question is, why the plain armor and staff on such a epic ele? Its soi plain its rare

Gj btw

log on to gw2, what do you do?

in PvP

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

If they would just implement a 2v2 arena with titles and awards for high rank, this game would probably get really good pretty quick!

But being as most people aren’t good they will complain that it gives people to much kitten and would create a hierarchy among the players.

So we are stuck with this highly competitive 5v5 team Q or solo Q which isn’t going to ever take off as a esport let alone a +200 viewer twitch cause of the obvious problems that you mentioned.

Its pretty good how the only time I have ever seen over 800 + viewers was with the 2v2 tourney that was a few weeks ago.

Ghastly Longbow particle effect broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ormus Black.5134

Ormus Black.5134

I agree, Just purchased this longbow and the effects disappear once you start to use it, and doesn’t come back until you leave the zone or unequipt it..