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Necromancer - sPvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Otheos.8354


Necro can do well in tpvp but not so much in spvp. The thing is in spvp the teams are bigger and less organized and we simply don’t have the tools to deal with it.

What are you talking about? We have the single greatest tool to deal with zergs in the entire game (epidemic). In a giant 8v8 zergfest you simply stack up bleeds and conditions on 1 target and spread to everyone nearby. With good timing – you will be dishing out the most overall damage on your team (not to mention all the other non-damage conditions you’ll be spreading). On top of that you have all your marks, enfeebling blood, grasping dead, poison cloud to counter bunker healers …

So much AOE … I LOVE when the other team zergs.

We lack the stability and mobility required to avoid getting ganked by 3-5 people at once like a thief or mesmer can.

After you use Epidemic – just pop plague form elite and tank like a boss while all of them bleed out. There’s your stability plus you get double HP. I can’t even count how many times I’ve held a point 1v2 or 1v3 like this long enough for help to arrive. Yeah mobility sucks – but who cares? I’m not leaving the point anyway.

Not sure how much more you could ask for.

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: Otheos.8354


Honestly I would pay another $60 just to play the game you’ve described.

ANET, maybe consider hiring Wolfdog as a consultant …

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Otheos.8354


Sigh … “average” means that you’re in the middle. You can’t list 0 or 1 classes as “below average” and all the rest above it.

Share your little tricks

in Necromancer

Posted by: Otheos.8354


If you place a mark partially on the side of a wall, it will fold over the top – a handy way to pester someone standing on the edge of a cliff or platform.

Also – you can sometimes get a mark to reach areas that are beyond your normal attacking line of sight – as long as only a portion of the mark falls within your line of sight. This is very helpful when you’re getting harassed from the back entrance to the keep.

Why 2v2/3v3 PvP is the most fun/competitive (keep an open mind)

in PvP

Posted by: Otheos.8354


I would love a 2v2 or 3v3 arena. This was my favorite aspect of WoW … but I got frustrated in WoW because I didn’t have time to grind the greatest PVE gear – and for a long time you needed a mix of PVP/PVE gear to be most effective.

I was so excited to play Guild Wars because there is no pvp gear grind – but with the single spvp game mode and lack of player rating I find I’m already getting bored with it. Would love to have some rated Arenas so that I can play with and against players of my own caliber.

Also – 3v3 arenas is really a lot more spectator friendly than conquest and if this game ever will be a serious e-sport they’re going to have to take that into consideration.

( Hot Spvp ) Join Friend in PvP option problem

in PvP

Posted by: Otheos.8354


The game is built that way so people who play solo don’t get ganged up on. If you want to play with your friends vs other people playing with their friends try tPvP.

^^ Did not read a single sentence that the OP wrote

A simple fix for 8v8 games

in PvP

Posted by: Otheos.8354


I don’t think the balance issue is as much to do with the number of one class on any given team (even if both teams had 4 theives and 4 mesmers – they would be on even footing) I think its more about that fact that some professions excel at 1v1 / small skirmishes while others are more effective in large zerg fests.

A necromancer for instance can do quite well in 8v8 because of the tendency to have huge battles with 4+ players from each team. Factor in epidemic, mist form elite, and all their AOE bleeds and other marks and the necro can put out a lot of damage. But then in tournament play – they need to be able to fight 1v1 or maybe 2v2 and they can’t dish out nearly as much pressure as other classes.

As long as hot join mode is 8v8 and tournament mode is 5v5 – I think this difficulty with balance will always exist.

Make the capture points in pvp more dynamic / valuable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Otheos.8354


I thought to myself the other day – why are we fighting over this mansion, this beach, this graveyard? What’s here that’s more valuable to our cause than any random patch of land? I get that the theme of a lot of them are that they are resource nodes (i.e. quarry, mine, waterfall, etc). But some of them make no sense.

I think it would improve the pvp game if more (or all) of the capture points had something compelling about them. Something that made you want to capture it and defend it.

Maybe the Mansion is haunted and powerful – and enemy attackers have a chance to be feared when attacking it.

Maybe the Henge possesses healing powers and occasionally grants regen to nearby players on the team that currently owns it.

I think there are a lot of opportunities to make the capture points more relevant, and more worthwhile to defend at the same time. They don’t all need to have something as powerful as the sharks at ruins (that one is a little overkill I think) … but along those lines yes.

I think this would help curb the zerging that occurs in the game where capture points are seen as a way-point on a circuit of glory farming, and instead as a valuable point to defend where you will have a unique advantage against incoming attackers.

How does Plague work on a Necromancer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Otheos.8354


I’ve toyed around with this elite skill a bit but I’m unsure exactly how the mechanics of the ability works.

If for instance I press 2 (blind). Will I continue to pulse blind on autofire until I press another button (or plague ends)? Or do I have to keep spamming 2 (if I want to inflict blind over and over on the enemies nearby). Up until now I’ve been spamming the attribute that I want active – but it would be nice to know if I can just let it autofire once its selected.

