Showing Posts For Paradopx.3804:

Ridiculous WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


I can’t believe people even take this games WvW seriously, i quit awhile ago, after about 3 months in. Came back for the “WvW Patch” a bit ago which was the biggest joke of a patch in all my MMO history. Heard the devs talking like it was “game changing” when they added in the most useless things imaginable, and oh guess what, you have to grind to get them (such useless features added). I had around 15k kills, when most people i talked to had under 5, but a few had more than me. Granted this was a long time ago not too far after launch, so the kills seem small now but they weren’t then(I played A LOT). Sad all I see is the same old story, and what it comes down to is people who are horrible at pvp typically do the WvW in guildwars2. I’ve had some fun fights and some good sieges (which were mainly huge fights) but all those players seemed to have left. Now it is just zerg the territory and take things on the map (which is 100% useless btw) for nothing but points. Most of the scores you know INSTANTLY who is going to win, literally within 5 minutes of the match up. This game was incredibly fun at first, but with the commander icon, the free server transfers for the first 3-4 months, and continuous PVE only updates, this game is trash. They are just trying to funnel more money from horrible pve updates. What utter trash, they did a good job on pvp, then expanded literally 0% on it. Please explain to me who is playing GUILDWARS to do pve? In fact, it was the least rewarding pve i think i’ve ever played, i’ve played almost all the major MMO’s and this ones PVE i never saw so many people Akitten sitting at a camp leeching xp, and I can’t blame them it was so incredible boring and easy, you literally just run around spamming 1 the entire time to complete it.

Long story short I quit this game and it was a great decision, the dev’s made some decent mechanics but all seemed to have been fired or quit right after. Not A SINGLE update has been made to wvw, AT ALL, that has changed it in any way for the better. In fact it only gives people more incentive to NOT FIGHT and to zerg up and ‘capture’ stuff (which as stated before servers absolutely no purpose except to put points on the board, and as stated once again before, the points are almost instantly determined, 5 minutes in you know who’s gonna win the week). Guildwars 2 dev’s are some of the worst i’ve EVER seen in a game. The ONLY reason i’m even writing this or searching the forums AT ALL is because i still get email updates about ALL THE AWESOME SUPER TERRIFIC PVE THEY ADD!!

Oh man yeah a game named GUILD WARS where there is no point of a guild, and absolutely no wars going on, is indeed, the biggest video game oxymoron in history. Thanks for being published by some HORRID korean company NC soft. They are one of the worst MMO producers in history. Look at lineage 2, i get emails from NC soft trying to sell me $30 a piece armor that is just for looks, i mean jesus if they tried taking money from me any harder they’d get sued. PS this will prob get taken down, so kitten you arenanet, and a BIG kitten YOU to nc soft. Trash both of you.

WvW Videos

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


Sup guys, got quite a few vids i made, the the later the date the more epic, guardian and elementalist, all WvW, won’t dissapoint

lower tier to tier 1 transfer

Guild vs Guild... the 3 man army

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


Hey dark don’t worry about these haters, it’s fun to slam the scrubs out of existence. I’m just hoping that the new system will allow people to see which one of the 80’s are bads from the get go. There is plenty of 80s that are just complete trash, following around commander icons, fighting only when it is uneven numbers, and most if not all of them think “man, i’m good”, so don’t let these haters hate. You were laughing at a good moment, not bragging that you were the best right? I mean you even kept it short and sweet with ‘good time’ LOL. is my youtube channel check out my gw2 vids, i plan on finally coming back after my long break to wreck some tier 1. Finally some patch love coming this way, funny screens +)

Ummm am i missing something here?

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


Gotcha, thanks for replys!

Ummm am i missing something here?

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


Umm its Feb. and still not a single tid bit about WvW updates? I mean I basically stopped playing when tier 1 servers didn’t even have a que anymore, prob about 2 months ago. I have 14,000+ kills, not a TON but still enough to know whats going on. Mainly quit playing because of the lack of competition, sPvP is very lacking in comps that don’t insta gib other classes so I was mainly playing gw2 for WvW. But seriously wtf about the WvW updates? It is 1/2 way through Feb. and I havent read a single bullet of what will be added in WvW. I watched interviews with dev’s podcasts with them as well, “adding stuff to wvw” is about the only thing that was mentioned. Is this game not called GUILDWARS, as far as I can tell barely any guilds are war’n, more like following around a commander who is unwilling to fight anything that isn’t a 2v1 favorable ratio on their side. I checked back in for the updates, and even tried weekend day fighting out almost every weekend since I ‘stopped’ playing, and the action is so dull. In the first cpl months there was 2 hour+ nonstop sieges where I would wrack up a n insane amount of kills and it was a ton of fun. Then it became ohh lets cap empty stuff for points, yes! POINTS! isn’t pvp about the fight? Not the useless points…. EITHER WAY ALL I SEE IS PVE UPDATES. Ohh man Frost and Flame, you mean Fire and Ice from Game of Thrones? I mean good god even their PvE is blatantly copied off of other pop culture, gimme a break Arenanet. Please stop taking pages out of failed MMO’s like TOR with driven storymode that NO ONE CARES ABOUT, rofl. Seriously, wtf is going on with GUILDWARS? Did they forget the name of their game? If this was warhammer by this time in I’d have 70k kills and would be loving it until they added a pve expansion(Land of the Fail), sound familiar? So if anyone reads this rant and has some WvW info on what exactly is being implemented I’d love to know, I heard a ranking system, blah blah, but nothing to show for it. Is it just me or are they hating real hard on WvW players? Revamping lowbie content, adding in new spvp maps, story mode quests…. wtf is your game called Guildwars again? So please post any news of WvW and where you got it from, because as far as I see they D slapped all the wvw players pretty hard, especially those on crap realms with low pop, now they have to pay gems to get off a dead wvw server? Another nail in the coffin, I’ll keep on Planetside 2’n and Chivalry’n because Gw2 Looks less and less promising as the days pass on. +)

WvW achievements, more than 5 years to finish

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


Given how kill credit is achieved, kills is the least meaningful of all of the WvW stats.

I am fine with the system if there were titles or /rank abilities for each tier. Having nothing till you kill a million yaks is just… well stupid.


Kill credit is the least meaningful? Man kids like you still voice your opinion in WvW? If your not getting kill credit in a game WITH NO HEALERS or even support classes for that matter, WHAT are you doing in wvw? Kills don’t matter…. i really hope the update doesn’t facilitate kitten attitudes and opinions like this one. Or I will say good bye to gw2 forever, just like a lot of others are doing.

Restroom break, AFK logged out, 4+hour Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


What server are you on that the que was 4 hrs? For eternal or? Just trying to get a basic idea of server ques elsewhere, i’m on sorrows, and we have no ques were on the bottom =(

More carrots! Less stick.

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


I totally utterly disagree with almost all of what you said. THE WORST THING ABOUT PVP GAMES in the past, what…. 5-8 years? Literally YEARS, has been rewards for PvP. PvP is all about fighting and fun, not about ‘imaginary presents’. Give people a reason to not fight and just soak up cheese rewards for doing nothing, and most will do just that, nothing. The server has to work together, you didn’t place the siege, you don’t get user rights, simple. Some bad guild claims a keep and your sever suffers from it, so be it, there’s bad players on ALL the realms ( and IRL too =p). Take Spvp for example, theres not a lot of people AFK’n those, or running in circles not fighting so that they can get ‘max points’ for gear. Which is exactly how world pvp should be, fighting, continuous nonstop fighting. If you die and need to repair and its costing you money, easy solution; die less. The WvW works, in almost all aspects, the players themselves are what make it seem like its not. You have servers teaming up against other servers, zerg guilds spreading their influence on mulitple servers because there HORRIBAD at anything with even numbers. People not using siege, defending properly, or even using abilities / spec combos correctly. The game is just barely a month out, and most of what people expect is already on the table. THE LAST THING this game needs, is more rewards to NOT FIGHT in its wvw; the last thing i want is kids waiting around a keep they just defended for their ‘loot bag’. The loot should be the badkitten experience of kicking people’skitten using ability combos and siege equipment, repairing, strategizing, coordinating attacks, the list goes on of all the badkitten stuff in RL War, just like The Art of War. Please god keep the carrots out of the game, between all the PVE set grinds, i feel like there’s a little too much already. Keep the game about fighting not about rewards, its about the journey not the destination.

AoE Zerging.

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


I don’t think it would be that bad if AoEs had vertical range in both directions. The problem is that if you’re on the wall, the game accounts for the distance downward as part of your max range, while it appears to not do the same while firing upwards. [/quote]

It is done that way on purpose, height advantage should mean something.

AoE Zerging.

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


This is a very dumb post, sorry it had to be said. Nothing you said it valid. “Ohh we want to take this keep, but they keep attacking us, wvw is BROKEN”, are you serious? You can set up siege OUTSIDE the limit of their siege, and kill it. If they have people, carts, and balistas up, set up a cata or a treb out of range and ask people to help with supplies. When is the last time you were in a 1v1 and you used AoE attacks to kill the person? RARELY ever happens; why? Because they do not do that much damage in comparison, especially since you can heal yourself and dodge twice. If they have a TON of red circles as soon as you approach the keep, maybe you should consider defending, taking a supply camp, setting up extra ranged siege as discussed. Stay out of the red circles and AoE does 0% dmg; It’s quite simple. (PS. Your server has siege equipment and AoE’s too, try defending)