Showing Posts For Pasman.8740:

Nothing to spend Glory on...

in PvP

Posted by: Pasman.8740


you could level up pve characters to 80 if you haven’t done that. you could fill the gaps in your pvp locker just for completionist purposes. apart from that there is not much you can do.

YEEEEES. Thats the most important for an PvP Player to have an lvl 80 Character……
Just give us Gems for our glory that we can buy this cool new skins.
Thats all what we need!

Dat Immobilize

in WvW

Posted by: Pasman.8740


even without Buffood u can get a stack of 18 seks Immobilize withONE Warrior.

"Lost in the leaderboard" (contains whining)

in PvP

Posted by: Pasman.8740


I’m sorry, but I think the advice Rezz gave is naive.

The win does not depend totally on you in 80% of SoloQ matches. It’s Conquest. You are 1/5 of the team. You cannot be everywhere at once.

But if u always die far 1v2 or afk and u loose it is 100% you fault of you that u loose.
Why even one Person can loose the game for his Team , but u are not able to carry the game alone? so sad

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pasman.8740


Gunnars Hold against PIKEN BLOBS.

Haha. 1) u have a kittening BLob, too
2) Stop Mouse-clicking all! of ur Skills. What a shame.

WvWvW Queues issue [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Pasman.8740


So Anet did their Job very Well. They just want to force u buy Gems on Gem shop with Real Money to Transfer on lower Populated Server.
I Read in another Thread that they answer on French Forum that this is NOT a Bug.
Another Slap in the Face for all WvW Players.
Its All about the Money in that kittening Business
And all that stuff (Player scaling) without any announcement before the Patch.

(edited by Pasman.8740)

Temple of the Silent Storm- No gems?

in PvP

Posted by: Pasman.8740


Prediction: PvP is dead if they dont fix . 1 week of that kitten? i will see many people quit the game!

Temple of the Silent Storm- No gems?

in PvP

Posted by: Pasman.8740


Anet is Trolling us. Big Joke. Why should anyone Test the map in 5v5, huh?
Its kittened. And now i canĀ“t Play free tournaments, cause all of the “pro” Teams farming free tournys .

Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Pasman.8740


Than i would like to see my PvP Skins in PVE…. i work so hard for them , why not?
Yeah there some skins u can get in PVE Karma Vendor or Dungeons….but i have to play PVE than…

spvp/tpvp=pointless and boring?!

in PvP

Posted by: Pasman.8740


1) find people you enjoy playing with and think are good players.
2) invite them to a group or guild
3) que for free tournies using voip
4) develop strats and work on team synergy
5) when ready go into paids
6) pvp is now fun


And after that u are the pro Guy farming that Random Bobs.

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pasman.8740


Take This

Lv80 Mesmer
