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Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Personally I’m loving the way its working. I’ve been working on my herald since launch and have played old tyria, maguma, and WvW (which I haven’t played in over 2 years). I’ve enjoyed it all.

I get that people want everything right away, but I also get that if you give it to us immediately we’ll immediately complain that there’s nothing to do, well, I’m doing everything in the game and enjoying the ride. Thanks Anet!

Pax East Meetup?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236



I wanted to put together a get together for Boston area GW2 players and the community members as a whole. If you’ve been to events like this, you probably noticed that the night before the events usually have lots of meetups for people who are new to the event or the area with folks that are enthusiasts of their favorite game, game company. I have 0 official capacity, I apologize if it sounded like I was saying that I was. I was saying that I would be interested in having an event for anyone that was interested. If you aren’t going, and if you aren’t interested by all means don’t worry about it.

Pax East Meetup?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Howdy Folks!

I write this from a very snowy Boston in the midst of its fourth major snow storm in three weeks. PAX East is less than a month away and I was thinking if ANet isn’t already planning on it that we should plan a Thursday night get together!

I’m happy to find us a place, but I wanted to see if the GW2 team or anyone else already had this planned.

If you know or have any ideas let me know, I’m happy to organize it.

Adams (in game)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


• New Legendary Season – I think this is a no brainer, legendaries are still the driving goal line for the people that feel they need to have one and a new season of legendaries would certainly make a lot of people start their grinding in preparation. The big question if season 2 of the legendaries would mean that season 1 is retired. I don’t know that Anet would do that, but it really would make legendaries continue to feel like special items. Sure there may be a ton of Sunrise & Twilights out there, but if you can’t make anymore wouldn’t that give people something to scramble on for the next six months? Lastly would now be the time that they introduce legendary trinkets or backpieces [spoiler=GW1 peeps – could this be our coveted capes?]

• New weapon types: Spreading the current weapons around the current professions is certain (and honestly I’ll start a thread on the best ways of spreading the current weapons around). More interestingly, I do think we are likely to see at least two new 2 handed weapons or 1 new 2 handed weapon and 2 one handed weapons introduced. I think the easy guess (considering it is so heavily featured in the trailer for the expansion) is the spear. I wouldn’t be surprised if a crossbow was brought to bear as well. If we end up seeing 2 one handed weapons my guess would be a fist weapon and a flail type weapon (morning star, nun chucks – it’s another “type” where many weapons are opened here). Other options that I think are less likely but I’ll keep an open mind: Blowgun (we have a jungle setting – its certainly a viable jungle oriented weapon), 2 Handed Axe (we are essentially fighting trees here), and Whip (clearly they already have plenty of the animations already done).

• New sPvP match types: Whether it’s finally implementing a flag capture type game or just out and out ripping off a Hutball type match (I hate to say it but really that was the most fun in structured MMO PvP I’ve had in forever) new sPvP matches can be crafted to put an emphasis on builds that are against current meta. Basically making stuns, and control king in a field that already has plenty of high damage types naturally occurring (shark pits, firewall, character catapults). The fun of these types of matches is really in their zaniness, but it also offers a completely different experience for those who are so inclined.

• Raid “Type” Content: ArenaNET hired a raid content director. To be honest I don’t see the game developing vanilla wow style 40 on 40 events. But let’s say they expand the commander system to coordinate four groups of 5 and introduce a queue type WvW map with strategic objectives that’s treated more like a combat game. That may even be inviting enough to bring in the more skilled and mature of the Military FPS types which would bring ANet their coveted new players.

• World Bosses: Not just new world bosses, but alternative even more challenging versions of all world bosses that can be instanced by guilds.

I've redesigned the UI & the official website

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


This is such a stupid nit-pick on an otherwise remarkable job you’ve done – its not classes in GW2, its professions.

This isn’t to take away from work that should absolutely be purchased from you by Anet for immediate consideration. I love the Lore idea, its such a central concept of the game and so much of the content could be pulled directly from the wiki to make it easier to keep up with. Bravo sir. Seriously, bravo!

Expansion non-story Content (Best Guesses)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


New playable race: Skritt.
Do it Anet!

I’d be fascinated to see how they would implement the “You are stupid unless you are surrounded by other Scritt” mechanic.

Expansion non-story Content (Best Guesses)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


I want ’’peaceful’’ systems like fishing to be added. They add more depth to the game and give you something else to do other than using that rusty legendary sword of yours to kill some dragons.

I like the idea, but can you think of something other than fishing? An agriculture sub-game to the WvW maybe?

Expansion non-story Content (Best Guesses)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Diovid, good ideas

Guardian: Longbow, Warhorn. No off-hand weapons for guardians please!

I would actually prefer to see the guardian with the rifle → a rifle that was heavy with AoE skills that run the gamut → heals, buffs, damage, and cc. Mechanically I would expect it to work like the necros staff. Basically making the game play be like the a general behind the lines directly and nudging his warriors.

Warrior: None (of the current weapons types, I’d like them to have a polearm though).

I think you can add the staff to be used like a bo for quick 360 degree low damage with skills that inflict blind, a knockback, and a leap I think.

Thief: Off-hand Sword, Rifle.
Ranger: Staff (for Druid-y skills).
Engineer: Hammer and/or main-hand mace.

We are in complete agreement on all of these, especially the engineer. I dislike that kits end up being necessary (really) to make the profession viable. I think you can also give the ranger a focus, and the engineer a warhorn.

Necromancer: Off-hand axe, maybe torch (for creepy light stuff)

This is where I think the new weapons would need to be implemented. The spear, whip, and flail all visually would be great for the necro and I feel like the necro needs a couple more options in play style for direct damage.

Mesmer: Main-hand pistol, off-hand dagger.

Warhorn would provide a nice AoE confusion, blind, knockback type or protection bubble.

Elementalist: Off-hand scepter.

How about a main hand focus where the skills make the elementalist fire beams of their attuned element at the enemy? Sort of classic magic user raising his hand and blasting you? I feel like we have a lot of AoEs as elementalists but piercing forward facing skills are minimal. The focus could be used as a way of achieving this.

- A way to deal with the condition cap in PvE.
- No new professions.
- No higher level cap.
- No equipment with better stats than ascended / legendary equipment.

We are in 100% agreement. I think, per my PvP comments, that you can utilize those game types to create a very different kind of meta. But even with Sinister stat gear, I think there needs to be rework of conditions where maybe they keep the 25 stack limit, but once its hit the DPS of the necro is increased as a bonus?

Thanks for the ideas!

Expansion non-story Content (Best Guesses)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


I wanted to start a thread on what we think will be included outside of obvious new world content like new dungeons (please god), new fractals (please oh please) and new zones (well duh). Also, I’m not all the interested in guessing on new professions or races. I think that’s its own topic (Go TENGU!).

This isn’t a wishlist, but rather it’s your best guess of what we can expect from an expansion in new content.

New Legendary Season – I think this is a no brainer, legendaries are still the driving goal line for the people that feel they need to have one and a new season of legendaries would certainly make a lot of people start their grinding in preparation. The big question if season 2 of the legendaries would mean that season 1 is retired. I don’t know that Anet would do that, but it really would make legendaries continue to feel like special items. Sure there may be a ton of Sunrise & Twilights out there, but if you can’t make anymore wouldn’t that give people something to scramble on for the next six months? Lastly would now be the time that they introduce legendary trinkets or backpieces [spoiler=GW1 peeps – could this be our coveted capes?]

New weapon types: Spreading the current weapons around the current professions is certain (and honestly I’ll start a thread on the best ways of spreading the current weapons around). More interestingly, I do think we are likely to see at least two new 2 handed weapons or 1 new 2 handed weapon and 2 one handed weapons introduced. I think the easy guess (considering it is so heavily featured in the trailer for the expansion) is the spear. I wouldn’t be surprised if a crossbow was brought to bear as well. If we end up seeing 2 one handed weapons my guess would be a fist weapon and a flail type weapon (morning star, nun chucks – it’s another “type” where many weapons are opened here). Other options that I think are less likely but I’ll keep an open mind: Blowgun (we have a jungle setting – its certainly a viable jungle oriented weapon), 2 Handed Axe (we are essentially fighting trees here), and Whip (clearly they already have plenty of the animations already done).

New sPvP match types: Whether it’s finally implementing a flag capture type game or just out and out ripping off a Hutball type match (I hate to say it but really that was the most fun in structured MMO PvP I’ve had in forever) new sPvP matches can be crafted to put an emphasis on builds that are against current meta. Basically making stuns, and control king in a field that already has plenty of high damage types naturally occurring (shark pits, firewall, character catapults). The fun of these types of matches is really in their zaniness, but it also offers a completely different experience for those who are so inclined.

Raid “Type” Content: ArenaNET hired a raid content director. To be honest I don’t see the game developing vanilla wow style 40 on 40 events. But let’s say they expand the commander system to coordinate four groups of 5 and introduce a queue type WvW map with strategic objectives that’s treated more like a combat game. That may even be inviting enough to bring in the more skilled and mature of the Military FPS types which would bring ANet their coveted new players.

World Bosses: Not just new world bosses, but alternative even more challenging versions of all world bosses that can be instanced by guilds.

Getting demoralised and losing enjoyment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


I mean it’s only my opinion but I feel as of though Arenanet has wasted a massive opportunity with making the game stand out with a good legendary system. It could have been felt like a legendary journey but they wasted it, or rather they can still fix it.

Warden, do me a favor. In three months, when you’ve got your legendary after doing everything necessary to get it come back and lets have a conversation. Trust me, it will feel epic. Trust me you will be really happy. If they turned it into a living story – literally everyone would have it. Yes there might be a nice story element to it – but that already exists with the Pact weapons (the ultimate item for completing the living story). Legendaries are supposed to only be for the people that want to put in an extreme amount of effort into making them. Yes, there are short cuts if the RnG gods are VERY kind to you but in all likelihood you have to put in a lot of work. Legendaries are for the people who want that challenge, if you don’t they simply may not be for you. Finish the story and use the Pact item, they are pretty darn rare as well, just not legendary.

What is this thing on my head?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Cultural Armor or Bust on a Charr, pretty much our best route to good looks but ouch is it expensive.

Anet just add Precursor vendor!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


I am just sick of grinding mobs all day everyday trying to get this thing to drop. yeah i could save my gold and buy it. It would be nice if there was another way of obtaining one other than TP or having all the planet’s come into alignment with my account such as crafting.

You have three methods of obtaining it: world random drop .0000000001% chance, mystic toilet drop .0001 chance, buy it at the TP 100% chance. I went with the last one and just saved gold instead of blowing it on things. It a legendary, the effort to get one requires legendary feats. I like running dungeons so I make money that way. You could instead run fractals, or you could do world bosses, or, or, or…. just save the money. Its not hard to make 25Gold a day if you’re actually putting effort into making gold. I stop paying attention to money for a week or two and am pleasantly surprised when I do.

While I’m sure my answer reeks of smug, my point is valid. If you want it, work for it, don’t count on the lottery, and if you happen to win anyway good for you.

Getting demoralised and losing enjoyment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Out of question – everyone saying that RnG isn’t legendary. Have you made a Legendary yet? I have, buying the precursor felt legendary because it took an extreme amount of effort. What you are suggesting instead of buying one is forcing you to do something that requires an extreme amount of effort. That’s already in place. You may RnG luck into it, or you may work your tail off and buy one. Either option is available to you. The Precursor is also a very small part of the entire cost of making a legendary, many components of which you have to gather, do world events, craft, etc. I’m not following where having to buy one component (when in fact you really have to buy many components) is entirely unfair.

Getting demoralised and losing enjoyment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Yes but something that is legendary should have a legendary process before it, you can’t go around saying oh this piece of art is legendary when it’s just been printed onto a sheet of paper, which is exactly what the forge/tp feels like.

Mate it feels the same for you, but for me if I worked for something and worked hard for it I enjoy the end product more and feel a greater sense of accomplishment that if it was simply down to luck

I promise you, you put in the time to buy it, and it will feel kitten legendary.

Getting demoralised and losing enjoyment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


I’m really after a legendary, but my issue is the kitten pre-cursor is so RNG, it’s really really making me lose interest in the whole game, fast.

P.s I don’t regret the good times I’ve had, I just can’t see myself playing the game for a chance at a precursor that more than likely will never result in a precursor being obtained (and just farming gold and buying it off the tp is boring and not “legendary” in the slightest)

Legendaries aren’t particularly unique anymore, certainly Twilight and Sunrise are so common I get more questions on my wooden sword than most PUGs with Twilight get.

If your entire enjoyment of this game hinges on getting a legendary AND you need the acquisition of the precursor you desire to be one of random chance I’d say you’re just plain boned.

I really never planned to make a legendary and I BLEW Karma and obsidian shards (spent over 2,000,000 karma on orian boxes… <shakes head> for the first year and change of playing. About two months ago I thought that the Moot really was a very cool looking legendary and I really never see it around so I started working at it and a month and a half later I had it. I bought the pre-cursor, and let me tell you… man did that not cheapen the experience for me: daily runs of AC 1-3, CM 3, TA Nightmare paths, SE 1 & 3, COE 1-3, COF 1-2, HoTW 1, and Arah 1 & 3. I don’t feel cheated at all. I worked like balls for that pre-cursor, if it was lottery ticketed to me for happening to be blessed by the rare good day a genie in a pot was having that my friend would have felt boring.

Revisit Historical Living World (Suggestion)

in Living World

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


So… that special thing about GW2, namely that the world is constantly in flux and changing with time pertinent content you would like to change so that the world is always the same and nothing has a sense of urgency because those events would give you something to do because the 10 dungeons with 3 variations each, 50 levels of fractals with various hard modes, WvW maps, Edge of the Mists Maps, and SPvP not to mention a world that is consistently updating and changing isn’t enough content for you?

It would strike me the second they implemented the change you asking you would also demand a cherry on top and blame them for not having enough whip cream.

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Yeah but i thinks thats the thing. GW2 is changing so fast due to the living story.

So in any other game you can say: Hey look, we get this new boss and there is a new map and new skills coming out at the Date: XX.XX.XXXX !

In GW2 you can say: Well, we got this new boss and … happened 5 month ago… now we are at this point, where … is happening while we added some of … !
(for example)

GW2 is pushing out content OVER one year with an ammount X while other mmo’s are pushing out contet with the ammount X AT a specific date all togheter.

I hope you get what I mean.

I do and thanks. Good explanation, I still believe the incremental changes we have seen over the last year do add up. For old players coming back after six months to new fractal radically changed world bosses, new healing skills, pretty major class bumps, dungeon reward changes, etc. its not just the same ol’ same ol.

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


There really hasn’t been anything to advertise other than the original game. We haven’t been given any new permanent content other than some FotM levels.

You seem to only believe that its worth playing the game if new content is permanent. I think that simply may mean this isn’t the game for you as its point is creating a living world with things happening once. That’s it big selling point.

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


There really hasn’t been anything to advertise other than the original game.

Buddy, Living Story is EXACTLY what you advertise. It makes the game rather unique. By the way, Fractals are a new thing from launch. Server vs. Server WvW is something that could be sold, substantial updates to the sPvP systems could be sold. Unique one time rewards could be sold. What you see as a problem many see as a feature.

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


I disagree with you OP. The people who visit PAX east are not the type of players that ArenaNet is designing their game for.

Your argument is there is no sense in marketing to 100,000 people? And you are assuming none of them would at all be interested in GW2? That isn’t the PAX I know and love, hell I’ve sold at least 30 copies of the game there just by telling people about it. Its a solid MMO that has actually made it past a year and a half financially healthy – I would argue its exactly what a number of people are looking for. I didn’t receive any negative comments in the conversations I had, it was rather just as assumption because they have heard nothing about the game.

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Anet dose(does) word of month(mouth) type of marketing. If you think about it (I have)PAX only is a small pop. of gamers (not really) your(you are) better to spend your time making videos and trailers for ppl to watch your game then just going to PAX and talking about it (debate-able).

PAX is 100,000 people and the largest convention on the east coast. I’m not sure I’d qualify that as “small pop.” They are also people who are hungry for content and happy to talk about good things. Impress 1,000 of 100,000 people and have them talk about it and you just bought yourself 1,000 social media advocates. That’s HUGE!

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Dude, I enjoy gaming and can say that I have no flipping clue what pax is.

All good – PAX East is just the example I use as it is what I have experienced. For context is is the largest for gamers convention on the east coast at about 100,000 attendees. It generally has representations from most major game companies (e.g. Bioware has been at every one of them, Blizzard has been at the last two). My overarching point isn’t just that ArenaNET wasn’t there this year, its that they’ve never really been there and if you use this very diverse group as a litmus test of gamer’s perceptions, their perceptions is that GW2 doesn’t exist.

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


1. No expansions means no visible game progression or evolution for average MMO player.

2. The game is infamous because of said “fail” – Fail to what, destroy WoW? This is just a wrong assumption and opinion and should be taken care of by PR manager.

I’m not sure we agree on everything, but we certainly agree with this.

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Maybe it doesn’t need marketing

Kind of like how Sriracha hot sauce has become incredibly popular in the past few years or so despite having 0 marketing other than word of mouth.

I don’t believe this to be true.

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


OP, how many two year old games did you see marketed at PAX? I’m curious because I don’t really know of many games that hit shows years after they release.

Actually historically there have been a good number of older games on the floor. Lord of Rings Online has had space there for the last three years. League of Legends has had a huge setup for at least four years. The Microsoft booth was mostly there advertising games that have been out for months if not close to a year.

Bioware had their own room and was mainly talking about what they had already done in the Mass Effect and Dragon Age games (oddly enough outside of the trailer occasionally running on their big screen I didn’t really hear the game referenced in the hours I spent in that room).

All that being said, let me clarify and say I don’t think that Anet necessarily needs a large spot on the convention floor, but having their folks involved in panels and/or having a small room open to the community would go a long way. The fact that Colin Johannson and Jon Peters were on site but they had a room in a separate building that was specifically not open to GW2 fans but just press. For no money at all they could have opened the room up to fans for two hours a day to interact with fans – that alone would have gone a long way.

I should also say, I’m not trying to blindly criticize Anet. I want to help. I want them to be super successful (not saying that they are not successful). I was completely floored that person after person that I spoke to thought the game was dead – and by dead I mean unsupported, without content, and in some cases believing that the game didn’t even exist anymore.

(edited by PeskyJNixon.8236)

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Wrath, I understand what you are trying to say but to actually have personal on site at the largest east coast gaming convention and NOT communicate at all with your community or the gaming community is a wasted opportunity. There would have been 0 cost to opening their doors to their fans for a couple hours a day and dropping a note in the GW2 forums and Reddit and it would have bought good will. Just because someone likes your game today and supports you doesn’t mean they always will. Creating a connection will prolong that relationship.

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Syn, I’m not suggesting that Anet spring for a huge convention space. But there were indie games with very modest PR budgets that had sizable spaces on the floor. What I was asking for was something, anything for the Anet team to make it clear that they still existed.

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Isn’t marketing part of NCsoft’s job? And they never spend much money for marketing.

At least as it applies to PAXeast, NC Soft sprung for a HUGE middle of the trade floor presentation for Wildstar this year. Even the year of GW2’s launch there was no onsite booth, just five (or six I can’t remember) members of the Anet team who attended four panels.

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


I agree with you wholeheardely. Most MMO players have no idea what GW2 is about and the lack of an expansion only feeds the talks about a failed product.

Really, that is my biggest disappointment with the decision not to do (or at least not to announce) expansions within the game. I do feel like we’ve been given more than an expansion worth of material over the last year, certainly with tomorrow’s patch there is a constant feeling of newness for me.

I feel like conventions like PAX are the place where if you impress enough of the crowd ideas will spread like wildfire and word of mouth will work for you. Once they roll out the straight death arenas in sPvP I feel like tournaments will become more eSport friendly, and with that change alone had Anet showed up with ten computers connected to a test server for people to give that a shot it would have likely impressed/enticed a number of previous non-players or retired players.

Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PeskyJNixon.8236


Good morning fine GW2 fans and ArenaNET people (at least its morning where I am). I am groggily writing this as I recuperate after three long days at the Penny Arcade Expo in Boston. It was a great time! But onto the crux of the conversation I want to start.

Where the heck is GW2’s marketing department? Why are they not pushing this game outside of strictly GW2 markets? I’m talking about representing themselves at community events (PAXEast and other game conventions) and online outside of specifically GW2 communities (MMO Champion as an example).

At PAX I spend most of the convention just talking to people primarily because my wife works in the industry so I tend to support her at panels and doing some husband as forklift jobs while she’s doing interviews with devs and folks. I spoke to dozens of complete strangers about what games they play and what they thought of the MMO scene in general (given that really there is only Wildstar and Everquest NEXT in the AAA queue which is a little scary after years of having something new to look forward to). No one mentioned GW2 and when I brought it up the reaction I got from a lot of people was a shaked head followed by “Its sad that it failed”. When I explained that economically the game is actually doing quite well and has delivered content more regularly than any MMO I am aware of I was universally met with disbelief – the average MMO player seems to equate GW2 with SWOTOR and Warhammer Online (as games that have ceased to create content outside of things to buy… or simply ceased being).

I’ve gone to PAX for four years. Outside of the PAX prior to release, ArenaNET has never really been active at the convention and even then it was just on the panels, never with a booth. This year apparently Jon and Colin were onsite but they had a room completely separate from the convention (it was in the adjacent hotel) and it was for Press only.

GW2 is a great game. I’ve been playing MMO’s for over a decade and GW2 is the first that I really just fell in love with. I play everyday, I play PvE and WvW and ever so occasionally sPvP (although I have begun watching the tournament and those are really fun). There is so much content within the game! I honestly believe that even a modest booth with a game play demo would have resulting in hundreds of game sales. Heck, there was a THREE HOUR wait at the Microsoft Booth to play Killzone on the Xbox One. That game has been out for six months and I think it would be hard to argue that their level of content has increased even at a fractional level where GW2 has a year worth of bi-weekly updates and a movie that summarizes new content and changes!

Your forum community managers are superb. Your game and design are impeccable (not to say improvements can’t be made, but you tend to make them). But its time for ArenaNET or NCSoft to reach out to top notch professional marketing teams that can trot the product around (the less said about the live action GW2 commercial from just post launch the better).

Next year at PAXEast make sure you have a presence. Look at Bioware’s model, this year they didn’t have their booths and didn’t have high profile panels, but they did setup their own room in the convention hall and have trailers for their games past and present rolling, writers, devs, and community managers available to talk to fans and I think they are going to walk away with a lot of both awareness and good will.

If this weekend was any indication, the greater community seems to have forgotten that your game exists, do not let them. I’m writing this as someone who is VERY invested in your game, world, and future prosperity.