Showing Posts For Phoenixlord.7015:

New Elite: Avatar State

in Elementalist

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


OP was trolling. No need to reply seriously.
My work here is done.

except the thing is, it doesn’t have to end as troll fodder

New Elite: Avatar State

in Elementalist

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


I would rather see something like

Elemental State: Wrap all the elements around you augmenting your abilities and gaining a boon based on what atunement you are in every time you attack.

Basically, every time you attack you get 5 secs of might in fire, 5 secs of fury in air, 3 secs of protection in earth, and 5 sec of regeneration in water

And it also makes your 1 ability stronger

d / fire / shoots one additional dragons claw
d / water / adds a chill effect that lasts 2 secs every time it hits
d / air / adds an additional lightning whip
d / earth / roots target for 1 sec and applies 1 additional stack of bleeding every time it hits

sc / fire / does the total damage of the burn instantly and applies the burn to enemies within 10 yards
sc / water / shoots one additional projectile and heals nearby allies for a small amount
sc / air / last 1 second longer and applies a blind at the end of the channel
sc / earth / shoots one additional projectile including the bleed effect

st / fire / the fireball is 2x as big and has 2x the aoe radius and also hits for 15% harder
st / water / the heal is doubled and it shoots one additional projectile
st / air / the projectile bounces to 2 additional targets and applies a blind to those it hits
st / earth / increases the projectile speed greatly and applies cripple for 5 secs

Elite duration 30 secs
Elite Cooldown 90 secs

and the animation of this elite has to be a huge aura that is all the elements combined into one.

So much hate for greatswords....

in Warrior

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


Greatsword is all we warriors have, without it were nothing.

Why I would like to see Warriors able to use Torches

in Warrior

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


great axe should come first…

To all warriors/guardians - how do you feel about thieves?

in Warrior

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


I personally am sick of thieves and hope they get nerfed hard, they have “too much utility burst and control” all bundled in one defective package

when backstab can hit for upwards of 6k+ in one hit combined with CaD and the damage from stealing its stupid

and if they want to gtfo? stealth.

and if they want to support? stealth rez.

boy I wish warriors had even 1/2 that presence.

Don’t get me wrong, I stomp on most thiefs but that doesn’t mean they’re not extremely broken.

(edited by Phoenixlord.7015)

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


It’s quite sad they’re just ignoring us ATM.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


lets hope this comes in the next update.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


common Anet speak to us!

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


Glad to see so many positive replies, Here’s to hoping its added soon

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


be great if we could get a red post in here

Give us some Hope - Mesmer/Thief/Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


[edit]<< People don’t seem to be getting the point of this thread and are going off on “L2P” and “I kill X class easy” tangents. The point of this thread is that if you aren’t playing one of these 3 classes, you are not reaching the same potential you would have by playing one of the three instead. Please actually read the OP before commenting, thanks!>>

Currently these three classes completely outperform any of the other classes by a large margin.

Thief – Damage output and mobility far surpasses any other class.
Guardian – Defensive ability far surpasses any other class.
Mesmer – Utility (Pets/clones/illusions, stealth, teleports, confusion, debuffs) far surpasses any other class.

As it stands, unless you are playing one of these classes, you feel subpar in the role you have chosen above (or even in a hybrid of roles above). Yes you can still accomplish your role, but you would have been better off to pick one of the three classes above. That is simply how it is at the moment in TGM Wars 2.

Any word on when you will be looking at either buffing existing classes up to the same levels, or bringing these three classes back down to where everyone else is?

100% agree with everything stated.

A Warrior Propaganda Video - The rise of the ES Shout Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


nice troll buddy

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


just to clarify, what I meant was just the base customization changing size/hair/eye color etc, Not changing race or personal questions.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


I really think its stupid how they didn’t do this in the first place especially since they said they would.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


Seriously, I cant be the only one who wanted to level first and not worry about it at the start but worry about it now?

Is there any hope of getting this some time soon?

And if so, around what would it cost? 800, 1600?

I realize this isn’t high on the list of priorities, but it is very important to me and I hope? others

Anyways I just hope they will add in sometime soon in the future.

Level 80 Warriors - What Weapons Do You Use And Why?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


Greatsword/Longbow is what I’ve found to be the best at everything since leveling is all about AoEing kitten all day.