Showing Posts For PimmoZ.5497:

Relog after matching ranked

in PvP

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Why is it possible to relog after matching in rank?

I noticed it does match professions so why is this not severely punished?

Which infinite mist potion to get first?

in Thief

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


I’ll go for defense then mobility then offense. Being1-shotted is really annoying, more dodges is always nice, no rage timers there so damage is least important. If you need healing from Invigorating Precision this is already more then enough (very OP already tbh).

Either way, I’m always using the 3 pots in T4 so it doesn’t really matter what infinite you get first. I’m not using pots in lower fractals.

Since offensive is more expensive I would also suggest to get defensive or mobility first since you can trade the ones you still get from doing fractals to relics, which boost your relics per day for the more expensive one, which is offensive.

Using DPS meter to justify my trash build.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


So you know the classic Dead DPS = no DPS? Well here is another thing that you should keep in mind that I feel not alot of people want to admit. Just because you are running meta builds, it doesn’t mean your DPS is good. In fact if you are some one that pugs, chances are your meta build DPS is crap. Why is it crap?
1: the DPS rotation complicated and you are just can’t be bothered to practice that.
2: the build requires you to stay in melee most of the time and you are probably ranging because you fear dead DPS = no DPS.
3: The meta build may be dependent on buffs/support from other classes which your group doesn’t have.
So how do you improve on your dps if you are this type of player? Run a random build that will up your DPS by experimenting and using a DPS meter as a way to gauge your DPS vs the group. And when some one trashes your “kitten build” you can justify it with the DPS meter. Like for example in a random fractal group which we kept dying to the boss, people blamed my P/P teef build because its not meta and only scrubs use p/p right? I pointed out my DPS was literaly 2x the next highest, shuts them up instantly. /rant

I agree with you that dps meters finally show that folks can do better dps with a built designed for their playstyle wich is simply more fun and less ‘dead dps’.

However there are more factors of the meta builds you might wanna consider. In your case you’re missing a lot of ‘bar breaking’ abilities if you choose to stay at range. This can hinder your group enormously in some fights. So while you have your high dps you might still loose in other ways.

Also keep that in mind before ranting that you have high dps.

Fix the exploits in Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


It’s funny how people are being FORCED to join LFGs for Swamp or Molten Boss. Oh wait, they’re not. These problems existed WAAAYYY before the Fractal overhaul. I remember personally exploiting Molten Boss as Engie back in the day. We’re in a better state to farm fractals for relics, which will help people transition from +5 infusions to +7, or obsidian shards and fractal potions for higher levels.

It’s cool if you guys want to spend two hours doing random fractals like we used to back when fractals were randomized, but do that on your own time and leave the farmers out of this.

Not true. Also farming a boss should only be possible at lower levels or with a premade experienced group. Not by exploiting the same fractal over and over again at high levels. High levels are meant for a challenge…not farm…

And I want to repeat this: Absolutely no one’s forcing you to join LFGs for Swamp or Molten Boss.

At high levels searching for a challenging fractal is almost impossible and takes a very long time. Also players who can’t clear them shouldn’t be at that level but they are able to reach high leveles because of exploits.

“But no one wants to join my obscure fractal because Swamp and Molten Boss are faster
“But no one wants to carry me through Cliffside or Fire Shaman so I can get my vet/master chest for skins

To complete 3 or 4 random fractals for a level increase adressed the carry problem. You would reach a fractal where noone could be carried so you would fail. This barrier was clearly visible in the old system where the mid lvles would get harder and harder untill the barrier was passed and it would get easier again because everyone pulled his weight.

Reminder that people only did dungeons because it was the most profitable, now look where it stands now. Changing the only reason people do fractals in the first place, months after it was updated, would return it to being a desolate just as it was pre-dungoen nerf.

It was not desolate at all… but this is the part I really dont understand from Anet. Dungeons are meant to be farmed. Hard at first but because of practise gets easier and easier. Fractal were meant to be the challenging offset to this with the increased difficulty. I hope they dont go for raids as the most challing content available because just like with dungeons it will be on farm shortly…

Fix the exploits in Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


A letter to Anet (you may fill in the kittins yourself)

Dear Anet,

Fractals are in a bad state right now and you made, once again, a calculated business decision to push people to fractals. The absence of randomness for completing a total fractal experience (3 or more random fractals) and the obvious exploits has sucked all the fun out of it and made the community, who is now running fractals, mindless zombies of pressing 1 at the mossman. Hopefully those players will not get past level 83 since there is no mossman after that.

The community running mossman is so bad that explaining that killing the mossman unexploited is even faster than with the exploit, that their argument rests on the fact that a dead player does no damage…

The mossman fight is one of the easiest fights to stay alive…

So dear Anet, pretty please, please, please, please get off your kitten and at least fix these kitten exploits for the content you advertise as challenging end-game. This content is now filled with people who are not ready for it because they exploited their way up the levels.



(edited by PimmoZ.5497)

Fix the exploits in Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


There’s no point.

I explained this to the devs in the CDI – this structure can’t work because there will always be that one fractal that has an optimal reward vs difficulty ratio and people will just do that one.
The random nature of fractals prevented their “farm” – until now.

This is the only truth of this thread. Fractals are dead and only farmed for rewards instead of being fun with the randomness and beating a hard one. And yes, you can do a hard one, but why? You still get the same reward. The randomness made it fun. All I see in LFG is 56, 67, 77. Rarely you see something else. It’s just sad now.

The only solution is to change it back which I don’t see happeningen looking at Anet’s history.

Ability queue, can we disable it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497



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black pearl for a quaggan?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Got it at the pirateship in Cursed Shore at the Shipwreck Rock waypoint.

Where's my tiger?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Hidden Tiger ………

Hearts and Minds (spoilers) - advice?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Soooooooooooooooooo buggy, and such obvious bugs…

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


We don’t need some weird insane might stack + perma quickness tied around a heal skill. It’s janky and random and in all honesty not fun.

How do you achieve perma quickness? Or do you mean perma swiftness?

community assumes that all Rangers are bad

in Ranger

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


First off Rangers are in a good place now. In pve aswell in pvp.

I agree that there are a lot of bad players who just don’t know how to play. I’ve met only like 2 or three good ranger opponents in sPvP the last 3 months. All the others are glassy and don’t know how to defend themself and get shot in 10 sec or less. This also goes for a lot of thieves btw.

I find myself only downed when I meet a great player in sPvP. Otherwise I can easely down two against one or at least get the hell out of there. I find myself never at max range and always engaged in the fight besides my teammates providing resses, stomps, buffs etc.. Also pick a fight you can win. I’ve seen so many rangers start ranging at a group, get controlled and downed in 10 sec or less.

Imo most rangers take the meta or a great build but dont know how to play them. But the interwebs says I have to use this… My advise is to find a playstyle you enjoy and create a build around that style. You would do so much better.

For example the community says you HAVE to use the s/a lb combo. I play much better with gs/lb because I like the greatsword better.

(edited by PimmoZ.5497)

Ranger Talk: Buff Range / Party Buff Range

in Ranger

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


My two cents,

Since there’s always an debate about the ranger at range I would like to see some hard evidence that a Longbow Ranger does less damage at range and is not useful. For example, imo, the ranger has much more uptime in combat because he’s at range and doesnt have to dodge as much and still damages the mob when it walks away out of melee range or the melee has to move out of range.

Also I have, with my ranger, saved a lot of party’s because I was at range. (For example stealth and ress). Second the ranger can heal himself if so downed. I, for one, hate it when the party is wasting time to ress me while my pet ress comes off cd.

The buffs the ranger gives the party are always on the party (spotter, spirit) it only does not receive all the melee buffs, which it don’t need most of the time.

Also the best party I ever had for fractals had two rangers…

But haters gonna hate.

(edited by PimmoZ.5497)

ranger patch notes compiled?

in Ranger

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Hello! Nothing grand happened in general, stability is now morphed into a stacking buff, where one cc removes one stack of stability. Thus, RaO is now ticking 3 stacks of stability each 3 seconds (for 20s duration) along with fury and swiftness. And after the last patch they’ve also screwed up the pet, it now doesn’t listen to you at all, and will attack anything you attack (even in passive mode, yes.)

Is the pet passive mode change a bug or intended? I kinda like it as one of the settings (guard mode) along with a true passive mode (passive) and an attack anything you see mode (aggressive).

fractal mist essence drop rate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Thanks for the tip. Didn’t know u could get past the gate solo.

I just did a run with zero mists essences and I cleared the whole fractal solo at lvl 10. I surely didnt know that was possible.

I guess I will just keep trying.


fractal mist essence drop rate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Bump bump bump.

Have never ever seen one of suppost to drop mists essences while there are reports of multiple drops per fractal by a lot of players.

So Anet, is there something I’m doing wrong???

Incorrect Art Placement

in Ranger

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Working as intended… :P

"Point Blank Shot"

in Ranger

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Reducing the range would only camouflage the problem with rangers who cant handle such a powerful spell. Just like for every other faceroller playing any other class right now. They do it but you just dont notice it so clearly.

Also telling the ranger that its annoying helps a lot.

Besides that, reducing the range would be bad for rangers in pvp so thats not gonna happen.

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


My beloved ranger! (No gem armor)


Reward system

in PvP

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Spot on Atherakhia, all this pve crap…

Reward system

in PvP

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Bump, bump bump bump like this :0


Reward system

in PvP

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Dear ArenaNet,

I only have one question. Why do you use such an excessive reward system in spvp? I’m at the point where I don’t bother opening the boxes because 99,99% is garbage.

I think I speak for the most of players that it is much better when u have a goal for a reward that takes time and effort and you can put time in it to get it. Now there’s a small chance that there will be something valuable in it and a really really small chance something you actually want.

The old system was much better where you could progress through gear outfits because you had something to work for. Now it’s just a real pain … to even open the boxes because I have a like 50 boxes after playing for a while.

Also adding some new maps with different objectives would be nice.

Thanks for reading this,

[BUG] Right Click attack and target

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


It’s fixed! Yeee!

[BUG] Right Click attack and target

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Left click = Target
Right click = Target and SHOOT.

Kinda big difference from left click…
Allmost every mmo works this way, dont play mmo’s if you dont like it…

Should be repaired asap for the speed of targetting and shooting, especially in pvp…
An option to disable it would be nice as people are not the same and have different playstyles. All I say it is vital for good and fast pvp.

Other thing I noticed. U can right click mesmer clones and thieves so this is not fair for their profession and the balance of pvp.

Mouse Targeting with Right-Click

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Same here, really annoying if you’re using right-click a lot in pvp.

Can't right click to target?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Can’t right click non-npc targets. Really annoying especially in pvp…

Hope this is just a bug

Arcane Crystals

in PvP

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Thanks for the reply’s,

The case is that I never had any problem getting them ( I know from which gear they should drop) until last week. I salvaged literally a 100 pieces. Even salvaged not used gear which I was collecting and now is gone…

So I was wondering if more people have this problem or am I having extreme bad luck?


Arcane Crystals

in PvP

Posted by: PimmoZ.5497


Just a question here,

I’ve been trying for a week now to get 1 arcane crystal so I can complete some sets. today I have salvaged my complete heavy gear sets to try and get one… Im not gonna use it very soon and was getting fed up with it so I tought what the …. Still nothing. I just need one to make more…

Anybody else having this problem?