(edited by Primetime.6254)
Showing Posts For Primetime.6254:
My guild Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing may be a good fit. We’re a casual, adult member, guild that is looking for a solid group of active members. I invite you to read my post about LO. If we sound like a good fit, please get in touch. I hope to hear from you.
I will bump the comment on C3 … I’m a long time gamer and fan of Ventrilo, however when I started my guild I didn’t have the means nor desire to rent a server on the speculation it would get used.
I was told about C3 (www.downloadc3.com) and tried it out … it’s free, offers free channel hosting, has virtually no setup, and the sound quality is very good imo. In the month or so we’ve used it I have no big issues with it and for a free solution, I’ve been happy with it.
Are you guys still recruiting? If so, I just sent you a PM.
PM has been replied too, thanks for the interest. Yes we are always interested in finding some new people.
Hi I’m looking for a relaxed and friendly guild, haven’t been able to find one to fit me just yet but I hope I will soon =P. I’m currently in the Blackgate server, but I can consider changing to another server if I like you.
I’m more of a casual player, but still login almost daily at least for a couple of hours, who enjoys pretty much every type of game (pve, pvp, wvw). My main is a lvl 75 necromancer, and have a 44 (I think) warrior and a couple of lows.And that’s it, you can contact me here on the forum or pst me in game if I’m online.
See ya
Hi, I am GM for Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing and I think we may be a good fit for you. I posted about LO and I invite you to give it a look and if afterwards you’re interested, please give me a shout, we’d love to have ya.
My main is a thief, about to hit 80.
What is a casually serious guild?
- The guild recognizes and respects RL commitments. I’m mid-30’s, have kids, and manage a large software dev team across multiple timezones. Sometimes I will disappear for long periods, though I will try to give warning in our guild forums so you know I haven’t ditched ya.
- When we are playing we are serious about getting things done, whether it is a dungeon, an sPvP session, some WvWvW, whatever. As my free time is limited, I don’t want to have people /ragequiting or drama’ing all over our dungeon run.
- Have fun even when losing. We’ll lose some matches, and get rolled in WvW sometimes, but personally, I like to laugh and wreak some havoc while I do it. Would like a guild of like minded folk.![]()
- Has vent/TS, but doesn’t require it. This is important to me as, while I’ve chosen GW2 as my MMO home for the indefinite future (cause it’s awesome, right?), I often have voice chat up with friends and family as I I have relocated far from the ones closest to me (if that makes sense). So I’ll jump in sometimes, but I don’t want to have to tell my friends/family that I’m going to hang up on my rare time to talk to them to jump into guild chat.I realize the last one may be a problem in this day and age, but hopefully there’s some great guilds out there that understand.
Any takers?
Hi, I am GM for Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing and I think we may be a great fit for you. I too am mid 30’s software development guy and I’m building LO around good people to adventure with and being understanding of offline obligations. I have a 7 month old son now and while I’m a active gamer (among other hobbies) I play when I have the opportunity.
We are using C3 for voice communication, but by no means is it required – Although we’ll encourage it for somethings like Dungeons … they demand just a bit of coordination to say the least. C3 was new to me until I started GW2 … it’s a descent Vent/TS alternative and offered free channel/server hosting.
I posted about LO and I invite you to give it a look and if afterwards you’re interested, please give me a shout, we’d love to have ya.
So I’ve been hopping around random guilds and just haven’t found anything that seems to suit me yet. I’m looking for a group of chilled, mature people that can laugh about shiz and just have fun.
I’m interested in all types of game play but atm I’m just focusing on the PVE side of things. I’m currently on Tarnished Coast but I’m willing to move if it’s worth it. Also, I have a level 76 Ranger, 34 Mesmer and 9 Thief. I’m definitely more casual but I’m on everyday at least for a bit.
Anyway yeah hope to get some interesting offers. Thanks
Hi, I am GM for Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing and I think we may be a great fit for you, we’re after the same things so I built the guild around just that a group laid back mature players that can joke around.
I posted about LO and I invite you to give it a look and if afterwards you’re interested, please give me a shout, we’d love to have ya.
I’m GM of Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing. I set out to build a group of solid people who want a adult/mature group they could look forward to playing with.
I did see your comment about not wanting to transfer. However I decided to post because I think LO would be a good fit for you and you don’t have to transfer … it’s advantageous for two reason though, joining us for WvW if you chose to and because the transfers are painless and currently Free of charge. Again though, there is no obligation to so, we welcome members from any home world.
LO is getting off the ground and I’m working on the recruiting front lines. I hope you’ll give us a look. You can read about Lil Ones here and my good-humored appeal to LOner’s here because they need a supportive home too.
If you like what you see, please get in touch, I’d like to hear from ya.
What would happen if I did talk in the guild channel?
Primetime ignores you
You’re a LOner remember … but if you did, I’d probably say something in response and then hound you come group with me.
I’m GM of Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing. I’m a 35y/o gamer, father of a 6 month old, and respect every point you made in your list of things you’re looking for. They are many of the same reason I chose to create and build my own … I’ve done it before, many times, in many games. I set out to build a group of solid people who want a adult/mature group they could look forward to playing with.
I think LO would be a great fit for you, I get the immediate impression we’d get along based on your post. I like your offer to assist. A lot of effort goes into some of the organization of in-game guilds.
LO is getting off the ground and I’m working on the recruiting front lines. I hope you’ll give us a look. You can read about Lil Ones here and my appeal to LOner’s here because they need a supportive home too.
If you like what you see, please get in touch, I’d like to hear from ya.
(edited by Primetime.6254)
Hi! I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2 for a couple weeks now, just learning the game and playing PvE. I’m now thinking it’d like to start looking for a guild and trying out the WvW or PvP side of things.
I’ve played RPGs in the past, but this is my first experience with MMORPGs, so I’m really a newbie at this. I don’t even have a mic/headphone yet. I’d like to find a guild with casual, mature players (I’m older). Work has been busy, so I’ve been finding it hard to play more than an hour a night, if that. I play more on weekends. Currently am playing a level 19 Sylvari elementalist. I’m also in the midwest US, in CST.
If you’re interested, let me know. Thanks!
I’m midwest U.S. as well … what part? I’m in Iowa.
Coincidently I’m building a guild of adult players like yourself … with jobs, kids, etc … and we get it. You can read a lil about Lil Ones [LO] there and if you like what you read, give me a shout. We’re not on Ehmry Bay, but that need not be and issue, only matters for WvW … although server transfer remain free right now and are painless.
Hope to hear from you,
myself and my son, who is 18 are in the eastern time zone and looking for a casual to hardcore pvx guild not to big not too small to join wiht no dram aor pressure. we would not be multi guildfing i can guarantee you that.drop me a line here or ingame on stormbluff
rhaevn .8725
Rhaevn, great timing, I’m glad I’m trolling the board because I think my guild Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing would be a good fit for you both. My guild is built on the very things you mentioned … no drama, active PvX group, not to big (cause we’re still growing) … We simply want some solid people to play with.
Please give us a look and I hope to hear from you.
I’ll just be frank … you’re a loner and I get it. I don’t want to change you. I love you for exactly what you are. LOners doesn’t want you talking in the guild channel, we don’t want to use voice chat, and we don’t want to group either.
Although! While you’re adventuring and pouring water on drunk Miners up in the Snowden area (Ever wonder about all those intoxicated Miners?) – hah bad joke – I want to point out that IF you were to join a guild … you contribute some influence, and then someday when you could use a little boost for crafting or karma … the benefits are there for you to benefit from too. That influence is just there going to waste and it could be going into securing your future needs, and helping out other LOners out there …
So … LOners is here for you … Shoot me a message and I’ll slide you in the back door. No one will bother you, no one will obligate you to do any silly events, and you go afk as long as you want and no one will notice. And if and when you’d like to jump into something with us, you’ll be welcomed.
You’re a LOner and we celebrate you!
Join us, and when you need something, it’ll be there for ya!
Send me a message
LOners – Brought to you by Lil Ones [LO] a friendly, understanding, and loner-loving guild of adults.
Personally, I’d like to have a group to run with for some SPvP … I’ve got an long history in MMOs and gaming … but I too am not “high skilled” at it … I still get a little clumsy when going up against players, heh.
I would very much like a group to run with because I really enjoy the SPvP I’ve done so far, but really feel disconnected running it solo … Hard to improve when I’m kinda flailing, I think a few team members and coordination would make a big difference.
I am also GM for Lil Ones [LO] o Ferguson’s Crossing and if your group is not affiliated, I’d invite you all to join us with us. We’re a collection of adult players, each with a lot of MMO background. We’re looking to have a group of active players to group up with for whatever. You can read my recruiting post … and if we’re appealing I hope to hear from you.
Thanks for the consideration,
Hey Guys,
We are 4 friends looking for a guild. We are currently on the Drangonbrand server but are willing to transfer. We are looking for a mature guild with active players that are interested in running dungeons, doing events, WvW, and sPvP. We are hoping to find a guild that is or aims to be close-knit. Vent or Skype is preferred. If this sounds like your guild, please reply to my post or find me in game!
My guild Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing would love to have you and your friends. We’re a casual, adult member, guild that is looking to build a solid group of active members. I posted more about LO the other day, and I invite you to take a look. If we sound like a good fit, please get in touch. I hope to hear from you.
Since GW2 is an MMORPG, and it has “multiplayer” in there somewhere, I’m looking for a guild.
Some information
Server: Gandara
Level: Since I got a fulltime job and have other responsibilities, my main character is currently level 18, and I got some alts arounds level 10
Age: I’m 32 and appreciate a guild with other oldtimers. You know, people who agree when you shout “back in the days, everything was better”, who bang their crutches together for a greeting, and sometimes have to take a break, because the nurse wants something
LP: I’m creating a video series about the main character. So, if it’s necessary, I can also join just with alts, so that the guild chat won’t be seen in videos.
Language: English or German, both good.Thanks for any replies.
Orya, great post! Love the whole video series idea …
I hope you’ll give my guild Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing some consideration. We’re adult gamers much like the rag-tag group you described. Most of us are in our 30s … which hah isn’t that old … though in terms of gaming I guess it is.
Anyway … I think our group would be a great fit, and I want in on the video series … I’ll be that one ‘extra’ that is conspicuously always in the background of the shot and no one knows why. . . Or not …
I posted info about LO recently and I invite you to give it a look, if we sound interesting to you please get a hold of me. I hope to hear from ya.
And of course transfers are still free at this time and mostly painless. We welcome members from any home world so it need not be a priority, though for WvW it would be necessary.
Good hunting! Get in touch …
Hello all!
I’m looking to find a laid back guild in the Crystal Desert server.
I live in the US East Coast and am juggling a full time job, school and gaming. Fortunately I don’t work weekends so I can usually get in some long sessions then. I’m new to the MMO scene, but have been gaming in general for many years so I feel like I’ve been able to catch on to the game mechanics pretty easily, but am always open to suggestions in play style if it helps my team adapt to a given situation.
I’ve only done PvE so far, but am looking forward to tackling PvP once I finally figure out which profession I’m sticking with. Currently,my highest leveled character is only a Lvl 24 Guardian (Knight Man). I’ve been experimenting with the other classes to see which one I want to take to 80 first.
Thanks for the read and I hope to see everyone in game!
Welcome to GW2 … I am GM for Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing and I think we may make a good group for ya. We are adult gamers, each with our lives, some with children like myself (6 month old) so we know the demands and being responsive even while gaming.
We’re working to build a solid group of good cooperative and social people to adventure with.
Server transfers currently remain free and mostly painless … that’s really only an issue for WvW and we welcome members from any home world, so moving need not be a high priority.
I invite you to read what I posted about LO and if we sound like a good fit, please give me a shout. I hope to hear from you.
Heya everyone, I’m looking for a guild who likes to have fun and do all kinds of different things together, whether it be PvE or PvP. I’d prefer a smaller guild as in bigger ones you tend to just get lost among the crowd and have no input or place. Can’t promise i’ll be on all the time, but when I am i’ll do whatever to help out with guild stuff and have fun
Even message me on here, or ‘Surez’ in game if you fancy giving me a shot, thanks (:
P.S Can switch server if needed, but would prefer to stay on Aurora Glade if possible
Hi, I am GM for Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing and I think we may be a great fit for you, we’re after the same things. We’re also welcoming members from any home world, and that’s only an issue for WvW. Transfers are currently free and mostly painless, but certainly not a requirement.
I posted about LO recently… I invite you to give it a look and if afterwards you’re interested, please give me a shout, we’d love to have ya.
Looking for a organized mature guild with members 18+ in age. I’m a casual player and have background in DAOC, WOW, and Warhammer. Message in game; Phacia Lockheart.
Hey there, I have a similar MMO resume … started out with several years of DAoC.
I am GM for Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing. I think we may be a perfect fit for ya. We’re welcoming members from and home world, though for WvW we’re based on Ferguson’s Crossing. Transfers are currently free and mostly painless.
I posted about LO and invite you to give us a look and consideration. I hope to hear from ya.
Hi, Im a level 13 Warrior.
I’m friendly :d i enjoy talking to people and making new friends and helping out in a guild.
its one of my reason why i want to join a guildbecause playing on my own .. gets pretty boring :’(
so yeah ..
My guild Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing may be a good fit. I posted a bit about us in this topic which you may find interesting. If you do, give me a shout.
As it was mentioned, transfers are currently free and mostly painless … That’s only an issue really for WvW as we’re welcoming members from any home world to come hang with us.
Get in touch,
Hey guys after a punt at starting one – which is very hard in GW2 for some reason, I find myself looking for one.
Looking for a good mix of folks to chat and banter with, I have a silly monty python style humour and just looking for a good bunch to PVP/WVSW/PVE and anything else.
A no drama mature guild would suit me just fine, in return I’ll chip help and perhaps even heal some of you – (disclaimer depends on how many coffee I haven’t had). Im playing a guardian with looking to play into a cleric/offtank spec hybrid is my first initial idea.
Answers on a postcard to – kraytisallbyhimself competion only.
Sorry to hear of your woes in regards to the system not working for you … seems something has crept into it. Anyway …
I think my guild Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing may be a good fit. I posted some about us in this topic which I hope you’ll find interesting.
I think we’re aiming to build a group exactly like your asking about. We’re welcoming members from any home world, though for WvW we’re on Ferguson’s Crossing. Transfers remain free at this time I think, and they’re painless if you can stand being logged out for a few moments
Anyway. Give that post a look and if you’re interested give me a shout.
Hubby and I are looking for an active guild in Henge of Denravi. We are both active players, Guardian and Warrior level 80s with full exotic gear.
We just shifted from another server as we hope to find more people to play with.
Looking at guilds from Titan Alliance. Pls leave a message here or in game.PS. We are in GMT+8 timezone, dont mind playing with other players from other timezones
I see you already have moved home worlds, so this may be an obsticle … However I am GM for Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing. A guild I formed with the objective to build a group of adult members that desire a strong community of active players. I’m a father of a 6 month old, and most of my first members were also parents, including a wife-husband team. I think LO would be an ideal fit for you and your husband, and I welcome couples …
We’re welcoming members from any home world, that would only be an obstacle for WvW … so I invite you to give us a look. I posted this topic just the other day … please give us a look and if you’re interested I hope to hear from you!
I play nightly between 11 pm-4 am eastern US time. Currently I play a Necromancer (67) and Elementalist (low level).
What I’m Looking For:
- A group of adults, 21+.
- PvX, I enjoy all aspects of the game.
- People playing when I am. I play at odd hours for where I live which makes it harder to find active guilds. I don’t care where people are (country, region, etc.) so long as English is spoken and written fluently (because that’s what I speak).
- I’m looking for people that will be around a year from now.
- I’m looking for a group of people with a sense of humor that aren’t easily offended, can tell or take a joke and generally log on to have a good time and blow off some steam.
- Voice communication (TS, Vent, Mumble)
What I’m not looking for:
- Bigotry, racism, sexism, hate speech. If you use words that convey hate, move along. I’m not easily offended, I cuss like a sailor, but I don’t tolerate the disrespect that goes along with any of these topics. I think it’s sad that I even have to mention this, but it’s all too common.
- Spam invite guilds. I’m not interested in being 1 name on a list of hundreds. I’d like a more tight-knit community.
- Drama.
That more or less sums up what I’d like to find in a guild. If anyone knows of or has one along these lines, please hit me up here or in game. See ya in Tyria!
Fantastic post,
I formed Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing based on similar ideals. We’re a group of seasoned MMO players, adults, some now with children, that wanted a solid respectful and cooperative group to adventure with and that didn’t want the same unpleasant things you listed.
As for our time zone … We have some members that are EST, I’m CST but tend to play in the early morning hours despite having to live on coffee come morning.
Our membership is growing and we’ve recently picked up some higher level players, but our largest group is present in the high 30’s … I do hope this isn’t a deterant, We’ll catch up and my hope, and personal plan, is that we’ll be here a year from now as well I’d like to find a group to grow with as much as play the game.
Our group is so far all in their 30’s … So I think you’ll find a good group of adults, that do have a sense of humor, but can avoid most of the BS we’ve all experienced in past MMO/guilds.
Give us a look, I posted this topic the other day … If you’re interested, give me a shout, I think LO would be a good fit!
My friend and I are looking for a Guild to join on the Emhry Bay server. Both my friend and I are looking for an adult guild that is looking to do cooperative PvE content i.e. dungeons. Some PvP content but PvE content is more important.
We are both playing to have fun and are not interested in hardcore progression guilds.
Primarily looking for a group of people to have a good time with laugh and play GW2 with.Both my friend and I are season MMO players.
Please reply with a description of your guild and its demeanor while on Vent and typical raid schedule(s).Thanks!
I formed Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing based on similar ideals. We’re a group of seasoned MMO players, adults, some now with children, that wanted a solid respectful and cooperative group to adventure with. We’re currently all leveling and growing the guild.
We’re welcoming members from any home world, however if you’d like to WvW with us it would require a transfer to Ferguson’s Crossing – Those transfers are currently free to do and take just a few minutes.
Give us a look, I posted this topic the other day … If you’re interested, give me a shout, I think LO would be a good fit!
Looking for a mature drama free guild with vent. Have played Wow since vanilla and casually warhammer, swotr and rift. Am looking to make this my new game of choice and yes in GW2 I am definitely a newbie. Am willing to transfer to any server.
I’m recruting for my guild Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing … give us a look in this topic
We’re a group of adult gamers with similar back stories … If you’re interested get in touch and good hunting!
Hello, my friends and I are looking for a small(10-25 Members) casual/social guild to join.
We are U.S. based and normally play during the evenings in both west and east coast time zones.
We’re looking for a 18+ guild that is normally active during 5PM-10PM PST and is socially active as well.
We play on the Isle of Janthir.
Evolution Xander,
I am recruiting members for my guild Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing. You can read a little bit about us in this topic We’re welcoming members from any home world, although to WvW you’d have to join our home world. Transfers are still presently free.
We are a new guild, founded on the very ideals you mentioned. We hope to grow to a size that provides us an active group to adventure with. Not huge, not tiny. We’re made up of mainly adult gamers, some with children, that play in the evenings. I think we could be a good fit. Take a look at my post and if you’re interested, get in touch and good hunting
I’m a level 10 Sylvia Elementalist. My home world is Gunners hold but I dont mind changing.
Looking for some peeps to help me out on quests and generally chat too.
Who doesn’t like Bacon! … We love you already!
Too much? heh
Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing is looking for more members. Our group formed around cooperative play and enjoying the game with some good people. I’d be happy to play through some content with you, I have a few characters that I enjoy and a couple are in your level range …. so it’s perfect we can both advance.
I postted a little about LO in this topic. Give it a look and if you’re interested, look me up.
I am looking for a PVX guild with good coordination , and a friendly atmosphere w/o drama/whining.. I want guild dungeon and WvW groups on a regular/daily basis. I am 30y/o and play from 5pm-11pm est. I have been playing mmo’s for 10yrs. I have no problem with constructive criticism. I currently reside on the BlackGate server but i will transfer to a server that is not full.
Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing may make for a good fit. I posted a bit about us in this topic .
Our group plays during the same hours and we too are looking for like minded members. We’re all in our 30s, some have kids. We’re looking to expand our ranks so we can group up and explore all the content.
If you have any interest or questions, look me up.’
Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing would welcome you. Are members have similar gaming experience and background. We’re looking for very similar things. I posted a topic earlier about our recruiting. Look me up if you have any interest, and have fun in GW2
You’re in luck! … I’m recruiting for Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing … We welcome parents, as I’m a father of a 6 month old but still love to game.
I’m also running a few characters as well because I’m enjoying the variety.
Check us out…
Give me a shout if you’re interested!
Consider Lil Ones [LO] as well … we’re all experienced MMO players and I am personally more than willing to run through content with others, guildmates or not.
So my screen name is My Mutt, I play on the Northern Shiverpeaks server, and I’ve just created a guild called Cradle Guard [CrGd]. This guild is meant for players with little ones, who know how to remain productive in their evenings while guarding the bedroom door. It’s a guild in-which you can play with like-minded individuals as parents and be a part of a community as such, and not so much a guild that takes the game more seriously than real-life responsibilities; though hey, being the mature, organized, and nurturing players that we are, we just might be able to go far and dominate.
I myself am a full-time single father, and my son is 5 years old and just beginning Kindergarten. We live on the east coast, so I can just about always be found in the game playing between 8pm and 1am eastern time; though I also hop-on every other opportunity that I get…. nap time!
Fantastic, I had a similar idea and founded “Lil Ones” On Ferguson’s Crossing … Perhaps we can talk about some cross guild events, coop, or alliance.
… Love the name btw, hah, creative!
(edited by Primetime.6254)
Lil Ones [LO] is Recruiting - Parents Wlcm (Home: Ferg. Crossing)
in Guilds
Posted by: Primetime.6254
Well met,
Lil Ones [LO] is welcoming new members from all home worlds, although we call Ferguson’s Crossing home for WvW.
LO is seeking members that enjoy the comradity of respectful, helpful, and cooperative players. We’ll participate in every aspect of content from PvE to WvW along side our members*
LO welcomes players of all races (especially Asuran), professions, crafts, and focuses … Our current group is made up of adult players with several prior years of MMO/guild experience. We welcome parents and husband-wife teams. Most of us are parents and we have to be responsive, so we understand the necessity for random AFKs and won’t get bent out of shape.
LO is using C3 for voice communications. C3 allows for free channel hosting, has virtually no setup required and has demonstrated great sound quality. Visit www.downloadc3.com to get the client. Join the “Lil Ones” channel if you’d like to get to know us first.
Contact me (Primetime.6254) or my characters if you’d like to adventure with us. I play most evening – US Central Time.
- Mison Heath: Norn Warrior
- Cy Lent: Asuran Thief
- Soiro: Asuran Elem
- Harp Ur: Human Necro
Quick summary
- Adult members of which most are seasoned MMO players
- We welcome parents, couples, and gamers with families because ‘we get it’
- PvX focused, we enjoy exploring all the content
- Cooperative and Respectful
- We’re using C3 for voice communication: Free client, and free channel hosting, easy setup and great sound quality – I have been a Vent user for years, the free channel hosting here is ideal for us at the moment.
- I’d personally like to see some SPvP groupings, these modes have been fun. I’d like some teammates to run with.
What we’re not
- We will not tollerate racisim, sexism, bigotry and disrespectful treatment of members or otherwise.
- We’re not aiming to be a massive guild, we prefer a strong community among active members.
- We’ll avoid the drama. Most of us have already been there and done that guilds and we’re looking for a solid supportive group that we look forward to play with when we can.
- LOners welcome
(edited by Primetime.6254)