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Are Grenades still required for max dps?

in Engineer

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

In PvE I have been enjoying a (questionable) Flamethrower Viper build, with the Scrapper line equipped for the gyros. I particularly enjoy the synergy between the “gain might/stability with flamethrower” trait with both the “gain might when you have stability” and “gain 3 sec quickness when over 10 stacks of might” (both of those scrapper traits). So I have permanent stability and permanent ~12 stacks of Might (without strength runes!) When I have a flamethrower equipped.

By-the-numbers, grenade setups are probably stronger, but seeing 10k burn ticks and 6k damage per FT cycle doesn’t feel weak.

At the end of the day, especially in PvE, maximizing your DPS output should take a backseat to playing a class and style that you enjoy. I don’t know anyone who plays a build like I do, and I’m ok with that, because Viper Flamethrower with Gyros is just too freaking fun for me to give up.

The Flaws Of Zergplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

“I don’t like playing with a lot of people. It’s not fun when all my friends are on at the same time.”

“We should only limit guilds to 25 people max, that way when we do guild events the party is smaller and the gameplay is more rewarding/challenging.”

“There’s a bunch of people participating in something? I’m totally NOT going to be interested in what’s developing over there.”

…said nobody, ever.

I play this game to play with other people. The more people, the better. I don’t give a kitten about the loots and the golds.

Maybe making these things more challenging for large groups, or rather, scaling the difficulty appropriately, would be a better solution.


I feel that GW2's philosophy is flawed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

People hate it when I say this, but remember the game is suppose to be fun. If it’s not fun don’t do it. The only way you can get ANet to stop producing stuff like this is if people stop participating.

That right there is what I’ve been saying all along as well. ANet will make the game that the people want, and if the people want to play Farmville Wars 2 then that’s the game they will get.

If you don’t want that kind of stuff, stop doing that kind of stuff.

The problem isn’t the developers, it’s the players.


This game needs a shift AWAY from gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

I agree with the OP in letter, but not in spirit.

ANet didn’t set out to make a game so heavily reliant on farm raids etc, they are simply responding to the wants of the players. Do you remember their discussion about Dynamic Events? Most people didn’t do any of them, especially in their content releases, so what did they do? Dumbed them down for later releases because obviously the community focus wasn’t there. If the players want to play Farmville Wars 2 then ANet will give them the game they want.

The change needs to come from us, but it’s not going to happen because human nature will always seek to find the quickest path to a reward. You’re basically asking people to stop wanting the shinies and just “play for the sake of playing” but I doubt most people would play this way.

If people can get item X in less time, they will do it. The item, not the experience, becomes the reward.


Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

Casuals spend the most $ on gems because they having paying jobs.

Hardcore players or players who put the hours in use gold to buy gems.

Without casuals no GW2.

how could this be true if the game sold 3.5 mil? where did that money went to?

I wouldn’t be surprised if most of that money went to operating costs. Do you know how many servers it takes to host 430k people? (that’s the peak users they had logged in) Not to mention making back all the money spent in their 5 years of production. Investors need a return.

Regarding the original question, “catering to casuals” is what most games that want to make decent money. And ‘casual’ gamers are the majority of gamers, even if they aren’t the loudest forum speakers.

Businesses go where the money is. ArenaNet is a company that needs to NOT go belly up, so I can keep enjoying this awesome game.


EDIT: “servers” doesn’t mean the servers you log into. A literal server is the individual computer that is networked to hundreds of other computers to provide the “server” you see at login.

I don't like the dance moves

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

Yea, when I saw people complaining about the dance moves during release, I was very disappointed and pretty much didn’t buy the game until just a few months ago, when I decided to try the game for its other content like guilds, dungeons, WvW, and all that stuff.

Gotta have my dance moves, you know? But I decided to look past that, and I can honestly say I’m enjoying the game for what it is, despite the glaring setback that is not having interesting dance moves for my characters.



GW2: I can't play with my friends

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

Too bad my friends are on Aurora Glade whilst I am on Gandara, and i didn’t get any reward from this event.

This is why you coordinate which server you and your friends want to play on, BEFORE you create and play a character.

This guild system that u earn influence and u get reward from guild mission only if you are on the same server of the guild just don’t works and devide people.

This isn’t EVE, where everyone is playing on the same server. It wouldn’t make sense anyways for everyone to be able to independently farm guild missions, since (IMO) guild missions are DESIGNED to be played with YOUR GUILD, from the SAME server. Doing otherwise would be (again IMO) overpowering and simplifying the guild missions.

Time is money. You can either re-roll a character on your friends’ server, or you can pay money to transfer your character to their server. Either way…you should have figured out which server your friends were on BEFORE you created a toon.

Mah two cents.


How long gameplay does GW2 ensures?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

If you are a perfectionist, then yea there isn’t much to do after you’ve done “everything.” At that point, level up some alts and/or join some PvP tournaments.

…or set yourself up for world domination.
(just saying)


Out of Range / Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

Yea…I don’t want it to change. It is “frustrating” when I miss a skill because I was out of range, but that’s MY fault, not the game’s fault.

I have to learn the game. The game doesn’t learn me.

And, as was previously stated, there are ways to check your range (your #1), observe if a skill is in range (red bar), and guesstimate the terrain (shoot downhill = extended range, if they run towards you, they can still hit your arrow – even if you fired it while “out of range”).

All of these things combined give you the tools you need to overcome your addiction to skill-lock. Now that the crutch has been kicked out from under you, learn to walk, instead of begging for another crutch.


Engineer class suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

I think pets in general are rather weak (turrets, necropets, etc) but I don’t have enough experience to say that with conviction. I just know that I’m never afraid of anyone’s pets or any turrets really. They are papercuts.

I would like to see “pets” (incl. turrets) get a buff. As a necro, my pets seem rather worthless.


Vsync Ghosting/Stutter Vista's 62fps with Vsync Off !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

You should be able to control VSync through your graphics card proprietary software (Nvidia’s nTune or AMD’s Catalyst Control Center), where there should be an option to force VSync on or off.

Can you expand more what you mean when you say you get ghosting/stutter? “Ghosting” is usually related to slow pixel response of the monitor you use, and “stutter” usually means particularly low framerates (or, depending on who you talk to, “stutter” could also be frame tearing – when the GPU sends a new frame to the monitor before the monitor is done rendering the current frame).

I hope this helps!


GW2 Lion's arch to massive? Fps drops? Graphic settings turned down just not enough to enjoy?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

This is normal. The more people there are, the more effort your GPU has to put in to render it all.

This is why, when you look at GPU’s on Newegg, people would state what their fps is when they are in Stormwind (from WoW) because, in the most-populated city of WoW, frame drops are standard.

Hope that helps!


Suggestion: Release Patch Notes with Patches

in Suggestions

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

I 100% agree. Especially since we have the launcher RIGHT THERE during update, it’s quite easy to post what you’ve updated right there. Or at LEAST a link to the relevant forum thread.


Level your crafting...affordably?

in Crafting

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

I’m currently level 19, which I know isn’t particularly high.

I want to level my crafting (just Tailor for now), but I find that the drops are not very frequent (Jute from Bandits) and the TP prices feel absurdly high (I’ve still only amassed like 20 silver in my character’s life. Ugh).

Is there a faster way to farm the necessary materials? Or at least, a faster way to farm moneys?

Thanks fer any tips


Newbie player; Necro leveling suggestions?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

thanks for your responses I’ll definitely try both of these and see how they feel, probably tweak them to my own style (of course).

Thanks guys


Newbie player; Necro leveling suggestions?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584


I just bought the game a few days ago, and of course I fall in love with the Necromancer (always have, always will, every game, all the time).

I’m not trying to race to the endgame, but I would like any suggestions for a decent mostly-solo experience as a Necromancer. Right now I’m toying with a minion-master-esque build, but I’m only level 10 so I have a lot of flexibility right now :-P

Thanks in advance for any pointers you’d have.

ONE MORE question: is it worth it to level as one spec and then re-spec at endgame? I’d like to roll as a healer in the later levels but it usually makes for a boring experience in the first 70% of the game (in my experience).



Poll (Sort of) What video card do you use?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Professor Marvel.7584

Professor Marvel.7584

I use two GTX 280’s in SLI. (1gb versions)
Each one performs about as well as a HD 7770, but half the price
No DX11 support, though.