Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
Showing Posts For Pyrotek.8730:
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
OMG, i did not know that! Didnt realise that my fields actually have negative effect and counteract others.
I’m quite new to the game and catching up but looks like I’m reading old advice.
Thank you!
I used to use the nullfield too back in my days. But the long cd made it too … well … how can I call it? It’s just a “NOW should everything neutralize”-moment. It’s not flexibel enough. However it still is great in some situations, sometimes I even use both of em.
Btw try not to create etheral combo fields. They just disturb your group if you have somone who benefits from fields like an engineer, a thief or an ele or any “20% projectile” class. The chaosarmor is pathetic compared to might and heal. For example as engineer I put down a fire bomb and rush the combo finishers for 9-15 stacks might for everyone for 25 sec. If there is a etheral field it sux terrible … :P Chaos armor … It requires a buff in PvE.
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
Yes – in dungs Scepter is better for me as I find myself mostly in mele or mid range. I don’t like the clone replacement but usually on scepter I’m in defensive/recovery mode so I shatter and replace with fresh phantasms anyway.
I like staff for escapes and #5, but it feels slow.
I’ll learn to use more mantras instead of null fields. I liked null fields previously to provide combo fields (I love combos now that u can see them).
Only thing i don t like is the scepter….if used as it should it delete your 3rd phantasm with the autoattack.
Gs has a phant with decent DPS AND aoe..if you need ranged options i d go with it.
Short range the scepter hits better than the GS, long range vice versa ofc. The scepter has a better phantasm (pistol / swordie) for single target and the GS for aoe. There is also the Staff for survivability and bossfight with conditions.
In general: Go melee if you can, if you are forced to go range:
Greatsword for AoE or long range dps where phantasms can’t survive or meatshields are there. Single target and block at shrot the scepter it is (short range = allies = boons)! And for mobility and 4+ conditions on the enemy: Staff.
For example fire and frost duo boss fotm: Staff + GS, mainly GS, Staff to escape. Dwayna is staff = 20k crits. And another example for the scepter is in CM that guy with the knockdowngun (can’t be reflected, but meatshield with clones n’ block).
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
Very useful thread as I’m in same situation, trying to tune my build/gears for dungeons.
Where I’m suffering atm is when there are lots of condi AoE, like burns. How do I increase cond removal? I use null fields a lot for team, but CD is killing me. I want to keep reflect and blink, so mantra for cond removal is not always available.
HOTW for example I do well in, as mostly big bosses. AC/CoFs oth, I get downed due to cond. I can dodge physical mele fairly well.
My build is full zerker with ruby orbs (all i can afford at the time). Using sw/sw, sw/focus or scepter/focus. Have GS, staff and pistol too ofc, depending on situation.
Thinking of swapping some pieces to Knight’s for increasing survivability a little but still have decent DPS. Was thinking of Centaur or Travelers to increase swiftness. This might reduce need to blink everywhere.
Thanks for any suggestions?
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
Would it be too much to ask for a Youtube vid without music?
i’d love to watch & learn but the vid is blocked in the UK due to DRM/copyright, same with most of your other vids.
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
IGN: Dazzling Daze
Server: EU Underworld
Time: Late evenings, GMT 21:00-mindnights.
Fairly new to game. Currently using Blackwater cond build. Lvl 80 with some exotics.
Like to learn fractals/dungeons, atm mainly surviving but want to bring mesmer magic to team instead of being a burden.
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
Started GW2 about 2mths ago. Leveled 2 toons to 80. Ranger and Mesmer (some exotics).
Looking for guild with a few newcomer to game who arent bored with running dungeons and good mix of helpful experienced players to take group through.
Generally the few guilds I’ve tried are nice, but most are too busy doing their own thing and not much group actions sadly.
I play most nights late UK timezone.
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
My appologies!
I’ll retract… just feels like it to me, throw something of value in hoping for a random outcome of more worth feels like a gamble to me.
I just hope that MF isnt truly random. Unpredictable yes, but truly random to me means my chance of getting something decent is very low, and remains so, however much effort I put into the game. My luck in these things tends to be awful. :-(
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
(edited by Pyrotek.8730)
Let me re-phrase.
MF is like an online casino. People are encouraged to spend money, put something valuable in, with the hope of winning something better/more valuable.
Is it truely random? Who controls and regulates to ensure it is?
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
(edited by Pyrotek.8730)
I wonder how many people here think/believe that online casinos actually give truely random chance to win?
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
RUNO get back here and update this!
@ New level 80’s: We should be hearing from you about what questions you have. What things do you consider fun?
As a new level 80, the fun is that I can START doing the list of 80 posted. Reaching 80 is the begining of the game, not the end for me.
There are still vast areas of the map that I cant roam around before getting squished easily. So much to do! Lots of challenges, some frustrating but still makes you determine to beat. For example I ran back and jumped off a cliff a dozen times to get a diving award as i kept landing on rocks at one site yesterday.
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
(edited by Pyrotek.8730)
As I have very little gear I need to do lots of dung / event / champ runs to start farming for equip & gold. Also will start doing some WvW to learn. Don’t always play at right time so I rarely find zergs in WvW though.
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
Being new to the game, and I’ve just lvl’ed up a mesmer, wondering if you can advise on what beginner gears I need to use this build.
I’m not sure on my play style yet but this sounds like a good build to suit me starting out and learn. So far I’ve been using the GS and sw/focus combo. Everyone says use GS but I find that I’m mostly at mid range so get low DPS from GS #1.
I like staff at this range wih close in bounces doing dmg. I dont like shatters because I find it hard to keep track of where they are & what they’re doing.
Doing a lot of reading & learning but I’m literally starting with a blank sheet, not much gold to get gears.
I like PvE/Dung runs at this stage. Very little WvW/PvP.
Any help appreciated, thanks.
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
I’m “lucky” in that I haven’t played MMO much before. So not bringing the baggage of expectations to the game, here’s my list of enjoyable things:
1) game is vast, so much to do, so many places to explore.
2) you’re not forced to do anything. just do what you want, enjoy the journey rather than the end achievements
3) game is collaborative. people naturally helps each other as everyone contributes to each event. you can start a quest, get 90pct there and someone else happens to finish it with you.
4) the devs are nuts! some of the puzzles put in are just sick! take jumping puzzles for instance, i never had problems before but i sure get vertigo in game. jeez.
5) constant updates. new events, new stuff all the time.
6) game play so different to each profession, and diff builds in each. even the classes are so different to each other.
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
Same here!
I’ve joined a few guilds to see but not found a ‘home’ yet. Generally people are helpful as the game works coorperatively instead of competitively all the time.
Think the key is to find a ‘newbie’ server. My ‘loneliness’ is mainly finding I’m on my own most of the time through the vast areas of the map. Majority of max-level players are gathered in the hubs like LA or around dungeons.
It would be nice for a bunch of relatively new(or returning players) helping each other where you dont feel like you’re a burden to everyone all the time asking for help.
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
Need a pinned glossary somewhere. I’m lost too with the lingo. Problem is it will just be filled with kittens?
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
Yes Guardian is easier, but suits me as a new comer to MMO an GW2 so i can learn, and have some fun doing dungeons and survive/catch up with zerg runs. Actually started as Ele and got to 30 when things seems harder (glass canon?). Switched to ranger mainly because I can observe what others are doing during combat from a distant and still contribute.
Now playing guardian and warr in parallel just to try out. Will take one max level to help me learn dungeon tactics.
Then I will move up to more challenging classes, ultimately I like mesmer/necro as they’re so different in GW2 and better implemented.
Prior to GW2 I played iOS games like OaC which arent even a smidget of this MMO. GW2 is vast, with so much to learn.
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
(edited by Pyrotek.8730)
This is a great thread!
Myself i’ve only started 2-3 weeks ago. I levelled up a ranger so far but struggling in dungeons finding a supportive group to take noobs. Im finding ranger hard in dungeons because of the close proximity and relatively low dps (but constant).
There’s a little bit of catch-22 once you reach 80. Need better gears which seems to be from dungeons, but cant do dungeons because I lack experience / tactics.
I’m now exploring the rest of the map and trying the champ runs but most of the drops are green/blue, rare occasional yellows.
I’m also trying out a guardian, warrior and have a elementalist at lvl 30.
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)