Showing Posts For R Pete G.2490:
Haven’t received an in-game mail.
Completed most of the Phase 1 and 2 quests (where able, due to bugs), also did some of the events in Southsun Cove on the Sunday. Was completely unable to log in and participate in the Ancient Karka fight, not through lack of trying.
As I pessimistically predicted, targeting people who were able to participate partly in the Ancient Karka event still leaves out people like me.
1. People are lfg for their particular level for fractals for hours on map chat…
2. A shared cross server pool would make grouping 100x fasterany more reason needed?
No no, I agree that a LFG tool is a great idea. My question was why post a design?
My one question is “Why?”
Hi guys,
Ignoring all the disagreement about the Lost Shores event, I was just wondering if people have had any Consortium related drops from Karka enemies in Southsun Cove since the event ended.
There was mention from ArenaNet that things in the Consortium Chests would be rare drops from enemies / during events, but no clarification on whether this was just for the duration of the Lost Shores weekend or not.
Personally I’m not a gambler, and buying Consortium Chests with only a chance to get a mini pet just wasn’t for me. That’s not a criticism, just a personal preference.
I’d be happy to try and grind one, however, so has anyone looted / know of anyone who has looted a Consortium Chest item (either a mini pet or a weapon / shoulder skin) from Southsun Cove since the Lost Shores event ended?
An ArenaNet response would be even better, but it’s Thanksgiving by now (I think), so I guess that’s unlikely.
I’d also like to know what will continue to drop (no matter how rarely) after the 20th. I think ArenaNet are being intentionally vague at this point, so that players feel the need to buy chests (and probably buy gems for $).
The island still has events and stuff AFAIK – no renown hearts, just events (like some of the other level 80 zones) and is the only place to get a crafting material I can’t remember the name of.
No. This was not an expansion, nor an expansion’s worth of content, nor was it meant to be.
Sorry, I should have clarified – I singled out those 30 new events, 2 new mini-dungeons and 3 new jumping puzzles because they were permanent additions that remain post-Halloween.
Well, the Halloween patch did actually add:
30 new events
2 new mini-dungeons (I think?)
3 new jumping puzzles.
Stop already with the “free game” argument. They are making more money than they would out of subscription fees. Thats the whole reason for this game model. Dont be fooled that you dont pay monthly fee. If you havent payed any money in the Gem shop, other ppl have. They pay for the updates. They pay for development of new things for this game.
The update is certainly not free. If ppl wouldnt pay for stuff fro the gem shop, there would be no update cause there would be no money to pay for it.
It’s not an invalid point though. The update is free to me because I haven’t paid for it. ArenaNet developing content for everyone, regardless of how much money those people have put into the game, is still a different scenario to content updates in subscription based MMOs.
I’m not saying that ArenaNet don’t make a heap of money out of the game, or that we can’t dislike content just because it’s “free”. I’m just curious why people are so dismissive when we’ve had a steady flow of additional content since launch.
I’d be interested to know how much you were expecting for a free, monthly update.
So, I was excited to read that ArenaNet had taken a lot of the feedback on board about the problems with the Lost Shores events, and were moving to find a solution for people who had missed out.
But will those of us who couldn’t even log in at all for the Ancient Karka fight be compensated also?
It seems that a lot of players got disconnected and missed the finale. Well, some players including myself were unable to log in at all during the Ancient Karka event – I had spent a few hours doing the events earlier in the day, but when I tried to log back in for the main event I was unable to do so.
Additionally I spent upwards of 18 hours this weekend trying to enjoy the Lost Shores events in general, and they were pretty good. But due to the timing of the bugs that remained unfixed while I was still able to play, I couldn’t complete the Miyani / Zommoros investigation despite having spent a good few hours running back and forth between bugged NPCs.
I fear that by the sounds of the recent post ArenaNet are only moving towards rewarding those people who were able to log in during the Ancient Karka event and start participating in the fight. I’m pleased for you guys that they’re actually interested in making things right.
But that’s still going to leave a lot of players unrewarded – players who had also invested a lot of time in what was a great event in theory, but perhaps not great in execution.
Rather than trying to target players who participated in a specific event, which I imagine is tricky (given the tone of the post), why not target players who completed at least one of the Lost Shores events?
We all want the same thing – to be rewarded for our participation, not excluded because we couldn’t make 1 of the many events going on. We were told that this was all a “one time only” event. We played through the content all across the weekend. But nobody told us that the only real reward worth getting was from a few-hours-long window, and that all our previous efforts came with little to no reward.
So instead of a chest that only certain players were able to reach, what about mailing players a bag with the same loot potential as the chest? Those people who played the Lost Shores content but missed out on just the end of one single event – through no fault of their own – need some love too.
hahaha you’ve got to be kidding, why the hell would they care about you, i’m not trying to sound rude but why would they go to all that trouble you’ve suggested when they still have tons of bugs waiting to be fixed and the real main factor – have your money stashed in their greedy little hands? Better just harden up like the rest of us and take it on the chin.
Normally I’d be inclined to agree. I often saw people asking in chat about what ArenaNet were planning on doing about the situation and I’d reply with “nothing”.
But they are actually implementing a solution – they’ve said they’re going to try and compensate the people who have missed out. So that’s why I’ve put forward my thoughts: because, judging by the initial post, their “solution” is still going to leave people out in the cold.
ArenaNet have indicated that they want to make the effort to do something for us. I just hope they don’t continue to exclude / disappoint players once again, when their intentions seem good.
I was excited to read that ArenaNet had taken a lot of the feedback on board about the problems with the Lost Shores events, and were moving to find a solution for people who had missed out.
But will those of us who couldn’t even log in at all for the Ancient Karka fight be compensated also?
I personally spent upwards of 18 hours this weekend trying to enjoy the Lost Shores events, and they were pretty good. But due to the timing of the bugs that remained unfixed while I was still able to play, I couldn’t complete the Miyani / Zommoros investigation despite having spent a good few hours running back and forth between bugged NPCs.
I also was unable to log in at all during the Ancient Karka event – I had spent a few hours doing the events earlier in the day, but when I tried to log back in for the main event I was unable to do so.
I fear that by the sounds of the post ArenaNet are only moving towards rewarding those people who were able to log in during the Ancient Karka event and start participating in the fight. That’s still going to leave a lot of players unrewarded – players who had also invested a lot of time in what was a great event in theory, but perhaps not great in execution.
Rather than trying to target players who participated in a specific event, which I imagine is tricky, why not target players who completed at least one of the Lost Shores events? A bag with the same loot potential as the chest seems fair, and those people who missed out on much more than just the end of an event – through no fault of their own – are compensated.
(edited by R Pete G.2490)
Saballa still bugged – accepting items just not moving or ever giving the dialogue to progress.
KotCR – I think it’s safe to say a major ISP aren’t going to deliberately block a major MMO. There would be no reason. Normally if there’s a specific ISP with problems, it’s because an automated measure in place is being triggered by mistake by whatever the game is doing. Someone adjusts the detection, makes exceptions, the problem gets addressed.
As for my problem, Amarinth – there’s a problem if it’s the same computer, if it’s a laptop / PS3 on the network, and with multiple video streaming services. As I write this, I was trying to play GW2 and watch something on ITV Player’s catchup service (on the same machine). It was like trying it on dialup. Turned GW2 off, it’s working like a charm.
Not really got much experience looking ports and things like that unfortunately.
So, I’ve been playing GW2 since launch, enjoying it immensely. Recently I’ve run into an odd problem I can’t quite figure out.
My wife has just started catching up on some TV shows via Love Film – she streams them (standard definition). For days she’s been having problems I couldn’t figure out, but finally I’ve found what seems to be the issue.
When I’m playing GW2, the Love Film stream constantly freezes and hangs, sometimes for up to a minute. It probably plays for about 1/5 of the time it’s just sitting there frozen. It’s not just Love Film either – iPlayer, 4OD, Netflix etc all seem to suffer.
Now, the reason this is confusing me is because we’ve got a decent 30mb fibre-optic broadband. I can play GW2 and torrent / download large files without any problems. I can play GW2 and update Steam, browse the web, stream files from my NAS across my network. I can even play GW2 and watch videos on YouTube quite happily. I can play GW2 and do pretty much anything else internet-related without any lag issues.
What I don’t quite understand is why the two activities – and only these two – seem to be incompatible. I don’t experience any lag in GW2 when this happens, only the streaming that suffers. But GW2 (AFAIK) doesn’t exactly hog bandwidth with tonnes of data going back and forth, or anything like that. Any other combination of activities are fine, so my connection speed should be more than ample.
I’m guessing it might be ISP related, but I wondered if any other Virgin Media customers have experienced a similar issue.
Success! Sharing my findings here to a) hopefully help other people get it complete and b) maybe give ArenaNet some more insight into fixing this thing. Minor, minor spoilers.
Ok, so I had the quest bug on me once last night (4th October 2012, around 10pm BST) and again this morning (5th October, around 9am BST).
I didn’t do any of the following:
- Take a shortcut on the path, jump over the hut or anything like that
- Let Traehearn die
- Have any problems with Traehearn following me
I did do the following on both failed attempts:
- Die and have to continue from a checkpoint
When I tried it for the second time this morning, however, I tried to follow all of the advice in this thread and I:
- Ran inside the house where you meet the first group of researchers, all the way to the back
- Stood around a lot, making sure all the NPCs had caught up and didn’t have any dialogue to complete before speaking to each NPC for a conversation cutscene
- Cleared all the enemies in the area after finding the first group of researchers and running back down the hill
Whatever I did / didn’t do this 3rd time I don’t know, but it worked.
“Some players’ monthly achievements didn’t correctly reset on September 1 at 00:00 GMT. To allow those players to collect the next monthly reward, we will reset the monthly achievement of any player who is already at 100% for the month as of tomorrow night’s update.”
This is from the most recent game update. I appreciate that players who managed to complete their monthly for August will be pleased to hear this.
But what about players like myself who had progress on our Experience Survivor track halted just by logging out, or changing zones? It seems a shame that we’re at a disadvantage with regards to monthly rewards, just because of a game bug that has yet to be fixed.
I had originally assumed that the merging of August and September’s monthly achievement was intentional, so that people who were unable to complete Experience Survivor due to these bugs would be able to do so once it was fixed. But this appears not to have been the case.
Apologies for the triple post, but if anyone else has already applied a Collector’s Edition to an existing Digital Deluxe edition, and has any insight on how this works, I’d appreciate that.
I’d be surprised if I’m the only one who’s wondered about this, and it’d be great to get some sort of feedback if possible please.
A quick question about the game editions.
I pre-purchased the Digital Deluxe edition of GW2 because – having bought the more expensive collector’s editions of other MMOs in the past and not stuck with them – was wary about parting with over £100 on a game I hadn’t tried yet.
Needless to say, I love the game now and, in hindsight, I’m wishing I’d bought the full blown Collector’s Edition. Unfortunately, with physical items involved it’s not quite as simple as the existing gem-store upgrade from Standard to Digital Deluxe.
Here’s my dilemma. If I buy the Collector’s Edition, I’m potentially wasting £65 and having to choose between continuing with my Digital Deluxe account (which I’ve poured many hours into already), or starting a new one. So, a few quick questions:
- With no in-game difference between the Digital Deluxe and Collector’s Edition rewards, are they tracked differently? If I stuck with my current DD account after buying the CE, would I be missing out on any potential rewards now or in the future that distinguish between the two editions in game?
- If I were to buy the CE and sell the game code to someone else (essentially as a DD code), would I a) be breaking any ToS or b) giving them a “better” account than a regular DD code would?
- Here’s the longshot – would it be possible to give ArenaNet the new account code from the CE, have them merge it with my account in some way (so that it isn’t usable any longer) and receive some kind of refund, so that essentially only 1 account is created and paid for, but I’m left with the Collector’s Edition (physical items and all)?
It’s a shame that the one new MMO I’ve enjoyed in recent years came after buying so many “wasted” Collector’s Editions for games that didn’t hold my interest.
Given the option to go from a Standard to a Digital Deluxe edition, it’d be a shame if I’ve got no options when it comes to a Collector’s Edition (which I could still buy).
(edited by R Pete G.2490)