Showing Posts For Raf.3840:

6/7 SoR/ TC/ SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Raf.3840


Jesus, three servers ticking for 400+

I can already see the guy at ANet going, “Uh oh.”

SoS was doing that for weeks in T4 as was Ebay in T5. It’s nothing new

Things will settle down after the weekend.

The problem is these servers weren’t so unbalanced before.

SoR was better off with JQ and BG, perhaps with TC replacing JQ, but certainly not SoS. Vizunah and Elona should’ve been in the same match.

And the lower tiers…

Let’s just enjoy the matchup. SoS doing fine.

We just took Stonemist…

Dumbest move i have Seen from a SOS Commander yet, nice work Handing SM to SOR.

Apologies TC

Allow Dual Spec for Gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raf.3840


As per Title really.

Allow us to swap between 2 preset Traits and Gear loadouts.

Charge Gems for the luxy of doing it and keep the repec cost just apply it to the swapping of spec’s.

I would love to be able to go from 1v1 spec and gear to when the fight requires pull back out of combat and goto Longbow power spec etc.

Put a cooldown on it of say 10mins to prevent exploiting during Fights – Also extra safe guard when someone makes the Spec change put their life to 10% and in Combat, possible even make the re-spec pop their heal cooldown.

So if anyone drastically changes their spec mid fight by running out of combat there is no advantage.


Sorry if mentioned before.

10/19 Sanctum of Rall vs Crystal Desert vs Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Raf.3840


SOS currently has Overflow in Lions Arch but we can’t get 10 guys to defend our Valley Keep in EB. Maps all Red now – Where are all the AU Guilds and their 500 odd memebers?

Stop recruiting WvW players if you going to leave them to wander leaderless. then they quit or PvE.

Downed state just isn't a fun PvP mechanic

in WvW

Posted by: Raf.3840


Downed state is great, learn to work with it its not hard.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Raf.3840


Lol right, losing Greenlake to HOD while Woodhaven was hit by SBI thats expected.
Defending Acension Bay from SBI while losing Redbriar to HoD normal stuff.

Losing Acension Bay to SBI while HoD camp our southern entrances pretty standard stuff aswell really.

HoD Ignoring the gaping hole you mentioned in SBI’s Acension Bay to double team Redvale as per pictures…… pretty pathetic

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Raf.3840


Nice Teamwork guys,


HoD's Success: Virchow's take

in WvW

Posted by: Raf.3840


Pretty Impressed by how well HOD and SBI Coordinate attacks. You managed to only kill each other once while gangbanging the last ET Supply camp instead of fighting each other GG

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Raf.3840


Remove all Mining / Wood / Plants
Remove Jumping Puzzle
Remove 100% Map Completion
Remove anything that hasnt a PvP objective

Night capping – Let guilds buy a immunity buff that makes keeps / Towers immune for capping for a set amount of time that can only be activated from set hours.

This will prevent Player versus Gate guilds ruining the whole atmosphere inside Borderlands.
Its horrible to wake up and see all your work demolished in a few hours of sleep.

Not only that, but by the time you wake up you fight an uphill battle versus keeps / Towers that are Tier 3 upgraded and have 40 arrows charts / Catapults / Balista’s not to mention the walls inside every Borderlands (except Eternal) are forts on their own.

Suply camps can be captured 24/7 offcourse.

As of now i have no interest to play WvW anymore and it seems many people who bought GW2 for the sole reason to WvW are already done with it.

Waking up and seeing the pie 100% sliced for 1 faction has totaly ruined any sence of progresion.
Not to mention you cannot make the gap smaller as each night the night hero’s make a 40/50k lead in points if not more.

Iam willing to pay 10 gold for that immunity buff btw, a guild who claims a keep need to invest in it.
All members of the guild should donate if they like WvW.

In the meantime /Planetside 2 beta

We have a couple hundred thousand if not million Oceanic Players this is a 24hr game. There is no Night capping!!!!

SoS, lets form an alliance.

in WvW

Posted by: Raf.3840


If true Kudos to you

SoS, lets form an alliance.

in WvW

Posted by: Raf.3840


Sorry dude but Ruin was blatantly cross-realming and Yes he was advertising aswell. (player – Nohonor)
Your currently controlling Oceanic pretty well so i don’t see the concern. If you want to Metagame that’s fine don’t try and pretend your not.

SoS, lets form an alliance.

in WvW

Posted by: Raf.3840


Re: SoS attacking IoJ it not from lack of trying by guilds on those servers to get them to focus on ET. Ruin (ET Guild) has players on SOS leading the Zerg around dropping siege even to keep them moving on IoJ assets. Try as we might our players are largely puppets and seem to enjoy it.