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The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raigne.9846


This is another case of something that looks simple but is actually fairly complex. The issue is that the same day that I made the fix to this story step, some changes were made to the music system that required an update to all story steps. Unfortunately, this meant that my fixed version was no longer compatible with Live, since it had references to the new audio changes in it, but Live did not have the new changes yet. Ultimately, it was deemed too risky to rush out the new audio changes (since they would affect every story step), which is why this (seemingly minor) fix has been delayed for so long, and why it’s part of a major update, and hasn’t been pushed out with the smaller updates we’ve made since this bug was fixed.

THANK YOU. The delay now makes sense to me. I feel a lot better about how things are being handled now. Sucks I can’t do my story quest yet, but I am glad to know we’re not being left hanging needlessly.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raigne.9846


Has anyone attempted to do the quest co-op with someone that is also stuck on the same quest?

I have. Nothing changed.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raigne.9846


The only thing I can suggest that I haven’t seen thus far is that they roll all of us back that are on this quest to the quest before it so we can pick the alternate quest line that DOES work. Probably won’t happen though since this would require more time re-coding when they want to just fix the actual problem.

Rolling us back to the previous quest would also roll us back to our previous character progress. Multiple people have posted to say that the stuck toon is now level 70+, and I am one of them. This bug is angering me just as much as anyone else, but when all I have to show for it is level progress, I am willing to wait instead of losing it.

I wish I just didn’t have to wait this long.

Under Seige Quest Failure

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raigne.9846


I got this bug earlier today, and reported it with a screenshot. You CAN finish the quest though. I used the minimap in the lower right hand corner to navigate my character toward the fight, and then did a little poking around after to get the right NPC to trigger the closing dialogue.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raigne.9846


Are you kidding me? Can’t patch problems as they occur, but you can fix something like a dye drop rate four days after the fact?

Before I was mildly irritated. Now I’m angry. Do something else? The character stuck on this quest is level 80. The toon I decided to work on while I waited is now level 60. It will also be level 80 by the time this update happens, I bet.

(edited by Raigne.9846)

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raigne.9846


I was a little flabbergasted when they closed that thread. Having such an open design policy during development made people feel like what they thought was important. Closing an active thread with irate people in it doesn’t solve anything. At least it was contained to one thread.

My problem now is that I know QA gets blamed for things frequently when players are pissed off. This is obviously an issue with whoever schedules the hours for QA. You can only blame your testers for so long.

The hatchery bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raigne.9846


Also fixed the story mode Caudecus’s Manor bug. Little irritated.

The hatchery bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raigne.9846


Been patiently watching this thread for a week now. Spent about $50 on Halloween. This game is worth a monthly fee, in my opinion, so I am happy to buy more to keep it going. I also understand the need for QA, since code is recycled and fixing this could cause a bug elsewhere. That said, for it to take a month because you don’t want to release it until the next content patch when you are patching temporary event stuff daily is ridiculous. I initially bought the game for the story, because I want to continue the story of a game I loved and played for 7 years. The Halloween content is nice, but the core game should come first.