TL:DR The Reliquary only ever gives +1 infusions as an option and I am being a kitten and complaining about it
I finished that freakin ascended salvager achievement for the “Fatebreaker” title and got the Fractal Reliquary as a bonus. I never used it that much on account of Ad Infinitum requiring so many fractal relics, but now that that is done (yay) I have started using the Reliquary more.
For those of you that don’t know, the Reliquary functions similarly to the Karmic Converter or the Ley Energy Matter Converter. Once a day it gives you some options of things to purchase for a flat rate of 25 relics every time. Sometimes you can get some insane deals (I got a 20 stack ascended salvage tool for 25 relics instead of 20 gold).
Other times I just look at it and think, why?
The only time any of the multiplicative agony infusions show up, it’s only ever a plus one, 3 plus ones, or 10 plus ones. For 25 relics? Yeah relics are super easy to get, but still. This is kinda silly. 10 plus one infusions is nearly nothing.
Any way we could get this bumped up for maybe plus 6-9 with a rare chance of a +10 popping up one day?
I really love the way the new maos are set up. It makes them jnique and interesting to learn. The base game maps are all so kitten ed flat and boring, you literally just zigzag down, up, or across the map, completr it, and move on.
The HoT maps seem much more significant to me, and much more engaging.
I do understand that they are rough though for some, it would be cool if tbey found a balance so that we can more easily navigate them, but not go back to the rectangles of redundancy.
They seem to do their patches every two weeks now, with the next one being due on the 12th. So, if they were going to talk about it in the week before, that would be the coming week.
However, they’ve already said what they’re going to talk about next week, and it’s not the next big patch. So that puts the patch on the 26th, with them talking about it during the week of July 18-22.
Didn’t they mention that IF Season 3 comes this summer it would be closer to the end of the summer? What the hell are arena net doing? I can tell you what they aren’t doing, fixing bugs on their “ZOMG NEW PFRESSION!” yeah…Revenant has been broken in many areas since launch (hence why the few of us left refer to it as the “beta” profession) and we have had zero fixes…for all their talk about how PvP is a new priority and them pushing it, I find it pathetic that their solution for Revenants seems to be “Just play Glint/Shiro power build and you’ll be mostly ok” Ugh sorry back OT, yeah…don’t expect anything regarding news in July, hope that we see the start of season 3 mid-august
I don’t understand how rev is any more broken than other classes. At least it has more than 1 use. Every class has trait lines that are mostly useless, this is not something only the revenant suffers from. Rangers for example are now the second lowest dmg in the game, forcing people to either heal or switch classes if they are interested in raiding. The ranger as a class was a damage class originally and now they change the role entirely.
While dmg doesnt matter for 90% of the game, in raiding it does, and no one is going to take a dmg ranger in. Herald can tank, dps, utility and even heal a bit. And that is with just shiro and glint. They also have condi cleanse, stability for days, boon strip…yeah, rev is what needs fixed lol
Try playing a build other than Shiro and Glint and you run into major problems, they are the only two legends and trait lines worth anything, need I point you to the massive list of bugs that have not been fixed? As far as I’m aware, most major bugs on the other professions have been sorted out just fine
Nearly every oatch has balance patches for some classes, and they have had nearly 4 years to try for them. Things happen. Rev is just more evident becayse it is new
They seem to do their patches every two weeks now, with the next one being due on the 12th. So, if they were going to talk about it in the week before, that would be the coming week.
However, they’ve already said what they’re going to talk about next week, and it’s not the next big patch. So that puts the patch on the 26th, with them talking about it during the week of July 18-22.
Didn’t they mention that IF Season 3 comes this summer it would be closer to the end of the summer? What the hell are arena net doing? I can tell you what they aren’t doing, fixing bugs on their “ZOMG NEW PFRESSION!” yeah…Revenant has been broken in many areas since launch (hence why the few of us left refer to it as the “beta” profession) and we have had zero fixes…for all their talk about how PvP is a new priority and them pushing it, I find it pathetic that their solution for Revenants seems to be “Just play Glint/Shiro power build and you’ll be mostly ok” Ugh sorry back OT, yeah…don’t expect anything regarding news in July, hope that we see the start of season 3 mid-august
I don’t understand how rev is any more broken than other classes. At least it has more than 1 use. Every class has trait lines that are mostly useless, this is not something only the revenant suffers from. Rangers for example are now the second lowest dmg in the game, forcing people to either heal or switch classes if they are interested in raiding. The ranger as a class was a damage class originally and now they change the role entirely.
While dmg doesnt matter for 90% of the game, in raiding it does, and no one is going to take a dmg ranger in. Herald can tank, dps, utility and even heal a bit. And that is with just shiro and glint. They also have condi cleanse, stability for days, boon strip…yeah, rev is what needs fixed lol
Ele is a caster but doesnt really feel like one, and they are very diverse
Cool idea, i dislike the unisex thing though, just make 2 seperate hairstyles, one more for men, the other more for women, but make both available on each gender.
Woodenpotatoes has been in the process of moving and explained mulyiple times that this would hinder his uploading.
Actually certain mmos have had unique combat systems before 2016 but they are all not very good, and while those combat systems are updated they are repetitive and shallow.
Never did i say all were good and did not need updating, I was making the point that this one is not a failure of a game. Any game failing because of it’s combat should relook at it, obviously lol. GW2 does not have this problem, obviously.
Personally I don’t think there is much wrong with this games combat. In fact, from what i have read the combar in this game is very well liked by thise who play it (kinda duh). Something like diablo’s system would be very annoying to me personally and i would rather them spend their developement resources doing other things than “fixing” something that is pretty much the identity of gw2.
Sayingthat this game’s combat is dated is kind of ridiculous. Things like a combat system can’t go out of date, they just are what they are. I still play Everquest 2 sometimes because I love the combat style of having loads if abilities on multiple hotbars and finding the rotations to maximize damage. Every game has it’s own system and changing it would be silly, especually a game with as many happy players as gw2.
Other games do action combat differently, sure. Better? Opinions are opinions. I stopped playing Black Desert because it us a pvp oriented game that requires you to do little physical mouse tricks to be top tier (CS:GO cough)
Anyway, long story short, combat systems are what they are, if you dont like one, dont stick around and beg the devs to cater to you, mmos come out so often now just try and find what you like.
PRetty sure t hey said they for sure aren’t doing classes anymore, just elite specs.
I don’t want them to take them away entirely, just a checkbox to display yes or no
So i did ranked PvP for the first time a bit ago, and i got amber rank! woo! Yeah…but i don’t want my rank showing next to my name.
1: its humiliating
2: its annoying
3: its ugly
Please Anet, allow us to hide this symbol.
Got gold on this the month the xpac came out, you just have to think about spots to skip that you can. Not that hard
Its for a versatile simple infusion, the +5 one from the vendor in fractals
I love the skritt tool, as I love the skritt. I figured the sover was the product of the small explosion that happens when you throw it down
I thought it would be neat if guild leaders could have a few lines of text on the guild window on the ranks screen where you click on a rank to see its permissions to put descriptions of the rank.
It could be just simple guidelines for that rank, what to do to rank up from the rank, or the responsibilities of the rank or a description of the rank for more fun. Just a thought!
(edited by Ranlares.2513)
I recently made a guild called (Skritt Scratch) and I was wondering if there was a reason Anet has so many frickin quaggan symbols and no Skritt? =( I would LOVE to have a little skritt face as the guild emblem! Please Anet!
spent 2000+ gold on the ascended salvage collection for the Fatebreaker tittle and fractal reliquary
It’s not obvious it exists since the button is a bit hidden and it isn’t heavily advertised compared to say GW2, Lotro or FFIV
Everquest 2’s button is the biggest button on your UI lol
However looking good is a bigger deal in mmorpgs because your doing ir in front of other people in the game, yea it’s shallow but it’s a huge staple in mmorpgs, except some of us are use to only earning those epic weapons and armor from inside the game only and not a gem shop, it does kind of say something when you actually earn it then simply buy it off a shop, but as I said gw2 needs money abd since they don’t have a sub based mmorpg they don’t have any other way at the moment.
I know it is, I am a huge advocate of things looking good, IE why i spend all my time in Gw2 doing the things that get me pretty things. I just don’t think it’s fair to ask Anet to give up income because you want a different hairstyle, when there are already ways for you to get it for free.
If you want to stand by that claim, i’d really be curious to know how console games were ever successful.
Console games are mostly Release, and coast games. Other than the infrequent bug fixes that were required they didn’t require upkeep. This isn’t some insider knowledge, It is common sense that maintaining something over time costs more than releasing something and moving on.
Things like the gem store are necessary for upkeep of games like this. Yes Fable and such had features like ingame hair stylists for free, you know what fable did not have? Constant updates, live multiplayer, weekly patches and bugfixes, free updates that added content regularly, 3 different game modes to play and balance for…Need i go on?
Saying the cash shop isn’t necessary is as ridiculous as people complaining about a cosmetic thing being purchasable with real money.
Also this
I recall there was an MMO that you can change hair style by paying in game gold.
PSO – Phantasy Star Online
you can pay 100k for a hair style change, and account bound maximum in game gold cap is 999k
it was also a sub based MMO for your information.
BTW, u can transfer gold to gems if you want, and it isn’t even as expensive as that if what you’re saying is true.
Bugfixes? We’re praising bug fixes now? They’re bugs-they should never have been there in the first place. I also like how you completely ignore the fact that I said post launch hair styles will still be sold exclusively in the gem store. Why is it that most defenders like to selectively ignore people’s counter arguments?
1. Changing hair styles in fable was not for free.
2. Bug fixes are the devs fixing their own mistakes-it’s not some feature we should pay for.
3. Weekly patches are mainly to the cash shop to get you to spend more money while not getting anything new to play.
4. What does the game type have to do with anything? That’s like saying it’s OK to sell costumes in a fighting game vs RPG because it has multiplayer and if you think otherwise you are stupid…of course the person will just say ‘Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution’ then you’ll have to generate some other stupid point. However even using that argument, Starcraft 2 has two different overarching game modes (pve and pvp) and a multitude of pvp modes (as opposed to the two here) to balance for, without some invasive cash shop to support the game-and that’s a multiplayer title with constant updates. However as I said…the game genre doesn’t exclude it from NOT constantly trying to steal money from you. You unlock the vast majority of skins via playing the game and once unlocked you’re actually free to apply them as you wish.
5. Ah, this argument. ‘I don’t care for cosmetics so anyone who does is stupid in some way’. Well some people don’t really care for mechanics and are more interested in the aesthetics for a game…so how about we make all the cosmetics game content and lock mechanics behind a paywall? How does having to pay real life money to use paying to use dodge? It might restrict the way you play, but I get the aesthetically driven experience I paid for and you’re stupid for complaining, calling it p2w because you can dress up to look as cool or silly as you want-and that’s the point of the game. Furthermore I can say use thief or mes for invulnerability, ‘git gud’ and suck it up-you don’t need to be able to dodge without spending currency.
Maybe you forgot, but you paid $50 for this game at some point-$100 if you bought the dlc. I find it asinine that people can really say that holding one game you paid $50 for to the same fun experience you had when you paid $50 for another game is somehow unreasonable.
This is why the game will never reach it’s potential. Some people are so busy protecting their happy place they don’t dare to dream that their happy place can become a happy continent and actually lash out at people who are actually trying to make their own gaming experience more enjoyable. Talk about the scorpion stinging the frog……
1. They were paid for with an imaginary currency, which you can also do in GW2
2. Putting out and maintaining an MMO and a live world is immensely more complicated than publishing a game meant for a playthrough or 2. Not to mention the fact that a lot of single player RPG’s DO bundle bug fixes and such into expansions/DLC
3. Content comes in many forms, and it may be hard for you to understand but A LOT of people really enjoy gem store updates.
4. Starcraft 2 is not an MMO, does not require the maintenance and MMO does, nor is it nearly as difficult to balance for as something with 9 classes and kitten loads of abilities for. I think you think every game requires the same amount of effort put into it and that is just ridiculous. Take a minute to stop kittening about having to pay 4 dollars to change a hairstyle and look at what these people have made and keep up for you. EVERYTHING in the gem store is a luxury, NONE of it is required. They can charge whatever the hell they please and I’m glad they do because they know what it takes to maintain this game and make a profit, and you and I don’t.
5. This is all just ridiculous. First of all, Mechanics are 100% necessary for a combat oriented game, hair styles are not. You could be bald and still have the game work 100% perfectly for the type of game it is. That wouldn’t hold many people though, because people like hair. People would leave because they don’t like the way it is…Nudge Nudge. Hairs and cosmetics are not essential to a game running, mechanics ARE.
Also, i have bought the highest edition available of both the launch and HoT, spent a couple grand on gems, and support Anet in anyway i can. I spent a couple hundred dollars on gems to open my black lion chests to get my permanent hairstyle kit, because Anet deserves it. I have played every MMO out there and I can not tell you how much Better this game is simply because of the fact that Anet has so much faith in the game they let you play it after buying it once. The fact that they ask for a little more to support this game with the gem store? Perfectly fine, Take my money Anet.
Also, I am not rich, I am a college student working 40 hours a week and I live to play the games I love and support their upkeep. I will gladly live off of ramen noodles for a week if i can get more bank slots and help Anet out.
Also also, NOTHING in this game is not obtainable with gold in one way or another, so quit wasting your time arguing with me, and go farm bud.
I agree, and disagree. I think it would be awesome if you save sigils into legendary weapons and swap them out on the fly. Some sigils don’t work as well with other stat sets, so if you can change the stat set, let me change the sigil. That is the only change I would make though, and I get why they don’t
Moa killing? lol i have all crafts maxed
I was just curious what the quickest way to level an alt nowadays is? Obviously short of tomes of knowledge or the level 80 boost. I am not lacking tomes I just don’t like doing it that way.
The last time I did it EotM was the quickest way I believe, is this still the case?
Thanks folks
Things like the gem store are necessary for upkeep of games like this. Yes Fable and such had features like ingame hair stylists for free, you know what fable did not have? Constant updates, live multiplayer, weekly patches and bugfixes, free updates that added content regularly, 3 different game modes to play and balance for…Need i go on?
Saying the cash shop isn’t necessary is as ridiculous as people complaining about a cosmetic thing being purchasable with real money.
Also this
I recall there was an MMO that you can change hair style by paying in game gold.
PSO – Phantasy Star Online
you can pay 100k for a hair style change, and account bound maximum in game gold cap is 999k
it was also a sub based MMO for your information.
BTW, u can transfer gold to gems if you want, and it isn’t even as expensive as that if what you’re saying is true.
As the title says, I’m super fly and I am looking for a raid guild. I main Druid, DH, and Herald and have all ascended for em. 169 Masteries, though I am not fully experienced in all the raid fights
Currently I have only killed VG =(
Help me out! I learn quickly and love you already.
Here is the main issue and the reason I haven’t been able to do the raids much. I have an odd work schedule. I work 8 days on 6 days off overnights. Wednesday through Wednesday, then off Thursday through Tuesday.
The first 4 days of my work week are 8 pm to 7 am CST the last 4 are 10 pm to 7 am CST then like i said, I am off for 6 days.
Ideally I need a guild that raids in the mornings or in the evenings and finishes before 740 pm.
MSG me ingame or reply on here for more info!
It’s also not even that big of a deal, just would be cool, and I found it odd
It’s not about needing another reason, it’s more about logic. Calling something a daily achievement should contribute you the achievement for completing dailies once completed. I spend my time everyday doing these 5 dailies, all of which are more time consuming and MMO oriented than harvesting a plant, and I don’t get the reward for doing dailies? I don’t veen want the reward, just 1 point towards it =P
That is because they are the only reason to run fractals =P
But they are also 5x more time consumingand challenging, and I feel like doing all of them should yield 1 point in daily completionist lol
Hey all! I was just curious if there was a reason behind the fact that you can’t even get 1/3 of your daily completionist updates by doing the daily fractal dailies?
As someone who does all of the fractal dailies everyday I kinda dislike this. I’m okay with not getting all 3 but shouldn’t at least one of the fractal dailies count as an actual daily?
I agree as well, thinking about it. The story isn’t small scale, but poorly executed in many ways. To be fair though HoT was an expansion, not a LW update, so i’d expect more from it to begin with, but alas.
Side note, does anyone else think the nearly cringeworthy linear attitude of the PC is a major issue? I honestly hate hearing my character talk becayse I hate the things she says. Might jusr be the human female but the whole “stay pisitive and we can win through friendship” thjng is very, very irritating to me. I want my character to be kittened and charismatic, not always about making sure everyone is happy. Though that is largely my opinion, the things my character says a lot if the time in HoT are like nails to chalkboard.
You guys are all arguing one simple point “It would be hard for this to happen so it can’t”
If that’s all you got out of my post, then you didn’t read it.
To simplify, I said:
- Despite your argument, it is not needed to progress the plot.
I never said this was needed, i. Think it would be very smart for them to do something much larger scale than they have in the past
I agree with a lot that you have said, but I don’t think it’s all spacing entirely. You say the events impact the world, and they do for sure, but not in a memorable way. I think its equal parts my point and yours. Also, by no menas am I meaning to bash Anet, I don’t have their job I don’t know all of the difficulties, and I have been playing this game for nearly 4 years for a reason. That being said this world we have is far from “living” in my opinion. Other games have nearly everything gw2 does, gw2 just does most things better and has a good mix of features other games have making it a better game to many people.
I think missed opportunities are the main reason a lot of people boomerang this game so much, and its a shame. There are so many plot lines that get ignored and the ones we do get are lackluster to a lot of people in the end. I truly don’t think we have had any MAJOR events in the game yet that constitute the small things we do get. Hell a lot of the time post HoT has been fixing and cutting systems they put in place with HoT that were supposed to be the end of system editing so they could focus on content in the future, and its been over half a year, and with the exception of raids, (which I appreciate but dont count as living world features do to the fact that so few can actually do them) we have only gotten little tiny updates that have very low impact on the day to day players of the game.
You guys are all arguing one simple point “It would be hard for this to happen so it can’t”
I am very aware of the assassination attempts, the fact DR is a starting area, and the fact that many things would have to be redone, i dont see why any of this is relevant in speculation of events that could occur. There is a first time for everything, and there needs to be a major chabge to the world i think. Nothing major has ever happened. The biggest thing was one city got reskinned.
Also, never did i say Jennah dying was a requirement, nor did i ever say it would be easy. I was simply stating something i thought would be cool. Something else that would be cooler? The mysterious deaths of all the leaders of each city. That would cause some fun stuff.
I do not think the white mantle attacking multiple places at once would be much fun, becayse we would get the same events we have now. Every 45 minutes there would be some nonesense attack on some outpost and we defeat them and move and and the story acts like it didnt happen.
I simply want something bigger than we have seen, and you guys act like its impossible because they havent done it before lol
Jennah is the primary thought because there are reasons for it other than her being the queen of DR.
Eh, i dont really see an issue with instancing the orr part of the story. I just want something truly significant to happen in the world rather than just LA changing over and over.
Also, anyone can die, no matter how powerful something is generally capable of stopping you, she wasnt powerful enough to not need logan in Ebonhawke.
Yeah im not sure how strong they are, but you never know.
Also, there are plenty of other things I’d rather see, but i’m just talking about what could be cool for whats happening now
Spoilery stuff ahead maybe so be careful!
I posted this idea of WoodenPotatoes Patreon account but i was curious what the general population thought of it, so here goes.
I think it is time that we lost another city.
If the fact that the raid story and the main story will remain seperate, i think the raid story should still be significant. I think one way to do this would be to have the White Mantle assassinate queen Jenna, and take Divinity’s Reach. The motives could be a number of things but I recall a theory that the stone behind the throne being a blood stone. If this has been confirmed false I never saw it. But regardless there are plenty more reasons for them to do this.
DR could possibly become a raid zone itself after this, each district having a boss culminating to the final battle in the throne room.
This would leave the humans needing a new leader and home, well, there are a few people that could take Jenna’s place, and a perfect place for the humans to go.
Orr. Orr was supposed to have been cleansed years ago now, and i think it is time. Let the humans under new leadership plant new crops in Orr and re populate Arah. The cursed shore could be a new 1-15 area and go up some levels through to Straights of devastation. I know this would be a lot of work, but it would also be mega awesome.
You could even go so far as to have the gods come back seeing their ancient home populated once again and they could help wipe out the last few pesky dragons and we can move on past dragon hopscotch.
That’s a pretty neat art style. Unfortunately I’m broke but i would pay you to do my character. Only thing is maybe a little bit more color? GW2 is very colorful, but hey, its your art, do you man.
I wrote out my thoughts on this topic and would like to share it with however has a couple minutes of time to waste, thanks!
I came on here to make another post about this exact topic, though rather than just saying don’t make them like a silly person, I have a better suggestion. MAKE THEM
Make all the outfits you want. Charge your 700 gems for them. Please do. They have their place (leveling alts is hell for me because of the mixed crap looking armor) I love having outfits for alts. My suggestion is this though
700 gems: Outfit
1000 gems: Armor Skin Set Version of the same Outfit
1500 gems: BOTH
This will make Anet more money, and give us the pieces of the outfits we actually like. PLEASE ANET
Only problem us canach is not a warrior, he is an unknown class. I agree they should have put the specs into the story, but doing each member of destiny’s edge 2 gets their elite spec would have been just as lame and childish as not putting them in.
I don’t mean make it a 1 person per chapter/instance thing necessarily. It could even be more organic like there’s a part of the story where we need to commune with the druids to proceed or get some vital information and Rox ends up the being the one to get their attention and receives some kind of blessing that is needed to proceed and becomes part of her combat routine. Marjory and Brahm already are half way there and could have progressed a little per chapter as they work on their training with weapons that they previously had no experience with.
As far as Canach goes, I had assumed he was an engineer with all the bombs etc but he’s using a sword and shield in HoT and distinctly uses the skill Shield Bash. He may be technically unclassed, but Warrior makes the most sense and is the only one that no longer has a person using it if we assume Taimi to be the equivalent of an engineer.
I’m not saying I have a problem with them doing one character per instance getting their elotee spec either, I’m saying it would be dumb for everyone to get their elite spec in the storyline.
Now that the dust has settled.... Masteries
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ranlares.2513
I have no issue with masteries as is, besides the XP gate. Not all of them will feel as fulfilling as the last, they are quality of life changes to the first tier. Kind of like upgrading your endgame armor in other mmos.
I’ll use this example (May not make sense for those who have not raided in other games) I was a top tier raider in everquest 2, and everytime an expansion came out, the gear stat jump wad INSANE, cuz you know, big numbers=big fun. The first piece of raid fear you got for that expansion was a huge upgrade to what you had in the last expansion, but each piece after that, while still being an upgrade, was not nearly AS big of a damage boost.
Masteries work similarly. Unlocking gliding is HUGE. It allows you to do much more than what you could before, like the damage spike from new raid gear in eq2. But, the next tiers of gliding feel less and less like a significant change, like upgrading from that first piece and moving on.
That may not be the Best analogy,but it makes sense to me.
The only thing I think would make the mastery system a heck of a lot more fun would be making them level up differently.
So fir gliding, the first tier would be unlocked via speaking to an NPC who dreams of flight. You then gather things with this nps and make a functional hut not great glider. After that first tier, rather than just killing things to get XP that has nothing to do with the gliding, maybe have the first tier unlock after a curtain amount of time spent gliding, then the next you unlock for reaching places exclusive to gliders, etc.
I think this would be much more engaging than XP farming, which I’ll ne honest, I did a kitten ton of, I am mastery 161 now.
I might make a forum post here in a bit with my suggestions on a better levl up experience for each mastery track to see what people would think of my ideas =P
It’s the same in this game. Getting your exotic armor is a huge boost. Want to go up higher? Well yes you can add some infusions for laurels at a relatively high price for relatively few stats.
Going from tier to tier in this game is not ever a huge boost, not in comparison to having a glider and not having a glider. Yoy either don’t understand what I was saying or you don’t have that frame of reference, either way like I said analogy might not make sense to ever one.
Going from rare to exotic is not a huge jump, and neither is exotic to ascended
No. You can already change sigils and runes freely on any weapon or armor in the game.
Yes, but you have to buy new ones every single time. This would allow you to buy once and save them to swap out similarly to how it is in spvp. Like a catelog of your sigils for one weapon
Now that the dust has settled.... Masteries
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ranlares.2513
I have no issue with masteries as is, besides the XP gate. Not all of them will feel as fulfilling as the last, they are quality of life changes to the first tier. Kind of like upgrading your endgame armor in other mmos.
I’ll use this example (May not make sense for those who have not raided in other games) I was a top tier raider in everquest 2, and everytime an expansion came out, the gear stat jump wad INSANE, cuz you know, big numbers=big fun. The first piece of raid fear you got for that expansion was a huge upgrade to what you had in the last expansion, but each piece after that, while still being an upgrade, was not nearly AS big of a damage boost.
Masteries work similarly. Unlocking gliding is HUGE. It allows you to do much more than what you could before, like the damage spike from new raid gear in eq2. But, the next tiers of gliding feel less and less like a significant change, like upgrading from that first piece and moving on.
That may not be the Best analogy,but it makes sense to me.
The only thing I think would make the mastery system a heck of a lot more fun would be making them level up differently.
So fir gliding, the first tier would be unlocked via speaking to an NPC who dreams of flight. You then gather things with this nps and make a functional hut not great glider. After that first tier, rather than just killing things to get XP that has nothing to do with the gliding, maybe have the first tier unlock after a curtain amount of time spent gliding, then the next you unlock for reaching places exclusive to gliders, etc.
I think this would be much more engaging than XP farming, which I’ll ne honest, I did a kitten ton of, I am mastery 161 now.
I might make a forum post here in a bit with my suggestions on a better levl up experience for each mastery track to see what people would think of my ideas =P
Also, I personally try and keep in mind the fact that this expansion was more for setting in place systems to more easily expand the game in the future, and it was their first one for this game, so I am understanding that they might have been overeager to please, aimed to high, or whatever. I did not expect a 10/10 expansion, but I gave them my money because they stated up front they knew it wasn’t going to be a content expansion, but a systems expansion. I supported the idea, and I think they did well for what the situation was
The absolute biggest ball they dropped is not incorporating the specializations into the story.
The worst part is that they were setting up so many plot points that could have made it work.
Brahm picks up Eir’s bow. Marjory specifically talks about training to use a great sword. Taimi needs to build a new golem. Canach grows as a person overall and learning to focus his anger could lead into Berserker.
None of it is addressed at all. The only plot that references any of the new HoT class mechanics is Rytlock and his take on the Revenant is his typical crummy “lol, I’m so anti-social. I’m not going to talk about it” he has on everything that makes me think Anet will leave it at that and nothing more.
I’m really hoping that Rox get’s the entirety of LS3 to herself because she is the most wooden, 1 dimensional character in the story and desperately needs something more to her and much better voice direction as well.
Only problem us canach is not a warrior, he is an unknown class. I agree they should have put the specs into the story, but doing each member of destiny’s edge 2 gets their elite spec would have been just as lame and childish as not putting them in. If they had more time i would have loved to see some of the main npcs comment on ME being a druid in random dialogue.
I understand not everyone had their full spec for the story the first time, but if you playthrough it again you would hear it.
As far as my 2 cents (if anyone cares) I think anet did okay. The story overall was good, but they left out too much that should have been answered, and personally the BIGGEST thing I hated was my characters attitude and inflection when speaking. I play a female ranger and I hate that no matter the situation my character always had the same loud and rude tone
100% support this. Please anet
Personally I would live to be able to choose from 2 or threee voices for my character, though I know that this is a ridiculous amount of work at this point. I think the female human voice is almost annoyingly assertive in HoT. There is no range to it, just flat mad everywhere no matter what