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Human Female Greatsword Stance

in Human

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


The tail guard as the stance is called is good for hand and a half weapons, like a longsword or katana, as shown by that video of a samurai. The greatswords in game though are almost all full two handed weapons which the tail guard isn’t good for because it requires a large amount of torque to bring the weapon forward to parry a blow. With the slow acceleration forward your defence is bad. Especially for a female combatant who isn’t going to have as much upper body strength as a male. The male stance is totally wrong as it isn’t even a stance. For such long weapons you normally use the high guard or middle guard. High guard was preferred by the Zwihanders in the imperial army of the holy Roman empire. This again was because with a long blade the torque to move the weapon is significant and from high guard you can use gravity to aid you unlike the other guards where you have to move against gravity to bring the weapon to bare. That should be the idle animation. For running they should close up on the hilt and hold it in front of you.

Air scepter skills #1 and #2.

in Elementalist

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Also 2 and 3 are pretty much invisible allowing for you to attack without being able to be spotted as easily.

Elementalists are very underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Ele’s are weak if by weak you mean can’t take a lot of burst damage and don’t output massive damage. That isn’t what they are meant for though. They are one of the best support classes in the game.

Elementalists are very underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Have you tried going into a self healing multi attunement buff stacking build? Because bar huge one shot hits I find I am really survivable.

Any essays on Aggro?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


From the studying I’ve been doing on them I think the aggro rules are based on mob type and inteligence. The dumber the creature the easier it is to lock aggro; whereas say an intelignet mob like a human type mob seems to have several aggro rules and uses what is best at the time.

So say an animal type mob picks an aggro rule and sticks with it regardless. These fights seem easier to control as soon as you recognize what its doing. Like kill the buffer. I’ve seen this when my friend is on his guard. Animal/stupid mobs will sometimes just attack and chase him forever no matter what. This allows me to just burn them with impunity.

Now with say a human mob, like the Asura in CoE I’ve noticed a far more inteligent aggro behaviour. The seem to be able to target the most important player at the moment and sense targets of opportunity. The guard might be buffing the hell out of the team and really making a differnce for the team, but if the mobs can’t seem to really hurt him bad they will suddenly switch targets and start dropping the DPS. The guards buffs are useless if the rest of the team is dead sort of thing.

Humanoid mobs seem really fond of icing the weakest player in the group. Kill the target of opportunity sort of logic. This I’ve noticed on my ele who’s spec’d healing and support. I almost never get touched fighting animal types but humanoids will bypass everbody to come kill me the instant I lay down a buff on the group regardless if the guardian is doing far more buffs. What I’m seeing there is that AI treats buffers as the highest threat target in the grand scheme. Then they choose from those targets doing the buffing which is the easiest to take down and go after them.

As an final note I’ve not noticed any threat behaviour related to control skills, like knockdowns, blinds or cripples.

@Signet Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


The problem is not the signet traits and GS traits. Its that people aren’t wearing gear to offset that. Don’t wear Zerker gear and trait GS/signet. Sure you’ll be able to put out mad damage but you won’t stay up long enough for HB to finish. Wear knights or Valkyrie. You’ll do slightly less damage but you’ll actually be able to do the damage instead of dying. Think about balance. Specialize but don’t hyper-specialize.

GS warriors with 4-5 signets in Dungeons anyone else hate this

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


I wielding GS/longbow run three signets and two shouts wearing half knights half valkyrie. The signets I use are signet of rage, healing signet, and signet of stamina. I’m almost always using FGJ and Shake it off for my two shouts. Signet of stamina is awesome for helping me stay alive because of the extra dodge it gives you and its full condition clear. Add shake it off on top of that I’m rarely troubled with conditions. I like playing damage on my warrior so I spec into damage not support. I go 30/20/0/10/10 for the signet traits, plus 70 power to the group and the GS traits. Sure it wouldn’t be good if all of my team was running this. That’s obvious, but that’s the point of a team. Everybody specializes into a role and mine is damage. My mate runs guardian and specs heavy into support, our thief and mesmer are control, and I bring the pain. I can do my job because they are doing theirs. If I want to go support I get on my ele.

Logan.... (Spoiler, only read if you've done Twilight Arbor story mode)

in Human

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


The problem here is all you people are almost guaranteed to have grown up and lived in a democracy your entire lives. You don’t understand the mindset of somebody living under a true monarchy. Saying “She’s the Queen” is the only reason you need to go to great lengths for her. For them the Monarch is the Nation. They are the personification of your entire nation. The Queen is Kryta. Loyalty to your country comes before loyalty to your friends.

Besides loyalty to country Logan also has loyalty to his honour. He sworn an oath to protect the queen. He must honour that oath even it means choosing it over his friends.

Personally I’d would not be friends with somebody that held their oaths and honour in such cheep regard that they would abandon them.

The way Human Male holds 2h Swords.

in Human

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Tail guard is unsuited for pitched combat and a large sword. You have to fight gravity too much to bring it forward. Female stance is wrong for that as well because her weight is on the front leg and it should be on the back leg for that. You wouldn’t run with the blade held like that and it isn’t a good guard for combat with multiple enemies. It really should be held in Ox or Plough for that. Personally I’d prefer Ox but I have a feeling that people unlearned in swordsmanship would think it looks funny. I much prefer Ox over the other guards when using a two handed sword because the long blade can be utilized to moment arm the blade very fast downwards to block an attack whereas for the other guards you are moving the blade against gravity. As well as the fact that Tail guard is meant for longswords not so much a true two handed sword like a zwihander or claymore. Given the massive size of the two handed swords in game using the tail guard would put you at a disadvantage.

Magic Find Doesn't Work

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


I don’t think it works on mystic forge stuff just on drops.

the slide to Dungeon Easymode... and so it begins...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


I hope they did nerf out some of the trash in CoE. It didn’t make it hard in an interesting way. Just boring and longer. I like hard boss fights that make you think. Huge health bars and massive damage on trash is just boring because it isn’t interesting.

Question Regarding Patch Transmutation Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


I think all it means is that you can use a stone on armor you have currently equiped. So take it off, use the stone, put it back on.

Proccing effects of weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


No I don’t believe it would

Any essays on Aggro?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


It seems mobs have differnet rules for aggro and there is really no way to control it or know how it works. Which is fine since there is no such thing as tanking in GW2 and their isn’t meant to be.

That being said I’ve noticed that there are four primary behaviours.
1. Attack the closest thing
2. Attack the thing doing the most damage
3. Attack the thing doing the most group buffs and heals.
4. Attack the weakest enemy

There are variations on these that I’ve noticed, like the converse or going for pets and minions first. Its impossible to know before the fight what sort of logic they might use, and even after you’ve fought them its hard to pin down what logic they were using. In my opinion this great as it has made fights a lot more dynamic and surprising as it always seemed the enemy was attacking in a smart way.

Proccing effects of weapons?

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


I believe this is done to not give duel wielding an inherent advantage over 2h weapons.

The way Human Male holds 2h Swords.

in Human

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Please for the love all that is good no. The female stance is even worse than the already horrid male one. Nobody with sword training would handle a sword that way. It should be held in front at the middle guard.

What weapons would you want for them to add?

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Hand and half swords would be awesome. Act like a two handed weapon if equiped alone but a 1 handed sword if equipped with something else.

I desperately need help...can't stop dying

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Movement and mobility will keep you alive. Don’t just stand there and take it. Move around them while hurting them. If you are standing still you will die.

Why is the Greatsword so great?

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Melee in WvW is rather risky until the enemy is forced to close or is in chaos. Its a lot like real warfare out there in that the battle will stay at range until onside thinks it has the advantage or the other side breaks and runs. Use range until the opportunity to close to melee opens up. If you charge a solid battleline you will die. Its also great for doing things like holding a gate that just broke. You’ll most likely die holding the gap but you should cause enough damage that you have a good chance of stopping the charge into the castle.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Stand and face me sounds terrible. Sounds way to much like a force taunt. Warriors aren’t tanks. The last thing we want in this game is any notion of the unholy trinity coming back.

Why is the Greatsword so great?

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Greatsword is great, axe is great, sword is great, warhorn is great, longbow is great, rifle is great, hammer is great, shield is great, and mace isn’t great. It all comes down to play style and preference. Use what feels good to you and is fun because they are all just as useful.
Trait for your preferred weapon and profit.

Who cares if a bunch of warriors are using GS? Maybe heaven forbid they just find it fun to play with. Maybe a majority of players like the way two-handed swords look. Why should anybody care what anybody else is using? Use what you find fun and leave it at that. This game is about having fun.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Basically the plan was bad. The group acted like selfish children instead of trained soldiers. Its everybody’s fault and they need to all grow up

Why is the Greatsword so great?

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


I use greatsword in a highly mobile attack pattern. Dodge, dodge, burst, wirlwind past, dodge back in, dodge out, cripple, rush, HB. Basically utlize movement to the full extent. traiting full into power means your getting damage of those dodges and when you’ve finished dodging back and forth past them you’ll have damage boost on your attacks. Don’t think of HB as your main damage skill. Start using it last in a chain.

Hundred Blades needs a nerf for the overall health of the class

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


I suggest you keep on using this tactic. It’s the only way people will learn to adapt and counter it.

I bet when you run into someone that knows how to use dodge and break immobilise the fight lasts a lot longer.

Oh yeah I realized in beta that people would catch onto the bola trick instantly. They haven’t seemed to catch onto using the longbow as the opener because it seems to be undervalued in spvp. Plus treating hb as a finisher move means your attack pattern isn’t based entirely on one skill.

Suggestion: Adrenaline skill for Banner object weapons

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Wouldn’t work because banners are considered environmental weapons so they give the exact same skills for all classes that use them. Not all classes have adrenaline which means no burst skill.

Hundred Blades needs a nerf for the overall health of the class

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


I refuse to use quickness with HB because it just feels a little to unfair to be able to get all that damage out that fast. I wish in general fights were longer and more back and forth than bursting down your opponent

If they’re getting hit with that gimmick, then they deserve to be destroyed.

Don’t feel bad.

I still don’t like it. I don’t like fights being so quick. The longer and more protracted the better. I’d sword shield, but I just aesthetically love greatswords and claymores, so gs it is for me. In pvp especially WvW I run with longbow out and use it as the opener and to whittle their health down. HB is my finisher move of sorts. My standard attack process is to drop the fire field, pin them, arching shot, switch to greatsword, cripple, whirlwind, and HB to finish them off. At that point HB usually only has to hit half its attack to score a kill. Its worked pretty well be most people are expecting the bola/HB attack and usually don’t break out of the imoblize quickly because I’m just potshoting with the longbow. Till I charge and carve them up.

Hundred Blades needs a nerf for the overall health of the class

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


I refuse to use quickness with HB because it just feels a little to unfair to be able to get all that damage out that fast. I wish in general fights were longer and more back and forth than bursting down your opponent

Quaggan appreciation society

in Lore

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


I have spent like forty silver on buying the baby quaggan tonics from the quaggan in the straits of devastation. I love quaggan. They are so cute andkittenwhile also being horrifying when they rage.

Logan and his infamous decision

in Lore

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Logan swore an oath to the Queen. He swore no oath to Destiny’s edge.


This is all that matters.

Logan gave his word to protect the queen. He had to go to her on his honor. He made the only choice an honorable man could make.

Hate in destiny edge

in Lore

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Logan saw to his duty to queen and country first. The others that hold that against him have no understanding of honor and duty. Rytlock should understand loyalty to ones country or legion.
Also Zojia is being a selfish prat in holding the failure of Eir’s head. She made a choice and it didn’t succeed. A real friend forgives mistakes.

Hundred Blades needs a nerf for the overall health of the class

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


As a GS warrior I have yet to die to any other GS HB warrior because I know the weakness in the build and how to counter it. Almost all of them will bola you to immbolize you and then try to burst you down with HB. This is really easy to avoid if you trait a stun break when facing warriors. If they don’t immoblize you just dodge backwards because they can’t move and use it. A lot of warriors will open with hb so its pretty predictable. That goes for most warriors in general. As a group they are really easy to predict in battle.

Healing Signet active not worth using

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


The passive nature of the healing signet is a benefit as it allows you one less thing you have to focus on allowing for faster reaction times. In combat where movement and mobilty will do far more to keep you alive than any heal skill available reaction time and data processing bandwidth can’t be overlooked as a benefit. Every byte of information you have to process slows down your ability to react. From a HIP perspective the signet is superior because to get the full benefit you don’t have to think about it. It also has synergistic effects with the precision trait and can be brought down to a 16 sec cooldown with the cooldown trait. All these things can’t be overlooked when assessing the value of the skill.

Greatsword's "Rush."

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


If you trait and build for any of the weapons you’ll find they are all equally good in their own way. They all do different things and play in a different way. Personally I run greatsword/longbow with a signet build because it suits how I like to play best, but they are all just as good. Its great to have a game that allows for choice like this.

I think the Fire Elemental in Metrica Province needs to be redesigned

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Xen pretty much sums up the real issue with it. There just isn’t enough room to manuvuer if the event starts without enough people inside the main room able to deal with the adds. Once you have to try and make back in the room it becomes a battle of attrition and that’s not fun.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


The trading post is failing because people using it a dimwits. Seriously people need to stop listing stuff for one copper more than vendor price if the listing price is two bloody copper. Seriously it only takes basic math to realize you’re loosing money. The player base is making a whole swath of items useless to do anything with but vendor after you make them which is a loss of money.