Showing Posts For Rascalking.9845:
So rawnoodles left but SSF still alive?
Rawnoodles was not a leader. He was just a player. He ragequit the game and decided he wanted to troll us before he “quit the game”.
Hello, looking for a WvW-oriented fielding guild for your North American timeplay slot? Look no further! We are a group of dedicated and seasoned WvW players from a vast array of different servers/backgrounds. We are currently looking for skilled players for our raiding and roaming groups.
What we need from you:
Vocality in voice communications (TeamSpeak)
Active NA timeplay (3-4 nights at least)
Willingness to take criticism/advice, and give your own when needed
Friendly (not interested in any drama)
What we can offer:
4-5 raids per week, usually about 7pm server time
Tight-knit community
We can also offer:
Guild Missions
Private Teamspeak
Guild Website/Forums
Fairly active PvP in addition to WvW
Please message myself, Caltrex, or Brynnhylde in-game or post here for more information.
What classes we need:
Black Devil Brigade [SSF] is active on Maguuma.
I don’t see any recent posts but this one. In the future, just report (little flag) your own posts.
It’s not my post
Hi, looking to get in touch with a forum moderator. Would like to get a post taken down ASAP please. Please message me or respond to post, much appreciated.
Keep it up guys
As far as I’m aware you just get the duration of the boons from the player you stole them from.
Yes, boon duration affects the two trickery steal traits.
I know it affects the vigor/might/fury/swiftness, but does it affect the boons stolen from the enemy?
Does boon duration affect the larcenous strike skill for S/D set? Semi-related, does anyone know if it affects bountiful theft for 20 in the trickery line?
I think one of the biggest issues with the current state of venoms is that all the stacks of venom go off immediately, and most of them being some form of condition, this allows the recipient of the venom to cleanse the whole skill in 1 condition removal.
If venoms worked on the same premise as mantras, charge the skill, then press it each time you want to release one attack. This would allow the condition to be spread over time, or in the case of the healing venom allow for some sustain instead of a burst heal (if it hits). Thoughts?
From what I can tell, the only ascended trinkets that have main stat condition damage are dire with some precision mixed in. Precision does nothing for me, as none of my traits or other gear have it, so the small amount of precision I would get from having full of this type of trinkets would do nothing, especially compared to all the power I would lose from not having carrion.
I have heard ArenaNet has mentioned adding carrion ascended trinkets in the past. Are they?
No, it doesn’t. It pulses physical damage continuously.
Just tested, it pulses for an extremely low amount of damage. I’ll admit my mistake. They should honestly change it though, pretty stupid figuring the whole premise of the skill is to give conditions + etheral field.
throw gunk does dmg and your other 2 apply conditions.
Stealth is broken if you do any physical dmg.
Figuring it only does physical damage when I throw it, and my complaint is it breaking stealth when I stealth after the skill is thrown, I would advise you to re-read my post.
This is the stolen skill from engineers and multiple different NPCs. What I have recently learned is it will reveal a thief, even if the thief is not attacking. Just someone standing on top of the field will reveal you. Don’t quite think this is fair. Would also like to mention other condition fields like choking gas and caltrops don’t have this effect, even if I put them down while stealthed. I understand if I put the gunk down from stealth, but if I throw gunk down, then stealth, I should say stealthed. Thoughts?
Any way of getting ascended trinkets between accounts? Thought someone had said they accomplished this somehow. I have full ascended trinkets with AR on my asura thief, but really dislike the asura aspect, so would love to switch them to a new race
Yeah, I began to use the signet of malice with the sword build, and realized the healing activates per enemy hit with an attack, so using the sword or shortbow can do some good healing. But, with the Dec 10 patch coming up, and the nerf to shadow return + vigor, I have switched to the typical d/p Shadow Arts build, as the 300 per second in stealth is much more survivable.
Update: After recording myself in PvP for a while, I have realized it is usually due to the enemy player dodging as I steal. As my steal does no damage, I feel it is a skill that should not be dodge-able.
Steal is probably failing because the shadowstep portion of the skill is failing. This is generally due to uneven ground or floor textures. Steal does go on cooldown when it fails and it is probably a feature of the design despite other class skills performing better (warrior F1 has the same cooldown as failed melee skills).
Yes, shadowsteps are in general pretty faulty. Would like to see a developer response to see if maybe they are looking into fixing this? Game has been out for over a year now, and they have been buggy since day 1.
I cant remember the option name but i believes there is one that makes you attack a different target if your current target is out of range maybe that’s whats happening.
Also might be what Pyro is saying will cause it not to do that.
I don’t have autotarget on as a thief, so I know that’s not it.
Hello, I have heard of certain people getting certain soulbound items such as weapons or armor transferred between characters on a case to case basis. That being with plans to delete the original character, and having the new character the same class with plans to substitute it for the original. I am sort of planning to delete my asura thief, although it has most of my most expensive and hardest earned items. I would love to have these items on a new thief, would this be possible? And what items can and cannot be done?
I understand when the original mesmer stealths, but I usually find it when a mesmer dodges with the clone summon trait on, or uses the staff 2 skill, etc. If it makes a difference, I do have promote skill target, but by the sounds of it that should help with this problem, not cause it.
Bump. Would really like to see an official response here….
Hello mesmers, I have always noticed a certain tendency for most of my skills to be auto-targeted to a mesmer’s newest summoned clone. Especially when doing out of stealth attacks (thief). Is there a way to counter this? I have the real mesmer highlighted, then when I perform an attack it auto-targets the clone the mesmer just summoned. Not sure if this is quite fair, as I never highlighted the clone to “target” them. Suggestions?
Remember when Heightened focus and Berserker’s Might were moved to gradmaster traits?
Of course you don’t.
Healing signet is fine – it allows for passive sustain that makes warriors viable. If it wasn’t the case warriors would be the joke of any combat situation – as was the case before it was buffed.
Almost all other classes have some gimmick mechanic that ensures their survivability. Warriors have none – except this one skill. And since it is a skill rather than a game mechanic people are spamming " nerf x skill " – because they can’t understand that warrior has to have a high amount of passive sustain with little investment in order to remain viable.
If you want to take HS out – sure – but why not take out thief stealth or mesmer clones while you’re at it.
Because those are class mechanics and ours is a skill – but in reality both do the same thing – make their respective classes viable.You want to fight HS – use poison ; use bursts.
I’ve beaten every class in WvW as a warrior and i’ve also lost to every class. It’s a matter of player skill. You posting that " you lost to a warrior " and " you’re getting tired of it " is no valid reason for any change.If that were the case I would post that " mesmers are so distracting and stuff nerf them more" and what ? Anet would nerf mesmers? Why?
I can’t even respond to that…you think that healing signet is comparable to stealth and mesmer clones? You can’t be serious. Please come up with a valid reason warrior signet should remain, then come back. The fact is, 400 health per second on a class that already has an extremely high base health and toughness is just overkill.
A classes success should not be dependent on the use of a single skill.
I have 2 main problems with the functionality of some of the thief skills.
The first being while using infiltrator’s arrow, especially in the Legacy of the Foefire map going from the center point to the cliff towards the waterfall point, I will occasionally get stuck inside of the rock. This has happened in other places too, but seems to happen in PvP frequently.
The second problem I am having is many times my steal skill simply does not work. I will teleport (or sometimes not even that) to the target, but get no skill? As far as I know, this skill is not blockable or evadable, yet many times I find it going on recharge, with no benefit coming to me. I have also noticed that the trait “Bountiful Theft” has an issue simultaneously, not giving me vigor or another 2 boons, getting no stolen item, and going on recharge.
Then perhaps you are doing something wrong. I’ve been beaten by many. Some win some loose against me. Perhaps the problem isn’t with the class or ability and is perhaps with you if as you say,“Tired of losing to every warrior” the only constant there is you.
Every warrior. Seems like a constant to me.
You’re forgetting that Poison also reduce their healing efficiency.
I have nothing else to tell you. If you choose to play defensive, then might as well grab a Cleric or a Magi set to boost your healing then go 30pts into Shadow Arts and 30pts into Crit Strike (Hidden Killer) and play hit-and-run (stealth + backstab).
Other than that, you really need to use your skills effectively — for example — traiting Mug (DA 10) will make you poison + damage + heal on steal; and when used on players trying to heal, you effectively cut their healing by 33% even though Poison did no condition damage.
It’s not about playing defensive. Everyone knows that a bunker or defensive thief would be utterly useless. It’s about giving thieves some reward for being up in the heat of the fight. As the class currently sits, one must trait for stealth and spam stealth to be able to avoid damage. I feel if they want build diversity, give thieves some ability to stay out of stealth by letting them heal a little bit. Signet is a joke, as is Assassin’s Reward. So, if you want a reasonable amount of healing, you have to be stealthed, therefore doing no damage.
I have seen some other posts regarding the upcoming scaling for this skill, and it’s movement to grandmaster tier. I believe this skill is already worthless enough without having to move it to grandmaster tier. Even if they buff the scaling, I have never heard of a thief using healing power in their build. The base healing is ~70 per initiative. In my build, which has more initiative due to trickery, a full use of my initiative would gain me just over 1000 health. Compare this to the warrior signet which gains 400 health per second without having to use attacks, or even an elementalist gaining ~100-200 per cast + the ability to passively gain health in water, and you see how flawed the healing is for this trait.
My suggestion is that instead of increasing scaling for a attribute no thief uses, instead increase the base power of the trait. 150-250 I think would be reasonably fair. Thoughts?
The problem I see in your build is the lack of Weakness, Poison, and Vulnerability applications. For your build, Weakness, Poison, and Vulnerability are your friends.
The problem with healing skills is that it puts you into defensive mode and that’s the window your opponent is waiting for to counter-attack. But if you stay in the offense, you will force them into defensive mode — meaning, they will be doing less damage to you because they are too busy healing themselves or getting rid of the condition.
I can give nearly permanent weakness through the sword auto attack, if I use it for the full attack chain. Poison won’t help me much by putting pressure on them, as I have no condition damage and poison is already weak condition damage. I don’t think condition pressure is going to stop people from trying to attack me once they realize I cannot heal at all. My only damage mitigation is evasion, which works well, but once my health pool gets low it tends to stay there for the remainder of the fight.
I honestly don’t know how you play this build dude. There is SO much condition damage/aoe/aoe damage around in WvW without the condition removal in stealth and extended stealth i’d fall over.
I regard a thieves healing is actually more about just not getting hit/staying in stealth as much as you can, only coming out for two reasons: 1) to hit someone 2) To find a way to go back into stealth.
Spam sword 2, 1 condition removal each time, plus movement to get out of the damage. Of course this will change with the Dec 10 patch, so enjoy it while you can.
I think alot of people here said it best. No stealth, no AI, no perma-vigor, no protection, average overall healing, low evasiveness, easily telegraphed skills.
Really? Your argument is that warriors can’t stealth (why would a heavy armored character stealth?), can’t use vigor (the whole point of the class is to be able to take the hits, no need to dodge them), average healing (tell that to a mesmer, thief, or necro), and easily telegraphed skills? (of course they should be telegraphed if they stun for 3 seconds and do 5k+ damage)
Hello fellow thieves. I feel one of the biggest crutches for any thief build I use is the lack of consistent healing. The only ways to achieve something moderately consistent would be signet of malice (terrible), Acrobatics X for a very small amount of healing with initiative use, or heal while stealth (Shadow Arts XI) which forces thieves to use a stealth oriented build (another crutch for thieves in my opinion) for a small amount of healing, while also being forced to refrain from doing damage to continue healing.
I currently use a S/D boonstealer/damage build. 0/30/0/15/25 with Shadowstep, RFI, Refuge, and Withdrawal for the heal. As this is not a build focused on stealthing much, and I feel I would lose too much damage from putting 5 in Acrobatics for mediocre healing on initiative use, my only 2 sources of healing are the 6 skill (about 1/5 of my HP every 15 seconds) and Refuge, which I also believe to be about 1/5 my health if I remain inside it.
My problem is I do not have any access to regaining health without doing a “burst” heal which can leave me vulnerable. Suggestions anyone?
When has warrior ever gotten nerfed? And to the ground? The Dec 10 update will be the first noticeable difference to warriors in a long time.
(edited by Moderator)
Please elaborate. I made valid points, at least make an argument against them if you are going to refute them?
P/P just seems like it does more damage because it is multiple hits, and the end number is usually pretty high. In terms of consistent dps, sword or even dagger is better assuming you can stay on the target. So in certain situations where it may be a bit hot, such as dungeons and wvw, p/p can be good for picking people off. Although I don’t like p/p as it relies on only 1 skill to achieve damage, and the other skills are basically worthless.
I run 0/30/0/15/25 with bountiful theft and thrill of crime. Very good boons, although the range is ridiculously small (I think 240 and 360), so your allies basically have to be in melee range of the steal target, which usually isn’t the case if you are stealing ahead (the whole point of the skill). This build is also pretty damage focused…I use s/d as well for extra boon steal, although it is not to allies. Shortbow is also the best support weapon for thief. Choking gas (4) is a pretty long poison, and is spammable. Not to mention constant blast finishers, when used situationally of course.
Thoughts on this skill? Just need a place to come and vent. Find it unbelievable the amount of survivability this single-handedly gives warriors, even if they are full zerk or close to. Not to mention multiple blocks/invulnerabilities to top it all off. Just really frustrated at the moment with where warriors lie compared to the other classes. Just seems a bit much. Tired of losing to every warrior in WvW who can hit me insanely hard, and I can’t even get him to half health with the regen from the signet, being a nearly full zerk s/d thief. Unbelievable.
Feel free to discuss
(edited by Rascalking.9845)