Showing Posts For RavenStorm.2193:

Official Feedback Thread: Episode 3 -- A Crack in the Ice

in Living World

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Played The episode.
Love the map art however feel that it is a very broken episode everything on map seems to be broken or bugged not happy with this at all first and foremost I think it could have been done better, I understand that there is a whole lot of work that went into the beautiful map. But events that spawn or don’t when the spawn less then a minute from when you completed it there is a problem. Story bugs from start to finish not a way I want to play. Been thru with other Guildies and some refuse to play it because it is so buggy they have just left the map completely and refuse to come back until things are fixed. Not to mention we go from Bloodstone with a nice amount of things to do that is working not cluttered fun map to Ember bay a bit larger and seems to be to cluttered with updrafts ley lines then to Bitter frost that is a larger map with only 2 waypoints a few Thermal tubes just a couple up drafts that send you into a circular ley line that does nothing mainly lets just say all in all not happy with what it is as far as how it is put out there.

I have been working on Maudry and mawdry 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


you should get them when chopping on:
Ancient Sapling
Baoba Sapling
Cypress Sapling
Orrian Sapling
Red Oak Sapling

not the regular one I did finally get the one I needed

So how many Revenants...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


I have been saving a slot for this so yes I will make one of what race I am not sure. As for power leveling well it took me 3 days to level a character from start to 100% map and story- so meh just playing will be fine very excited to here about this and happy as well.

I have been working on Maudry and mawdry 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


I have been working on Mawdrey and mawdrey 2 to come to a stop because the enormous foxfire cluster I never received it after world summit so disappointed right now please any help will be nice should I just trash items I have or try on a character that has not completed that part ;(

Game Crashes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Wow my game has crashed 3 times today then massive crash and it has to re-download whole game what’s up with this anyone else have this problem.

Defenders of all that is good (Def)

in Looking for...

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Def is looking to rebuild and grow our numbers!
We were based in Guild Wars and want to grow here in GW2
Def is a Stormbluff Isle based Guild
New players as well as vets welcome!
We are looking for 100% Guild rep. for full members.

(edited by RavenStorm.2193)

Trinket in Laurel vendor?

in Living World

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Yeah Caithe’s Blossom and Plague Signet are now available with Laurel vendors, so I’m hoping they can add that ring too. And I have gold, but I just don’t like that I need to buy a trinket for one, if not more, for the new armor with gold and that much gold. I guess what I’m implying is that the Verata’s Seared ring is not something you can get after finishing the Living Season episode achievements, so then if it’s not being sold by the Laurel vendor then it probably won’t be available after the season is over.

After reading posts here I went ahead to laurel merchant and to the bandit trade guy I saw neither place has the Caithe’s Blossom and Plague Signet so I am assuming we just want them there! I have finished the past 2 episodes unable to get the achievements. not saying I did not have help because I did and it was fail LOL. I am hoping these will be available thru venders at one time or another.

How many of you have 100% map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Here’s mine
– 11 characters
– 8 lvl 80
( 2 that took me 3 days from start to finish lvl 1 to 80 and 100% complete just to see
how long it took!! )
– 2 are lvl 20’s because I haven’t spent much time with them and keep killing them off
and I never got my Warrior up to snuff just haven’t wrapped my head around skill
set and type of play really not my favorite!
– 6 have 100% map completion
(Currently working on my last 2 level 80’s for map completion DONE with WvW
though my most un favorite spot in game!)

(edited by RavenStorm.2193)

Traits and Such

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Why are WvW players forced into PvE to get traits?

I don’t know, but I assume they never intended anyone to play one mode exclusively. They intended players to do both and so didn’t think it would be a problem to have content which crosses over between them.
This is true also Danikat I am sure if all you do is play WvW and never played PVE why should you have to be forced to do so. If you ever played Guild Wars you would understand what I mean sure the GW 2 is a new game with different ideas however the only thing that combines the game is names and map areas HOM etc.
That would be like the new Message in my UI about fall competitive events I don’t want to see it there and think I should be able to delete it. I would like more control over this as well we shall see I guess.

Traits and Such

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Once again I question the PVE VS PVP/WvW I have a character @ level 49-50 and I was looking thru the traits as I have before since the patch I get it we have to open them up no biggie I enjoy a challenge and in a day or so she will be 80.
Here is my gripe why do I as a pve player have to go into WvW i.e. Edge of the Mist to do a JP or for that matter any WvW area to get a trait opened, I know that I can alternately buy this trait for gold but This Game is so pushing people to play in WvW as in Explorer title etc. now traits as well. Don’t get me wrong I have (Be There Done That) 4 times over I just think it is a waste of time to be forced to do something that I do not want to do such as WvW/PVP . I have played since beta and will complain about this forever. Also what are they thinking that I will be forced into WvW combat ? Nope I go up and stalk around not helping but hurting the players that like this area by running into opposing worlds and getting killed just to get what I want to get done. World V World as well this game use to be GUILD WARS where Guilds battled not worlds So why not just call it WORLD WARS ? I love the new mega server but then it defeats the purpose as well letting GUILDS span across servers just to have them battle each other in WvW. Just messed up in my thinking. So your guild in in say Hedge and you have expanded it to Storm Bluff with the mega server system now when you go to battle some of your guild will be fighting the other part of your guild makes no sense to me. I think they need to get back to the story and the lore that people expect not lets just put this crude out there and they will deal with it. Half of the newer players have no idea of the original guild wars or have never played it.

Why is there no green tag?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


I enjoy the fact that there are different color tags.A suggestion however why not let those who have the tags be able to put in what they want to do when tagged up Like adding a name to the tag say I want to do the blue in PVE I wish we were able to put in Map Exploration so other folks could join up and do that if they would like company . Or even put gathering etc. with that tag until we choose to do something else Say maybe even helping out in game>>>>>> Just my thoughts I am very tired of players in game yelling about tags up everywhere. I believe truly they just do not have tags and are mad because they didn’t buy one before now!

Collecting samples event is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


well no it did not fix it and I just replayed the whole thing

Collecting samples event is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


should we replay the episode? and Thank you Paul!!

Collecting samples event is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


•Plan of Attack instance will give you 1 Pile of Phantasmal Residue on completion. Get the picture fix it~

Collecting samples event is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


well going to log in and see if I have it I am getting ready to do it on a different character and see!

Collecting samples event is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


•Plan of Attack instance will give you 1 Pile of Phantasmal Residue on completion never got this and I am finished with it figure that one out ANET really get with the fixing and get it right

This season is gonna be horrible (SPOILERS)

in Living World

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


A large Fail…………. Bugs abound of course….. and I don’t mean fossils never go a single fossil not to say I did not try. This crap is jumping back and forth to places we have already done . I expected more from this game as was promised at the start and I mean hype from all the betas and what ever happened to new areas and thing you have done staying done I never thought I would be saying this but I am seriously thinking this game is not worth it after the 2 years I have stuck by it thinking it will get better. This episode proves that it will not get better just monotonous with the crap they are doing and having to zerg thru it because it is impossible to do things alone du to the matrix of the story unfolding and I am not against zergs just the way you have to complete things now plus a jumping puzzle you have to do in order for a back piece .GET REAL ANET!!! Why not just call it world wars instead of GUILD WARS because Guilds do not matter here.

Trading Post not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Ok I have been on for 3 days and I am unable to sell any item at the trading post I am really getting quite tired of this as an issue and would like to have it fixed.

Game Updates: Profession Balance, Bug-fixes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Have a ranger and I do not see much difference in the game play as I am a ranger fan . Waiting patiently for new skills as well as new race or profession both would be great need new areas to explore after finishing story there is little to do for my ranger girl!

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


not real sure that I like this system but I have noticed some changes in the way I am doing damage now which is a plus. I wish and suggest that you allow ele to be able to swap weapons as well as the engineer this still tends to be a problem stopping getting out of agro then changing to what you want at the point where you are that would stop if we could switch just like all other professions do!

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Mega server system ok this I was unsure of as to the way it was explained however I really thought it was great to log in and bam real live people in areas that were seeming so dead can not wait til it goes world wide I could care less about PVP and WvW I do not like to do these and I am forced to because of exploration which I am still very unhappy about but great work here wish it had been from the start.

Game Updates: World Boss Synchronization

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Love this great to have a set schedule makes it nice to post in guild message for what we are going to do! great job!

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


I just want to say I love the wardrobe system and unlocking of all the skins is awesome. I have to re-buy the racial armors but then that’s cool because we didn’t know you were going do this to wardrobe so in love with all the changes I can do here not to worried about the town clothes I hardly ever wore them as I got the armors I did for showing off not the town stuff and I can put my signature sunglasses on as a helm my signature from gw1. Only one thing I can gripe about as far as unlocking skins that is some of the greens and the rare have to be account bound when you unlock these that kind of sucks cause I like to sell that stuff off the only plus is the ecto’s I am getting for the salvage give and take there You really did an awesome job. I do have a suggestion on boosts I would love to see these go into our wallet so we can use at will on who ever we are playing just like the karma and our gold!!

Guild Armor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Ok here is my question.
My guild has an armorer contract and some players are unable to purchase from this any suggestion on what they need to do or what can be done about this would be helpful>>>>> Frustrating

Upgrade extractor & finishers in gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


The Upgrade Extractor is a great idea I would love to see a permanent one that is account wide! I see all the negatives and a few positives. I have to say as I have said all along this is a great game that is ever changing for the players. I also want to thank the Devs because they listen to what we say and try as they might they do put items and things into the game that people ask for maybe not every player is happy. All I can say to the unhappy people is if you think you are that great then make a game and do all of this these people take time to do what we the players ask of and deserve a Great Job from us!

Last Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


what’s up since the last update I keep loosing connection to the server fix this please anyone else having this problem?


in Suggestions

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


I think with the cost of the tag it should be used for ever character just saying it would be so nice.

World Content

in Suggestions

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


To start with I have played Guild Wars and started Guild Wars 2 from the beta here. I love the game simply said.
I enjoy the living world content and enjoy playing in groups some time I also like to explore alone just to play and do not want to wait for a group of people to be in the area to get it done.
1. I think that world explorer should be a bit different by this I mean the living world areas PVE should be separate from the PVP/WvWvW areas as I do not want to go to WvWvW to explore a world area that’s not my thing I prefer PVE so why not change and make WvWvW a separate place or achievement in world exploration. It feels like I am being made to do something I do not want to do.
2. In the Ruins of Orr area the challenge there is that live bodies are hardly ever around and with almost all the way points always contested it is a great challenge to get the area fully mapped Challenge is nice but the inability to complete it gets frustrating with the amount of areas one can not get to without live bodies for help.
3. I would love to see a vanquish mode in all the areas as to me it’s a blast to just go in and get rid of everything and get an achievement for something like that.
4. Living World items are fun but when they cover and area that holds a heart and or skill point that needs to be done well it is annoying .
I challenged myself by creating a character and leveling from start to end game in 3 1/2 days so yes I know how to play and do enjoy the game just think that there should be some changes made I have watched people come and go because of the need to be in a group to do things this saddens me because the game is a great one.

Add/Remove display of Living World from UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


I agree give us the choice to remove these things. They are in the way we have them in hero panel if we want to see them. I would prefer to be able to have more control in this area. Other then just the small amount of control we have now it would be nice to have a change in the map as well I dislike the square shape and the inability to move it where I want to.

Disconnecting many times tonight on HoD

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


What’s up with this was trying to do storyline in 76 level and caused deaths and disconnect now trying for vistas also even just crafting. All day can’t tell you how upsetting it is.Please fix this the game is not right

Gallow's Hang Skill Point

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


I apologize and read your initial post as if you were complaining about something being difficult and requiring more than one player or some clever use of the in-game tools.

If you are ever online at the same time i’d be happy to join you and distract the champion and all while you communed or invis you

Thanks I have been in the game since beta! I had a few months off due to illness. I only have to do the last bit of my story now. I am in storm bluff isle home world as I found folks to help me with the skill point. Player tag Narnia Ravenwolf

(edited by RavenStorm.2193)

Gallow's Hang Skill Point

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


fangedterror number one I am notallergic against asking for help I have and seems to me no one is in this area much any more. So your comment is not helpful.

Gallow's Hang Skill Point

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


Ok I need help I have one skill point to get and this is it. There is a champion there and I can not kill it myself it is stopping my progress. Is this a bug if so please fix it I quit trying for a bit and went back I have tried to puzzle it out but there is no way this is pve and I do not or should not have to be in a group to do this. Please any suggestions or comments that can help me I have been thru the forum and have not seen any fixes for this Thanks !