Showing Posts For Razorface.2714:

account bound harvesting equipment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


Ah ha! That was why it didn’t show, I had to take them off equip state and put them in my inventory. Thank you for that.

I had talked to every single one of these guys in all the starter cities and none of them showed the option. Thanks again for pointing me in the correct direction.

As far as I am concerned this issue has been solved and this thread can be closed, it SHOULD be closed.

account bound harvesting equipment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


Hi, I just came back from an extended absence and I know I can change my soulbound harvesting equipment into account bound equipment. Last I read, I could do this in Lion’s Arch, but Lion’s arch was wrecked and now the people I would talk to to do this are no longer there. Who would I talk to now to accomplish this and where are they?

Thanks in advance guys.

New releases every two weeks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


The candle that burns twice as bright burns twice as fast? You all think this may be true here? You think that at a certain unspecified time we might actually begin to take new content too often, for granted?

Note: This is not an argument for nor against new content every two weeks, just something to provoke long term thinking, foresight.

LFGuild TS/Vent players online Guild missions

in Looking for...

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I am looking for a guild that has a high amount of players online at all times, 20+ even during weekdays, does regularly scheduled guild missions, partakes in dungeons and other world events, friendly and active in most other parts of the game as well.

I do all of the above as well.

How does Anet afford this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


All one needs to do is remember there is a GuildWars 1 out there and to look at it and see how their business model works.

Are we getting mounts any time soon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


Probably not. As you can see there are a lot of people who don’t want them, which to me means there is a lot of people who are bad at collecting things like that so..there ya have it.
There’s really no valid excuse not to have them in an mmo(where people collect things) so you see people resort to it being against lore or some other silly excuse. Hell, even if they implemented mounts that are purely cosmetic and don’t increase speed at all, I bet they’d still get all worked up over it.

This makes no sense to me, if that is all you want, we already have it in the broom and the tunnel digger. No speed buffs no nothing, they are just basic mounts. They are already here, just go and get one if you want one…

Login server down free trial?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I felt a great disturbance in the force as if thousand of voices cried out and were suddenly silenced…

No seriously though, I wish you and all the other game companies out there would stop pointing fingers at the firewalls or antivirus programs or using some strange network as a default error message when everyone who knows what is going with that stuff knows that this is NEVER the case. You all know how many people you might have inadvertently tricked into getting bogus software out of fear there might be something wrong with their current antivirus software or their firewall? Come on…

Login server down free trial?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I am not impressed by this…

Black Lion Salvage Kits...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I noticed and so did a bunch of people in the guild I am in, a sharp and extremely drastic drop in the success rate of the Black Lion Salvage Kits.

At first I was suspicious and blamed my terribly bad luck. After three days though and salvaging 16 rare items and getting 5 ectoplasms for it after a week or two of getting 1 2 and 3 for practically every rare I salvaged my suspicions are all BUT confirmed.

My questions are thus this:

1. Did they nerf the Black Lion Salvage Kits?


2. If so then why? (it seems like that would be giving themselves a pay cut in that I for sure will not be purchasing anymore of them, and others will stop too, there is no way I can be alone in this.)

I have started using Master Salvage Kits and my success rate has improved over the Black Lion Salvage Kits. In just a matter of hours using Master Salvage Kits I have already eclipsed the amount of ectoplasms I was getting from Black Lion Salvage Kits over the last few days.

The Maw is up so I got to go…

Schola BLix is broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Razorface.2714


On the Henge of Denravi server and in the Cursed Shores map Scholar Blix is broken halting ALL progress tot he events beyond him, up to 5 events are broken as a result and probably more than that that I do not know of.

Edit: He is located at the start of the penitent path. And will not begin to walk down the path no matter what anyone does.

(edited by Razorface.2714)

Order armor should not be exclusive to story choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


Yes, you do not have to delete your character, you just need to make a new one. When you made the decision on which order you were going to go with, the game made it very clear that your choice was the one you were going to go with…forever. It is “your story” after all.

I would suggest in the future to do research on such things, perhaps utilizing the wiki maybe…hint hint.

Too many visual effects ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


There can never be enough effects.

Need a new Light Armor skin! Current one is bad!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I have to agree with you, I found that skin to be atrocious, I would rather transmute the lvl 1 white/basic armor skin to my exotics than THAT skin.

About armor sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


No, I think he wants to be able to switch his normal set out for his magic find set on one click of a button. Can’t say as I blame him really, I tried to roll like that for a like a day and gave up on magic find after that, just not worth it. I forgot to switch my magic find gear in on one of the chests and got the exact same results I did with the magic find gear on and was like, “goodbye” to the magic find gear.

Any mid-end systems with good FPS?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I am running a system over a year old, Gtx 460, i5, 8 gig ram, cheapo MOBO and cheapo power supply and cheapo HD.

I run smooth at about 55-60 FPS every where, in heavy zerg combat i drop down to about 40ish, completely tolerable and I run on max settings.

I run the game in windowed mode, and I dragged the edges to edge of my monitor(hard to recall if it did it by itself or not but I would have done it anyway.)

I do not however, have a bunch of stuff on my PC, this thing is purely for gaming and nothing else. There are no “apps” or anything useless here, just 4 games and that is all. I am the sole user as well, so there is no chance of anything getting on here when I don’t know about it. No music, no movies, no pictures.

Every now and then, my anti-virus/anit-spam/anti-malware program will update and that will give me a pop-up on my screen, this pop-up will make my FPS drop like a rock for some reason, I close the pop-up right way and everything returns immediately back to “normal”. I could turn off the notification but I like knowing it is doing it’s job, so I put up with it.

I do also run all VOIP programs aside from mumble and this other one I can’t remember. I kept skype, vent and TS, the least buggy one’s of them all. Skype is a bit RAM hungry, but vent and TS run with very little RAM consumption at all.

Solution to bots, end all be all

in Suggestions

Posted by: Razorface.2714


We all know it, you know it for sure ANet. We know where your botters are coming from. They come from China, they come from Japan, they come from Vietnam and they DEFINITELY come from the Philippines. Philippines being your likely biggest threat as far as botters goes.

I suggest a massive IP ban on the entire region. I know this will hurt you ANet, in your pocket, keep listening, I have a solution to that too.

You ban the entire region as they are not responsible gamers. If you still feel the need to provide support to them in the form of your game, I suggest you begin a new isolated server there JUST for them and only for them.

This will allow us to go unhindered by the effects of their irresponsible gaming, inflicted upon us by them AND you ANet. Opening up servers just for them, but completely segregating them from our servers will keep your pocket happy and the majority of your customers happy.

Let them bot all they want, seriously. It is becoming obvious that it cannot be stopped or even culled, not in a reasonable amount of time, say, before it gets out of hand, which clearly, it already is. But…let them bot segregated and off by themselves. Let them ruin their own economy, let them hack their own version of the game and ruin it just for themselves.

I heard of a game recently, ‘Max Payne’ that is also doing something similar to this, any one caught hacking gets placed into the hackers server, never to return again.

There are several companies out there that employ this technique, most recently noticed by me was Perfect World Entertainment, who has long kept that region separate from others, I assume, for this very reason. They recently implemented this same exact fix to botters as you did. THE EXACT SAME THING IN EVERY DETAIL. Big difference though, they only did it to the Asian market for their game. No joke, they did not implement the anti-botting programming code for the western servers, the code is clearly there, but not active.

I strongly suggest this as a solution to the botting problem. It has been proven time and time again, they cannot be trusted to display honesty and integrity in the gaming community.

I am not saying you will not have problems still with botters here, there will always be botters and hackers, but if you go along with this idea and make it reality for yourself and for us, the problem will be much much smaller, on a scale that you CAN deal with. Instead of having thousands of reports, I suspect you will get hundreds and perhaps just on a couple people entire game wide.

By the way, the community was no more or less agitated by the coming anti-bot programming in Perfect World International. When the announcement came out the forums lit up like a Christmas tree, I even quit for a week until I found out they did not implement it. They were very quick to not allow that programming to be implemented.

I would strongly consider segregation if I were you. For tournament sake you might even still be able to hook it up for versus combat, PvP and WvWvW, provided you can stop them from hacking too(fat chance).

New Event DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I say when DR kicks in we should see a buff/boon appear on us with a timer as well, letting us know when and how long we got it. It seems totally fair to me. They also need to disclose the methods they are using in full detail.

The botters know because they mess around with it constantly. Normal people like me have no interest to play around with it because we are honest and not cheating. I can’t take another players word for it because there is nothing to compare it to. Everything people are saying here is PURELY speculation.

LOL I can picture someone doing their DEs with a stopwatch ticking away and a person standing there taking notes for good reliable data….NOT.

Can we get a graph or a spreadsheet guys? Can we get some ACTUAL data instead of this speculative word of mouth and off the hip quip stuff?

Are there any plans to do something about the empty zones?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I was doing my map completion in the map “Timberline Falls” and literally waited over 7 hours for someone to come along to help me with the skill point in where you have to kill the little creepy asura acting like a god to manipulate the grawl.

She and I were definitely not enough to kill the bugger as he is a champion, she a mesmer and I an elementalist, so we took turns aggroing it and communing.

Seven hours though, no joke. I watched 2 movies on my other monitor and listened to some music. It was a pretty sad affair really, kinda a black eye on ANet’s face if you ask me.

They either need to force us to play the lower lvl maps, or make it ACTUALLY rewarding for me to take my lvl 80 character and others like me to these maps. Or maybe they can make all mobs/bosses weaker and in lesser numbers in lower lvl maps to allow people to solo them, I don’t like this option though, I don’t like easy games at all. Not really that many options here that I can come up with that are logical.


Well, it looks like the whole game is NOT end game as ANet promised huh? Or did they just fantasize it? Either way it does not fit their vision of what this game was supposed to be.

"We’ve relaxed our anti-exploiting system for loot and events."

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


Well , not releasing the information is about the same concept as gun restrictions. The botters have figured it out while the people who don’t bot haven’t figured it out, mainly because they have no desire to. In any case the only people who are going to hurt most from this is the non-cheating players…still.

I still completely disagree with their tactic, they basically dropped a nuke on the botters thinking it would kill them off, but they did not stop to think about the innocents that would also be killed. Are the good honest players just collateral damage to them?

Why don’t they just IP ban China, Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines? That seems to do the job quite well with other MMOs. They get to keep their honest Europeans and Americans and get rid of all the bots. Win/Win. If they still feel the need to allow them to play this game even though they are irresponsible, they can go ahead and give them their own server over there, where they can bot to their little heart’s content.

Health Pool bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I am not even going to bother asking if it is a bug, I know it is a bug. I have seen similar issues with my critical strike rate. It goes up and down for no reason at all on my elementalist. One day I log in at Lion’s Arch and it is 47%, the next day it is 44%, a few days later it is 41%. I do not understand why it is changing, my gear isn’t changing, nor is my level, but for some unknown reason my crit rate is shrinking in areas where it should not.

I mention crit rate here, but I think it is all part of the same issue, Instability of statistics, including HP and other stats. Crit rate has nothing to do with bonuses from WvWvW standings

Claw of Jormag Farmers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


LOL @ dying at claw of jormag quest! There is no reason you should die there at all, that is, unless you have absolutely no idea what you are doing. After doing this event once or twice it should be perfectly claer to you exactly how it is done.

Hammers are too small

in Suggestions

Posted by: Razorface.2714


To Rizzy:

Your definition of “toy bow” needs some clerification. I knew a bowyer once, he created a bow that was no thicker than a popsicle stick and could launch an arrow down about 50 yards with absolute leathal accuracy and penetrate enough to actually put an arrow right through a body. The thing was no longer than two and a half feet.

A short bow is exactly that a short bow, no more or less effective.

Also to everyone else, you all must use norn characters or even charr, the size of the weapons scales with the characters size. Create and asura warrior and all your complaints about greatsowrds being too big will disappear.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I see a lot of people dragging mobs around behind them. I see it everywhere. Instead of sitting there and accepting the aggro I follow the lazy P.O.S to his stopping location and hand them all back to him. In my mind I say “Clean up your own dang mess!” Then I go back to what I was doing before.

I kill everything in my way, if it looks like I might aggro it, I kill it. I got so tired of being killed like that though, that is why I started following those people to give them their mobs back. They know what they are doing when they do it too, they just don’t care.

As for people “yelling” at me, haven’t had this happen to me..yet. It will be funny when it does though, I will add every single one of them to my ignore/block list. I am doing what I need to do, I will not yell at anyone for anything at all and anyone who “yells” at me…I will make them disappear, as we are all but just a few clicks away from not even existing anyway. This kind of behavior will nto be accepted by me, not one bit.

Reviving? I see a lot of reviving going on and I see a lot not going on too. I revive everybody I can, mostly anyway. There have been times though, this one guy walked right over my corpse the other day, later on I walked right over his corpse. Eye for an eye blinds the world and I am okay with that. x.x

As to your comment about not a lot of level 80 players out there…I completely disagree. I have not one but two myself, and I have been doing everything from DEs to crafting and including map completion and WvW, I am doing it all and I even watch the vista POVs too, no power leveling, no speed leveling to 80 or nothing, there are tons of people at level 80, in fact if you have been playing since the beta ended and game went live, I wonder what is wrong with you when you don’t have at least one character to level 80. I have two of them and wasn’t even trying to get them to level 80, it just happened that way.

Teleporting Hack (video) totally uncool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I am looking into my crystal ball now to see the future.

I see a future where ANet might not patch away the ability to use speed hacks, leading to an unfair imbalance between cheaters and non-cheaters.

To me it is of the greatest importance and a mega high priority to patch this loophole shut, AND NOW.

Seeing this video alone ruins my experience with WvW, just watching the video alone. I will likely not do any PvP at all until they take care of this.

Just banning the players is not enough, they need to make it so that speed hacks cannot be used.

Just one player cheating is enough to ruin the gaming experience, wether he is caught later or not, that memory of getting beat by some dude using a speed hack that I cannot defend against tarnishes all gameplay leading up to it and after it.

I will not resort to cheating myself though. If this is not fixed, and I mean fixed when I say fixed, seeing as that the endgame of this game is pure PvP centric, I will quit permanently.

I want some official word on this issue, I think it is fair to want some official word on this.

Combo Fields: Learn Them Already People!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I love playing with my elementalist, i can create many fields and finishers with it all by myself, it fun really.

And people, it isn’t even difficult, you have “combo: field” and “combo: finisher” LOL There are only two parts to a combo.

As for a testing ground…JUST USE THEM! You don’t even have to go to the mists, just flippin’ use em.

How am I supposed to play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I had to stop playing because of this. I log in now and try to think of something productive to do and, well, there is nothing, farm for mats for a few hours…nope, farm some events….nope, run some instances…nope, so i find myself standing in one spot trolling the chat window, this isn’t fun at all.

During beta they asked us to rate the game, had things been the way they are today I would have rated things very differently, how about you?

I do like that ANet cares that botters are here and they want to stop them, but using nukes that hurt innocents like me and you is not the answer. Sure stop the botters, but leave us out of it. I want to play your game my way, MY WAY. if that means I log in one day and I want to farm skales for 3 hours kin the same spot, let me do it, that is my perogative. Whatever I decide to do in game at any given time at any given place is fun to me, to do what I want to do.

People pay me so that they can tell me what to do all day long, it is frustrating, so much so I am willing to pay for a place where I get to do whatever I want to do when I want to do it. I payed you for this, but I am not getting it now. Alas, I must go elsewhere for it.

How long do you see yourself playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


Do not mock me, I just tell it how it is, they need to revert it or i am going to leave and take people with me, and smear this game at every oportunity i got. That isn’t kitten, that is business. REALITY

Trust me, I don’t NEED to mock you.
For every 4 people you take out, I can bring in 8. And as for smearing the game… So? Lots of people do that already; anyone who can’t think for themselves is probably not someone I really want to game with anyways.

This ain’t no competition fool. I don;t care what the heck YOU do, I was telling what I AM GOING TO DO. This ain’t no competition. And yes you were, by definition, wether you knew it or not. mocking me

How long do you see yourself playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


Do not mock me, I just tell it how it is, they need to revert it or i am going to leave and take people with me, and smear this game at every oportunity i got. That isn’t kitten, that is business. REALITY

Trust me, I don’t NEED to mock you.
For every 4 people you take out, I can bring in 8. And as for smearing the game… So? Lots of people do that already; anyone who can’t think for themselves is probably not someone I really want to game with anyways.

This ain’t no competition fool. I don;t care what the heck YOU do, I was telling what I AM GOING TO DO. This ain’t no competition. And yes you were, by definition, wether you knew it or not. mocking me

How long do you see yourself playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


Do not mock me, I just tell it how it is, they need to revert it or i am going to leave and take people with me, and smear this game at every oportunity i got. That isn’t kitten, that is business. REALITY

How long do you see yourself playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I began this thinking I would play this game until they shut the servers down, but they seem to be doing a quite efficient job of ruining my gaming experience. I want to play for hours on end, and they are ruining that by limiting what i can do.

I amkitten off man for real, who the heck do they think they are putting limits on me?!

If they do not lift the limits on items i can while i grind(for any amount of time i choose) I will leave this game and go back to where I came from. You try to tell ME how to play? Yeah you can stuff that where the sun doesn’t shine. I don’t even care what the reason is. Bots or not, I don’t care, I am a full grown adult and I will NOT be told what or how I am to play my games.

This is a message to you ANet, You don’t revert that RIGHT NOW, I am out of here and I will take everyone I turned onto this game(they feel the same way) with me, and I will not be spreading the good word, I will spread a bad word instead.

Fix that or ELSE.