Showing Posts For RealityFix.9138:

Fixing The Bad Skills/Weapon Sets

in Thief

Posted by: RealityFix.9138


I agree with this. Other than D/D and Shortbow I really don’t find myself bothering with the other weapons. Maybe P/P once in a while. But otherwise… nah. I have to try sword and pistol more though. Seems fun.

Day/Night Cycle

in Suggestions

Posted by: RealityFix.9138


Making Night time more dangerous would be fun. Maybe for higher level areas though. Not for beginners. Also maybe more weather effects in areas? It only seems to rain in very certain locations for me.

Needs More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: RealityFix.9138


Well more weapons and skills are bound to happen in expansions but I feel maybe a bit more is needed at the moment until then? Either giving passive bonuses for using a weapon set for a long time or 5 skills that take a bit longer to unlock.

As I said above. Not looking for “Skill A is much Better than skill B” unless of course you Trait for a certain build. Just more like “B does the same as A but in a different way” kind of thing.

Needs More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: RealityFix.9138


I tend to agree with the fact that it only takes 15 minutes to complete a weapon. I mean, what is the point of that? Honestly. May as well just give me the skills right off the bat. More skills to unlock would be a good idea, you master your first 5 quickly but just make the rest of the skills longer to unlock. So you can keep mastering a weapon up until you get to level 80 or something (just being vague).

I have no idea how to implement this so that the skills are balanced and useful throughout the game. Maybe just make a weapon have 10 skills so the first 5 are just your 15 minute warm ups and eventually by say 20 or 30 you get all the skills (that you can swap in the slots) and these skills can change up the way to do things? They wouldn’t be more or less useful compared to the first 5 but maybe one deals damage more in bleeds rather than burns or something. The skills wouldn’t interfere with what the weapon was meant to do (Like the bow for the thief will be crowd control even after the 10 skills and not crowd control and dps by the end).

I would think this would make sense. I really like playing D/D as thief and would love to do get more mastery from using them the most.

Maybe even give weapon mastery to the system? The more you use a weapon the more accuracy you can get? Something passive but not game breaking.

- Now I’m not saying that the skills we have right now don’t take skill to use. I do rather appreciate how much practice I have to put into the sets in order to really get good at using them. I just wouldn’t mind having little “presents” for using a weapon for a long time.

Make a scythe weapon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: RealityFix.9138


Wait for expansion. That’s how they’re gonna keep making money. Other than gems.

Infiltrators arrow is amazing now?

in Thief

Posted by: RealityFix.9138


I thought it was meant to do that so people can’t cheat jumping puzzles.

D/D suggestions for Anet

in Thief

Posted by: RealityFix.9138


Leaping Death Blossom is fine I find. You need to trait into trickery my friend. I can cast it 3 times in a row, steal and use it again for a 4th time and stack bleeds like a boss.

CnD Should get a initiative reduction. Just put it to 3. Maybe make it do less damage? I would prefer to use it as an escape method. And when I’m all out of initiative and my steal is recharging and my healing skill is charging and I’m all out of options I would like to have it to just give me a brief way to stealth and run.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: RealityFix.9138


Oh god I hope they do this. I’m so tired of holding the left mouse button. This would be a great option to have.

You won't get me this time! (Suggestion)

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: RealityFix.9138


This is also something that has disappointed me. Sure the NPC’s wave at me once in a while but I feel what you said would make the game much better.

I approve your message.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: RealityFix.9138


I made this suggestion on reddit but it didn’t get a lot of views.

The UI for the thief (or any class) could be a tad better. The utility skill box could have an option to allow it to be placed somewhere else on the screen (where the player wants to put it) and also allow it to be scaled up or down. Also boons/status affects could be done in the same way. This would allow for newer players to understand what is happening to them easier and when they believe they have the visual ques down they can simply set them back to default.

This would help the thief a lot to see what they stole in the middle of combat. And I mean A LOT. At least in the beginning when you’re not used to the items that pop up.