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Female Charr Guardian Shout issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Redbell.5763


My female Charr shouts out the same as the shout “text” of every shout except “Hold the Line!”. She just says “On the Mend” sometimes instead which, while not harmful to the gameplay itself, it quite annoying. Especially when I hear all the other guardian races do it perfectly.

Making a flame legion Charr

in Charr

Posted by: Redbell.5763


what makes the tail glow?

It’s the Citadel of Flame’s light armor pants.

I wonder about the gloves though. I don’t think that’s CoF armor but they look really cool.

Few people play female Charr

in Charr

Posted by: Redbell.5763


Same thing happens on my server (Aurora Glade). There’s an army of male Charrs and a small team of female Charrs.

But the number of Charrs (from what I’ve seen) in my server is quite low in itsel so I make a point of greeting and going “yey another Charr!” whenever I get one in a dungeon party xD

As a girl irl, I like all my characters to be female. I tried a male human but I didn’t really like it. Also I seem to hate the human race in all games I play. I see humans everyday (and i don’t like most of them) I don’t need to stare at one on my games too. And the human female voice is hideous imo. Especially on the necro, when she makes those comments when the minions die.

I have 3 female charrs, 2 female norns and 1 female human (which I’m going to kill and make another female Charr in her place).

My main is Malgraw, the lvl 80 Guardian, healing build and my second main is my ranger Redbell, also lvl 80 and precision build.

I’m trying to get all my Charrs cultural armor (because it’s something you can’t see on other races) and get them the Legionnaire weapon set (the weapons all Charr NPC use, including the Flame Legion).

I’m “a bit” obsessed with the Charr and their culture. I always go for the “animal” race in games and I love steampunk and war based nations <3

I’m even drawing some new characters and making up stories for them, it’s quite fun and some of my guildies support me on that ^.^ If you do a lot of WvW you probably know it Blood Always Spills [DRIP]

I really don’t get why people like humans so much really. When I go to my norns or human (bleh) I always miss my tail and the way I run on my Charrs xD

Few people play female Charr

in Charr

Posted by: Redbell.5763


I’ve noticed that too on my server. Charr males are a bit ugly in my opinion. Not all but most.. Females are much more pretty and their fluffy tales are just so awesome. But I like to play with females only (except for 1 male char that I have) so I’m a bit biased lol

Why more people don't play Charr - The Simple Answer.

in Charr

Posted by: Redbell.5763


For me the Black Citadel was the easiest to explore lol The human place? WAY too big and confusing. Asura? One bad step and you fall to your death. Norn? Everything is too far away (divided by all 5 lodges) and I still can’t find the leatherworking station today.. And Sylvary.. well that was just too confusing too. Too much green and too many vines. I was blinded in that place. Also, like in the asura place, one bad step and you fall to your death xD

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Redbell.5763


I’ve always been into the “animal” races in every game I played so when my boyfriend first introduced the game to me he was like “well you can play as a human, a norn, a charr which is a big cat with horns..” And i didn’t even let him continue xD And when I read that the female charr kicked the flame legion’s shaman’s kitten I loved them even more.

I fell in love with their culture as well, the military type and the “I take kitten from no one” type. No useless “human” politics or anything.

Charr should have been the main enemy. Undead are boring and repetitive.

in Lore

Posted by: Redbell.5763


No matter what you say, if you actually take time to READ the lore you’ll see that Ascalon DID belong to the charr. It was in their territory. When the six gods brought them to Tyria they just dropped them in charr lands, which they claimed as their own when they already had owners.

So imagine this. you’re a charr. You have your land. Then some small furlless creatures come along and say “Well kitten you, I got here today and now I claim this as mine” and of course they didn’t stand for that!

And remember the ones who were in power at the time was the flame legion so you DO have a charr enemy.

Also, if you say all this is not true, if you read even this small summary you’ll see it’s all true. Right in the beginning it says Ascalon belonged to the charr.

As for the Undead being too boring to be considered enemies… Well you have to look at it through classes. The smaller ones are absolute idiots but the bigger ones will give you a run for your money (especially if you fight them alone) but I agree if you say they’re a bit too passive.

Events in the labyrinth

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Redbell.5763


Well I don’t mean to say it’s only for lvl 80’s. You get up-leveled when you get there and even if you’re not as ‘big’ as a real lvl 80 it’s still doable. I’m running around there with my alts and I can kill mobs just fine.

Thing is, I want the achievement and the title so I’m trying my best to do the events. Thing is, I’ve been there for OVER TWO HOURS and I still haven’t found ANY event. They are few and far between is what I mean. And even if the events DO spawn, the people that are close to it kill the event mob before I can get to it BECAUSE it’s so easy to kill… I’m not complaining that it isn’t fun, it is and I like it. It’s just the lack of events that annoys me…

Events in the labyrinth

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Redbell.5763


The events in the mad king’s labyrinth are way too easy imo.

The mob you need to kill is always a normal mob and it dies like a fly… I’ve been in the labyrinth with a few friends for over an hour and haven’t found an event yet.. I’ve found like 3 before but now I can’t seem to find one.

It would be nice if there were more events in the labyrinth and if the mob or mobs we needed to kill were bosses or at the very least veterans… And collect events like in the Halloween spvp would also be great. I don’t have unlimited gameplay and I don’t have hours on end to look for just one event per 4 hours -.-’

Faster mini pets and "excessive" messaging

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redbell.5763


I think mini pets should have the character’s speed. It’s a bit annoying when you’re trying to show off your mini pet to your friends and have to wait for it to catch up to you.

Also my friend was trying to send me some mats and dyes he didn’t need and I needed the mats and liked the dyes but after he sent TWO mails he got the message of “excessive messaging” so we had to wait.

When I’m in map chat trying to recruit for the guild or a dungeon run if we post 2 or 3 messages (NOT in the same 5~10 mins mind you) I get the same message… And I can’t message anything at all for more than 15 minutes (yes I counted >.>) and it gets annoying seriously..

If arena net could change it it would be awesome. If not well, just keep this in mind.