Kaineng Server
Leader of The Doors of Stone [DS]
Yeah, make Tactivator Usage an expensive WvW mastery and problem solved.
Just make the effect of Druidic Clarity be shared across your party and there’s the instacounter, drastic times calls for drastic measures.
Mainly 2 things to report here:
Another potential bug is that sometimes the Keep Construct Core would get stuck. But we only saw this happen a few times, not sure how reproducible it is.
Finding safety in numbers is basic human nature, not much to do about that one. But enemies following the ‘win or flee’ tactic are probably hurting the scene. Turning your back on your enemy should be punished a lot harder.
Looking for one more member here, specifically a multi-class player who plays Chrono or Druid (we’re typically missing one of these for a full [DS] squad)
Current guild status: Missing only Xera, Matthias and Bastion of the Penitent.
+1 to this idea. There are so many things that need fixing in this game mode, but changes that encourage smartplay over raw outnumbering are always welcome. Although not the panacea, this offers a good alternative for small groups that want to play offense. If this is not hard to implement it would definitely be nice to see.
We mostly raid during weekends, still looking for a few good raiders to join our guild.
Would it help having a new type of secondary attribute, say ‘prowess’ for the sake of argument, that meant Conditions Drop Rate? Investing on it would mean a direct counter to condis just as ‘toughness is to power’ right? Btw I wouldn’t say ‘vitality is to conditions’ as that’s simply not the case, you still eat whatever damage comes regardless of your health buffer.
I can’t begin to imagine the tremendous technical effort that implementing this would require but ArenaNet has effectively introduced new attributes in the past, it wouldn’t be something impossible to happen.
Also, our guild is not hardcore on raids, we very much welcome new motivated raiders.
One of the people who joined us already got a first boss kill, please don’t hesitate to become part of something awesome!
We’re still looking for new guildies. No age restriction, guild is rated E for Everyone, it’s a very respectful circle.
A little video of [DS] clearing Vale Guardian a few months back, fun times!
We’re The Doors of Stone [DS], small guild whose main focus at the moment is on Raids. We would like to solidify our core raiding group so we’re looking for only 2-3 more members.
What we look for in a raider:
Raid Schedule
We usually start around 9pm CST through multiple days of the week (specially Mondays, Fridays and Sundays)
How good we are?
We’ve cleared VG and Gors many times now, super close to a Sabetha kill. We’re making steady progress and enjoying a lot the raid journey. Everyone in our core raiding group is multi-class so we always accommodate our squad based on what we need.
Please get in touch with me if you want to be a part of this
A bump for the guildless.
The Doors of Stone
[NA] time (CST), PvX Guild
We’re a group of online friends who persevere to achieve stuff through the power of teamwork.
“If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same…”
Join our guild!
What we do: High-level content (mainly Raids and Fractals/WvW in spare time).
What we are looking for: Experienced, Friendly & Active players.
Size of guild: ~35
Guild hall level: 38
Points of contact:
Beth MoonShadow.7268
Jazz Hat Jack.7431
What server are you on? Btw I wish you a great journey in WvW, it’s a very fun game mode!
Hey Joe, our guild is looking for that kind of player right now. We already do high level fractals and have attempted raids a few times but we’re pretty much starting to get into that content. PvX guild here, medium sized (~20-25 active players) and on top of fractals/raids we spent quite some time in WvW or HoT maps. Let me know if you’re interested Joe, I’d like to have you on the team.
Hello future guildie,
Meet The Doors of Stone [DS], a very fun and close-knit group of people who happen to enjoy a lot playing the game and getting better at it. While the guild has a long history I’m gonna sum up what we do nowadays:
The guild consists at the moment of 40 players, around 20 are very active and experienced. Our main time is [NA] but we have a handful of guildies from Australia too.
You can send me a message, reply to this post or contact me in the game if want to know more.
The ‘Deployable Mortars’ sound like a lot of fun but this would render obsolete the famous ‘Counter Treb’, would trebuchets see an increase in their damage to walls as consequence of a change like this? I personally think it’d make sense since mortar would now opaque one of the trebuchet’s main uses, it would be good to know this information prior to voting.
^ why not unlink all T1 servers?
Yeah and why not T2, T3 and T4 as well. We’d have only a T5 and T6 with World Linking system.
Then every week one of the winners of T5 at random gets a chance to try out their luck by themselves in the big leagues (where there’s no other server to help) . Similarly one of the winners of T6 gets a chance to jump to T5 and you get the idea. I believe something like this would restore some server pride and keep alive the hopes of a server community to one day be able to give it a shot on their own. Besides it could add variety to matches; not locking a pair of servers indefinitely.
Things were bad population-wise pre World Linking, but I’d agree it was not necessary to add population to many of the already populated servers.
Thanks a lot for sharing this Teon, it gives me and my guild a little hope that things will get better. And don’t get me wrong, World Linking is nice (even with a lot of work remaining on the ‘server pride’ side of things), but the top tiers should have never been included on it.
T1 is horrible, either you PvP like a champion to have a little chance at roaming/havoc (with escape build prepared cause enemy zerg is just around the corner) or you join the blob wars, not much else to do really, specially in this tiny obsolete map.
Well I’ve always thought it’d be cool if the towers gave a small buff across the map based on your profession:
Could be some small buff as the Minor Bloodlust of ABL, just to spice things up. It wouldn’t be crucial to have the tower but it’d definitely add up a bit when launching a siege against a keep. Besides I think it’d encourage people to pick a favorite tower and find new creative ways of protecting it.
The proposed changes to the scoring system are spot on!! I’m very excited about this, I think it would be a great addition to this game mode just like the Rewards Track were.
Really hyped about the Skirmishes system, about upgraded objectives increasing score per tick and about the Last Stand, keeping alive the hope of a comeback to the very last tick sounds thrilling!
Regarding the ‘controversial’ change of applying Action Level Multiplier, I’m totally in favor of it.
The way I see it, it’s a step in the direction of all players counting equally. Imagine a scenario of an OCX skirmish being worth 10 points and an NA one worth 30. If there were 10 players during the OCX skirmish one could say they are ‘responsible’ for 1 point each, and if there were 100 players during the NA skirmish, one could say they are responsible for ‘0.3’ points each, hence OCX player is still more valuable for a server (even if his Skirmish was worth a bit less). This Action Level Multiplier is a great measure for mitigating the feeling of ‘would anyone miss me if I were not here?’, as it aims to bring all players to roughly equal terms.
What I don’t agree with is manually setting NA prime to be worth more, Action Level Multiplier should always be determined dynamically (based on some kind of population calculation that makes sense). NA skirmishes would more likely have a higher multiplier but let it happen naturally, never forcing it. And who knows, some OCX/SEA Skirmishes could turn out to have a higher multiplier than some of NA prime time.
One last thing, all these changes sounds amazing but I’d still like to see some other fine-tuning taking place before (like some work to restore a bit of destroyed server identity, leaving the first 2 tiers out of World Linking and making a correct rotation of DBL and ABL).
I sure hope all of us who really enjoy the DBL can still get to see it very often. But I guess 1 week rotations would be nice if that is really going to bring many people back (I wouldn’t agree with that but who knows).
Summary of my Friday night: 2 hours waiting in queue, made it in, was killed on nearest sentry within 2 minutes and game crashed. Oh well, it will be interesting to see how this new system plays out moving forward but not liking it so far. Couldn’t agree more with everything X T D has said above.
As excited as I am about World Linking, it does sadden me a bit to see that this is just a fancy term for ‘server merge’ and that 12 WvW communities are being force fed into another 12 (speaking of NA).
Server pride will be alive and perhaps even stronger for those 12 host servers that are receiving 12 respective guests, because that’s no different than receiving a big bunch of transfers. Meanwhile the 12 ‘guest servers’ are simply no more.
A quick couple of ideas to remedy this:
In the near future hopefully some other more sophisticated things could be developed to calculate server rating on a ‘per server contribution’ basis rather than as the merge we have become. There are many other things that could be done and hopefully players will be providing feedback for…
There’ll have to be a good amount of work to keep alive server pride for all but I think it’d be valuable because as much as I love the game mode and will be thrilled to have my favorite WvW maps full, for me there is no longer a difference between this and EoTM.
+1 Excellent job with the update, thank you!! Feels like this update is already injecting new life to the game mode. Desert Borderlands is my favorite map by far and the redesign with all the new changes makes it even better, WvW is feeling fluid and packed with action.
All the updates are amazing, cheers for the many great moments to come!
Kaineng warriors rally to us!
If you’re curious Devona’s Rest has got great coverage on every map, we’re outnumbered everywhere. From what I’m seeing they’ll rise pretty fast through the tiers (fast meaning a few weeks, glicko takes its time), but they definitely belong at the moment somewhere way above T7.
Lately it’s been very hard to complete our fractal parties because LFG is so buggy, we cannot advertise our party there but once, after that it becomes a nightmare. I read a while ago about this problem but thought it would have been fixed by now. Anyone knows about some update on this? Also, is there some temporary workaround to this problem?
Bump! Still looking for new members for our family
Any more Kaineng players out there looking for a fun guild?
Had a great weekend with the guild and our newest members, we still have a few open slots available!
Hello future guildies,
The Doors of Stone [DS] is a guild with a deep and rich tale of adventures, along which at some point, we found that the aspect of the game we enjoyed the most is World vs World. We’ve been at this for over two years, contributing to our home server Kaineng and making great friendships along the way.
Our guild roster size is not huge but we have many active and dedicated players. We’re taking a step forward in the history of our guild and looking for new brothers and sisters in arms.
Here’s a summary of who we are and what we’re looking for:
We use Kaineng’s Teamspeak server for voice chat (optional to join) and have a guild Google+ Community ([DS]-exclusive). Needless to say, we have members from all across the world, including USA, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Venezuela, Kuwait, and more.
Our guild hall is Gilded Hollow, we are a level 30 guild with still a long way to go in our adventures, see you on the other side.
Contacts in-game:
Red: Rednar.4690
Beth: Beth Moonshadow.7268
Zanz: necrossiss.9756
Great guild here, keep it up guys!
1. Make WvW Rewards more appealing to the whole player base.
2. I love the new Desert Borderlands a lot more than the Alpine as they are more complex but I do think travel times between objectives are just a tad higher than they should be, a ‘small fix’ for this would be nice. And please fill up with something the huge gap left in the center of the map now that Oasis Event is gone.
3. Make a player’s server visible in PvE and make the Power of the Mists Clearly Visible and Significant. Many WvW players don’t even know this exists, let alone PvX players. Also consider adding Magic Find % or substituting it for one of the others as I think this would be a very attractive bonus to fight over.
4. Deepen the game mode for WvW veterans, I miss that feeling of progression as I maxed out the moment HoT came out.
5. WvW Marketing, people have always come and gone but lately it feels like no new people is coming into this game mode.
To sum up, I love the mechanics of WvW and I really like the new map, I just feel the only thing that’s missing in WvW is more players.
The Oasis Event was fun and did bring some good fights for us as well. But, I have to agree with the fact it didn’t work really well as a comeback mechanic. More often than not we would see the team with the biggest numbers win it easily, making their assault even more aggressive.
It’s an interesting move and it makes me wonder, what’s to fill now this map’s center mechanic? Because something has to.
Something dynamic as what the Alpine ruins provided would be fun, a mechanic which with you could interact whenever you felt like it and help your server in the process. Personally, I’d love something very similar to the Alpine ruins but instead of giving your server +stats, giving important navigational advantages to get much faster to places, that would be something to fight over and control. Anyways, just rambling now, but really excited about what’s to come for WvW.
I think this is a pretty cool idea. Why not this be a Marker Trap similar to the Supply Removal one instead of like the Siege Disabler one?
If enemies trigger it, Only You the scout can see the enemies marked for a few seconds, this would provide added value to smart scouts. It would be like letting the player deploy a sentry mechanic wherever they want, for a supply cost of course.
Thank you for the clarification, Gaile, really glad to hear a fix is coming soon
+1 Cyninja, hopefully we’ll get some clarification soon, we’ve got a thread in the revenant forum also discussing this point.
If you take to the letter what was written in the release notes, then this is working as intended. However, I’m not so sure this is a new game mechanic we would enjoy.
Wow I hadn’t noticed Scorched Earth has the same constraint now, thanks for pointing that out Hexalot. If this is the beginning of a new trend that some skills in the game will now follow I think we should let our voice be heard and kill the problem before it even begins.
Kalarchis you made a really really good point, perhaps the intention was to stop one player from hitting twice the same target with the same skill, a fix of this kind would totally make sense. Perhaps as Kodiak and Peterson mention, it was fix that simply missed a very important thing, keying this effect by [skill+player_id] and not only by [skill] as that renders all other CoRs useless.
If you reader agree with this new move, I just want to invite you to put yourself in the situation and visualize any skill you like having a chance of not working because someone else cast it within a same interval as you did (necro marks, meteor showers, rapid fire, etc). Is this something we want in the game?
Yeah, we did the exact same experiment at our guild hall and no damage from the second revenant was visible, not even a record of it in the Combat logs.
Now scale this to bigger scenarios where there are multiple revenants and we have a Hammer #2 that simply won’t work because some other rev activated it more or less at the same time. I don’t think this is a bug because it was explicit in the release notes, but I think it is a very bad move that should be reverted. What do you think?
I agree with what you guys are saying, having multiple revenants in a group using a hammer suddenly feels awkward. Now I feel reluctant about having multiple revs in a group since it renders a very good skill (with a now increased cooldown) as unreliable.
I’m as surprised as many people here by the huge nerf to Revenants, a class that wasn’t even fully functional yet, but I wanted to bring to discussion a particular point of the release notes:
- Coalescence of Ruin: The recharge of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 4 seconds. Enemies are now able to be struck by this ability only once every 0.5 seconds.
I verified this and indeed, if 2 or more revenants cast the skill on the same target, the target will only take damage from one of them. Don’t you think this is a bit overkill? Do we know about some other skill in the game that works in the same way? And by same way I mean cancelling damage from everyone else using that skill because another player decided to use it at the same time you did.
My guess is this is a way of weakening pirate ships in WvW, but wasn’t the cooldown increase enough for this purpose? The revenant nerfs may be questionable and give a lot to think of, but in my opinion this particular thing is quite absurd.
Anyone knows anything about this? If it’s coming with the January updates perhaps?Neither do we can place decorations in guild arena. Getting guild hall upgrades is so expensive and time consuming, we should at least be able to use them.
Ah, ok, I see what you mean. If X number of players are camped in a contested objective, not all of them would be able to log into their toon that is camped there. I kinda like that idea.
Yeah it could be fun right? And give even more meaning to your alts in wvw.
Or just make the character log in in spawn.
Btw what would happen if theres a queue on the map? Would that character be completely locked out form game play?
As I mentioned earlier, I guess you could be queued automatically on that map and be sent anywhere else in the meanwhile (some other wvw map, eotm, pve, heart of the mists, guild hall, etc)
(edited by Rednar.4690)
I see what you mean, and yes the main idea behind this thread is being able to log in directly to wvw, I think it’s a very simple way of slightly increasing the engagement time of players on this game mode.
Regarding the crazy idea, swapping to an alt onto a contested objective just seems natural to me like people used to do in medieval times, if a castle was sieged soldiers sleeping inside would wake up and defend, of course there’d be a limited number of “beds” so to speak.
Oh no Dawdler, I think I mentioned to just be able to log in to an objective if it hasn’t flipped since you last logged out. You would be automatically ejected the very first time it flips so it wouldn’t count you even if your server recaptured it.
In pve you can pick up any location and be there when you log into the game, if you pvp you can log in to heart of the mists, if you wvw can you log in to wvw maps?
I think it’d be nice to log in to the game and be already on the battlefield. Besides, I think it would encourage more action by letting players immerse immediately on whatever is going on at the moment they log in.
If there’s a queue on the map where you last logged out?
Queue the player automatically on that map and send him somewhere else.
Sleeping in Objectives
I was also thinking about something that might be just a crazy idea, but the designers of the desert borderlands mentioned that one of the things they intended when designing the new objectives was to make them places you’d like to live in or hang out in (mentioned at EGX Rezzed last year).
Why not make them just that by letting players sleep inside objectives? When they log back into the game, if the objective hasn’t flipped, they’ll be there already and perhaps throw in some speed buff for them like the one the shrines give you or whatnot.
Stretching it even further maybe add very small bonuses to an objective per number of allies sleeping inside (and cap it obviously).
I’m aware that there are lots of fixes and adjustments currently needed for this game mode, but this came through my mind and I wanted to share, thoughts on this?
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