Showing Posts For Reif.9234:

[BUG][Smite condition] - skill/server lag?

in Guardian

Posted by: Reif.9234


I haven’t seen a 10 second delay but it does always lag.
Usually when I activate the ability it takes about 1-2 seconds before the animation plays and a condition is removed. The sound and damage portion seem to happen instantly as they should though.

(Damage numbers and sound happen right away)

Why Play Bad Builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Reif.9234


If a build does not win 1v1s against strong opponents or help quickly conclude teamfights in your team’s favor, why run it?

Do you know what a Bunker is?

Why Play Bad Builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Reif.9234


depends if they’re good, but even if they are here’s something I put together:

Initial Defense Rating (IDR)

A class’ starting armor and health levels get a 1-3 score. Each class’ rating is a combination of the values of their armor and health.

6 (3A, 3H)- Warrior
4 (3A, 1H)- Guardian
4 (1A, 3H)- Necromancer
4 (2A, 2H)- Ranger
4 (2A, 2H)- Engineer
3 (1A, 2H)- Mesmer
3 (2A, 1H)- Thief
2 (1A, 1H)- Elementalist

Based on this a Warrior is always going to start with more survivability than any other class, there are four classes with good survival, while Thief, Mesmer, and Ele have the lowest. To me in solo Q, where nobody is communicating effectively, doesn’t it make more sense to bring the 4 and above IDR classes than the lowest?

I laughed when Guardians were beneath Warriors.
Your scoring system in no way reflects the survivability of any profession.

Simple solution to all the "permastealth" QQ

in Thief

Posted by: Reif.9234


dp thiefs are so annoying, not funny to fight against, I don’t bother with them anymore.

Hopefully anet will fix stealth in time, untill then we need to be patient with those little kids, and be supportive, most of them will probably quit cause of lack of skill after playing 1+ year with a broken mechanic.

I always laugh when a read " stealth is a main mechanic, without stealth thief is nothing" and bla bla bla, poor noobs

I guess you haven’t ever fought a good S/d thief. Because they are way way more annoying. You can still hit/damage/kill thiefs in stealth.

Another SkyHammer QQ Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Reif.9234


This is why I posted this as a Q/A. No one has given a legit reason as to why this map is in the rotation. For non-T pvp it can be great fun considering my guardian is basically god on the map, or as a thief for trololol Scorpion pulls and traps.

Someone just give me the real reason. I’d love to see an Anet Dev answer me because I know a LOT of people who hate this map and don’t understand why it’s in the rotation.

Another SkyHammer QQ Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Reif.9234


To help people learn positioning.

You mean like staying away from ledges and using Stability when you’re about to get pushed? Alright I’m sa… Feared off a ledge.

The real Skyhammer issue.

in PvP

Posted by: Reif.9234


hammertrain in yolo queue

in PvP

Posted by: Reif.9234




Scrap Skyhammer!!!

in PvP

Posted by: Reif.9234


I feel this map demotes true team play and promotes "Whoever has the most Fears/Pushes" Wins gameplay.

Sure I love this map on my guardian because it makes him a god and completely broken. Whereas on my Engineer I have 1 pull that sucks, and a couple knockbacks that any player with a brain will dodge.

I honestly don’t understand the mentality behind people defending this map, unless they play a Guardian/Necro and like trolling in hot join.

Another SkyHammer QQ Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Reif.9234


Why is this map in the tPVP rotation?

Story Stuck: Trouble at the Roots

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Reif.9234


I have the same issue.

I’m waiting for the final bout to start and nothing is happening.

How is this STILL not FIXED!?