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Elemental bugs/glitches thread.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


Not understanding what the move does, does not make it a bug.
The trait makes it so your previous attunement lasts for 5 seconds. What this means is all those 5 point traits from the elemental lines will continue to apply for 5 seconds after changing attunements. I.E. you keep the toughness from Stone Flesh for 5 additional seconds after changing away from Earth. This should also be applying to bonus’s such as dealing 10% more damage while in fire attunement.

I fully understand what the move does, it grants a bonus on Attunement.

Here is the 2 texts on the traits.
Arcane fury.
Grant yourself fury for 2 seconds on attunement.

Lingering elements.
Attunement bonuses linger for 5 seconds.
Arcane fury gives you a bonus for 2 seconds on Attunement. As such if AF isn’t ment to get the bonus from LE then they need to state that it doesn’t apply to it or make it so AF so it isn’t an Attunement bonus.

I’m saying it’s a bug at the moment because it is infact an Attunement bonuses that doesn’t get the Lingering elements bonus – until the text states otherwise it can’t be assumed that it’s ment to be like this.

Arcane fury is given upon attunement and is not persistent throughout the entirety of being within a given element. So something like give 10% dmg while attuned to fire works because it is a persistent bonus, LE keeps your attunement to fire for 5 seconds after you swap so you keep that 10% dmg until LE bonus is over. Where as applied temporary attunement buffs like AF would not apply.

Performance increase for x64 bit Users

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


Because they put the flag in the day after I first posted that very same fix, two days after launch.

20 FPS only, is it my computer?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


Amd chips do the job just fine, just disable core parking and you will get much better performance ingame as Amd chips are meant to utilize all of it’s cores at once instead of one here or one there. Also if you run linux Amd chips will poo on an intel as they are meant for floating point calculations (you know that little chip called the Cell in the ps3? That is how the FX series is setup in a way). Just windows iskitten and is solely tested on intel platforms until release then slowly updated to have Amd chips run better.

Tomshardware was and always has been bias’d against Amd processors.

As for your performance issues. Put it to a single monitor resolution on windowed full screen. While theoretically that card should be able to run an eyefinity setup on this game. It probably won’t for a few months until core graphics handling issues are straightened out fully.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


It is a stream issue with the way characters are displayed and updated into the game. You can try disabling your page file, defragging then setting your page file again.
I had these issues, but as of the last 2 patches the issue is gone away pretty much entirely. I am sure they are constantly trying to improve it now.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


Anet has been constantly improving issues with FPS and their texture stream glitches with every patch. It will get sorted. Try not to get so angry, also you may have tried “too many” fixes. Simple is better.

Put everything to application controlled in your ati graphics panel. Start at the lowest possible graphics ingame and slowly work your way up.

Am I running GW2 in 64 or 32?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


No you are fine, GW2.exe is a 32 bit process so it only runs at 32bit. 64 bit OS’s are backwards compatible to an extent.

*--> Crash <--* MainCli.cpp(510)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


I get this error all the time also. It happens most often if I am switching between characters, or teleporting to waypoints (I will teleport, and then half a second after the loading screen ends and shows me, it will crash). It’s happened a few times also just before a cut-scene starts.

I couldn’t figure out how to run MemTest86, but here are my corupt dat files as a 7 zip link download:

Codeblink, I took a look at your mountain of Corrupt-*.dat files. = )

There was one completely scrambled file, but every single other file showed the exact same pattern of corruption. It’s always a single-bit error on addresses along the lines of “0x?? ?? ?? 10”, and always the bit for “8”.

I highly recommend that you run a thorough test with MemTest86+. Unfortunately I don’t have a good set of instructions on running that for you. Here are a couple of links via Google, though:

Nowadays most computers support booting from USB sticks, and I personally find that to be much easier than digging out a CD-R or hunting at garage sales for a floppy-disk drive. ; )
for the latest memtest86+

Yeah the old memtest86 was scrapped after 64 bit multi-core cpu’s started to emerge.
The new DDR2-3 architectures being built would not be tested properly and cause memtest86 to think that there are errors in the RAM when in fact it was just a different instruction response.

You might want to check in the Low FPS or FPS Drops Thread Page 7.
I ran a patcher to make gw2.exe large memory address aware. I think you guys got a major thread handler error to your memory controller for system ram and GPU.

You mean there are people that actually ran out of AOL Floppy Disks before they started sending free coasters?

(edited by Remembrance.2639)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


I’ll test it a bit more later this evening. Time for work. I will probably have to write up a gpu data usage reader with a dx9 hook later and see if I can get it to work to see where and when exactly this issue is popping up. T

*--> Crash <--* MainCli.cpp(510)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639



Make sure the 64bit users are using memtest86+ or they will get erroneous results and you guys will chase the issue around in circles.

Random crashes ( I run 64 bit! )

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


Audio Jack is grounding out. If you are technically inclined reseat your motherboard if you are not. Have a repair shop do it, it takes <5 mins and you should be in and out.

Help with Router for GW2!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


if you put filters on every phone line in the house “but” the one to the modem, it should clear the issue up. But if you run a phone and the modem on the single phone jack then it should go splitter → filter → telephone, and the other port should be splitter → modem.

If that doesn’t work try getting a new splitter.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


I also ran the Large Address Patcher like remembance.2639 and My fps also skyrocketed, without vsync I run at about a 40-60 fps while panning the camera and moving around. Before the patch I would drop to 5-15 fps as I said before.

Before I ran the patch I also forced Nvidia control panel to run Phyx to run off my 580m which did improve my fps alittle, but the patch is what helped the most.

There still does seem to be a strange usage drop in my gpu while just standing still which drops the fps to around 30, but after 1-2 seconds again it shoots my fps back up. I’m not sure if this is Nvidia driver related or on the game engines side.

The usage drop you are seeing is from what I believe to be an error in the rendering process. I noticed this also and the game seems to send less information to the GPU if no user input is detected.
So when you spin your camera around fast after standing around, the GPU is playing catch up in rendering objects which causes the stutter you are seeing.

Now if I could only figure out how to fix the random invisible players that have no stealth appearing 10 feet away from me after Staring directly at the general area they would be coming from the entire time in pvp my life will be 1/2 complete for this game…the other half is tournament chests but I can’t trouble shoot that

Well the usage drop is also happening while running in a circle so im not sure.

I Wonder if it spikes to fill the new textures then drops after it loads into memory then. But when it spikes it thinks it is getting a ton of information like a war broke out but in reality it was just getting the color clothes the person behind you was wearing?

Sound crash, weird alarm

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


Are you referring to VOIP ducking?
Changing its setting directly affects sound-volume, so that doesn’t appear to be an option…

…all it does for me is not make my soundcard crash out. I see no change in audio volume.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


I also ran the Large Address Patcher like remembance.2639 and My fps also skyrocketed, without vsync I run at about a 40-60 fps while panning the camera and moving around. Before the patch I would drop to 5-15 fps as I said before.

Before I ran the patch I also forced Nvidia control panel to run Phyx to run off my 580m which did improve my fps alittle, but the patch is what helped the most.

There still does seem to be a strange usage drop in my gpu while just standing still which drops the fps to around 30, but after 1-2 seconds again it shoots my fps back up. I’m not sure if this is Nvidia driver related or on the game engines side.

The usage drop you are seeing is from what I believe to be an error in the rendering process. I noticed this also and the game seems to send less information to the GPU if no user input is detected.
So when you spin your camera around fast after standing around, the GPU is playing catch up in rendering objects which causes the stutter you are seeing.

Now if I could only figure out how to fix the random invisible players that have no stealth appearing 10 feet away from me after Staring directly at the general area they would be coming from the entire time in pvp my life will be 1/2 complete for this game…the other half is tournament chests but I can’t trouble shoot that

Sound crash, weird alarm

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


try adjusting the voip filter ingame.

It has some strange effects.

GTX 460 Big Problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


Make sure you do a “Clean Install” under the advanced tab. Uncheck everything that is not physX or Graphic driver and install that way.

When opening GW2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


you should really run it “at least once” on windows 7 to get the basic bugs out of the system.

When opening GW2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


If you run windows update, it should update your direct X to the most recent also.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


You are running out of ram. Look up some ways to lower vista’s memory foot print and you should be good

Pando Media Booster

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


If you have League of Legends, it uses it as well. You can uninstall but any time you update league it will re-install itself.

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


have you updated your network drivers lately by chance?

Help with Router for GW2!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


make sure you don’t put a filter on the phone line to your modem.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


Run a memtest86+ overnight/while at work/school (make sure it has the +) not just memtest86.
It really sounds like you might have a stick getting ready to go bad on you.

If it comes back clear or only minor errors then see if you have window’s latest updates for .net framework. I’m not a dev so I can’t tell you exactly but a lot of times on issues like hangups can be remedied by the .net framework update as Windows Aero loves to crash itself out.

You can also try disabling windows Aero and see if you get the crashes still. Maybe we can help them narrow this kind of issue down as I see a lot of people have it.

Guild Wars 2 Computer Crash, Need Help!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


Wait is it reading 82 on your GPU? What is your CPU load temp at?

the 4xx series GPU chipset can handle well above 82 (roughly 110 deg C) before it causes any damage.

If your cpu is hitting that then I would look to an internal component failure, that just by chance triggered post gw2 installation.

I would personally send it back to the manufacturer due to internal hardware failure. It really sounds like some of your cooling system failed after re-reading your last post.

If you have a cooling plate, try turning it on full. If not I HIGHLY recommend one while you are running anything graphic intensive.

(edited by Remembrance.2639)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


After doing some digging, I did not have to dig deep to find out that the game is not large address aware.

  • Process Memory <—*
    Private: 1194MB
    WorkingSet: 996MB
    PeakWorkingSet: 1430MB

this is after 6 hours of random testing.

I ran the 2gb max memory removal patcher as stated previous and fps went from 40 to 120. Min fps was around 80 Mean of 96.
Turned Vsync back on and I am locked at 60 (roughly give or take .1 fps)

I am not endorsing it but it works.

I also removed my page file once again and no more stuttering or performance drops after 1-2 hours. This is a large change considering I can run xsplit now without noticing more than a 10-15% fps drop@720p 60fps pre-vsync enabled and still locked @60 with vsync on.

The issue seems to purely be on the process memory handler that Anet is using atm. And well throwing more memory at it seems to work.

Guild Wars 2 Computer Crash, Need Help!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


Sounds like your video card is starting it’s downward spiral into the pit of death.

Also have you tried running any other graphic intensive games since this started occurring?
If you do not crash after extended period of play in those then, I am lead to believe you have remnants of old drivers mixed in with your 306 drivers. Make sure you do a “Clean Install” under the advanced tab. Uncheck everything that is not physX or Graphic driver and install that way.

80+ degrees Celsius is not good period. If you have played under those conditions for too long. I am sorry but the thermal damage to your other internal components is already done.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Remembrance.2639


After running about 6 hours of testing yesterday. I found that performance wise running no page file removes the random lag spikes and fps drops. However once the game hits roughly 1.4 gb in loaded memory the performance drops drastically, even with 2+ gb of memory still free.

Using a page file on a freshly formatted WDCV Black 1tb of 8gb, removed the performance drop but the fps drops and lag spikes returned. I would try to load the entire game into a ram disk but alas I do not have a board capable of 64 gb or more at my disposal.

I am going to try using a 32 bit patch program to allow the game to run above the 2gb limit on 64 bit systems and will report back with results. Unless Anet treats it like a hack and bans me.

edit Forgot to mention if you turn of “Core Parking” you see a noticeable increase in performance also at the cost of heat and more power draw.

(edited by Remembrance.2639)