Showing Posts For Reystar.8703:
I strongly agree that dungeons are a mess.
They gotta fix that. In many dungeons, mobs are harder than bosses. This is kitten #8230;
It would be a cool idea if you could do (buy with gems i guess) a race change…something like that total makeover kit that already exists but you could be able to change race too…
I think that a lot of people are going to spend a few bucks on that
I see no reason why you can’t preview items from the Trading Post…
Hopefully it will be added soon…
Yes because some things, are pretty obvious….it’s a fact..
No, that’s your opinion – A million miles away from a fact.
If you would do some research you would have seen that its not just my opinion and its not a mile away from a fact.
There you are, i found a nice article:
This is going to seem like a bashing thread and I am sorry for that. I really hope GW2 does well, while I have my favourite MMOs I am not one of those people who fanboy’s theirs over all others. That being said I just wanted to confront some of the hype and very high expectations of Guild Wars 2.
The main thing I hear is all this talk of how the dungeons and zone content will constitute enough endgame content. Let’s consider three points about dungeons first.
1) I find it extremely difficult to believe that eight dungeons will keep people entertained for more than a short length of time. Sure there will be more at some point in the future, but over what time scale and how many at a time and how long are those meant to last? Many players are used to progressing from dungeons to epic raid settings with deep lore driven story and bosses out of legends, with gear upgrades to match. Now you will be running the same eight dungeons for an indeterminate but probably quite long period with only cosmetic rewards.
2) While there are features to prolong the dungeon’s length such as story (hard) modes and the dungeons can be randomized in some ways, these will only serve to delay the inevitable boredom. Repeating the same events in a different order or slightly different path will not detract from the monotony of the same bosses, surroundings, events, etc.
3) Without gear upgrades there is very little incentive to keep clearing dungeons, once you’ve seen it, achieved what can be achieved and gotten whatever cosmetic items you need, what is the point? Furthermore, without gear upgrades you will eventually find the optimal method of clearing a dungeon… and then it’s the same every single time. In other MMOs with gear progression your technique changes as you gear up. Initially you use CC, LoS pulls, and so on. Later you brute force it, and later still you chain pull wildly while the DPS try to balance running with AoEing. You won’t get that in a gearless game, you’ll find the optimal method and that’s it.
Moving onto the dynamic world content, I struggle again to consider this to be worthy endgame content. It is somewhat like returning to Elwynn Forest and completing the quests you missed. Granted the Dynamic Events will mix things up so that it is different and the world feels more alive than a bunch of NPCs standing around telling you to kill ten boars, collect ten boar spleens, but in effect you are revisiting leveling content. I’m sure that people are going to cry ‘But it isn’t leveling content, it’s all endgame content’ or some such, but really it’s going to feel like it did while you were leveling up, because it is what you were doing while leveling up. And, just like SWTORs story leveling experience, the novelty will wear off. There is a limit to how much ArenaNet will have scripted, and sooner or later you’ll see it all.
All of this is not to say that GW2 is not without merit. It’s combat system and graphics are a major step forward (though, TERA already has it beat, in both those departments, sorry), and I actually love the sound of the Dynamic Events that will be taking place continuously throughout the game as a method of leveling. The PvP sounds great because there will be no gear disparity, it will be all skill based, though I suspect that the complex interactions that are touted as a major selling point will be beyond the grasp of most PuG PvP groups. It’s hard enough to get a battleground full of players to move as a group, let alone set up walls of fire and shoot arrows through them in a coordinated fashion. I also have reservations about ArenaNet’s ability to deal with latency in the face of WvWvW scale battles, initial reports seem a bit mixed and honestly no MMO developer has ever tackled this successfully to my knowledge.
Ultimately I feel that this game is for the super casual players, by reason of it’s very limited amount of endgame content, with limited replay value. Many of you right now are thinking ‘of course it has no sub’, and, ‘hell yes, super casual – that’s me’. A lot of you are dead wrong. You think you’re casual, and by many people’s standards you are. But believe me, many of the points I have raised above will come to haunt you and without meaningful endgame content you will become bored and (re)turn to other games. I honestly believe that it would take a truly casual player to find enjoyment in this game.
You see..thats why i find it hard to chat with people on official forums, cause they are just fanboys.
Are you seriously saying that anybody who disagrees with you (and offers up reasons why) are fanboys?
Hate to break it to you, but that’s not how discussions on a public forum work.
Yes because some things, are pretty obvious….it’s a fact..
- More tiers of armors just sounds like gear grind tbh, no thanks.
Getting your lengendaries and your exotics isn’t grinding?
But giving you the ability to constantly improve your gear so they can keep you busy with PvE is called grinding…
So, you got ur exotic set and that’s it. You have absolutely nothing to do PvE wise..
I say bull***t. I see no reason for not having a Damage Meter. All slackers gonna cry and complain about adding it…
A dps meter will help me IMPROVE myself, if you don’t care about improving your char, keep it for yourself. And yes, it will help me improve it because i will test stuff in action.
Lame kids..
(edited by Reystar.8703)
Oh right, please, explain what’s the procedure to get legendaries and exotics? Uhmm i think grinding is the correct word that describes it, but yet, you telling me that GW2 is not about grinding…. aaaaight
No i want it to have goals to achieve at 80.
Been talking with a few GW2 fans, that were really impressed when the game came out, been reading forums on IGN, been reading GW2Guru been reading almost everywhere.
People really complain about the content, including me.
(stubborn fanboys please stay out of this topic for god’s sake)
There is NOT enough content. You don’t give gamers the reason to stick to your game an not stick to another one.
But again if you want to satisfy a TINY portion of the gamers community thats fine, but that’s not an accomplishment nor a success
Few things I would like to see in the game and those are MINE suggestions are:
- More dungeons (yes MORE dungeons even if it includes less difficulty modes per dungeons)
- Dungeons with bigger groups (call it raids call it whatever you want to)
- Fix the God kitten bugs that still exist everywhere
- Better rewarding system since the current one is just for laughs
- More tier amors, give people something to progress in PvE
- Maybe mounts (kinda a controversial matter)
- Faster patch updates !!
So i think that’s what i’d like to see in the game and thats also stuff i read here and there. I think those are a few of the stuff that will optimise the overall experience of the game for the majority
Seems like that people are not that competitive at all…
+1 for mounts…add them for god’s sake
-NO….just NO! If buy fun you mean kicking people because they are not elitist no life nabs? Close this please <.<
Lol you actually made me laugh bruv!
A built in group damage meter would be an awesome feature that will make dungeons and events more challenging and more fun to play
Thumbs up for the feature
A target of target icon portal would be an awesome feature to add…
(edited by Reystar.8703)
Ok then, if you feel that you are correct, you are too stubborn and obviously not open minded to any conversation that proves that GW2’s content is insufficient and again no it’s not just me, read it on IGNs forums too.
But as i said before, if ArenaNet is cool by satisfying a tiny portion of the MMO Gamers that’s ok, but they should not be that hyped.
You seem too blind to see what the reality is like…
Reystar, you’re whining about grinding when as far as many of us on this Forum is concerned, World of Warcraft is the biggest load of grind.. ever…
Come on! You’re moaning about no new content, you can’t even wait a month between each new release of updates?! If you’re so bored and have never been bored of WoW ever, over the past 5 years, go back to playing that. I’m sure no-one on your allegedly empty server shall miss you.
Play as a panda in WoW, great new content right there waiting for you! YAY! ..*
*sarcasm intended.
Explain to me how spending 100 hours grinding for an exotic piece of armor is any different than a raider spending 100 hours raiding in a raid zone to get tokens to buy the same set of armor?
At least in WoW you can choose between 10 raids and another 10 dungeons 10 battlegrounds and many arenas. But really the conversation is not about WoW is it?
You guys are so full of it its not even funny.
One of the CORE tenets of RPG’s is the idea behind your character getting more powerful. Its really a core tenet of fantasy in general. Even if fantasy books the character starts out as some punk who is so inept he can’t swing a sword fast enough to cut a cantelope, but by the end he becomes a super awesome knight, or wizard, or king, or thief, or whatever. This whole idea of “lateral progression” is a huge load of crap and thankfully not many people have bought into, and a healthy portion of the ones that did buy into it realized that its a load of crap shortly after having partaken in said load of crap.
All i am saying is that there is not enough motivation / interest for me to play the game after level 80…that’s it.
If what they only want is to satisfy a tiny portion of the gaming population, that’s cool and acceptable…
Corrected it for you.
While it may not be your thing, there are plenty of others who enjoy it.
Well if that’s what you think, then i guess i have nothing else to say to you about this If you think that ArenaNet is satisfying a big portion of the gaming population and not a tiny one well…i guess time the population speaks it self…because adding that “to me” you are referring to me as i’m speaking for the tiny portion…which is wrong…
I felt like that the game was over just because i didn’t want to re-do what i have already done, same events or dungeons? Nah no thank you.
Isn’t that exactly what you do in WoW, grind the living hell out of the same dungeons until the next expansion comes?
No they are actually releasing new raids in patches. But this conversation is not about WoW so you’d better jump back to the topic ^^
All i am saying is that there is not enough motivation / interest to play the game after level 80…that’s it.
If what they only want is to satisfy a tiny portion of the gaming population, that’s cool and acceptable…
Yes but from what it seems the “all game is end-game” didn’t work that great as expected.
What’s the point of a max level toon? If i wan’ted to re do the content i would just level another toon….
I am not the one that will name the proper endgame. I’m not a gaming engineer man
Any content that is meant to be for endgame, that can keep you busy while you have reached the max level is fun, the more attractive it is the more you want to play the game, so i have to say if Arenanet can find a new way of keeping people busy at the max level (what WoW is calling Raids for PvE) would be cool
As for example, another guy mentioned:
After seeing all the flash of GW2, I don’t expect there to be anything new. Just more of the same. Which I could easily experience if I wanted to level another character…which I don’t.
People should have the option to be able to progress with their character at the max level…
But you get my (ours) main point out there don’t you?
(edited by Reystar.8703)
That said, right now I’m finding it a bit hard to log in, legendary weapon chasing is not my idea of endgame, it’s just an enormous grind fest, and while the whole game is suppose to be endgame, I’m feeling the lack of a proper endgame exclusive to max level characters only.
After you have a couple of max level toons and you have most of the exotic armors and weapons you need, unless you want legendary weapons there’s little reason to login at all.
It’s a shame really the game is awesome and gorgeous it only needs more incentives and proper rewards to keep people playing.
This coming from someone that loves the game and thought it would be awesome, you know the whole idea of no grind and the whole game is endgame.
in theory it sounds awesome and brilliant but in reality, hmm no grind yeah right, if you want anything that looks remotely awesome you better be prepared to endure some of the most horendous grindfest I’ve ever endured in any mmorpg ever !
To much RNG ruins the game completely !
And we need proper endgame exclusive to max level characters otherwise what’s the point of a max level toon other than explore mode dungeons, either that or give us a harder version of dungeons with better rewards and by better I do NOT mean RNG crap or yellow rare items only once per 20x runs…!
I won’t even bother to mention the ascended gear issue at all, good idea bad implementation !
Dispite all these annoying issues, I will most likely still buy the expansion, the love I have for the game is higher than the hate I have for the things I don’t like about it and because I hope to see them turn things around.
also because is one of the few developers that I currently trust, in contrast for example I like the premise of neverwinter but….I thoroughly do NOT trust perfect world to keep their word at all, all their games turn into a dissapointing p2w after several months of release…..they hook you in and than they start the milking once they know you’re invested in their game !
(it’s a quoted reply)
Yes the suggestion is that they should add more content, in the most aspects of the game, if not in all
I just found the link of the post i was talking about;
The results of the poll so far are:
Will you pay 60$ for the expansion.
Yes – 34.7%
No – 65.3%
Based on 783 votes.
(edited by Reystar.8703)
Been playing Guild Wars 2 for a few month now, and i really feel like that i run out of interest in the game (i guess im not the only one).
And no i am not comparing it to WoW. I have been playing WoW and i will continue play till it get bored with it (5 years and still haven’t got bored of it).
But anyway, back to topic…so yes, there is that essence while i am playing that you can feel the lack of content. You see, i like (me and the most) new content, i don’t like going back to the same areas, when you complete something, i like to progress (me and the most out there, again).
Somewhere, i think on i randomly saw a poll, asking “Would you buy a GW2 expansion if it comes out this year?”. There where 9 pages of replies in total, 8 of them was filled with “Obviously not”.
From what i noticed (might be wrong or its just my server) the population has dropped down dramatically.
I really liked few of the aspects of the game, i’m a PvEr and yet when you rich the higher level you have nothing to do. I felt like that the game was over just because i didn’t want to re-do what i have already done, same events or dungeons? Nah no thank you.
I’m not a no-lifer that has nothing else to do than just pressing WASD. Everything i mess with, i want to see progress and sadly GW2 lacks on that, it does not have that extra something that will make you stick to the game and please, for God’s sake, of course it will have it’s fans and yes they love it and its the best game that ever came out for them…
All i wanted to say is that ArenaNet should really invest much more than what they have done, trying to innovate too fast might either be a success but it could also be a failure…
That’s all i wanted to say
(edited by Reystar.8703)