Showing Posts For Riavan.2609:

Story mode dungeons are for the 1%.....maybe 2%

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riavan.2609


You would have to force me with some threat to my physical wellbeing or family to make me want to do AC story mode again.

I ran it at 35, we would have probably had about 20-30 deaths in the instance, also a lot of just gy zerging (cool mechanic guys) and the only strategy in the high hp trash pulls is to just focus fire one target down and hope you dont get unlucky and get hit by one of their hardcore shots.

GW2: Charr Engineer
GW1: Ritualist

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riavan.2609


Honestly, I’m baffled.

Simply unsure in what direction you wish to take this game, other then to the bank so you can make the biggest profit possible.

If I look on metrics and notice that only 3 dungeons are being ran significantly, it would most likely not make me call it a “exploit” (as your team did), but rather make me wonder what is wrong with my other dungeons that make these three so attractive. (CM, CoF, AC to a lesser extent)

The very last thing I would do would be to immediately fix those three before I at least had some fixes to roll out for the rest, so that it at least stays on a standard level.

Maybe eventually you’ll figure out what exactly your doing, but until then I think I’ll be chilling in Borderlands 2 & Torchlight 2… you know, not buying any of your gems.

I have to agreee with this too.
I think I’m going to quit for a while to see how you handle this before I bother wasting any more time in the game.

GW2: Charr Engineer
GW1: Ritualist

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riavan.2609


So now we have:
1. No gold from dungeons
2. No exp from dungeons
3. No fun from dungeons
4. No drop from dungeons
5. Ugly skins from tokens
6. more deaths because of dungeon difficulty after patch

nothing to do here.

I pretty much agree with this.
I can’t see you gaining anything but the loss of customers when they realise your endgame only caters to the hardcore and the only casual path available is the farming of some tiny boring events in the orr zones, or going back and doing old noob zones, which results in pretty much no real reward.

The issue isn’t just with making dungeons “easier”.
It’s that your idea of challenging is horrible, hp meatshield non-boss monsters, buggy events that barely work and are really frustrating. Reward for time spent is way off.

GW2: Charr Engineer
GW1: Ritualist

(edited by Riavan.2609)

This is not good communication with players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riavan.2609


I really wish Arenanet would stop refering to their horrible failings as exploits. Trying to push the blame for their terrible job onto players for playing it.

It’s part of this whole communication issue.
Are we meant to constantly feel like villians as your customers?
Because that’s what it sounds like.

In addition, I believe patch notes should contain full patch notes,
-Fixing bugs-, because that’s what they are, YOUR BUGS. Is not an exploit and should be mentioned.

GW2: Charr Engineer
GW1: Ritualist

About Dungeon's overall... Bring back the fun!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riavan.2609


I agree with this post, in it’s entirety. I’m here for fun, not slave labour.

GW2: Charr Engineer
GW1: Ritualist

The CoF Buff: My opinions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riavan.2609


What we all should have realised, especially those of us who had played guild wars 1, is arenanet has no idea how to make decent dungeons and balance classes around it. This collin person, I assume is the same guy who was in charge of things like DoA, he gloats about how good DoA was in his post, LOL. DoA was a terrible craphole where the majority of it was skill less, super hard trash, that only the builds that arenanet left overpowered for months, near years, on end, could farm properly, and they did.

People won’t stick around if it’s left this way, too hard, for too little reward, no real pve content endgame, I really didn’t want to play wow again, I was hoping I wouldn’t buy pandaland, but I guess I am now.

GW2: Charr Engineer
GW1: Ritualist

LOL CoF near impossible atm

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riavan.2609


Bugs everywhere in dungeons too and they just made cof more buggy.

GW2: Charr Engineer
GW1: Ritualist

Harder dungeons will equal less players.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riavan.2609


So the hardcore player sits there, chuckling to himself, thinking he’s cool, “why should i care?” well, having less players, means less economy, less people to show off too, less money for arenanet, less updates.

Description of Slippery Slope

The Slippery Slope is a fallacy in which a person asserts that some event must inevitably follow from another without any argument for the inevitability of the event in question. In most cases, there are a series of steps or gradations between one event and the one in question and no reason is given as to why the intervening steps or gradations will simply be bypassed. This “argument” has the following form:

Event X has occurred (or will or might occur).
Therefore event Y will inevitably happen.
This sort of “reasoning” is fallacious because there is no reason to believe that one event must inevitably follow from another without an argument for such a claim. This is especially clear in cases in which there is a significant number of steps or gradations between one event and another.

Um, yeah, I was just giving my opinion.
What you just posted adds nothing of value to the thread.
Feel free to leave your opinion, whatever that may be, but don’t just post irrelevant attacks at people’s ability to voice their opinions. It’s pretty obviously my opinion and not fact.

GW2: Charr Engineer
GW1: Ritualist

Harder dungeons will equal less players.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riavan.2609


Having no real pve endgame content for casual players, who make up the majority of the playerbase will be the end of guild wars 2. People argue “but dungeons are for the hardcores, casuals can do karma events!” well, the karma events are not enough and the lies arena net has been sprouting that there were “massive zone wide semi-raid events in the 80 zones” where they are actually repetitive small events, the same scale as those in all previous zones, will come to light. People will leave in droves after hitting 80.

So the hardcore player sits there, chuckling to himself, thinking he’s cool, “why should i care?” well, having less players, means less economy, less people to show off too, less money for arenanet, less updates.

GW2: Charr Engineer
GW1: Ritualist

LOL CoF near impossible atm

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riavan.2609


The lava pool bit is just super buggy now.

GW2: Charr Engineer
GW1: Ritualist

My recovered account is banned?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Riavan.2609


My best friend had this and sent arenanet an e-mail and hasn’t heard from them in ages.
It’s pretty dissapointing not being able to play with my friends.

GW2: Charr Engineer
GW1: Ritualist