Showing Posts For Ricochet Saw.1793:

Wanting to set up a raiding party

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

Perhaps time slot/region would help.

also, if you are running into C a lot you should probably get that fixed ;P

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

INB4 they add account wide gathering tool slots and don’t refund any older purchases either..

Misconceptions regarding Level gating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

Colin, just clear up one thing – There is 0% chance EU/NA GW2 gets a VIP system?

We’re absolutely not bringing the China VIP system to NA/EU, correct.

For Now™

WvW exotic badge armor name

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

Just a naming issue with the WvW lv 80 Badge armor.

The Heavy Plate Pauldrons are missing the prefix from their name for all prefixes, while all other exotic pieces from the vendor include the prefix in their name (including light and medium armor types).


This GREATLY upsets me… jk, but it annoys my OCD inventory setup

Fast ways to level up

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

for hearts and story, try and stick to zones/quests that are around 2 levels higher than your character level (not your effective level), after you get to a point where you can’t really progress (for me the difficulty curve spikes at claw island), you can then switch to clearing maps.

Need help for leveling!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

The fastest way to level is to stay in a zone that is 2 levels higher than your toon, doing your personal story can guide you to the zones that make sense, which also helps you with leveling, especially if you are a lower level than the zone you are in.

Tune down difficulty in Overworld

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

no one plays in higher level areas because champions are harder than the lv 7 troll in queensdale… cant farm champs for loot bags if you can’t kill them in 13 seconds….

Granted orr champs are a guaranteed exotic loot bag…

Faster way of obtaining Laurels.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

TL;DR BELOW, prefer that you read the whole post.

Fastest way to get full ascended per toon (best case scenario):

Ascended backpieces can be crafted from items purchased with gold, and/or farming fractals, so for the sake of this post they are omitted

Ascended accessories can be purchased through guild commendations (4 weeks to fully gear with those via commendations 24 + 10 gold to fully gear a toon)
Ascended rings can be found from daily chests for 10-19,20-29,30-39,and 40-49, meaning 4 chances for a ring to drop PER DAY
Ascended amulets can be purchased from the wvw laurel vendor for 20 laurels + 250 badges (meaning 10 days from the beginning of a month+ monthly which imho comes naturally with dailys + 250 badges)

lets keep in mind, badges can be rewards from achievement chests, so can laurels, so can gold.

So, doing fractals every day, doing dailys every day, and doing your monthly, and doing guild missions, several guilds on NA use a ‘wild recruitment’ system ,where they add you to their guild for the duration of guild missions. This means that you can have every trinket slot geared by 4 weeks (pending on getting drops from rings)

Now, given you can complete a monthly and ~28 dailys in the time it takes you to get your 24 guild commendations, that means you have gained 38 laurels (-20 for the amulet) 18 laurels gained in 28 days, the time it takes to get enough commendations for the accessories.

For the rings, 4chances per day*28 days = 112. Granted, rings are faily rare drops and you most likely wont get the stat combo you are looking for, this in addition to Pristine fractal relics.

Im not saying that this thread isnt truthful, laurels DO take a lot of time to earn, but im proposing that it wouldn’t take the ungodly amount of time that the OP suggested Especially when you take into account that the alternative way of earning accessories means you save 80 laurels and the ones you earn over that period of time (28 laurels) can be used to get another equipment slot filled, say a ring after 2 more days.

For weapons, it takes 2 weeks to finish all the base mats for an ascended weapon, which also give you time to get the laurels for the recipes.

Remember, laurels weren’t introduced to replace the current methods for acquiring ascended gear, they were added as an alternative way. aswell as alternatives to other things that people strive for ( ectos from equip boxes, obby shards, tier 1-6 rare mats etc etc).

TL;DR, Laurels DO take a long time to earn, but aren’t really the timegate the op suggests, as you can get them from having AP. Having AP for cheevo chests + doing daily runs for FOTM 18,28,38,48 can reduce the timegate for fully gearing a toon by a month. Laurels just aren’t the efficient way of earning ascended gear(especially for the accessories, considering the prices of ectos and the 2 hours a week you need to do guild missions), there are many other ways to get them.

total cost for full ascended using least laurels possible:
10 gold
20 laurels
24 guild commendations
250 badges
luck for fotm chest OR 20 pristine relics (20 days if you have level 10 unlocked but nothing higher)
OR some laurels but dont play FOTM
10 gold
70 laurels
24 guild commendations
750 badges of honor

(edited by Ricochet Saw.1793)

Laurels missing from monthly?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

The people who dont recieve laurels is because the made the “previus 3 day” monthly already.

Those of my guildmates who had done the monthlys before the patch that reset them/fixed them got the 10 laurels from the first set but not the second set, Whereas other guildmates who didn’t complete the 3 day set got their 10 laurels after the patch.

I’d assume this is intended. Considering that when laurels first launched, the first month they were around you could get 20 for the first month (pve and spvp monthlys) anet most likely checked or introduced a fix for this previous oversight.

Give all Infinite Tools noises! ("dialogue")

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

You don’t like the lightning hitting a tree and somehow cutting it?

lol… I’d prefer a chainsaw sound aswell.

2 signals on 2 handers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

2-hand weapons already have increased weapon power and the ascended versions have 2 infusion slots… They don’t need any sort of buff..

I think that ascended 1 handers should have 2 infusion slots due to price… Doesnt make it balanced…

Trading Post Armor Type Filter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

I’m confused as to why this was never in the game to begin with…

Will BLT gathering tools always work?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

I have a feeling tier 7 mats wont be from gathering nodes in the first place.

t7 mats will not be mineable with the unlimited picks/axe/sickle. You will require an ascended pick to mine it Why do I say this? because it’s best to assume the worst~

limited time only for 10 black lion claim tickets and 800 gems, buy now before the 2 day sale ends and they go back to their original price of 15 tickets and 4000 gems

Halloween Weapon?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

Fused never were droppable.

no?O.o I didn’t have one but I though they were droppable too.. how did they were?

They were claim tickets from black lion chests.

Anniversary Sale Spoilers

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

I honestly think that ANet should reduce the prices for all the Black Lion Claim ticket weapons, the skins are far too expensive using claim tickets. The drop rates for ticket scraps just seems too rare at the moment. I’ve probably opened 50 chests since they were introduced and I’ve gotten 2 scraps and 1 full ticket.

Then again the argument for trading gems for gold and buying them outright comes up, this will just cause the prices to jump much higher than they are right now. I mean, at least the Dragons Jade skins came from an item that was in a drop when they were introduced.

I’d love to see these ticket prices reduced and tickets refunded to players who got the skins, or the drop rates for tickets and scraps increased.

Got a reply to account bound WvW level!

in WvW

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

I personally find it a little counter-intuitive to their design goals with the account wallet update, where they seem to be edgeing more towards account bound unlocks as opposed to the soulbound unlocks from before. Personally, now that they made it easier to rank up by means on PvE Objectives on the WvW maps, I think that it should remain a character bound unlock progression, if they make it account bound, they would have to make it much harder.

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ricochet Saw.1793

Ricochet Saw.1793

Maguuma events are up if anyone wants to join me.

UNCONTESTED. 3:52 server time.

(edited by Ricochet Saw.1793)