Showing Posts For Rikimo.2650:

Fractal Tracker

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


It Would be nice if Arena Net implements a stat sheet where it shows u how many fractals you haven done in a character or in a account. For example you see how u can do /age. They should make a /fractal and tell u the many time u done fratcals. How many drops u had, etc etc and can be done with dungeons as well and will
Show u how many times u had achieved the dungeon. Thanx

Heart of thorns can't wait :)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Sounds really fun willing to pay every nickel for this what is it that your most hyped about? Please give thiefs greatsword it would be nice plz!!!! Anyways I’m more hyped about the new class just really curious looks like a kenshi from mortal kombat

Gw2 don't have Keepers Accessories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


I feel like it don’t make sense at all and zealot is the exoctic version while the keepers is the ascended version

Gw2 don't have Keepers Accessories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Not make sense*

Gw2 don't have Keepers Accessories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


I’m in the middle of starting my Ascended Armor which is the keepers good thing I lasted 1 hour researching before I bought anything. My problem is the fact that Gw2 has all the keepers armor and Weapons…. WHY THE HECK DONT THEY HAVE KEEPERS RING AND ACCESSORIES…?! It wouldn’t make sense for me to buy the armor and weapons without having the accessories. PLZ Arena Net put keepers rings, Trinkets and Accessories which is not in the game it would make sense to get the armor and weapons without having the trinkets and Accessories Thanx (Keepers is Power,Precision,+Healing Power). And if anybody can check for me because they don’t have it

So the new Dredge is the Char Fractal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Wow soo u didn’t see the archers that’s crazy I did it in a lvl 50 how about this explain this?


So the new Dredge is the Char Fractal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Hmm I did mines in a lvl 50 what a nightmare. When u start the dungeon when u hug the left wall there’s some archers that would be impossible to go through without killing them. Then u have to kill those respawneble mobs near dulfy. XD

So the new Dredge is the Char Fractal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


It’s crazy and impossible. It wasn’t like this yesterday so I’m assuming it’s a ninja patch

So the new Dredge is the Char Fractal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


They added new archers so when u hug wall
U get attacked, they added more
Mobs and if u kill them they respwan,NO MORE NPCS. When u attack
dulfy more
Mobs comes plus the mobs u have to
Kill near her, wth man i find this really annoying I tried having ideas to
Go in without attracting mobs but won’t work we had to wipe a thousand times to hit gate and go though and kill dulfy behind gate it’s ridicolous. >:( did anybody notice


in Profession Balance

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


I heard somewhere in the forums that they will make it so that classes can equip other weapons. For example thief longbow and greatsword. NECROMANCER sword. Guardian guns etc is this true or will u think they will achieve this?

F1 Skill

in Thief

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


I feel like this skill is very good but I feel like there’s a lot of things missing but at the moment I would mention one important thing Arena net should add. If we can be able to F1 enemy’s we should be able to do it to any pug or characters. For example lets say a person has low health by you clicking on to a person and pressing F1 u could be able to teleport to that character and give regenaration, vigor, protection, aegis etc. and when he’s down or dead u can be able to put it so that when we teleport to him it makes it stealth. So the whole point is by being able to teleport to our own comrades and aiding them with any condition they need. If they down teleport and protect, if they have condition remove the condition, if they have low health regenerate etc I hope this gave an idea

Two handed weapons

in Thief

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Wouldn’t it be nice if Anet would give us a mini weapon that combines with a 2 handed weapon. For example Bow with a dagger u shoot with bow enemy comes close and u stab him with a dagger which either bleeds him cripples him or pushes him away. With you having to switch to your other weapons then u keep using your bow? Or I would like
For them to give us a great sword i feel like us using one handed weapon which is the now is cool but one more would be

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Rikimo.2650



Anet :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Arena net why haven’t we gotten our new legendaries, new skills, crafting for precursor not yet in the game. From what I read Anet said we will have this by 2013, well it’s already 2014, I would understand if ya would of said we are going to need more time but never gotten information about it ever since? Please Anet give us what u said u were going to give hope I’m not asking for a lot.

Pc help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


I know this probably is a bad topic to talk about in this thread but can you please tell me if this laptop would be good to play Guild wars 2 in I don’t know nothing about computers so it would be good to give me advice on what to buy. Let me know if this is a good alienware pc laptop to play in


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


It’s probably irrelevant at the moment. Or is it?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Nothing you’ll see what I mean one day


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Ugh that would be interesting to see looking at the same legendaries a lot is kinda tiring, but
It does shows respect either way. But I learned me looking at people with legendaries wouldn’t show their level of play most of
Them I see just die quicker than others :/


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Does anybody knows when Anet going to make new legendaries?


in Thief

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Is there any Sigil or rune that converts healing power to toughness? Or any converting into toughness thank you

Lol Stacking this is a fun game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Lol it’s really fun not fun is guild wars 2 stacking

Lol Stacking this is a fun game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Well I have played this game and its very fun try it guys… But I hate staking In Guild Wars 2 >:(


New Animations

in Thief

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


this is not final fantasy

Idc about final fantasy don’t you see the ranger on how they made their attacking animation nice I just want them to improve it that’s all

New Animations

in Thief

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


I feel like Arenanet Should Put New animations For thieves when they fight I really want this to happen. For Example my favorite class that has good fighting ways of animations is the Ranger the way he moves looks awesome. Wouldn’t anybody want this to happen I’m tired of the simple stuff especially the sword three simple strikes I wish he could move and do stunning jumps while he swings it. Wouldn’t anybody else want this?

New Healing Skill

in Thief

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Sorry not power I meant condition I think

New Healing Skill

in Thief

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Well I’m different I have toughness and power build and vitality I use mad king superior rune with the malice heal and use the lowest cool down elite which is the stone one and heal perfect. Mind you if u have the venom build it would reduce the cooldown of that elite which is 30 second(30 second less cooldown is a good one) the point is the superior makes mes summon birds everytime I use elite and the more hits the more heal so that’s basically what I use to heal. But only use this in some occasion don’t use it all the time I wouldn’t use it if your solo. Use it in dungeons and groups of wvw helps alot

New Healing Skill

in Thief

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


Can anybody explain to me what’s the good use of this Healing? Or explain to me good tips for this healing? Is it worth it?

Thief Ranges Guns And Bows

in Thief

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


As a thief, how would it make sense to have a 1200range weapon? Thiefs are meant to steal….. Do you see what I’m getting at????

Thiefs were meant to steal while they only have one move to steal Seriously

Thief Ranges Guns And Bows

in Thief

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


It just could get Us thieves into trouble and killed i just wish they added a little bit more range it should atleast be able to hit a certain distance without having to get that close.

Thief Ranges Guns And Bows

in Thief

Posted by: Rikimo.2650


From what i See in my opinion I think they should increase the range of the Gun and bow. I dont understand how a bow from a ranger could go farther than a gun. The gun has 900 range while the Bow of the Ranger has 1.200 or more. I never knew a arrow could go further than a bullet. And the bow i think should be atleast a little bit more further as well, it has such low range that its really hard for me to catch up on certain occasions in dungeon i have to get close to that range and by the time i do the monster is already coming up to me to. They should make the range a little bit further for guns and bow so it could give u time to set traps like caltrops, imobolize trap,etc. So please try to fix the ranges of the thief.