Kill a few: there won’t be a many
Speaking of town clothes, I’ve seen an npc on the beach in Southsun wearing a swimsuit…..when do we get those in the gem store? /sarcasm
So, you gave us the option to buy the Bone pick again, but only for 7 days???
I’m am sorry if I sound a bit sarcastic here, but not everyone has immediate access to either gold-for-gems, or real world money during that seven days. Some people get paid bi-weekly, or even monthly, or just simply cannot afford to drop some cash during that 7 day period. It’s things like this that make players angry and disenfranchised with the game.If $12.50 USD is breaking your weekly budget, you have bigger problems than a convenience item in a computer game.
I don’t necessarily agree, because you assume something doesn’t just bring up that makes having 12.50 USD bank breaking. But I will say that, I agree breaking your weekly budget over a game shows a lack of priorities.
Umm…u both do realize that I was not referring to my own personal finances, right? True, 12.50 shouldn’t be bank breaking, but not everyone plans to have money to spend that week based on a random sale for a video game’s goods. There are many walks of life that play these games, not just rich/young/college/high school/poor/welfare/basement dwellers/handicapped/ etc… and anet cannot possibly expect players to the be able to drop cash at random on a whim. Some players can easily do this, but I am guessing that most can’t, or won’t. My Real point to all of this, is that if they can keep the same cook’s outfit, finishers, buffs, copper-fed-salvage-o-matic on the gem store constantly, then why not the gathering tools?
I personally have collected all Set 1 and 2 minis, working on set 3 and have %90 of the Special minis. So I consider myself a ‘Mini Collector’.
That said, think of the performance ramifications if every player had a mini-slot to auto-summon minis with. The mini models, small as they are, have the same poly-count as their fullsize counterparts.
What would happen to framerates in WvW if 120 players in an SM 3 way all had 120 additional mini models showing?
What would happen at Tequatl and Wurm if 150 players had 150 additional mini models?
You could argue that a certain amount of culling or an option in the Graphics settings to ‘hide minis’ would solve this problem but then doesn’t that defeat the purpose?
I personally feel that Anet would implement this feature in a heartbeat if their engine allowed it. Its probably a great relief to them that every player DOESNT permanently show their minis out of habit…
I really had not thought about the results of the additional mini-pets added to the map. I suppose that a way to add them to the culling effect could be an option, at least as far as individual players’ systems are concerned, but I really have no clue of the effect on anet’s servers. Good insight though, thank you.
So, you gave us the option to buy the Bone pick again, but only for 7 days???
I’m am sorry if I sound a bit sarcastic here, but not everyone has immediate access to either gold-for-gems, or real world money during that seven days. Some people get paid bi-weekly, or even monthly, or just simply cannot afford to drop some cash during that 7 day period. It’s things like this that make players angry and disenfranchised with the game.
Can we get a slot where a mini-pet can be equipped, with a check box to show/hide mini-pet?
It is a royal pain to have to constantly keep re-clicking my mini-pet every time I wp from one zone to another, or log in and out (or dc).
Anet, if you are having trouble selling the mini-pets, or just simply wish to sell more of them, then please give this idea some serious consideration. I know of many players who will not buy/use the mini-pets due to the monstrously difficult nature of trying to show them, and also due to the waste of precious bag space.
P.S. This would help broaden the market for mini-pets on the TP.
P.S.S ….Did I mention you could make more money selling mini-pets?
I was able to un-soulbind, but I still need more for my alts
Note: too bad I can’t un-soulbind my celestial armor……
I was not aware of that. I’ll look into it. Thanks, kerdina.
When can we expect to see some permanent Gathering tools sold constantly in the gem store? It would be rather convenient to be able to buy them anytime, separately or as a three pack. As players, we are constantly making new characters, and the initial offering of gathering tools were Soulbound, cannot be moved to new characters, and cannot be replaced because you just don’t offer them. I can only assume that there are some other players that feel how I do about this, and would welcome the ability to purchase them from the gem store at any time, and not just every couple of months. (I have several 80’s that need them).
We can purchase character slots and bank tabs whenever we want……..why not gathering tools?
At the very least give us some swimwear!
No reply to this yet? That must really make u mad that you can’t preview your character’s armor for transmutation! I guess u wont be buying any transmutation charges anytime soon, lol.
So, there was roughly 30 GoM beating on the gate of Durios, when the wall was wide open……..
Sticking to the lines of transfers, what are reasonable restrictions to place on players after they transfer? No WvW for the rest of the match? No WvW for 24 hours? Would that help any or would it actually exacerbate the problem?
IMHO the rest of the match -> 1 week of no wvw will definetly make people think twice about jumping ship and server hoping to get the wins.
But are we not trying to get people to spread out ? All this would do is prevent people from transfering and thus spreading the population which make the whole concept pointless. Now if they imposed something like this for people moving UP then maybe it would make sense but the people moving down to help … well its just idiotic to punish them.
The players brave enough to move to lower tier servers (such as I did) to support and help build the server up for wvw, should be applauded and rewarded for having the ability to use their own brain in a constructive manner. Those individuals who have a Lemming mentality to go over the cliff – transfer upward to win – should not be given any perks what-so-ever.
Everyone: please keep it civil in here and stop posting complaints. Either give constructive feedback and ideas for Devon, or don’t post at all. Complaining will not help Devon solve the issue of server imbalance, and it fills up the thread with nonsensical garbage that he has to scroll through to find the ideas posted in earnest. In other words, stop wasting everyone’s time. Just sayin’.
If they transfer mid-season, restrict them till the season ends. Some minor suggestions for 2 week restriction and/or till end of season:
Unable to carry supply, place siege or purchase upgrades on Gold, normal supply on Silver, double supps on Bronze.
Triple repair costs for Gold league, Double for Silver, and Free for Bronze.
Unable to log into wvw on Gold for 2 weeks, 1 week for silver, no restrictions on Bronze.
No drops from Lords/Guild Supervisors on Gold, normal for Silver, Double for Bronze.
remember, these are merely suggestions into a line of thought, and there are many other things that could be implemented to restrict and reward depending on the level of transfer.
So, if prices for server transfers were based on WvW population, what would a fair distribution of costs look like from the lowest population servers to the highest? Keep in mind that making it completely impossible to transfer to a server puts a burden on other players. That doesn’t mean that you couldn’t have an incredibly high price, just that completely blocked isn’t an option.
Price is not alone the issue. There should be an added incentive for destacking and a risk for bandwagoning on top of price.
I propose a model such as
1-3 – 2400 gems w/probation period
4-6 – 2100 gems
7-9 – 1800 gems
10-12 – 1500 gems
13-15 – 1200 gems w/300 gem rebate
16-18 – 900 gems w/600 gem rebate
19-21 – 600 gems w/900 gem rebate
22-24 – 300 gems w/1200 gem rebateRebates – to qualify for rebate you must:
—be transferring “down” at least 1 tier
—account must be at least 90 days old
—have not received any rebates in the past 90 days
If you meet these conditions, upon successful transfer you will receive your gem rebate to spend in the gem store or convert to gold, as you wish.Probation – tier 1 only
—new transfers for tier 1 will receive a probation status for 30 days, which adds a 1 hour per-map playtime limit at which point you must re-enter the queue.
—duration probation period commander squad functionality is disabled.
—during probation period a player may “undo” the transfer if they are not happy with tier 1, in which case they will receive a 50% refund on their gems and be placed on their previous server.
—probation period does not apply if you are transferring from a tier 1 server to a different tier 1 server, only to those transferring ‘into’ tier 1.
I had signed in to post something very similar to this, with transfers broken down to Leaague-only prices, but I like the way you broke them down even further. I believe that a system such as that will discourage bandwagons, an also forces players to give very hard consideration to what server they want to transfer to, and why. Too many players just jump ship on impulse to get to a winning server. The do not consider the important things such as server personality and compatibility, wvw structure and organization, and also pve helpfulness. The probation period looks good also, though I do disagree with the 1 hour timer. Players who move to gold league will be spending long hours in queues, that will work better than a 1 hour restriction.
@Devon….Please put some serious consideration into this format. This idea is something that players in wvw have been talking about for many months: I hear it all the time. This or something similar will do well to help with the population imbalance, and can be either a permanent emplacement, or temporary between seasons. And thank you for reaching out to the community for such suggestions. We greatly appreciate your attention and efforts toward this matter.
This isnt the server recruitment subform man. We are all glad you like ET.
And the vast majority of my post relates to NSP and ET as a whole. The last couple sentences are merely food for thought. I apologize if I did not clearly state the intent of the post. But considering that this thread seems to be leading off of the matchup topic…
NSP has lost many key players and guilds over the last few months due to infighting and belligerence. These were the players who worked diligently in their home BL, upgrading, building siege, protecting yaks and defending. Whenever they went to EB to call for help, they were ridiculed, and rarely got the help they needed. So many of us left for other servers, and I imagine that if it looks like NSP is locked into silver, many, many more will bail before the deadline, and NSP will decline dramatically. My guildies and I joined ET, because we liked the community, especially in wvw. We were quite shocked at the enormous difference between ET and NSP. ET plays to win, and plays very well. There are many players who are highly skilled here, and I don’t doubt one bit that ET could hold it’s own against NSP, or Kaining for that matter. If anyone reading this is interested in joining a different server, I would not recommend any server other than ET, as it is a very mature, community minded server, and you would be very welcomed here. We need good, wvw dedicated players and guilds, who are willing to help the server win, and your efforts will be applauded and appreciated here. I wish everyone ‘good luck’ in the Leagues.
Wait….So Os tried to help the server tank (which was totally the right call for the long term/7weeks in many peoples opinion), and XOXO is furiously working on PPT????
Has the WORLD GONE CRAZY, or is this just backwards week????
Also personally now fully support NSP moving to silver, so once you get destroyed you can all bow down to the people that tried (both on and off your server) to warn you.
No offense personally to you Bob, but if players really want to play in Bronze and NSP places Silver, then leave NSP and go to a server that is in Bronze, and if you want to win in Bronze, go to a server that you feel will win. Don’t bring a server down because players want to go up, and not down.
Leave NSP to the players who want to make it stronger, and are willing to accept a hard challenge. They will take it better I’m sure.
ET is a prime example of a server that used to be in chokeholds of last place, but now have a stronger wvw community working to be better.
I approve this message.
So if I buy more monitors I can use this exploit too?
Why does one have to own more monitors to get more screen view space? That’s not a level playing field. This IS an exploit, legal or not.
You don’t have to buy more monitors, you can do this in window mode. Did you read the thread? It is not an exploit it is FOV, change your field of view if you like.
Most of the time your server is just poor at placing siege, the rest of the time the AC is shooting through the hole above the door.
The real issue here is that it is a function of Windows, not some 3rd party hack or multiple monitors. Nobody can tell an individual NOT to buy and use multiple monitors in the privacy of your own home, and even then the computer itself allows for the use of multiple monitors. The only way for Anet to stop the majority of it from happening is to ‘disable’ windowed mode, and that, likely, will not happen. Many people use their computers for work, and work while playing, needing full use of their pc programs at a glance. Full screen mode just doesn’t allow for that. And not everyone plays wvw.
Hey Yak’s, put your armor back on. We don’t need to see 70 of you running naked over our dead bodies. Get some class.
Lovely chat conversation….lol
@Riondron – none of that means kitten if no one is playing the game.
People are complaining because they care. And if ANet continues to ignore what people say, they won’t have any players left.
Over 3,500,000 copies of GW2 was sold just in the first year. Are you seriously going suggest that All of those players will leave the game, just because 1,000 or even 10,000 players are crying foul?…..I don’t even know how to respond to that.
Copies sold doesn’t mean players playing. As they say with MMOs, box sales mean nothing, retention means everything.
Diablo 3 sold 12 million copies in 2012, but during the end of 2012 only 1 million people were still playing it. (i.e. 12 million people are not playing Diablo 3) I would not be surprised if GW2 had a similar ratio.
Last time I checked, GW2 was not Diablo 3. Just sayin’
Last time I checked, I didn’t say GW2 was D3. Just sayin’
^ touche and humorous My contact list has 180 people I have run dungeons with over the past year. I always enjoyed the dungeons and the random people I ran them with. 180 people on my contact list…. about 15 log in randomly…. about 7 regularly.
I totally agree with what you are saying. Though I will point out that every game out there begins to bleed off players almost immediately, mostly because of ppl having a different perception of what the game really was. People become dissatisfied with games for various reasons, or they move on to that shiny new game that is all the rage, and the cycle continues. Will GW2 eventually burn out? Sure. Will it happen in 1 month or 10 years? None of us can answer that, as the gaming industry is a dynamic, ever-evolving entity.
@Riondron – none of that means kitten if no one is playing the game.
People are complaining because they care. And if ANet continues to ignore what people say, they won’t have any players left.
Over 3,500,000 copies of GW2 was sold just in the first year. Are you seriously going suggest that All of those players will leave the game, just because 1,000 or even 10,000 players are crying foul?…..I don’t even know how to respond to that.
Copies sold doesn’t mean players playing. As they say with MMOs, box sales mean nothing, retention means everything.
Diablo 3 sold 12 million copies in 2012, but during the end of 2012 only 1 million people were still playing it. (i.e. 12 million people are not playing Diablo 3) I would not be surprised if GW2 had a similar ratio.
Last time I checked, GW2 was not Diablo 3. Just sayin’
I had to laugh at Riondron copy/paste post because it has nothing to do with the discussion. Those rules are completely irrelevant and mean nothing in terms of this topic. All it says is “ANet can do whatever they want”. Sure they can. And as customers people can tell them how they feel.
Are you saying ANet is going to ban people if they GvG in WvW? They would never do something like that in a million years. That action itself would be a death sentence in terms of PR.
I certainly did not say nor imply that Anet would do such a thing. I clearly outlined their rules that stated the ToC’s definition of what constitutes not actively participating in matches in good faith. Their rules, not mine.
@Riondron – none of that means kitten if no one is playing the game.
People are complaining because they care. And if ANet continues to ignore what people say, they won’t have any players left.
Over 3,500,000 copies of GW2 was sold just in the first year. Are you seriously going suggest that All of those players will leave the game, just because 1,000 or even 10,000 players are crying foul?…..I don’t even know how to respond to that.
And now to the final issue, WvW vs. GvG:
This is mentioned twice in the RULES:
HERE "disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith
AND HERE " disrupting a PvP match by not actively playing in good faith, or any other form of PvP griefing, exploitation, or abuse
WvW is a game that is defined by 3v3 server matches, with capture and control points, which contribute to points gain every 15 minutes and adds up over the course of a match week to determine a winner for the overall ranking of a designated ladder. This was the intended design of the game, and all the crafting stations, jumping puzzles, bloodlust capture points, map completion points, WXP gains and ranks were integrated into that design, whether you like it or not. Stop complaining.
NO PLACE, in the vision and design and of this game mode is any official implementation of a GVG mechanic that actively contributes to any type of format that determines a server’s given rank. Nor is there any in-game support, arena, map, instance, points tracking, match-making, or venue for this ‘community made’ play style. So for the 15 min to 1 hour gvg’ers are claiming a spot on a map, points gain is being determined bay on official counter. And in doing so, the gvg’ers in question DID NOT “actively participate(ing) in matches in good faith” This can also be loosely interpreted under the “any other form of PvP griefing, exploitation, or abuse” rule (that us up to the discretion of the game designers, not the players). And to believe otherwise is a delusional rationalization that since they paid for the game, then the can do what they want.
GvG just is not endorsed or supported in the game in any form. Players claiming ‘their right’ to do it is never mentioned in the Rules of Conduct.
So stop crying about how Anet is screwing you, stop cussing at the Dev’s, stop calling for employee firings, stop interfering with the WvW players who actually do “have the right” to play the game in its intended form, stop comparing to ‘other’ games that support GvG, stop demanding answers to you self-righteous questions, and stop threating to leave the game or ban gem purchases. In essence, stop acting like petulant children and either play the game as it is intended to be according to the rules, or just go play a different game, as it is blatantly obvious that you are NOT satisfied with playing GW2.
If Anet wanted GvG in the game, none of these discussions would exist. But they didn’t. And with the way the “GvG Community” keeps disrespecting Anet as they do, it may NEVER be implemented into the game. SO DEAL WITH IT!!!
PT. 2
*This next section will cover the incident that started this thread:
“i. Reported violations of Rules of Conduct that have merit — NCSOFT may take any action, or no action whatsoever, based on communications regarding violation of the Rules of Conduct related to any Account, including but not limited to termination of an Account under Section 3(b) or Section 3©. NCSOFT has no obligation to explain any decision to take any action, or no action whatsoever, based on communications regarding violation of the Rules of Conduct related to any Account.”
“ii. Reported violations of Rules of Conduct that lack merit — If NCSOFT, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines that You are associated with any communication regarding violations of the Rules of Conduct that lacks merit, NCSOFT may take any action it deems appropriate under the circumstances, including but not limited to termination of Your Account under Section 3(b) or Section 3©.”
“11.You will follow the instructions of authorized personnel while in Guild Wars 2 or on the official Guild Wars 2 website.”
“1.While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.”
“22.While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching.”
“The following will result in either a temporary account suspension or permanent account termination, depending upon the severity of the matter
•Inappropriate in-game behavior, such as obscene, offensive, or racist talk or behavior; abuse of another player; harassment; etc.
•Engaging in PvP match manipulation, disrupting a PvP match by not actively playing in good faith, or any other form of PvP griefing, exploitation, or abuse"
In summation:
They have no obligation to explain their action regarding the infraction on the OP, or how they handled the Dev. in question: they don’t have to explain themselves to players who ‘demand’ answers.
We the players are obligated to follow the instructions of company personnel: the DEV. had every right to tell them to stop.
We must be adults and respect other players in the game, and not use foul language, which is an infractable offence.
PT. 1
I took some time out of my day to search the form posts dating several months back, and also some of the Dev. tracker posts. I did this to try to a feeling of what the community as a whole thinks about the GvG vs. WvW issue. Then I further searched the Official Rules of Conduct and Legal Information for more clarity this issue, and I will quote certain aspects of then which have the direct relevancy. Everyone of us had to agree to the conditions set forth by NCSOFT and Arenanet before you could log into the game.
“b. NCSOFT has no obligation under any circumstances to review any information, feedback or communication related to the Game. NCSOFT may, in its sole and absolute discretion, choose to review any information, feedback or communication related to the Game. NCSOFT may take any action, or no action whatsoever, based on any information, feedback or communication related to the Game, including but not limited to publicly commenting upon or publishing the foregoing. NCSOFT has no obligation to explain any decision to take any action, or no action whatsoever, based on any information, feedback or communication related to the Game”
*This is the answer to everyone complaining over why they don’t ‘have to’ respond to all the constant bantering, and that they ‘can’ respond in anyway they choose. This includes the whole GW2 community. It is also made quite clear in all of the RoC that THEY own the game, the copyrights, and the content, not THE PLAYERS. And also that THEY make the RULES……So stop with all of the hate toward them, about how they are ruining “your game” as it is clearly NOT your game.
“You acknowledge that NCSOFT may in its sole and absolute discretion provide subsequent versions, enhancements, modifications, upgrades or patches related to any part of the Service.”
*Again stating that since THEY own the game, THEY get to decide what content is added or not added. This includes Living Story, map changes, questlines, updates, PvE, Rankings, Rewards, WvW, Leagues, if/or GvG, Server Population, etc….THEY are the only ones who can dictate the overall content and how the game is played, not US.
It means 1 or 2 or 3. go learn the basic mechanics of how to read and write the English language. I think they still teach that stuff in first grade.
“I’m done talking to you”…..Good. That is the most awe inspiring, intelligent thing you have typed so far. Way to go, sunshine!
lmao, you finally got it! 1-3 = 1 or 2 or 3 indeed. good job. Took a while
lmao, you still don’t get it! 1-3 = 1 or 2 or 3 I’ll beak it down fer ya, cuz I really am a nice guy.
The statement 1 or 2 or 3, means in very plain, simple English, that it COULD BE 1.
Or it COULD BE 2.
Or it COULD BE 3.
Not seeing the plain, simple connection here?
What this all means is that you said 1
And you also said 2.
(but wait I’m not finished yet)
And you also said 3.Conclusion: (drumroll please)
You still did in fact, SAY 1
holey-moley! could it be? is that the final answer? or should we let the audience decide?lol, by the way, didn’t you say you were finished with talking to me? Or maybe you really didn’t say that either? I’m finally starting to have fun on this post!
lolLol. Because you’re fun.
How does 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 per WEEK equal:
Server “A” only GvGs against Server “B”. That is all they do for 7 days is GvG
That’s what I replied to, and you’re just talking around it. You are trying to tell me what 1-3 means, when we obviously already agree on that, stop repeating it. What you don’t seem to understand is that it’s contradicting what was said earlier (the post I initially quoted). Someone said gvgs are done constantly all day everyday, I said they don’t. And you are?
Thanks for the great entertainment
I just took his word for that he has seen it happen, because I have seen it happen 3 times myself, for a full 7 days by a guild that has blatantly stated that GvG is 90% of what they do, as many nights as they have enough members on, but not all day long. They were pretty much numb on WvW for the most part. And I do apologize if you were given the impression that either of us meant that it happens on all servers.
I am truly saddened however, that my trolling techniques were discovered, but I graciously commend you on figuring it out. I have had a blast doing this back and forth with you: maybe we can do it again sometime
I really hope that anyone reading my garbage does not get bent out of shape over it. The forums should be fun place for us to air our ideas and differences openly, and debate them with respect. If someone is truly that upset by anyone’s posts that they get the hives or a panic attack, then they should stay away from reading the forums, and take up a calm hobby, such as basket-weaving.
Good luck to you and enjoy your gaming!
All kidding and complaining and trolling aside (this includes all parties involved), everyone of us are wanting the same thing: a separate, GvG arena, that doesn’t link to sPvP, or WvW. This is the ONLY thing that will end the massive arguments, the trolling, name calling, dev cursing, pickle throwing, and pillow fighting for all of us. And everyone of us can game in our happy little spaces w/o any distractions over the pvp format that we choose to play in. Will it happen? I honestly have no clue. But I can predict this: wvw population will change, transfers will happen, servers will go up and down in ranks. And my hope is that this may add some population leveling that all of us want on the wvw servers. Regardless of the population changes, we will all be happy as a community, and when the people are happy (there will still be whiners), Anet will make more money, and receive more accolades and free, word-of-mouth advertising. Anet wants to make money, that’s why they are in business. We want a GvG arena, and some server balancing in WvW: in summary, we all get what we want, and we will all be very happy, Anet included. I sincerely hope that a dev reads this particular post. I love this game, and all the aspects of it.
And I am truly happy to have been a part of breaking the 1000 mark. And whether or not anyone agrees with my statements, I just hope that everyone was at least entertained in some way by them!
It means 1 or 2 or 3. go learn the basic mechanics of how to read and write the English language. I think they still teach that stuff in first grade.
“I’m done talking to you”…..Good. That is the most awe inspiring, intelligent thing you have typed so far. Way to go, sunshine!
lmao, you finally got it! 1-3 = 1 or 2 or 3 indeed. good job. Took a while
lmao, you still don’t get it! 1-3 = 1 or 2 or 3 I’ll beak it down fer ya, cuz I really am a nice guy.
The statement 1 or 2 or 3, means in very plain, simple English, that it COULD BE 1.
Or it COULD BE 2.
Or it COULD BE 3.
Not seeing the plain, simple connection here?
What this all means is that you said 1
And you also said 2.
(but wait I’m not finished yet)
And you also said 3.Conclusion: (drumroll please)
You still did in fact, SAY 1
holey-moley! could it be? is that the final answer? or should we let the audience decide?lol, by the way, didn’t you say you were finished with talking to me? Or maybe you really didn’t say that either? I’m finally starting to have fun on this post!
lolWhat? It was pretty obvious that he said if there were any (as in, more than 0), it could be any number between 1 and 3.
Are you jsut completely ignoring the “if any” bit? What are you even trying to say or prove here? I’m not sure if I should blame my English udnerstanding or yours for this confusion, I’m currently leaning towards yours though.
Yes it could be any number between 1 and 3, but this still includes “1” in his statement, and also includes “2”, and also includes “3”. It’s obvious too that if he included “1” in the statement, it means that he is plainly stating that it could in fact, be “1” or maybe “2” or maybe “3”. I am not ruling out the other number of days, nor the lack thereof.
When referring to a ‘number’ of days in and either/or situation, yes, he did in fact say “1” My evidence to this is further proved by the fact that the poster actually typed the numeral “1” in his statement implying that it could very will mean “1 day” or more than “1 day”, or as his sentence continued, “less than 1 day”.
Come on guys, don’t stop now! 12k more views and this thread will surpass the # of views for any other thread in WvW discussion .
lol, I’m working on it!
It means 1 or 2 or 3. go learn the basic mechanics of how to read and write the English language. I think they still teach that stuff in first grade.
“I’m done talking to you”…..Good. That is the most awe inspiring, intelligent thing you have typed so far. Way to go, sunshine!
lmao, you finally got it! 1-3 = 1 or 2 or 3 indeed. good job. Took a while
lmao, you still don’t get it! 1-3 = 1 or 2 or 3 I’ll beak it down fer ya, cuz I really am a nice guy.
The statement 1 or 2 or 3, means in very plain, simple English, that it COULD BE 1.
Or it COULD BE 2.
Or it COULD BE 3.
Not seeing the plain, simple connection here?
What this all means is that you said 1
And you also said 2.
(but wait I’m not finished yet)
And you also said 3.
Conclusion: (drumroll please)
You still did in fact, SAY 1
holey-moley! could it be? is that the final answer? or should we let the audience decide?
lol, by the way, didn’t you say you were finished with talking to me? Or maybe you really didn’t say that either? I’m finally starting to have fun on this post!
I have to chuckle at all the negative whining about how Anet is destroying wvw. First of all, they kinda maybe sorta OWN the game, not the players. People need to get this through their thick heads. Anet does not force transfers, or condemn transfers. They very clearly gave those choices to the community, so how in the kitten is all the transferring Anet’s fault? And please spare us your “logical” reasoning for consistently bashing the dev’s, as the arguments for such idiocy are simply ludicrous. The guild that I am currently repping, and myself, transferred to a lower tier server, near the bottom of the field, and found a much better wvw community as a whole, and they really really want to win matches and see their server rise to the top. But the funny thing is, the same week that roughly 25 of us join the server, that particular server just happens earn it’s second only, first place match up.
Imagine that. Just a handful of players actually can make a difference, if they all work together for a common goal. Who woulda thunk it?
Think about it this way.
Server “A” only GvGs against Server “B”. That is all they do for 7 days is GvG while server “C” plays the game as designed by capping all the objectives. At the end of those 7 days which server would have the highest score? Anyone care to do the math?
The answer to that question should end this argument.
Do you maybe live in an alternate universe?
If you’re going to give us a math problem that’s supposed to answer a question in the real world, you should give us an example of something in the real world. Since when has any server ONLY gvg’d another server for 7 days?
Maybe you don’t realize, but a gvg just takes about 20-45 minutes and most guilds do 1-3 per week (if any). 3×0.75 /= 7×24, I’m pretty sure that’s about as obvious as it gets.
No guild does only GvG. GvG guild = WvW guild, it’s just that sometimes they go to a remote area of the map to have a balanced fight with an enemy guild for 30 minutes, and then continue with wvw. So for 30 minutes you’re missing, 10-20 players out of 100 or so that can be on the map.
And in your universe, GvG only happens one day a week, when the rest of us know better. And apparently in your universe, an entire map just simply does not get flipped in 30 minutes by server ‘C’. But little do you know, that when A B & C are all fighting on the same map, that said map does not get turned all one color, assuming equal numbers of players, or course.
- 1 day? Go read what I said
- You’re pretending server C never does any gvg
- Those 30 minutes per 2 guilds (40 ppl) really don’t have as much as an impact as the other 23.5 hours (300 ppl)Before gvgs, ppl complained that after monday wvw is boring, a server already won, blablabla. Now we have something interesting to do for 30 minutes during those last days and people’s heads explode.
Maybe people think it’s 30 guilds doing gvgs at the same time, all day every day or something.
-“Since when has any server ONLY gvg’d another server for 7 days?” Yeah, I read it. You did NOT say every day. But what you said was….“Maybe you don’t realize, but a gvg just takes about 20-45 minutes and most guilds do 1-3 per week (if any).”
Oh noooos! looks like you did say 1 day. Should I underline it for you?-And yes, these kind of things heavily effect lower pop servers. Especially in the off hours when only 2-3 players can make all the difference.
-Maybe the scenarios you describe truly do happen on your server (universe- yeah, the pun was intentional on my first reply), please don’t assume that it applies to all the servers, nor on the servers that I have witnessed firsthand. And don’t even try to say that I said all servers, made a reference to, nor implied such. The gentleman you replied to was describing what we have all been talking about on the servers (universes) with which we have experienced these things. None of us are stupid
enough to even imply such, and anyone who takes it as that is kind of narrow-minded, and neither did we feel that your version applies to all universes (servers).“1-3 per week (if any)”
That means “1 to 3 per week, and sometimes none”
Couldn’t care to read the rest of your post, since if you already can’t understand that, I’m done talking to you
It means 1 or 2 or 3. go learn the basic mechanics of how to read and write the English language. I think they still teach that stuff in first grade.
“I’m done talking to you”…..Good. That is the most awe inspiring, intelligent thing you have typed so far. Way to go, sunshine!
And are you completely blind to the fact that the reason why us wvw’ers are complain about gvg’ers is because those silly matches happen just about every day of the week?
And I suppose that you are also blind to the fact that a 20man gvg match taking place while 5 ppl are trying to defend their bl against a 15-20 man zerg and loose the entire bl just doesn’t happen? And I can’t tell you how many times on my previous server that we were ‘blown out’ by Monday, and still managed to place first for match by reset. Give me a break!You clearly have no idea on how to siege if you lose any objectives to 15 people.
Also you said GvG guilds don’t know how to attack/defend objectives which means they can’t help you save these objectives either way it sounds like you’re on your own.
And you clearly have never tried to defend with only 5 against 15-20 on a bl map with extremely slow navigation and no wp’s built. Or maybe you have just never seen such a group of 15-20 split off into 5man groups and cap all the camps before you even have a chance to get there? wow. just wow.
And if you can actually read and comprehend the words on your screen, you will notice that earlier I said ‘not all gvg guilds’. So please, read the words I type exactly how I wrote them, and don’t throw in baseless assumptions of what I said. And if you haven’t experienced what I described happening on your server, then that’s a good thing. And no, I did not say nor imply all servers in my description.
You clearly have no idea how to give a smart kitten reply because of your own factual mistakes, or you have poor reading comprehension skills. Either way, it sounds like you’re on your own.
Think about it this way.
Server “A” only GvGs against Server “B”. That is all they do for 7 days is GvG while server “C” plays the game as designed by capping all the objectives. At the end of those 7 days which server would have the highest score? Anyone care to do the math?
The answer to that question should end this argument.
Do you maybe live in an alternate universe?
If you’re going to give us a math problem that’s supposed to answer a question in the real world, you should give us an example of something in the real world. Since when has any server ONLY gvg’d another server for 7 days?
Maybe you don’t realize, but a gvg just takes about 20-45 minutes and most guilds do 1-3 per week (if any). 3×0.75 /= 7×24, I’m pretty sure that’s about as obvious as it gets.
No guild does only GvG. GvG guild = WvW guild, it’s just that sometimes they go to a remote area of the map to have a balanced fight with an enemy guild for 30 minutes, and then continue with wvw. So for 30 minutes you’re missing, 10-20 players out of 100 or so that can be on the map.
And in your universe, GvG only happens one day a week, when the rest of us know better. And apparently in your universe, an entire map just simply does not get flipped in 30 minutes by server ‘C’. But little do you know, that when A B & C are all fighting on the same map, that said map does not get turned all one color, assuming equal numbers of players, or course.
- 1 day? Go read what I said
- You’re pretending server C never does any gvg
- Those 30 minutes per 2 guilds (40 ppl) really don’t have as much as an impact as the other 23.5 hours (300 ppl)Before gvgs, ppl complained that after monday wvw is boring, a server already won, blablabla. Now we have something interesting to do for 30 minutes during those last days and people’s heads explode.
Maybe people think it’s 30 guilds doing gvgs at the same time, all day every day or something.
-“Since when has any server ONLY gvg’d another server for 7 days?” Yeah, I read it. You did NOT say every day. But what you said was….“Maybe you don’t realize, but a gvg just takes about 20-45 minutes and most guilds do 1-3 per week (if any).”
Oh noooos! looks like you did say 1 day. Should I underline it for you?
-And yes, these kind of things heavily effect lower pop servers. Especially in the off hours when only 2-3 players can make all the difference.
-Maybe the scenarios you describe truly do happen on your server (universe- yeah, the pun was intentional on my first reply), please don’t assume that it applies to all the servers, nor on the servers that I have witnessed firsthand. And don’t even try to say that I said all servers, made a reference to, nor implied such. The gentleman you replied to was describing what we have all been talking about on the servers (universes) with which we have experienced these things. None of us are stupid
enough to even imply such, and anyone who takes it as that is kind of narrow-minded, and neither did we feel that your version applies to all universes (servers).
Think about it this way.
Server “A” only GvGs against Server “B”. That is all they do for 7 days is GvG while server “C” plays the game as designed by capping all the objectives. At the end of those 7 days which server would have the highest score? Anyone care to do the math?
The answer to that question should end this argument.
Do you maybe live in an alternate universe?
If you’re going to give us a math problem that’s supposed to answer a question in the real world, you should give us an example of something in the real world. Since when has any server ONLY gvg’d another server for 7 days?
Maybe you don’t realize, but a gvg just takes about 20-45 minutes and most guilds do 1-3 per week (if any). 3×0.75 /= 7×24, I’m pretty sure that’s about as obvious as it gets.
No guild does only GvG. GvG guild = WvW guild, it’s just that sometimes they go to a remote area of the map to have a balanced fight with an enemy guild for 30 minutes, and then continue with wvw. So for 30 minutes you’re missing, 10-20 players out of 100 or so that can be on the map.
And in your universe, GvG only happens one day a week, when the rest of us know better. And apparently in your universe, an entire map just simply does not get flipped in 30 minutes by server ‘C’. But little do you know, that when A B & C are all fighting on the same map, that said map does not get turned all one color, assuming equal numbers of players, or course.
Really? How about the gvg’ers start having respect for their server by actually contributing. And if those same guilds can’t get the ‘data’ they need by fighting for real in wvw, then they should probably be playing Mario Cart.
In my experience, the majority of those gvg guilds ONLY play for gvg, and don’t care less about ppt, ranking, or the wvw population in general. I hear it from them all the time, and it is well stated in the forums as well. Most of the comments about it boil down to this: “don’t interfere with our gvg matches, but either way, we aren’t going to help you out at all”. I have never seen gvg guild in a current ‘private’ gvg match ever leave the match to go save bay, hills, garri, ,or the keep in eb, because they are too busy in their match to go help out the server.Interesting… In a post a while back (if you actively read this forum instead of just coming here for the sake of argument that is), you’ll find a post by Devon Carver saying about server balance that if a server doesn’t have enough coverage, they should muster their pve community. However, what if those doing pve doesn’t want to help their server? Doesn’t they fall into your ad-hoc reasoning that they aren’t helping out your server with the ppt and perhaps will make you do not do so great in the league? Then by that low standard as that reasoning is they should be abused, interferred, called names and rideculed. It’s all about ppt right, so why aren’t everybody chipping in. GvG players usually stay in WvW and pull their share for the oh so glorious ppt. Pve players pop in then leave for pve again. Is that contributing to the servers success? Is that to be commended or condemned?
Respect how others want to play and put your energy on how you are playing instead how others play. thats the only way to develop as a player.
If you actually read and absorbed my earlier posts, you will plainly see that I explained my reasoning as to why I don’t consider pve players in any way, shape or form. Yes I read Devon’s post. And I really haven’t mentioned total server population as being a defining factor, as I have observed otherwise on several occasions. I merely explained (quite plainly, so even the not-so-swift could under stand) how gvg matches affect the wvw community. I may be mistaken, but the initial game descriptions state WvW and sPvP, not GvG. So who are the fools? Not the people who bought the game as-it. No, it is those who bought the game knowing the game description, and demanding that it be something else. Even a caveman can understand that very very very simple concept.
I have never seen a company express so much contempt for its customers.
First the patch from hell which was a big f you to the entire community ignoring a year’s worth of feedback and now this arrogant snub on top of it?
They need to replace top management in the company for attitudes like this to change. This is a much bigger issue than one employee’s behavior.
And I have never seen such contempt from a gaming community that purchases a product and complains that it isn’t what they wanted, and demands changes to something they don’t like. Stop demanding and start giving some consideration to the fact that it is Anet’s game, not yours; they can and will do with it what they want. Anet is in business to make a profit, and they can’t do that by catering to every whim from petulant children. Don’t like it? Either design your own game, or play a different one…believe it or not, you really do have that power, no one is going to stop you, and Anet won’t miss your crying kitten. This game will be around for Years, and there will always be people who buy it and enjoy it for what is was intended and designed to be.
And to those who’s only complaint is that there is no gvg support: the game is designed for wvwvw….Did you buy a Hoover vacuum cleaner expecting to turn it into a Peterbuilt, just by sheer strength of will and your idea that ‘it should be’ just by complaining enough?
As they say in sales, “There’s a sucker born every minute”
Riondron.1069… I guess you missed my post earlier today. Can you please post the statistics to back up your previous claim that most GvG-ers wait for camps, don’t know how to place siege, PvD without clearing siege, only know how to attack out in the open, don’t treb, and don’t upgrade? I would really love to see them. Pretty please with sugar on top? XoXo <3
My statistics? Sure why not. Here they are…..
My “statistics” are based on observations directly made by myself across several servers.
AND observations by many of my friends (RL and in game) who are spread about many different servers.
AND reading the same things that I have stated in these forums.
AND simply just paying attention to the examples of such acts observed by other players in game, on the map chat.
AND trying to command on a map during and after such gvg meeting, and all gold that I and others have spent upgrading and dropping siege.
So there are my statistics. Now let’s see yours. I am really intrigued over the possibility of how you can prove that the items I previously pointed out in multiple threads DOESNT happen. I am excitedly awaiting your response
I see this thread allowed people with a sub par IQ to partake in discussion and express themselves. Really should have had a no “anet fanboy” or “no blind sheep” need post here.
As much as I loved GW1 and love the combat mechanics for GW2, again I say this ANET don’t realise what a great team based combat system they have and would rather people not fight and sit on siege for hours. Your a bunch of developers and nerds rather than PvP gamers. Get some real testers in, or atleast listen to your community in relation to WvW rather than make it so dull and boring and siege fest.
For the anti gvg crowd, why the hate? You jelly? I think your jelly. Every guild worth its name takes on enemies 2x 3x 4x its size and wins more often than not. It can get boring, enemies double, triple your size stop fighting and run at the sight of your tags.
These guilds look to up their game, seek higher challenges than just farming thousands of kills a night. They seek to fight each other, even numbers as fair as possible. To (shock Feggin horror) test themselves.
This “contribution” argument is SOOOOOOO FLAWED in a game its unreal, its not a F’in JOB, I do NOT have to meet targets or get fired. You PPT addicts, and yes you are addicts, you’ve bought into their lies and bullkitten. Hell the stories of people losing jobs, getting divorced, should be sending off alarm bells to you PPT idioots.
Who gives a flying kitten at the end of a week whose 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Play when you play, have fun. Kill the enemy or die trying.
Wtf is wrong with 2 groups getting together to battle?? EXPLAIN that one.
For your information, we “PPT idiots” are the ones that care about “winning” a game mode that by definition (and correct me if I’m wrong – you will anyway) is designed to have a ‘winner’ and basically 2 “losers” at the end of the week. Please forgive us “PPT addicts” for purchasing the game and playing it as it was DESIGNED for. Yes we care about ‘winning a game’, just like any professional sports team or Olympic athlete does. Ever heard of a team not caring about winning the Superbowl? And what is wrong with 2 groups getting together to battle? Absolutely nothing…except…there is also that ‘third’ group out there that takes advantage of the ‘missing’ players to start capping upgraded keeps like crazy. That third group is the smart one here, as they troll the forums to see when the matches are taking place, use it to their advantage, and make the gvg’ers look like fools to everyone else. And you still wonder why wvw’ers gripe at gvg’ers? If you really must gvg, then go play Battlefield 3 on a rented server…those types of games are designed for gvg or team vs team, and everyone will be happy Gw2 is designed for wvw, or server vs server vs server. Period.
So wait, you GvG lamers locked down a whole zone with queue times from people that actually wanted to use it for its intended purpose and its ANets fault for pointing out that you doing so?
I have a few ideas of what ANET can do with your GvG bs.
There are no queues in WvW save for T1 and maybe T2 servers. There were no queues in this case.
LMAO WHAT??? No queues in wvw except for T1 & T2? I have never played on or against kitten, and I have been in several queue’s ranging from 5 seconds up to an hour. That is one of the most blatantly false statements that I have ever heard!
When was the last time you had a queue on ET?
When was the first time that I said it was on ET? Better look at my sig a little better. ET just may not have been the only server that I have played on….. and just for the record, I moved to ET last week.
So wait, you GvG lamers locked down a whole zone with queue times from people that actually wanted to use it for its intended purpose and its ANets fault for pointing out that you doing so?
I have a few ideas of what ANET can do with your GvG bs.
There are no queues in WvW save for T1 and maybe T2 servers. There were no queues in this case.
LMAO WHAT??? No queues in wvw except for T1 & T2? I have never played on or against T1 & T2, and I have been in several queue’s ranging from 5 seconds up to an hour. That is one of the most blatantly false statements that I have ever heard!
As a friendly side note to all of this: Has anyone even considered that the dev’s initial comment about “ruining my game” was merely a failed attempt at sarcasm intended to be just a joke about the whole gvg vs wvw argument, and it escalated out of control due to the “offending” guild’s callous replies? Or could it be that this guild has been confronted about gvg before and were already on the verge of exploding over it? Just some food for thought
And yes, they may run a karma farm train and rack up some wxp and PPT, but after an hour or 2 of doing that, they simply vanish with nothing sieged up or upgraded, and the enemy just waits for them to leave, then they swoop in and clear the map that has only 5-6 defenders on it with a 40 man bulldozer. Later on, you will find that gvg blob all farming champs, temple, or dungeons so that they can get all the ascended gear and frilly laced exotic armor that makes them feel like they have superb skills and bragging rights over all the pugs in wvw that don’t have them, while those of us wvw’ers who spend 8-20 hours a day fighting for the benefit of everyone on our server are getting stomped by superior numbers the other 22 hours that they are not there to help
On my server, it’s usually the ones putting in 8-20 hours that are that karma train, or at least the ones leading it. Taking enemy BLs when the opportunity is there, and moving back to defend our own when it’s threatened by an enemy zerg. It tends to attract more from pve, but our frequent wvw’ers are usually in the mix, with some doing turns staying behind to guard.
It does revert to a no-holding karma train when the our force is much smaller than the enemy presence (which is somewhat common for us). There isn’t much else you can do when your ‘train’ is only 20 people, and you’re up against 75 from another server.
My personal preference is to hold everything we can, and take any targets of opportunity. The former situation goes rather well with that, and the training is a nice boost to the rewards and a draw for more players.
I completely agree with everything you said. This is another fine example of how different the dedicated wvw’ers play the game on each server, and it makes for some very fun matchups. and I also agree that keeping all the real estate is priority #1, especially in the bl’s. And some days there is nothing better than camping on a well-placed superior ac with traits and spanking a 30 man guild zerg by yourself. It is quite satisfying And the loot from a good defense equals out to be better than running in a blob any day of the week, and makes wvw profitable (gotta drop 5g night on upgrades, after all). A good, well trained, small group of players -10 or under- who know how to carry supps at all times, know how to place superior siege in the right places and are traited for that siege, can completely wreck and embarrass a 75 man zerg. I’ve seen it happen, and I have been part of it also. So I just cannot express enough how wvw trained players (properly) can trump gvg open field battle skills. WvW is not about open field battles, it is wholly about attacking, defending, supplying, upgrading, and having enough patience to sit on an ac for hours or execute a properly planned ‘tactical’ assault of a tower, and not about generic-happening-ever-so-often battles on a grassy plain. That stuff happens only in the movies.
Dude…next time post a picture that provides evidence of what you say occurred. I see no dead body, and it appears as though the player in question is landing from jumping down from above.
And seriously, in a matchup like this, you are running on uplevels??…..then you deserve to get rolled. Last time I checked the score, HoD was winning. Maby you should worry more about them, and less about server class. Just sayin’Everything about this post is hilarious. If you WvW you would know where this is, and this guy would have to be jumping from heaven. No dead body? LOL! (seriously, look at the picture). And at this point, why not run uplevels and experiment? It’s not getting rolled, we don’t care about dying on an uplevel with 4 v 1 odds. And your comment about class, look at this thread and see who brings up class…Oh wait, that would be you.
Fine then. I posted a picture about 2 ppl griefing a dead body. You posted a picture about 2 ppl griefing a dead body; I’ll take you word for it. This type of childish behavior happens on every server. My experience on ET has so far has been that this a community that doesn’t try to propagate that kind of behavior, and anyone caught doing it is called out quite publicly.
But again, based on my observation from being on other servers is that this behavior “seems” to less prevalent on ET…I never said that it doesn’t happen.
Moving a large force to a new map, only to have 30 of them locked out
LOL you’re right, your karma train is a way more valid form of pvp
Are you actually going argue the validity of a group of people actually doing something wvw-related and helpful to the server, compared to a group of 15-25 doing absolutely nothing of use to anyone? Sure, a wxp train might have other motivation, but it’s a certainly a lot more valid to wvw than anything happening behind the windmill. Staging a gvg inside wvw is about as “invalid” as you can possibly be. And that is my point.
What does something being a “valid form of pvp” have to do with this? What is a “valid” form? 30-50 players going out of their way to avoid the gametype they are in, just so they can pointlessly kill each other for an hour is more “valid” somehow?
If you want “valid” pvp, go do spvp. WvW consists of a lot more than killing other players. And open field doesn’t exactly count as “valid” in wvw when it’s a planned mock fight between 2 groups that aren’t even attempting to do anything relevant to wvw.
GvG is for newbies and beginners that found out game mechanisms and coordination what they suppose that they are the only to achieve this knowledge and game play but they are just wrong and still believe being the only skilled players : that s just so funny and sad at the same time…
And yes, they may run a karma farm train and rack up some wxp and PPT, but after an hour or 2 of doing that, they simply vanish with nothing sieged up or upgraded, and the enemy just waits for them to leave, then they swoop in and clear the map that has only 5-6 defenders on it with a 40 man bulldozer. Later on, you will find that gvg blob all farming champs, temple, or dungeons so that they can get all the ascended gear and frilly laced exotic armor that makes them feel like they have superb skills and bragging rights over all the pugs in wvw that don’t have them, while those of us wvw’ers who spend 8-20 hours a day fighting for the benefit of everyone on our server are getting stomped by superior numbers the other 22 hours that they are not there to help…..and they wonder why we complain….(facepalm)
And if Anet really wanted gvg in this game, not only would they have advertised it as such instead of pushing WvWvW ‘server’ battles in their advertising, but they would ALSO have made a separate gvg arena. Go figure….
An insult? I have belonged to many organized guilds, and even owned one, and we have NEVER dueled or gvg’d. Ever. And we are the ones that are saving towers, wiping zergs, capturing etc… So how do you explain that? And the best part? We do it while the gvg groups are paying pretend behind the windmill. does gvg teach siege placement? does gvg teach attacking or defending a tower? does gvg teach ppl how to properly port a golem train? does it teach them how to stay in a group and not wander off of chase down a group higher numbered ppl? so please tell me again just how much gvg teaches any of these things, and I’ll give you my ocean-front beach house in Arizona, all taxes and transfer fees paid.
You missed out the part where enemy guilds ambush you in towers/keeps/smc by hiding behind the wall and beating your bigger zerg down with skill. This happens all the time. Why do you think RG’s sacrx scored first for 250000 player kills?
And you missed the part were I left that out because Everyone has been in that situation, both the ambusher and the ambush victim. I have been that commander that hides to make an ambush of larger numbers – and done it with pugs- because there is no place for them to retreat to, up against a wall as they are. I have done with a group of pugs many times the same things that gvg’ers do, because I communicate my intentions in map chat Before moving out, and I never run them into a headlong battle: I flank their sides, come at them from behind, flash build bali’s and ac’s….
These things are called Tactics, something of which I have seen little of from the gvg guilds as they seem to favor an open field battle because of the challenge and ego-trip they are on. And they rarely know how to counter my tactics because I don’t do what everyone else generally does, so they are caught clueless by it, and they just can’t seem to run away fast enough, and I do it with PUGS. Imagine that! So if I can destroy those gvg guild blobs like I do, then it is truly the defining reason above all else, why I have little to no respect for the so-called ‘gvg skills’
….and who the kitten is sacrx, and why should anyone care? I could care less that someone has put in probably 3000 hours into racking up that many kills…good for him! CONGRATUALTIONS! ALL HAIL SACRX! WE ARE NOT WORTHY OF HIS EXCELLENCE IN BATTE!
pfft…it may be that he is a very good player and tactician, and I do have respect for such people. But again….why should I care? exactly?
And are you completely blind to the fact that the reason why us wvw’ers are complain about gvg’ers is because those silly matches happen just about every day of the week?
And I suppose that you are also blind to the fact that a 20man gvg match taking place while 5 ppl are trying to defend their bl against a 15-20 man zerg and loose the entire bl just doesn’t happen? And I can’t tell you how many times on my previous server that we were ‘blown out’ by Monday, and still managed to place first for match by reset. Give me a break!Well, since those people apparently never do any WvW at all besides GvG, if there’s no queue stopping other people from getting in, you might as well go yell at PvE players to help defend bay, right? I mean, since those people don’t ever contribute anything anyways…
lol…so u argue that gvg players contribute to wvw, and you suggest pve players to contribute to wvw? so let me get this straight (from several posts in this thread)……wvw players who don’t gvg are not organized and have no skill….gvg players contribute to ppt by not playing wvw, but only gvg….wvw players can ONLY get ‘organized’ and ‘skilled’ by playing gvg…..gvg players get better wvw skills by gvg’ing, so that they can contribute to wvw… and pve players can be recruited to contribute – wait…what? Pve players do not enter wvw for numerous reasons, so how much impact do they really have either way? they may as well be playing a different game entirely, for all that they contribute or not contribute to wvw OR gvg, so why even bring them into the argument?!
Most but not all of the gvg guild generally fall under one of these:
*they could care less about ppt, or having a winning server: they are just looking for ‘good fights’
*they stand around a camp waiting for the 4min RI to end
*they really have no clue how to place siege to attack or defend
*they pvd a gate w/o clearing the siege on top
*they wipe on said gate because they mostly only know how to attack out in the open
*would rather drop flame rams and catas out in the unprotected open, when the easier, safer, less manpower consuming option would be to use a superior treb from a protected/hidden spot to crack the tower open, while they take/defend something else in the meantime
*and they never, ever drop gold to upgrade a tower when re-taken, and they could care less about it because they just don’t give a kitten about wvw server ranking or winning
These things are the heart of the issue that we wvw’ers have against gvg’ers. And if you gvg’ers STILL can’t see that fact, then you are truly blind to what a wvwvw server war is all about. You can have all the individual skill and gear there is to be had, and still get your kittens kicked by the players who know how to play against 2 servers at once, instead of 1 single guild in a pre-planned, safe and easy, sterile atmosphere.
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