~ Rizzae – Asura Guardian ~
Tarnished Coast Server
Please Please PLEASE for the love of the six gods and all things Holy..
Please put a small copper value on Dragonite Ore, Bloodstone Dust, and Empyreal fragments!!
These things drop at such an insane rate, that, even after crafting 140 Bloodstone Bricks, 90 Dragonite Ingots, and 40 Empyreal stars, I have 1,000 of each material in my Collection tabs.. I am SURE that I am not the only person who wishes that I could at LEAST vendor these mats to a Merchant.. Even if it was ONLY for like 7 copper per item..
7 Copper.. is not that much, its only 17s50c per STACK!
Suggestion 1: Please add an NPC to the game that will give/sell players the starter town clothes if they delete them..
Knowing that if you delete the starter town clothes you can’t get them back has caused me to hoard like 3 set of town clothes in my bank, I don’t want to delete them because what if I decide i want to move my town clothes from one toon to anohter? They wont have any town clothes at all?!
If you add an NPC that sells those clothes, then I could delete the ones I am not useing right now, and then buy new ones later if I want them back.
Suggestion #2: Make town clothes Account bound, so that I only need to keep one set aside, and I can just create and delete a new character if I need to get a new set of town clothes for some reason.
Crab Meat + Seaweed + Rice Ball + Avocado = Karka roll
Double-click to consume.
Nourishment (30m):
+50% chance to resist Knockdown
+70 toughness
+10 Experience from kills.
Yea? Just need to turn the Crab meat trash drop into an actual food item, and your good to go…
Silver Moon is a guild that has been around since basically day one, we are fully upgraded, and have 365 members with an average of 30-40 members online at any given time.
We are looking for more PvE oriented players to fill out our bi-weekly guild missions as well as dungeon runs. We have an Enjin Hosted guild site, and access to a server wide mumble. A few members also like to Dj using our Plug.DJ channel.
We have a policy that “There is no such thing as a Stupid Question!” and as such many of our members are very helpful and willing to answer all kinds of game related Questions. Also.. when it comes to be new to something.. as Apocolyte has said before" Just bring your brain and be willing to listen and learn."
Some things to know about us.
If your interested in joining MOON, or are the leader of a Role-play guild, please feel free to contact
*Antiquus Veritas.5941
(edited by Rizalee.4593)
Or, just add a number rating to each of the sliders used in character creation, so you can just wright numbers down and then recreate the character that way..
I agree, I often offer ports to the Sharkmaw jumping Puzzle, and I get Suppressed after just two or three messages in map chat that I am offering a port. Its even worse when I craft and send my SO armor and weapons when he gets a new level, I often need to send him 15+ items and get suppressed after only sending two mail.
Still looking for Peoples
Hi Anet!
This is a request from a Role-player… and I think its a really simple one…. Please allow us to have un-instanced access to the Home areas in the major cities!!
I don’t think it would take too much effort. All that would be required (For some areas) is to Just remove the Doors blocking the entrance to the area, and let us walk past the “Enter this Instance.” This would allow us to stay in the open world, and have access to some areas that are really great for Role-playing.
For example, the Hospital in Salma District, the Farhar in Hero’s Canton, or the lab equipment in Applied Development Lab…
Please, this would make RPing in the cities so much better, open and inclusive if we didn’t have to go into instances just to visit these areas. It would also have ZERO negative effect on anyone in the game.
I’m not sure if this has been said or suggested before, but would you lovely Devs please consider making all the PvE Guild Boosts have the same time duration (perhaps 3 days for each one) like all the WvW guild Boosts have the same duration?
As a guild leader its very troublesome to to manage guild buffs when they have different durations. For example, my guild would love to be able to, on Friday morning, activate all the guild’s buffs for the weekend, and not have to worry about them for the weekend.. as it is.. to get our guild buffed up for the weekend, we would need to build Two Gathering boosters, one magic find booster, 3 kill xp booster, 3 karma boosters, and 3 gold boosters.
So my question is this.. Can we make managing a guilds boosts and upgrades just a little bit easier? Make them all last the same amount of time… So guild leaders can focus less on what booster needs to be built next, and more on playing?
Is it “working as intended” for servers to be able to work together to tag team one server in their match up??
If it is not.. Why not just make it so that you can not tell what server the other side is from? Instead of using “Blackgate Invader” make it just “Mist Invader” would that not help to prevent some level of “working together” when they are supposed to be at war?
Tiers matter a lot less in cooking that the other crafting professions. A weaponsmith is never going to need copper ore when crafting lv400 weapons but a chef can and does need materials from other tiers even if they are making lv400 items.
This is true.. I hadn’t thought about it that way..
Serenity and Scars is a really good group of people, I joined them a few months back, and haven’t regretted it for a moment!
I think that kurtosis.9526 is making a totally reasonable Request..
I had just ended the 2nd fractal in a 4 fractal set. Somehow this Maintenance ended up distorting my groups ability to BE in a group, half of us were being told we were NOT in the group, the others were still in group, and saw us in group. We were able to get into the 3rd Fractal, got all the way to the last boss where I was finally DC’d …
In short, giving us some REAL notice would be helpful..
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Rizalee.4593
Yea.. The lighthouse.. I Really hope that father “bear” turns up alive.
I think the Best/Worst part of this Update is the missing NPCs… The ones you remember hearing for the longest time, and now they are gone, and you don’t know if they will be back.. and even if they are.. they won’t say the same things anymore, and you won’t even know if it is them or not because they were just nameless people…
Like the Salad joke Asura, the Skritt who was late meeting his girlfriend because he was being De-flead.. or the Charr who quit the Asuran guild because they were tougher than on her than an Iron Legionnaire..
We are still looking for people to join our ranks
While I am at work I read the forums and look at reddit to find out Precursors are being handed out like candy. I am thinking, “Wait, many people can’t attend the event. Yet they are going to reward people who don’t have a job or live in the sweet spot time zones? What the hell?” Thus people walked off with a ton of gold. I get home and think “Finally I can do the event if I join an overflow!” I got in one, did the event up until the last part. 2 hours of hard work and damaged armor. Then boom. Pull the plug. You know. I realize through each of these events that ArenaNet apparently doesn’t get it. Doesn’t understand their players.
It is probably too late to work this into this update.. but perhaps the next one…
If you guys ever do another Living story that has a location locked till an event is completed.. Please make participating in that event part of getting into the zone each time.. I was waiting in Gendarran Fields for the zone to open up again, and I see about a dozen people Auto-running into the gate.. As the event started this didn’t stop. People were fighting and dieing to get the event completed. Once it was completed tho, people who had worked to get the event done got stuck in overflows because of all the people who were auto running into the gate.
Can you fix that? Perhaps have the gate when its inactive port people a short distance away from the gate, or when the event ends have the gate create a Blast field a short distance infront of it that stuns players for about 15 seconds.. that way people working to complete the event have a shot at getting into the event on their home servers??
What should I add to this?
Oh yes.. we Love Social people.. Talkers (In text chat, or Voice Chat).. If you are the kind of person who would log into the game and be like “Hello guild! What kind of trouble are you getting into and can I join you?!”
We would love to have you
Still broken…
Please allow us to “Join in” on any list we have like Friends lists, and Guild rosters. This would help greatly with the issues of Megaservers and being split up into different overflows..
You already allow us to join friends in PvP.. so why not in PvE?
Simple soloution is to group up.. it pools the groups damage in order to meet the thresh hold..
I have had it happen where when in a full group, I only need to hit the enemy once (For ~200pts) to get credit for the kill.. while solo I have to hit it at least 3 or 4 times (and hope for crits) to get credit.
I was trying to think of a way to “Fix” the “Zerge issue” that many people are claiming is causing the Meta events to fail*
1. Instead of having champs drop the normal “Deluxe Gear Boxes”, Make them drop “Locked Deluxe Gear Boxes.” At the end of each group event award 1-3 “Gear box Keys” and at the end of the Meta event, award players with 5-8 “Gear box Keys”
This would give players who are farming the incentive to also work to complete the event instead of just farming the Champs.
Some other things that might also help are…
1. Remove Molten and Aetherblade group events once their meta event has finished
2. De-spawn ALL Npcs from a event when it ends
Another option would be to give each group event a set number of waves (For example 3 waves) but only allow one Champion to spawn during the 2nd and 3rd wave (If there are enough people)…
Just add “Join in” to Friends lists, and Guild Roster to make it a little easier to meet up with guild members and friends just in case you get split up.
This game desperately needs a real villain with a real threat. Enough with the childish garbage.
Yea.. Like maybe another dragon to fight..
Also.. Signed.. I hate scarlet as well..
Sorry Anet, but if this goes live like this, I am going to demand a gem refund on EVERY Style item I have purchased. My Pirate Outfit, my Witch outfit, and the Khaki pants and Cherry Blossom Shirt, Sunglasses as well.
I purchased these items to be town clothes, not armor skins.. if that is the case, I want my Gems back, because I will not use them as armor skins
I have all the available pets in the game, but I have a hard time figuring out what ones to use.. So I thought I would post here for Input from other rangers…
I think the only thing I have figured out is that I don’t like Devourers because of their habit of randomly retreating..
Currently I use a Black Bear and Wolf and a Shark and Armored Fish..
Any other input would be appreciated.
We are still actively looking for more PvX oriented members, However, I feel we must add this bit of information
Being able to have all members on Voice Chat while attempting to complete Guild Missions is soooo sooooo helpful..
3) Skritt – Always works in teams of 3 (when you make 1 character, you get 3!). Strength and intelligent in numbers!
Oh wow yes, I never thought about that, but it would be kinda cool!!
1. Tengu
2. Quaggan
3. Skritt
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