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Stronghold Supply Drop Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rob.1039


Happened to me today, unfortunately it was used against us, so we lost to endless wave of doorbreakers and archers. When I pointed it out on map chat I was basically told to get lost (of course those weren’t exact words^^). Sad people..

Stronghold: found a gamebreaking Bug.

in PvP

Posted by: Rob.1039


Not fixed as of 11 July 2015, plz have a look into this. I had to resign from taking part in pvp beta weekend, it’s just pointless – no matter what we do, we get overwhelmed by endless wave of enemy npcs. Worst thing however is exploiters attitude – they do it and tell you to shut the kitten up and leave if you don’t like it. Would report, but I dunno if it matters it’s beta after all.

Is Warrior hard to play?

in PvP

Posted by: Rob.1039


Typical pvp fight: me – uberskilled commando dragon punch thief vs that low rank noob war:
See him, haha he’s going down poor soul, jump in shadow shot, double – wild – lotus strike, he seems suprised, another shadow shot haha you’re dead meat, double – wild – .. he turns arund, jump out, swap to sb, choking gas, trick shot, trick shot, cluster, he swings his greatsword, haha noob, ugh berseker stance? ok easy, just run around, don’t get hit, it’s off haha, swap, shadow shot, double – wild -.. shield block? ok, just run around, jump in, double – wild -.. defy pain? oh come on dude, ain’t got time for this kitten, ok it’s off, haha jump in, double -.. ouch 2-3k axe autos?! black powder, BLACK POWDER! HEAL! phew, shadow refuge, easy tiger.. k, steal – backstab, double – wild, heartseeker, hartseeker, hart…. 12k EVISCERATE!!! what the kitten!!! how.. but.. how.. great, he’s laughing now^^

Lol uberskilled thief failing to dodge and eviscerate…
If you were as skilled as you said you’d know that f1 5 f1 5 1111 5 1112 f1 5 f1 kills a warrior without them ever touching you. Berserker stance? Use your dodge rolls til it’s gone.

You took it all very seriously, it was a joke, just to show how much effort some classes have to make to kill other. Also just fyi I play warrior as often as thief and your tactic, ehm.. Black Powder? Any half decent warrior knows how to avoid it. Stolen axes? CC thief straight away. You’re going to dodge? Good, you ain’t doing any damage while dodging, btw my healing signet still ticks^^ Now, I’m not saying warriors can’t be beaten by thieves, I’m just indicating that rolling warrior is way much easier and much more forgiving than for example thief. Good day sir^^

(edited by Rob.1039)

Is Warrior hard to play?

in PvP

Posted by: Rob.1039


Typical pvp fight: me – uberskilled commando dragon punch thief vs that low rank noob war:
See him, haha he’s going down poor soul, jump in shadow shot, double – wild – lotus strike, he seems surprised, another shadow shot haha you’re dead meat, double – wild – .. he turns around, jump out, swap to sb, choking gas, trick shot, trick shot, cluster, he swings his greatsword, haha noob, ugh berseker stance? ok easy, just run around, don’t get hit, it’s off haha, swap, shadow shot, double – wild -.. shield block? ok, just run around, jump in, double – wild -.. defy pain? oh come on dude, ain’t got time for this kitten, ok it’s off, haha jump in, double -.. ouch 2-3k axe autos?! black powder, BLACK POWDER! HEAL! phew, shadow refuge, easy tiger.. k, steal – backstab, double – wild, heartseeker, hartseeker, hart…. 12k EVISCERATE!!! what the kitten!!! how.. but.. how.. great, he’s laughing now^^

(edited by Rob.1039)

The Joke is on Us: PvP Queuing

in PvP

Posted by: Rob.1039


At least they were getting a lot of kills.. I can’t take tPvP seriously anymore anyways. If the match is decided, which it usually is in the first 3 minutes I say eff the points and just try to kill people or escape.

I’d even say that some games are decided before they start. Long story short, I had team of guard, war, necro and two thieves (one being myself) yesterday, with other team having two guards, war, ranger and necro. Straight away our necro started complaining about thieves and refused to play before countdown timer even hit 00:00. So, playing 4 versus 5 we obviously couldn’t win and lost that game by… by 30 pts! (501 :471). If only our afk-er moved his kitten to close point and just auto attack we’d have most likely won, but I guess his scrub mentality took over. Oh well..
To op, I feel your pain man, but still I think you guys have done good, considering your team comp^^

(edited by Rob.1039)

mesmers spamming invis?

in PvP

Posted by: Rob.1039


Imo PU mesmers are rather WvW specs, where equiped with perplexity runes can wear down any other class in 1v1. In tpvp they aren’t a big threat, cause they can’t conquest points in stealth. However they usually wreak havock in hot-join, where hardly anyone cares about capping nodes. Always funny to confuse the kitten out of hambow war, make him cry or rage quit^^

Bunkers, Bunkers everywhere

in PvP

Posted by: Rob.1039


Fact is that condition cheese specs shouldn’t be so effective as they are atm…playing cond bunkers because you’re bad should lead to you being less effective than someone playing let’s say an high risk/reward d/p thief…but in this meta we’re nowere near to this, most easy to play specs are also the most effective ones giving bads the chance to play at the same level of someone with way more skills but without a fotm spec..this casual friendly mentality is leading pvp to doom more at every patch coming out…pvp must reward skills not specs..skilless builds must sit in the up tier otherwise bads will still match up vs good players and “good” players (Well those high ranks who just ride fotm can’t be called good after all) running braindead builds will be almost immortal vs other specs

I have to disagree with you strongly on what you think bad/good player is made of. You see, you can’t assume that someone is bad player, just because he runs over-the-top spec. You know what is the difference between good and great player? Imo good player will try not to play fotm builds, will try to find one on his own, one that suits his playstyle, one that is a challenge to play. Good player will try to be innovative and fresh, will steer away from cheesy and cheap builds – I think some ppl even think of them as not honourable. It’s ok, nothing wrong with that. Now the great player, do you know what he thinks about what I just wrote above? Trust me, it’s something like “haha, kitten you, scrub!”, then he finds most op, cheap, cheesy build out there and abuse it mercilessly, cause he plays to win. You see, this game DOES NOT reward players for playing uber-complicated, innovative builds. It DOES NOT reward honourable and friendly playstyle. What it DOES reward is, killing other players (5 pts) the quicker the better, de/capping points (10 pts), holding points (1-3 pts/2 sec). That’s all. So you can’t call ppl bad players, just because they do whatever they can to win, it’s a main goal of this game to WIN. No reward for losers (except for trick and treat bags^^).
If you don’t play highest possible spec or most op build available, you’re doing it wrong. This is however only my opinion, I respect you and didn’t mean any offense. Have a good day!

(edited by Rob.1039)

Let's get it together

in Warrior

Posted by: Rob.1039


Yesterday had a pleasure to play with guy running good old 100 blades + axe/shield zerker build. Guy admitted it takes bit more time to get ppl down, but in general he didn’t seem to get affected at all, dropping other players in few shots as usual (including my sorry kitten).

Do you have any physical disabilities? Or were you playing a warrior as well?

If it’s sarcasm, it’s not needed. My post was just to show that warriors are not done and dusted yet. If not, the answer to your question is no, I don’t have any physical disabilities and at the time I was playing thief and soon after switched to mesmer. Question is what kind of player are you? Do you consider yourself newb, casual or hardcore maybe? Now, I don’t need to know an answer. It’s for you, keep it in mind before you ask any more questions or make any assumptions.

(edited by Rob.1039)

4s Revealed- I used dodge, kitten not given.

in Thief

Posted by: Rob.1039


It didn’t change much for me. On my P/D cond dmg build can feel the difference, but I switch to D/D often, so it’s ok (caltrops nerf hurts more). On my power/crit build almost no change at all, ppl dropping down as quick as they did before.

Let's get it together

in Warrior

Posted by: Rob.1039


Totaly agree with OP. Warriors have to adapt to new situation, try new builds maybe and for the love of god stop moaning on these forums. I’ve been playing some pvp since the path and can honestly say warriors are still ok. It just now easier to tell who’s casual and who already spent some quality time with his warrior toon. Yesterday had a pleasure to play with guy running good old 100 blades + axe/shield zerker build. Guy admitted it takes bit more time to get ppl down, but in general he didn’t seem to get affected at all, dropping other players in few shots as usual (including my sorry kitten). Conclusion: good players will get along and keep up doing what they do best, casual/bad players will keep coming back here.

(edited by Rob.1039)

Thief Attacking while stealthed?

in Thief

Posted by: Rob.1039


Any chances this could be extreme culling issue? I wouldn’t believe in such situation, but for few days now I’m unable to see commander leading our zerg, if he’s further than 600 range away from me. He just disappears from my screen and only indicator that he’s still there, is his blue icon on the map. It’s not only commander, but people running close to him as well. This even happens when there are just few of us around (I’m not talking about huge 30+ zergs).

Broken Stealth. Common issue.

in Thief

Posted by: Rob.1039


Yes. An AoE skill doesn’t even need a target to do its thing (there may be exceptions, of course). Stealth just makes you invisible; you don’t cease to be there.

The OP appears to be describing a cycled or channeled spell effect that will continue to cycle through its routine whether the target remains visible or not.

On the face of it, IMO, stealth should break targeting, and any effect that would logically need an active target to continue its effect. Then again, I haven’t plotted out how overpowered that might be—and it very well might be.

Neither do single target abilities….. just spamming your #1 attack while constanly turning facing will often either kill or force a stealthed thief to bail.

And shadow refuge is like a huge beacon for “ATTACK HERE”. At least 3 out of every 4 thieves I kill I do it while they are in shadow refuge as they are forced to stay in it for full duration and take your punishment, or they will have to suffer the revealed debuff.

^This is why I keep saying to my guildmates that SF is most of the time useless in pvp environment. However sometimes I use that huge bacon “ATTACK HERE” to my advantage, for example if I’m being chased by enemy zerg in WvW, I usually pop Shadow Refuge and run in the opposite direction. Can’t even count how many times that saved my kitten, as lot of players on first sight of SF starts aoe’ing and swinging their weapons through it, while I’m running away:P

Largest Ranking Jump?

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.1039


Well, if you look at it and see them moving up 7 spots – “yeah that’s impressive”. However if you consider, that few hardcore WvW guilds joined that server week ago and they had really no competition in that tier you’d probably just say “yeah, they did fine”. Basically they gained an awful amount of points at expense of two much weaker servers, thus they went up a lot, but that doesn’t mean they’re better than other servers they passed.

(edited by Rob.1039)

Signet of Shadows

in Thief

Posted by: Rob.1039


Since SoS is insta cast I usually use it half way through stomp. Works great on those annoying guardians and their buble (they can’t push your character while blinded). Same goes for finishing warriors, engies and necros, basically anything that uses cc in downed state.

Cool story

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.1039


You don’t get it, you don’t have to every 4 secs. You spam it and stack 12 secs of stealth. Then repeat once it’s about to drop. Since revealed isn’t applied the only limiting factors to how long you can stack stealth for is initiative and the hard cap on stealth duration.

Do you mind explaining this a little? I mean what do you spam to stack 12 sec of stealth? Cause if it’s C&D and the second hit doesn’t trigger revealed, it’s obviously a bug and in given situation an exploit, however are you 100% sure about that stuff? I’ve been playing thief myself for sometime and I’m just curious how it’s even possible. Do you really hit the wall to achieve stacked invis? In normal circumstances 2nd succesful C&D always gives revealed debuff. Or there is some other way.. I know about HS permastealth, but I don’t think this is a case here.

(edited by Rob.1039)

Literally can't afford to make a mistake.

in Thief

Posted by: Rob.1039


Well, if you don’t want to spend gold on something you may not need, I suggest you go to spvp and try few different builds before you take on WvW. When you find the one that suits you best, you’ll be ready to go. Besides, experience gained in spvp is priceless, as usually pvp players >>>>wvw players.

Switch badges from JP to structural upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.1039


I really can’t understand why people get angry at other players doing JP. I personally don’t like mindless zerging and nose-hitting the walls, but enjoy those little skirmishes that pop out every now and then, and in JPs you can get plenty of them. And while I try to get as much fun as I can, just by playing game the way I like to, I constantly get flamed on map chat for doing so. What’s wrong with you people? I don’t care if my server is winning or not, I paid for that game, I’m entitled to use it the way it was designed and it’s not my fault that JPs are part of WvW. I’d really go to spvp and leave you guys alone, if only spvp had bit more to offer, beside zergfest in hotjoin and bunker-roamer squads in tpvp. I even try sometimes to chose empty server in hotjoin and duel my guildmates, but it doesn’t take long before map gets filled with randoms and fun is over. Maybe they could try to separate JPs from WvW or if not, maybe separate queue could be some kind of solution.

How are Caltrops not broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Rob.1039


You are wrong… utility caltrops stacks alone 10+bleed +dodge caltrops

Go into mists, drop caltrops under a golem and watch, it was so hard thing to test amirite?…with 3×3x affliction/krait 15%15% bleed duration runes, I get to 8 active stacks max.

Did you try 2 afflicted/2 krait/2 centaur runes? You should be able to get around 10 stacks with this set up.

(edited by Rob.1039)

How are Caltrops not broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Rob.1039


You are wrong… utility caltrops stacks alone 10+bleed +dodge caltrops and the kitten thief not even touched his weapon skills and now tell this is fine when that stupid class can force out anyone from the point while evading all attacks and stacking insane amount of bleed. In the beta i could do the same with ranger but only on single target and they nerfd them to the ground(or below) now time to do the same with the thief

Seriously, you should get your facts right before posting something – pure caltrops (utility skill) doesn’t stack more than 6-8 bleed. Make yourself a Thief go to HotM, equip caltrops and check it. If you use sigils and runes with + bleed duration later on, you’ll be able to stack 10 bleed (at least I never exceeded 10). Also there is no such thing like a stupid class, just not very bright people that should learn how to play instead of crying on forums.

(edited by Rob.1039)

Double Gun THF

in Thief

Posted by: Rob.1039


I used to run the same setup for some time in dungeons and you’ve got nothing to worry about. You’ll be main damage dealer, don’t bother with conditions – with this glasscannon setup they do very little dmg. Just spam Unload, forget about Body Shot and Headshot, assist your team with Black Powder, dodge a lot. For utilities I usually chose Signet of Agility /more dodge/, Blinding Powder and of course Shadow Refuge. If you prefer you can swap Blinding Powder for something else, I personally like Smoke Screen.

The problem with this in dungeons is that you’re bringing less damage than melee setups and pouring all of your initiative into Unload, leaving little for useful utilities like Black Powder or Headshot. It is relatively safe and easy, but you’re not really bringing much to your group. Furthermore, in any situation where there are multiple targets to hit, you’d be better off using a shortbow for ranged (“safe”) damage. This pretty much restricts you to “We’re fighting one enemy and I’m really bad at dodging” situations.

I wouldn’t say you bring less damage than melee setups. You can spam Unload up to 4 times before you run out of ini (with 15 points in Trickery) and with each one hitting for about 5-6k (could be more, I didn’t go full glass cannon) on non-champ dungeon mobs I say it’s not bad dmg. Than it takes around 15sec to fully restore ini and you can spam again. I don’t have much experience with back-stab build, but I don’t think you’ll be able to pull much better dps. S/D and P/D setups are imo weaker compare to P/P damage-wise (in dungeon with 25/30/0/0/15 setup). S/P could be on similar level, but require player to get into melee range, which is not advisable for glass-cannon. I think there is not much of usefulness form Headshot and it’s costly. Black Powder is ok and I mentioned that skill in my post. Short bow is ok, I don’t mind having it as my second weapon set, but when party focuses on single target, pistols seem to be better option.

Double Gun THF

in Thief

Posted by: Rob.1039


I used to run the same setup for some time in dungeons and you’ve got nothing to worry about. You’ll be main damage dealer, don’t bother with conditions – with this glasscannon setup they do very little dmg. Just spam Unload, forget about Body Shot and Headshot, assist your team with Black Powder, dodge a lot. For utilities I usually chose Signet of Agility /more dodge/, Blinding Powder and of course Shadow Refuge. If you prefer you can swap Blinding Powder for something else, I personally like Smoke Screen.

(edited by Moderator)

Gem Store purchase error thread [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rob.1039


Same here /UK/, I’m able to get through GW2 screens (quantity, payment method), but then transaction fails to complete on both PayPal and credit card.