Showing Highly Rated Posts By Robert Andrews.7168:
It’s not the size of the gun that matters, only the size of the crater it leaves.
You can still be a thief and be ranged in this game, either with a short bow or dual pistols. And if you don’t like ranged combat, a quick switch to double daggers or sword/daggers and you have a very powerful, if fragile, melee character.
We really don’t have much of a “Holy Trinity” here in this game, a character, no matter the profession, and be pretty much built however you want it. Sure it might be a bit of a long stretch for some, but it can be done.
Not just a Dandelion, but a DAHN-delion.
Definitely some good chuckles in this list.
but from the LOOKS of them…. they are just tall humans right…
They have different body shape as well… you can find skinny humans but never a skinny norn
A skinny Norn is like a sober Norn, a crime against nature.
When I’m alone, I enjoy my minions, they provide me some good support by being oh-so-useful meat shields. That’s all I think about them when out-and-about on my own.
When in a group situation, I tend to ignore them. My ability to lay down dots and debuffs far out-weighs anything those walking meat bags can do, and, personally, I enjoy that type of casting style more than just another “pet class.”
And in PvP, I doubt I’d survive long enough to make decent use of those meat bags. So instead, I’d focus on laying down a crap load of conditions. After all, a lil’ revenge from the grave is never a bad thing.
Yes, meat bags is a technical term. Just ask a certain ’droid.
Is it wrong that I'm considering deleting all of my characters
in Asura
Posted by: Robert Andrews.7168
Nothing wrong with it at all.
After all, we will all serve the Asura, in the end.
The imagery in some of these posts… hilarious.
But yeah, Norn have a different sense of honor and glory than most races do. It’s more personal rather than societal. Sweet jelly beans, societal is apparently a word. So a Norn Thief is perfectly acceptable, along as its a glorious occupation.
And yeah, no need to be a sneak thief. Just stab the guy, take the goods off his corpse. It still counts as stealing.