Showing Highly Rated Posts By Robert Hrouda.1327:

Serious Bug in Q. Gauntlet

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

you posted this at 5am, and didn’t get a response for 3 hours, so you bumped your thread. It is now 8:30am… you need to give us some time to get here in the morning, lol.

I’ll alert our QA to this potential, and make sure it gets investigated. Any further information you may have will help.

It’s annoying that Developers don’t respond when players point bugs in this current Living World. For example, I’ve been QQ’ing on GW2 Forums because I can’t use the Tokens in Account Wallet to craft stuff on Mystic Forge.

We don’t reply to every single bug. More often than not we’re made aware of it, and then start doing something about it. This is something we are aware of.

Best part of the update notes...

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

I mean… technically the description was correct about applying confusion…

Missed opportunity

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

I originally had the Mursaat/White Mantle as one of the factions. They’re certainly a stronger pick than something like bandits or pirates, but there’s a lot of factors that go into these sorts of things. Creating a new army never before seen is pretty complex and takes a lot of time and iteration. Not only is there a large design cost for it, but art has to create a brand new environment, new armor, new character models, new weapons, and those are not simple tasks either. I played a ton of GW1, so I know their significance. I also knew how much time I had to do this, what my asset request bank was, and knew that I couldn’t do the Mursaat justice… especially with such a small area.
If I’m gonna do Mursaat and White Mantle, I (as a hardcore GW1 player) would want it to be epic and grand. We haven’t ..forgotten.. about them, I just have higher expectations for them than what I was capable of putting out in this release.

…and yes I’m proud of that reference.

Consortium Whip

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

Hey folks,

Thanks for liking the whip I created (well, as much as a single designer creates anything that is). Currently the whip is not an item players can use. Thieves can steal a tentacle whip off of some creatures, but I don’t think it is something players can use.

I’ll try to keep in mind that there is interest in that weapon, and see if there’s not people I can talk to about adding more permanent solutions.

Crab Toss: Forcing PvP for a reward is wrong IMO! [Merged]

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

We made sure to allow enough achievements so that if folks who didn’t want to do PvP or jump puzzles would still be able to get the full meta achievement completed, and get the backslot items (we did that for the sample collection as well, only requiring 10 of the 11 samples to complete the achievement since one of them is more difficult to get to than others)
Everyone likes different things, so we try to make a little something for everyone. Its okay not to like something, just don’t do it. There’s still plenty of stuff on the island to do, and more to come in the weeks ahead.

(edited by Robert Hrouda.1327)

SOTG for Rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

Remember, those are just things mentioned in SoTG, and don’t reflect all the changes. Focus was paid more to pets/spirits this time around, so hopefully a few of the issues brought up in the old thread we had will be alleviated.

Why wasn't this nerf included in patch notes?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

There’s a couple reasons we tend not to put certain things like exploits into patch notes. I’ll go into them a bit
1. We don’t want to highlight a spot where an exploit existed, since people who would have never found the spot then go and try to find a way around our fix, or can glean something from it that inspires them to try similar things elsewhere.
2. In terms of localization of patch note text into different languages, editing, and writing the patch note up, it costs money and time for multiple people. Dedicating resources to explain we closed a particular exploit just isn’t worth the time/resources for every single one, so we’re okay with cutting it from the notes, especially if we have a lot of patch notes that are much more valuable to disseminate out, like Engineer changes and other such things.

We just decided not to put time and energy into a patch note for this particular exploit. Hope that clears things up a bit.
Personally, I don’t consider closing an exploit a “nerf”. I consider it closing a bug that led to player abuse.

Swamp fractal...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

There are spots where you can jump over the walls. Not sure if it is intended or not, but it’s not always necessary.

ANet has said that these are intentional and clever uses of the terrain by the playerbase.

yeah, it’s fine to jump over stuff. I built the swamp fractal to be a sort of skill test – new people will struggle with it, learn things, get better, and mastery of the fractal becomes a test of knowledge and skill beyond just the combat system. Plus its an opportunity to explore different uses for utilities outside of combat.
I’ve pondered randomizing the locations of the traps, but I think having them placed as they are is more along the lines of my original intent for the fractal.

What exactly is an exploit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

While I understand your meaning, I’d actually be more inclined to do it with a developer for the ensuing comedy. xD

Yeah, and upon retrospect, whenever I throw on my dev tag for a dungeon, people tend to show me exploits and point them out >.<
However I have been thoroughly amused at times. I tend to hide my dev tags when finding a PUG, and then halfway through the dungeon I will tag up, and watch everyone leave the instance within minutes.

Thank you Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

I’m glad we could create a world you could immerse yourself in. I personally used games to escape some rough moments in my childhood, and know that escaping into virtual worlds is a great way to distract the mind during rough moments, and even inspire change.
If I had to pick one reason that I became a game designer, it is for people like you.

Thank you for your service, and I wish you a speedy recovery.

Will the new update stop skipping?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

It’s one of those human things to do something with the path of least resistance and danger, especially when there is a reward at the end. I could make enemies never drop their aggro on players and force them to fight every single mob, but I don’t see that as a viable solution right now.
I think the better solution is to look at why people are skipping things, and approach from a different angle. Trash mobs have too much HP, and can’t be counted on for lucrative drops from a Risk/Time vs Reward, so people interested in making money (most groups) aren’t incentivized to do it, whereas the end chest/boss are more guaranteed and accountable returns on time and risk. I also think there is something to be said about interesting trash mob mechanics making them more enjoyable of a fight.
I can’t make the rewards from trash mobs so lucrative though that people just farm the first couple trash mobs/boss in a dungeon and then rinse/repeat. We encountered this when people just farmed the first boss in an instance and then restarted it (earlier around launch time), and we had to adjust the content as a result. It’s a fine line you have to walk to encourage players to get to the end, but make the process of getting there rewarding enough as well.

I don’t imagine this next update will resolve all the skipping behavior. The path of least resistance is engrained in people, and even if I do everything I could to incentivize people, there will still be those who skip stuff. I have been fixing exploits that will require players to complete more of the events in dungeons, but I am sure people will still skip what they can to get to their end goal.

For now I would encourage those not looking to skip to find some folks who don’t like skipping and make a guild with them… or maybe look for guilds that are dedicated to not skipping, and tag along with them. I’m in a couple of them (anonymously), and it really is an effective solution to playing the game the way you want to play it: Find other people with similar interests and band together with them.

A meter to measure workrate?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

A lot of abilities are condition based. I personally play a ton of ranger shortbow, which has an auto-attack that is glorious (even after the nerf). My other skills are very situational on the short bow: A cripple to slow down a chaser, a poison spread to lower healing over multiple enemies, a daze, and a dodge/swiftness. There no sense in blowing all those things, and just through smart positioning and auto-attacking, I can put out bunches of condi-DPS.

I don’t imagine we’ll implement something that allows you to observe another player’s “work-rate” because with all the different ways to make and play a character, it would be difficult to measure and quantify someone’s input in a factual way. It’s not about the numbers you make as an individual, but the team-play and coordination as a group.

Dungeon Completion tracker

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

We’re currently working on a way to make the paths you have accomplished more visible without further cluttering up the achievement page.