Showing Posts For Rocky.8195:
Wow not a single post yet has answered my question. I got insults, assumptions, and people explaining things that have hardly any relevance to my question. I am asking out of Force, Strength and Air which provides the better DPS.
And out of Eagle, Scholar, Infiltration and Exuberance which would provide the better DPS.
That is all man I mean absolutely no disrespect I’m just asking for what you all think out of those choices would provide the better DPS.
Ghost thief is broken right now. It’ll be nerfed asap trust me.
The way I see it is if you build your P/D right you get a nice burst. Stealth>RF running towards target>SS>Stealth>SS>BP>Stealth>RF running to target>SS>Swap to D/P and spam HS. Good burst pre-HoT. Gave Torment, Confusion, Bleeds and Poison. Sadly it is not effective anymore. To much condi cleanse now, Vit/Toughness were nerfed for thief making it so you arn’t nearly as tanky anymore, Stealth CD now, a true P/D build requires vanilla spec to maximize potential (DD has no place for P/D), stealth heals are kitten and nerfed making the main part of D/P OH sortve useless.
Unless proven otherwise I feel strongly that power is the way to go these days.
Bump. Waiting on all these pro thieves to help me be like them!!
Yea but I still have the original questions. Out of the runes and sigils I listed which give the best sheet damage and benefit mathematically?
Air, Force, Strength sigils
Eagle, Exuberance, Infiltration, Strength or Scholar runes
I tested all of them and the numbers are to random for me to get a pinpoint meta out of the listed sigils and runes in terms of which are best for DPS. For example. Does the proc from Air give better DPS than the constant buff from Force? Or the might stacks from Strength?
Staff is easier to use than D/P imo and from my experience after 1v1ing maybe 25 staff thieves, few of which OH D/P, I realize that running D/P as main without staff OR maining D/P with staff as OH for weaponswap bonuses are better than maining a staff with SB or D/P as secondary.
Meaning it’s always best to begin the fight with D/P because it has a higher skill cap and with a good D/P thief 1v1ing a Staff thief, the D/P has more useful skills and therefore, if played well, tends to be just a bit better meta wise for pvp than Staff.
Healing in stealth is kitten now correct? Because if it were not than maining staff and using D/P as permastealth/heal would be OP as kitten. However because stealth heal is kitten now it isn’t.
So any thoughts on Staff/DP vs DP/Staff? MH being your opener? I contradict myself when I say that opening with Staff because it is more powerful would ACTUALLY probably be better than opening with D/P. I had a change of heart. Would you agree?
Also could you say screw Staff or screw D/P as an OH and main either Staff/SB or D/P SB? Which one do you TRUELY feel is better for PvP?
Staff/DP vs DP/Staff vs D/P SB vs Staff SB annnndddd GO! =)
D/P SB vs Staff D/P. Is there another OH besides SB that you find more effective PvP wise for D/P than SB? And for Staff. Having D/P as an OH would be pretty kitten beneficial because you still get the HS, SS and stealth PLUS the better DPS from Staff. Would that not make Staff thief with OH D/P the meta for PvP right now? If not. Please explain why running D/P alone with SB is better besides the mobility and loss of P. Impact.
Metabattle is cookie cutter man my build is already tweaked beyond that.
Yet you play D/P SB lol…
Yea there are many ways to play it. Considering I also switch between S/D, P/D and S/P as my off-hand and sometimes even Staff. Metabattle has out-dated and very incorrect information. It’s literally a starting point and we are very much meant to tweak our builds in search of the real meta. Like IDC what anyone says but pre-HoT most of you would say S/D D/P was the best but I am super confident in saying that P/D D/P had not only a stronger burst but better overall effectiveness despite it being cheese. Ricochet allowed you to apply constant pressure. Shadow Strike was OP to melee. Then the initial SS, Steal, SS, BP, Rapid Fire, SS then swap and spam HS was ridiculous. With the right Sigils and Runes you would apply Torment, Confusion, Bleeding and Poison in less than 2 seconds and with Heal in Shadows being the kitten and Dire being brand new. It was the most powerful by far for a long time and you didn’t even have to be good to play it. That’s just my opinion though.
Metabattle is cookie cutter man my build is already tweaked beyond that. Air provides more damage via single target however does it provide better overall damage than the Might stacks from Strength and Force? And out of all the runes I listed in my 2nd question which of those or maybe ones not listed do you find give the best overall benefit? Also Signit of Agility doesn’t out-trump Withdraw, SS OR bandits. You should never use that it’s a waste considering you should always have over 65% critical chance with the correct spec given you built yourself correctly. I really just want to know the questions I asked preferably from well experienced SPvP thieves that are using D/P to compete in the 2017 tournament. Thank you for your input though I really appreciate it, anybody else have a reply that can answer my questions? It would not only benefit me but I’m sure alot of other SPvP main thieves as well. Thanks again guys.
These are some interesting suggestions, and I really do appreciate the willingness to step beyond the meta and strive higher. I can see how these improvements are justified, and I’ll have to look at it more later.
Good luck in your games!
stop being nice and put this guy in his place
It’s actually interesting man mathematically if I am sitting there attacking a dummy out of Force, Air and Strength with let’s say 70% CC which of those Sigils would give me the most sheet damage? And out of Exuberance, Infiltration, Eagle and Scholar. Which of those as well?
Metabattle is cookie cutter man my build is already tweaked beyond that. Air provides more damage via single target however does it provide better overall damage than the Might stacks from Strength and Force? And out of all the runes I listed in my 2nd question which of those or maybe ones not listed do you find give the best overall benefit? Also Signit of Agility doesn’t out-trump Withdraw, SS OR bandits. You should never use that it’s a waste considering you should always have over 65% critical chance with the correct spec given you built yourself correctly. I really just want to know the questions I asked preferably from well experienced SPvP thieves that are using D/P to compete in the 2017 tournament. Thank you for your input though I really appreciate it, anybody else have a reply that can answer my questions? It would not only benefit me but I’m sure alot of other SPvP main thieves as well. Thanks again guys.
There’s huge problems with what you are saying. Link your build so I can further help you.
Dude I was hammered posting that, read the new reply.
Okay nice answers. Here’s how I feel. I’ll reply to each number you listed.
1. My survive ability is already concrete in my Utility Skills alone. I run +% Precision in one weapon. The other I want a sigil that will get me the most DPS. The candidates are Force, Air, and Strength. Any thoughts on which of those will output the most DPS?
2. As far as I’m concerned Precision>Power>Ferocity. Therefore would Eagle runes not be better than Scholar?
2.1. Also let’s say I want to spec a little more for defense. I’m 100% sure that as a thief/DD your better off stacking Vitality than Toughness. So if that’s true and Vitality>Toughness, for me to get the best defense WITH damage benefit wouldn’t Exuberance be the best? thats a nice all around boost +100 Precision and +145 Power for me.
2.2 (Final) So the real question for me is. Out of Eagle, Scholar, and Infiltration. I have found Infiltration to be the most helpful and the best damage so far. However mathematically am I wrong? Does Eagle or Scholar trump it? Keep in mind Precision>Power>Ferocity.
3. Marauders for me would be the best if run with Exuberance because it counter balances you and Exuberance being the only real choice for defense runes imo I would run that with it. However should I just say F- It and run Marauders with an offense Rune? If so doesn’t Infiltration with it’s #6 seem to be the best set of runes to use?
3.1. If Paladin’s is the best for 1v1. Counterbalance with runes IMO is definitely needed. So it goes back to 2.2. If I ran Paladin’s, would Eagle, Scholar, or Infiltration be my best bet? Because if I went Exuberance then that would be to much of a kitten on my dps I believe. I really need a mathematical breakdown of Eagle, Scholar, Infiltration and even Exuberance by somebody more intelligent than me so we can find out once and for all which Rune truly gives the best DPS number-wise.
4. I understand why you like SOA over RFI. The cooldown does speak for itself. However my Critical Chance sits at 70% and even though it’s Active gives the endurance, I still find the extra 30 second wait for RFI to be more beneficial. The reason is that if I go in for a strike and get trapped, dazed, stunned or locked, even if I went full defense I still am squishy enough to get over half my health taken out in 1 hit. If I use RFI during that time I have not once failed to reset the entire fight. RFI, Headshot, B.Powder, Stealth stacks and milk it. With warriors it burns their CDs. Guardians burn Aegis. Mesmers gives Havoc and most of the time out-endures their stealth. I can go on however SOA doesn’t give me another chance to burst, reset cooldowns or time to think like RFI does. I find the extra 30 seconds worth it to be honest man.
So basically. Which gives the best DPS number wise out of Force, Strength and Air? and which gives the best DPS out of Infiltration, Exuberance, Scholar and Eagle? Mathematically.
Merry Xmas boys.
Signet of Agility doesn’t trump ROI ****
Bump guys COME ON!! Wheres my PvPers at do you guys not want to know the best sigil, rune combo?! The one that puts out the MOST damage while giving the MOST benefit towards whatever else? If anything at all?!
Merry Xmas. Let’s get some answers here before I duel all of you 1v1 and show you how to master the shadows.
Metabattle is cookie cutter man my build is already tweaked beyond that. Air provides more damage via single target however does it provide better overall damage than the Might stacks from Strength and Force? And out of all the runes I listed in my 2nd question which of those or maybe ones not listed do you find give the best overall benefit? Also Signit of Agility doesn’t out-trump Withdraw, SS OR bandits. You should never use that it’s a waste considering you should always have over 65% critical chance with the correct spec given you built yourself correctly. I really just want to know the questions I asked preferably from well experienced SPvP thieves that are using D/P to compete in the 2017 tournament. Thank you for your input though I really appreciate it, anybody else have a reply that can answer my questions? It would not only benefit me but I’m sure alot of other SPvP main thieves as well. Thanks again guys.
Signit of Agility doesn’t trump Withdraw. I know that for a fact and metabattle is for starting out, I already tweaked my build over the course of the last few months. I really just want to know out of Air, Stength and Force which gives the best overall damage for PvP. As in which out of the damage from Air, Might stacks from Strength or % damage increase from Force gives the best overall damage increase and out of the runes I listed, which of those do you feel provide the most benefit. I really just want to hear answers from experienced SPvP D/P thieves. I appreciate all of your input though but the questions I just asked are really all I would like to know. Thank you though. Anyone else have any input? I’m sure it would help not only me but any other thief competing in the 2017 tournament.
I really just want to know out of the Sigils I listed which gives the best benefit or if there is maybe a different sigil I did not list that is the BIS for PvP. That and which runes are the BIS out of those I listed or maybe ones I have not.
I can see your stance on Paladin’s though I would like to hear other opinions on the matter. However, the other runes available to thieves as oppose to using Scholars seem to be a better choice than Scholars itself because even though your initial burst is where Scholars shine, I find myself back capping points taking on 2v1 and delaying cap with 3v1 very often. Does the toughness from Paladin’s really have such a low impact? Anyone else have any Rune suggestions that PVPs with thief alot? As for Sigils I believe I wanted to know which provides the best damage out of Air, Strength and Force. Anyone know which of those provide the best damage output?
Hey whatsup guys. I have a few questions about runes, sigils, and amulets to run this season so I’ll try to keep it simple and all feedback is very much appreciated. Thank you boys.
1st. Using Sigil of Accuracy as my secondary sigil, the best ones I can see to use as my other would be Sigil of Strength, Sigil of Air, and Sigil of Force. What do you guys think would be the best for the most damage output? Or would one not listed be the best?
2nd. I cannot decide on which runes are best to run. The top ones I believe would be the most effective are Rune of Strength, Rune of Infiltration, Rune of Exuberance, and Rune of Eagle. Which ones do you think would be best? Or would a different one I am not seeing be the meta?
3rd. Simple questions. I’ve been very much enjoying Paladin’s Amulet, however, what do you guys think of using Marauders instead?
and 4th. Utility skill wise I’ve been using Shadowstep, RFI, and Channeled Vigor for healing. My final 2 are Bandit’s Defense and Impact Strike as the elite because if timed right they chain together for a nice finishing combo. Is there any other utilities you guys use that you think would be good replacements?
I appreciate all the feedback possible guys. Thank you so much, any and all information helps.
~ Mike, thanks again. Power to the PVP!
Hey whatsup guys. I have a few questions about runes, sigils, and amulets to run this season so I’ll try to keep it simple and all feedback is very much appreciated. Thank you boys.
1st. Using Sigil of Accuracy as my secondary sigil, the best ones I can see to use as my other would be Sigil of Strength, Sigil of Air, and Sigil of Force. What do you guys think would be the best for the most damage output? Or would one not listed be the best?
2nd. I cannot decide on which runes are best to run. The top ones I believe would be the most effective are Rune of Strength, Rune of Infiltration, Rune of Exuberance, and Rune of Eagle. Which ones do you think would be best? Or would a different one I am not seeing be the meta?
3rd. Simple questions. I’ve been very much enjoying Paladin’s Amulet, however, what do you guys think of using Marauders instead?
and 4th. Utility skill wise I’ve been using Shadowstep, RFI, and Channeled Vigor for healing. My final 2 are Bandit’s Defense and Impact Strike as the elite because if timed right they chain together for a nice finishing combo. Is there any other utilities you guys use that you think would be good replacements?
I appreciate all the feedback possible guys. Thank you so much, any and all information helps.
~ Mike, thanks again. Power to the PVP!
i think if i wanted to rate WvW based on what i think is hardest to play to easiest hmm i would go. 1 being no skill.
0. ghost thief. LOL? we even going to talk about this one.
1. eva staff/staff( power) (only thing you worry about is landing steal you can frame trap it for 100% hit)
2. eva d/d/short bow ( con) (only thing you worry about is landing steal you can frame trap it for 100% hit(
3. d/p/ short bow (power) ( only worry about staying in stealth)
4. d/d / short bow( power) ( you have to worry about how to engage with out using any utility)
5. p/d / short bow(con ) (you have to make sure you do not put yourself out of position to get kited)
6. d/p /short bow( con) (it very easy to commit to much to 1 attack get con clear)
7. s/p / d/p ( power) ( it very easy to commit to much to 1 attack an they out tempo you in the fight)this may not be every build in WvW this just a sample size of my view on there skill level as a my view as a thief.
i am not going to put p/p on here because i think it just not worth viewing.
What’s Ghost Thief?
Well I’m just speculating. I would imagine D/P SB is the best, and D/P staff is most likely second in terms of power builds. I just ask because with S/P you got the infiltrators and the invuln from pistol whip. To each there own I guess. What happened to S/D and why isn’t is strong anymore? what exactly got nerfed about it?
Flipping on the Black Lion will always be the quickest way to make money. Easiest as well. A seasoned flipper turns a 100g profit using 200g to begin overnight.
Do you guys do better with D/P SB in sPvP or do you feel like D/P S/P is the better choice? is there any offhand besides SB using a D/P MH that you would consider a personal meta? I’m asking the questions every thief wants to know. Also what right now do you feel is the meta sPvP condi spec? Let’s get some energy going boys and clear this up for our fellow daredevils stuck in the fog.
Has anyone ever tried this ?
S/D maybe? Staff maybe with quick pockets?
That’s crazy that your all saying that because I personally still find having a D/P for OH is a better weapon set except for a D/D condi because the poison field AOE. With D/D despite reapplying condi’s faster you lose alot of defense and mobility AND the variety of conditions you can apply. Yes you won’t stack as much bleeds but imo having less bleeds and more torment/confusion outweighs the deficit.
Can you guys explain why in pre-HoT P/D D/P was much more effective than D/D/D/P but since release it now is not? Somebody who has experience with both weapon sets please explain to me the difference then and now and same question goes with as to why S/D/D/P is a weaker weaponset than D/P/SB. What has changed that gimps the previous lay-low metas that existed for both sPvP AND WvE causing these new so-called meta sets better than their predecessors.
Thank you so much for the information so far though I just need specifics, what exactly has changed? Healing in stealth isn’t viable anymore? Is Dire gear not as effective? Does S/D shadowsteps have a cooldown now or something?
Yea honestly D/P S/D HAS to be the meta for power thieves.
And do we all agree that P/D D/P is the meta for condi as oppose to D/D SB? Because I would merk the brains off any D/D SB or anything that has SB as OH with a P/D D/P build I guarenteed it that is a promise. It isn’t about how many bleeds you stack, its how many different types of conditions you can apply and P/D applies the most. I have no idea why you guys use SB in arenas over ANY other OH. Seriously? that’s INSANEEEE.
Would P/D D/P still benefit most off running a non daredevil build? or is every thief incorporating daredevil in their specs now because I can only see it useful for the lame D/D SB condi and D/P SB power specs.
Is it true that the REAL meta specs AKA P/D D/P and S/D/D/P are best left WITHOUT daredevil? and remain with their kin of ole? Thoughts please. This is real thief chat. Welcome to the xander zone.
So P/D is still supreme for high skill thieves? If so, good. Now for power, S/D the best for high skill or is it kitten resulting in my migration to the incredibly low skill D/P?
I don’t use SB. I’m a high skill thief, therefore I figure the top condi spec is P/D and power is S/D just like the good old days? Serious inquiries only.
So D/D condi and D/P power BOTH with OH SB are the best right now as well as staff? How is D/D more viable that P/D condi?
P/D condi has the STRONGEST burst available in terms of condi. RkittenS>Steal>SS>BP>RF and repeat gives Bleeds, Poison, Torment AND Confusion with the correct sigils and runes. My question is has the damage/survivability of that P/D set hindered since HoT? Assume were using full Dire.
I just came back from HoT. Prior to that I used to always run P/D/D/P and it was dominant for me. My question is, because to me that was definitely the top condi and overall one of the best specs besides S/D/D/P to use, is that still a viable build or has changes ruined it?
And if so….
What is the dominant condi AND power spec right now to run in sPvP. I’m looking for that underground spec that most people don’t know is dominant. I understand how most of you do not want to give it out, that being said feel free to PM it to me and I’ll make sure your taken care of for doing it. Dead cereal.
My question if its condi is how is that dominant over the old P/D/D/P spec?
And if power how is that dominant over S/D/D/P ?
I’m going to assume right now that the truely viable specs DO NOT run Daredevil. Can you explain why?
I cannot assume for one second that D/P/SB is the top spec, nor is Inf Invul DB condi. There is just no way. I AM testing them myself so honestly even if you have good advice that could help other returning thieves like myself who are wondering the same thing. Smart, INTELLIGENT feedback based on experience from truely good arena thieves is definitely appreciated. Thank you brothers of shadow.
As stated above, TS required, rep during arenas required. Looking for individuals willing to change builds for better team mechanics. Overall we need people who are calm and cool headed as well. Therefore if your interested feel free to reply with your tag on here or whisper me in-game.
Thanks for reading, looking forward to seeing what some of you can do.
my bad its Pow/Vit/Critical dmg and leaves me with 14.5k, Divinity runes over scholar for less power and more crit dmg and all around more vit/toughness. It is for WvW, and Infusion of Shadow I use sometimes however I save initiative for the burst and the following combo using hidden thief other than CnD/Steal combo.
Gear is full Berserkers with Divinity
Berserker daggers with +10power/kill and +5% damage
Accessories are Power/Prec/Vit with Pow/Prec/Vit gems
Basically I want to get some more idea’s to maybe adjust my build around a little bit, totally up for suggestions, feel free to be critical.
Thank you
LMAO Vante I would absolutely obliterate you, I’m a thief and my builds a secret but I hope your half as good as you say because I’m amazing and will gladly transfer to show you how a real top notch tourny thief is played….
Not joking, not lying, definitely would destroy you.
So +5% crit chance sigil and +5% damage sigil at the same time on dual daggers do work?
I dont understand i googled already bro why do you think im offering 100g, not to you though until i get some details.
hey im mike does +5% dmg and +5% critc work together in dual wield?
Not kidding about the 100g hurry up.
(edited by Rocky.8195)
Yup same way, 10/30/30, using extra init, 20% signet cooldown, and 5% precision to vit, that extra 1.5k health is significant with so much toughness. Using toughness accessories with prec to boost the vit, berserk gear slotted with pow/crit%, and power/5% damage sigils. The heals arn’t bad either, incorporated mug as well. Basically you are death incarnate… joke.
I’m a champ shadow running toughness stealth heal spec with valk armor and scholar runes……works well
it gives more man im telling you, i gain a pretty decent amount from it with less than that. must be bugged
basically this allows you to take alot more hits to pew pew down, and gtfo with a decent amount of HP left….
as always they will, you can break their range though, lets not forget the initiative gain from the toughness traits, and or the condition breaks from stealth if you choose to do so
all im doing is taking a stealth heal spvp build and taking away the heal and compensating that to power, same principle, same survivability, more hp, and just a tad bit weaker back stabs assuming u use eagle runes and exchange them for divinity.
your crazy i have less than that and gain well over 100
Listen…..go backstab…..use 5% prec/vit conversion trait, 100% crit chance stealth strait, use pow/prec/tough accessories with runes of divinity….take 10 out of power, who needs that immobilize anyway…and take 10 out of your acro, making your build 20/30/20….
Survivable cannon of death with more HP, barely any damage loss…..
Your damage loss is not even close to outweighing your gains.
Your welcome.
Nice I get the idea of your builds, the axe/shield sounds very nice, however I think the perma vigor/swiftness would help alot in my case. In terms of the greatsword I would definitely go full berserkers with some type of defense adding runes, and maybe beryl orich accessories depending on where my crit stands.
Any thoughts on axe/shield vs axe/warhorn? Also heard that hammer is like the defense juggernaut of warriors, any warrior using hammer have any information on how well it runs? I heard its fun
Also after reading the forums a bit more, the alternative Yojacks sword/warhorn is axe/warhorn for more direct critical damage, therefore I would think that instead of pow/prec/cond gear you’d go more pow/prec/vit gear, as well as boon extending runes. Can anybody clarify on those builds and how effective they really are?
How about sPVP, I still run full berserk thief with a little vit, though I see alot of difference in spvp. I’m still effective, but I am lacking something that others know I think.