I wanted to drop in and share a few things. First and foremost, I’m sorry it’s frustrating. It shouldn’t be that.
Hopefully it will help when I tell you I checked in with the team that’s in the office this weekend for this event, and they’re aware of the problem with events stalling out. I’m at home, not in the office, so I don’t have more details, but I at least wanted to let you know.
Please don’t feel like you’re not contributing. We want you to have a great time, but this is also a true beta: Everything you tell us is helpful and making a huge difference. (See the revenant.) So let me assure you that the things you’re doing this weekend are making a direct impact on HoT.
Now as far as the gameplay. If something is blocked to the point where you are completely stalled out, beating your head on that wall, and you can’t do anything else to contribute to beta feedback or enjoy that particular part of the game, head off in a different direction. There are a number of specific things we need your help with this weekend, and if you spend some time with them instead for a while it might give you a more enjoyable experience.
Try out the new revenant, roll a class with an elite spec build you haven’t done yet, try Stronghold. Let us know how all of those things feel with different builds and classes, and what you think we should do to make them better.
If you really want to hang out in Verdant Brink, run around with an eye to daytime vs. nighttime. We want them to feel like two completely different maps, so think about that and let us know is we’re headed in the right direction. What we can do to make that experience better? (Besides make the events not stall out. :P )
I hope that helps as much as it can. Thanks for helping us test HoT!